If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, January 31, 2025

Found, Lost & Found Belief
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3223

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzn of 11)

Rukh is word lost, thus rukh and sekhen is lost and found or rusta and sekhen. Rukh is also look, thus lost, look, found. Variations: word loss, word less, word lest, word lust, word list, word last, word salt, word rasta, word rose, word ruse, word rise

Word Find and Word Found from dfoun from khiun to khiunt to khiuntu to khiunti to khiuntiu.
Khiunt to khintu to khinse to sekhin to sekhen and seekhn. This helps us see the phrase seek and find.
Khiuntu to Sekhenu
Khiunti to Sekhena
Khiuntiu to Sekhenui
Word First from Khiurt or Kherf and possibly Rukht. Word Second from Sekhunt and Sen-Khut.

Sekhen (Sukhun, Tukhun, HuKhun, KhuKhun, Kukhun, Cooking) is khe source, abyss, womb, tomb cocoon, resting-place, nesting-place, sanctuary, ark, the be all and end all. The primary meaning of Sekhen is a place of settling in the tun, thus place to settle down on the waters (not under the waters), a breathing place, the second forever home. A basic right of creation is a place to settle down in the downtown (tukhun-tukhun) or uptown (tukhun-tukhun). Settling down is not motionless. Settle is kekkru is basically khekhing, which is going through the motions of being the being created to be. That is, be the rukh rukht to be. Be Rukh is Belief. Belief in anything else is our reliance that what something is said to be, is what it is. This is also belief. Thus self and all else is the same as I am that I am and It is what it is. All belief falls into these two categories, whether the belief has sufficient proof or not.
Proof is based on the burekf womb and the pref branch. Thus proof is that which recreates the image of the heavens and the rest of nature. Proof is solid is serti is serti-an is word certain when it makes sense no matter how you turn it. Proof is not just cognitive such as existing only in the mind as thoughts and belief. Proof is the result of how logic plays out.

The Sekhen is the second foundation for settling down. The first foundation and first forever home is underwater in the tidal motion, the place that is Khiun-Khiun to Khekh-Nuti to Khekh-Nui to Khekhiun to Kheken to Shekhiun to Sekhen. This Sekhen foundation on the waters, the Sekhen to Nun is Second to None. This is because second is the same as first, thus second and first are one. Thus None is Nunu, while Sekhen is Nune. Thus breathing above the waters is second to breathing in the waters.
We can follow Sankofa Road back to show that in between the waters and the breathing, there was fire. In the Khekh-Khuni to Shekhuna to Shekhinah to Shekina. To Shena to Shuma to MaShu. The combination of Khekh, Khiun and Khiur leads to Shekinah Glory the double dance motion in the circle of waters and circle of fire, the two pool of two truths. Both Khen and Khena, due to the nature of breath, contain the meanings of water and fire, and the other two ways around.
Thus the first three things found, founded, the foundations were waters, then fire, then air.
Khekh-Khiur-Khiun, Re-Khiur, Akh-Khen is begin, recur, again.
This is the Khiun, Khen and Akhen that leads to Agan, Ingan and Onion.

Believe & Belief

Khen is to conceive, image, bear, interior, ark, canoe. In Galelic (Kharu-Rekh), Khen morphs (kherps) into Gin, to beget. All forms of genesis and birthplace come from Khen.
Khenn also means to rest and believe.
Rest is Rukh and Rekh is to create truths.
Believe is Meruni and Meru-Nui, circles, sources, wombs, children
So basically Khen, by nature as the creative space, means what is created is kerf is serf is self. Thus what is created is proof to recreate self. This creates rest assured, which is believe and belief.
Word belief is closer in evolution to burekh and burefh, birthplace womb.

The first stage is the Rukh (Khur) of the Khun is the Rukhun and Rukh-Nu and Ukh.
The second stage is the Rekh (Kher) of the Khen, the Rekhen and Rekh-Ne and Ekh.
The third stage is the Rakh (Khar) of the Khan, the Rakhan and Rakh-Na and Akh.
Intermediate stages are the Rukhen and Ukhen. Rekhun and Ekhun. Rekhan, Ekhan. Rakhen, Akhen.
The primary Ruk, Rekh and Akhen is Spirit-Soul and its power to create, transform, change whatever is needed. This has already provided sufficient repetitions of proof to create believe, thus faith.

Belief means to be in possession of enough information to create knowledge of self and all else that matches the cycles of change. Belief is a seed that grows into knowledge through the process of seeking understandings that simultaneously explain self, humans, other creations, gods, all else.
This information, this knowledge is based on nui. Nui becomes word News; however, news as put forth by humans is a far cry from truth.

Forms of Khen, to believe, also mean lean on, thus fits with the meaning of rest, foundation, settle. This connects to, lean not on thy own understandings but lean on the lord. Lord is Rurt is the circle and cycle. Lean only on what is proven by circles, cycles, especially the greater circles and cycles. This is the basis of smart, good sense, common sense, genius, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, sanity. This is what supports and sustains. Lean on the circle to make paths straight.
Word sense from kense from sekhen OR from Sen-Su OR from Ken-Su. Ken is the sculptor-scribe’s chisel. Thus we can now better understand Ginsu knives.
Word Sense from Ken-Surt. Surt (Sert, Sart, Tser) means to cut, inscribe, carve, engrave, and the sculpture.
Word Sense from Khunda (Sanskrit), the the divining cup, a bowl-shaped vessel, or an aperture for water or fire. The cup imaged the fountainhead of all ways of knowing (kenning, divining), because the mother was the revealer of the Two Truths of time and period. Thus basic good sense is to understand what time it is and the period of time.
Word Sense from Khentu or Khen-Khen or Khiun-Khiun. It takes at least two forms of self (kerf) in order to begin to sense. To begin to “make sense” requires the foundation of two truths, and then continue adding two truths to form a safe and sound structure of logic.

Khen is Khun is Nukh is Nubh, Nebh, Nobh, Nibh, Nabh. Nahb, another name of belief, means to sustain, neck. Neck is Khekh, thus sustain is performed by the continuous dance moves of Khekh the Kherfr who moves nui back and forth, around and around and transform them using any and all means necessary. All creations are supposed to do the same by continuously adjusting and updating logic and learning from all creations and the past. Neck is the symbol because the neck moves and supports the head and is able to move side to side. Neck as the Khekh exists at each corner between the two halves. This is sticking you neck out, which is khekhing khiur khekh khiu. The neck is the head turner, which means khekh is the sifter of logic that guides ways.

The purpose of belief, knowledge, understanding, intelligence is to live and let live so destinypurposes can be fulfilled through cycles of evolution and de-evolution until all consciousness is re-unified. The only allowable killing is for this purpose. Thus we know the nature of humans whose existence depends on killing, is a nature based on the sickest combination of beliefs, thus they can only live through lots of killing that allows them to temporarily rise and live through the wasting and polluting of resources and infringes on many destinypurposes, thus under these conditions, all creations in the ecosystem suffer and the mass production of idiocy continues as the human status quo of the four inseparable aspects of self.

Belief, in its immature and mature forms, is the same thing as trust. Belief is not something randomly selected based on personal preference just because of the disjointed right to individual choice. That is not belief, that is guess, which is guest and ghost. Ghost in this form, is spirit without form or the foundation of fundamental completion to produce healthy behavior. Thus, this type of to-each-his-own belief is generic, random, grab-bagish, blind, ill-formed and more like a stem spirit which can be anything but not yet part of the active ecosystem while preceding as if it is all it needs to be. This is why this type of unvetted belief causes so many disconnections and malfunctions because these beliefs just don't fit into a healthy working system, thus are like free radicals that are destructive like continuously ricocheting bullets. No one is safe and sound when unsound belief abounds, not even the clingers to such beliefs.
Word trust from teru-rust is real or illusive understanding of the full cycle and related cycles.
Word trust from rust-ter is rusterday, which is yesterday which is the beginning in the womb in darkness, then the re-beginning in the womb of lightness. Trust is originally based on logic calling you to earlier foundations of who you are, where you came from and why you are here.
Word trust from trukh from rukht from khiurt. Rukht is the completed process of bleaching (bur-akh-en), washing, boiling, baking, smelting, beating, reshaping, purifying, healing and filling full with all the basic elemental souls of life, this filling full is khuti-en. This is what can be trusted when the khur is completed, it becomes khur-t becomes rukht becomes trukh. To be rukht is to be rukh-rukh is to be khur-khur, the two truths, which is shortened to ru-ru to ruti to ruiti to word ready. Even the word Tur (Ter, Rut, Ret) means dip, wash, purify, whiten, libation, distil, repeat, time.
Purify from phritu from fhiurt from khiurt. Word Purify, word Purity and word word Pure is the process of restoring the basic sets of two truths that allows the creation to move to the next stage. This process involves waters or fire or air or any two or all three.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Safe And Sound
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3222

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzm of 11)

All the sayings echoed by current humans have earlier origins rooted in Africa's Nile Valley.
Why do we pair, safe with sound as in safe and sound?

1. Word Noise and word Noisy from Nuikh. Nuikh is the mirror image of Khiun, the continuously shape-shifting circle called the Universe containing temporarily fixed shapes. Word universe from Uni-Kh-Rse from Khiun-Ser from Khiun-Khiur. As the Nui, the Khers, the words, the spirits, the souls, the energies move around, they make noise, they make sound. This is because motion is vibration. Noise and Sound are not limited to one form, and neither are noise and sound limited to what humans can detect.
a) By The Way, since Khiun is the circle and its cycle, the first cycle is a two-part cycle of darkness and lightness, thus the circle was black and white, thus a Khiun is black and white. Khiun became word Coon. Silly people call black people coons; however, white people are also coons, based on the basic meaning of Coon from Ru-Ukh-Khiun from Khiur-Khiun.

2. Word Sound from Khiun from Khiunt, the double circle or circle in two halves. Khiunt is a form of Khiukh, later Khekh and Khekh-Nui. Part of the noise and sound being made is also from the Khekhing motion, the Khekher, the Kherfer, the Carpenter, Sculptor, Knitter, Creator, the Worker in all ways work can be performed. In other words, there is noise and sound taking place, inside places and outside places, which can be perceived using different levels of awareness, thus making greater use of sensing abilities. And there are many noises and sounds that can't be detected or understood or appreciated by humans barely clinging to the flotsam and jetsam of societal logic that submerges humans below the breathable level of awareness.
a) Sound is the result of at least a two-part motion.
b) The sounds Khekhing makes is clapping, hitting, banging and many other words that describe action, motion.
c) Sound from Segon from Segont from Sekhen from Sekhem from Sen-Khem, the resting-place, a foundation in the sacred circle, thuis a sanctuary. The Sekhen is the womb, ark, enclosure where the dead were gathered together, literally, to be embraced in the arms and womb of the mother earth. The primary meaning of Sekhen is a place of settling in the tun, thus place to settle down on the waters (not under the waters), a breathing place, the second forever home determined by the water-bird. Skhen is to give breath to.circles. A Sekhen or Sekhent is the prop to up lift (apposed to lift down, now called let down), raise, support, sustain the heavens, thus is the pole that lifts the equator and divides two halves into four quarters. Variations: Skhen, Khen, Khenn, Khenen, Meskhen, Shekinah, Makônah.

3. Word Safe from:
a) Sfae from Kfiu from Khiu. The Khiu are safe at the corners because they are footings, mountains.
b) Sefa from Kefa, the mother circle, womb, ark in the waters. Sefa is a name of the tidal motion and inundation.
c) Sifun from Sif-Nu from Khif-Nu from Khifun to Heaven. KH to KF to Sf to Sf-Nu to Sfun to Svun to word Seven. Safe and Sound is each creation that contains the seven elemental souls of life plus one who are the eight principles and characteristics of everything.
d) Ruka from Rukha from Rukhu from Ru-Ukh. Ruka is to hide, stow away in safe secrecy while purging, purifying and doing all things Ru-Ukh does.
e) Seti from Khetu the great mother, later Futa.
f) Heka, the great mother of transformation called magic.
g) Sekari from Sekaru, the mother, child and ark.
h) Shamu from Shuma, the hell-raiser who uplifts the sky. And uses wind to conduct the ark of souls.
i) SOS is currently used as a distress signal; however, an earlier meaning is (Safe and Sound)
SOS becomes KEK, KUK, SES, SUS, SIS, SAS, KIK, KAK, KOK. Thus the saying, half-cocked matches the current use of SOS.

j) The idea of permanence and safety originated with spirit-souls in the waters who were safe and sound there, then those being transformed further were safe and sound as they were transformed in the ark in the waters. Then they were safe and sound when the hellraiser came and created breathing space by helping to divide waters from air. Then they were safe and sound when they were carried across the waters in the ark as the inundation waves took place. Then they were safe and sound when they reached dry ground. Then they were safe and sound when cycles repeated. Then they were safe and sound when recognizing those things that represented permanence such as bone, mummy, rock, stone, ivory, horn.
k) Fetish from Katesh from Kha-Tesh from Mfat-Tukh from Makhaut from Khetmu-Kash from Khekh-Nui-Khush, the womb of the enveloped self and the enveloped self. The feeling of safe and sound became expressed through the amulet, the gree-gree, the word fetish, something that could be touched create the sense of protection, assistance, aid, help, support, strength, efficacy, preservation in the midst of the inundation. Ma, the true, the firm-standing.

l) Nefer, mother or child.
m) Sate, female
n) Suta, please, heal, make sound
o) Wife and sound. Word Wife from Kefa from Kufi from Khif from Khikh from Khiukh.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Multiple Causes, Multiple Effects
Ladies First, Part 5 of 20
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3221

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

What is a cause? A cause is at least two actions.
What is an effect? An effect is at least two actions.
It is partially true that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. More true is, for every set of actions, there is an equal and opposite set of reactions. This is because each action and reaction do not exist as a cozy pair in a vacuum by themselves, thus they cause reverberations, ripples, cascades. This has been discussed in relation to the incessant miseducation misdirection that societies use to try to explain away the widespread citizen culpability and participation in what is taking place in the society. Search cause effect. This same mentality keeps everything fragmented, thus the society, intentionally and unintentionally makes and breaks connections in destructive ways. That is, in ways that humans are capable of influencing, which is primarily reflected in human logic. Yet, human logic has aftereffects through Earth's ecosystem. Yet human causes and effects on each other and the rest of the ecosystem is still limited in comparison to all other logic affecting humans and the rest of the ecosystem. All this other logic is recalibrating the dynamic balance of things, which has been allowed to become one-sided and stagnant as the slowdown containment inundation, the prelude to the buildup release inundation.

Brief Summary First

The Universe is the Cause. The Universe is the effect.
Since Universe is equal to heaven, then heaven is the cause and heaven is the effect. Heaven is many times subdivided. A few popular places within heaven are hell and earth.
Word heaven can be transformed into Kaufun and Khufet. This provides the phrase, Kauf and Ufet which eventually leads to Cause and Effect. These seem to be a long ways from Universe and Heaven; however, the distance does not exceed our capabilities of understanding.
Kauf is the Womb, the circle, while U-Fet is the feet at the corners, the five primordial powers.
Thus Kauf and Ufet primarily refers to the Circle, the Cross, Waters, Fire, Air, Earth, Spirit-Soul. Each of these seven are present in, and responsible for, all causes and all effects.

Search this weblog for cause effect. This will help prepare the soul to receive the seeds to follow.

Khau-Tu-I Cause and Effect Thee, Let Me Recount The Ways

1. Word Cause from khau-khiu from Khiu-Khiu from Khiur-Khiur, two circles with five corners each, representing the primary macro-elements of water, fire, wind, earth and spirit-soul.
a) Variations: kiu-kiu, kau-kau, kau-kiu, kau-siu, kau-sau, kau-sa, cau-sa, khau-sa, Khosa, Xhosa.

2. Cause from Kau-Mer.
a) Mer (Mel) is a name for the cow and the mother. Mer is the root of word milk. The act of milking is named before the milk itself. The word cow is from Kau to compress, tighten, squeeze, as in milking. Also the cow is the Mer is the milk itself.

3. Cause from Khaus from Skhau, to write, writing, letters, words, forming circles.
4. Cause from khaush from Khiukh
5. Cause from khiuti from khiutu to Khuti
6. Cause from Khu-Kefau, the hidden or lurking glory, points to the gold. Kiu also is the precious stone.

7. Cause from Caus from Kaak from Kaka means to eat and masticate. Khaaka, to vomit. Khakha, man vomiting. The Maori Akh-Akh or Kak-kak is the sound of the carpenter at work. The Egyptian, Kak-akk and Xosa, Ceketa, mean to work as a carpenter.

8. Cause from Caesu from khekh
a) Khekh is to repulse, return, the noise of striking (khekhing). That which is struck (Khekh), strikes back (Khekh’s back). One Khekh wave (shock wave) creates a return shock wave. This is the same as the two phase tidal motion called Khekh. Of course this is the source of the word kickback.
b) Khi from Khikh, is to rule, protect, govern, wield a whip (spark). The Khiser is the wielder of the whip. Ser is the arm of the Lord, the Rurt, the Circle, the Cycle. The Ser is an extension and manifestation of the Cycle that helps the Khi maintain rule. This Khi is Khe is Keh is the word Key. The primary Key and Keyser is the one who has a view from above. This Khi rises, elongates, extends its arm and Khikhs the whip.

9. Cause from Kauser the Kaiser the Caesar. Ser is the rock is the rekh, the rukh, the Ru-Ukh who creates the ruckus. Ser is the chief, arranger, placer, disposer at pleasure. Rek is the rule of time, cycle. Rekh is the reckoner, time-keeper, image-keeper, imagination-keeper, mage, magi, magic, magician, wise man, wizard, knower, architect, washer, purifier, whitener (khuti-en-ur) of men (mun, mum).
a) Khuser becomes Shuser becomes Suser Becomes User. The symbol consists of a head and vertebra, a backbone and brain, with the meaning of ruling and sustaining and maintaining power. The Sus (Ses) portion of Suser has the symbol of the Ka sign, the back and shoulders. Ka from Kam from Khebma from Khekh-Nu to Kef-Nu. The Ka sign can be any portion of the body of any animal.
Kheft-Nu, Kef-Nu or Aft-Nu is the typical or divine birthplace of gods, cave, sanctuary, habitat, place of concealment.
Word Scissor from Khi-Ser , Si-Kher and Khet-Ser,

10. Cause from Kau-Si from Kaer-Si from Kher-Si. Kher is speech, speak, word. Si, to pass, has the sense of a passing word, word that moves from one hand to the next, one stage to the next, one form to the next, even if the change in form is level of power. Kau (or Ka), to call, and say, earth.
a) Whaka-Kiki (Maori) to make Kiki, is to incite, instigate, urge on as is done with the click and whip, the Egyptian Khi-Khi, in which the sound names its producer as the Whip. Whaka-Kiki is likely source of word Waikiki. The Polynesians, like the Peruvians and others are Karu-Nahisi which becomes Poly-Nisi.

11. Cause from Cascade from Kash-Kash. Kash is wash, waters, inundate from the birthplace, tie a knot, baby in the bath water, the preceious thing, enveloped self. Kash is Kakh is Khakh is Khekh. Of course, Kash is cash, thus cash wash is money laundering is kash-kash is the changing hands of resources, something which white people only want to be able to do illegally legal, while for all others, it's illegal. Thus they attempt to put the kabosh on the cash, while not being able to put the kabosh on the khabush.

12. Word Effect from Kheft-Fekht.
a) Variations; Kheft-Kheft, Khef-Khef, Khef-Fekh, Keft-Keft, Keft-Fekt, Kef-Kef, Kef-Fek, Khekh-Khekh, Khuft-Fukht
b) FE means carry the likeness of spirit-soul in the tomb, cocoon and womb and cause the child to fan, spread, unfold, extend, expand, dilate, enlarge, elongate, duplicate abundantly and run with great rapidity in all directions.
c) Fekh is fullness, reward, abundance, plenty, capture, ravish, burst open, denude, destroy.
Fetk, fail, sink, disperse, exterminate (make a ghost of).

13. Word Effect from Sefekh from Khefekh from Kheffekh from Khef-Khef. This is mother-mother effect.

14. Effect from Khef-Fekh to Khebekh to Kheb-Bekh to Kheb-Kheb. This is the mother-son effect. Kheffekh is Fekh the child of Khef, while Khebekh is Kheb the child of Bekh.
a) Mother and son are typified by the mine and metal. Kheft, the hinder quarter, the north, the underworld, the well of source, is also the mine and quarry, abraded in Khâut and Khât.

15. Word Effect from Kuft-Kheft. Khuft is Upper Egypt Above. Kheft is Lower Egypt Above.

Because and Keffect Combinations

These forms are simply to show, as said in the opening, there are multiple causes and effects by different names that are all connected to and extensions from the same source of cause and effect.

1. Khikh-Khush and Khikh-Khukh. We can see the makings of hek-kuk and word hiccup, the double motion of Khekh and Khekh-Khekh.
a) Related is word burp from pur-rup from rup-rup, the double rep-etition of the khekh.
b) Relaed is word erupt from ur-rup-p from pur-rup.
c) Even word Heimlich, as in Heimlich Manuever, is based on Khekh. Mieh-Lekh is Khiu-Rekh or Hiem is Mikhe is Makhu who rules the Khekh OR Miekh is Khiekh.
2. Khi-Kaush and Hekkhet
3. Kha-Khush and Khekh-Khekh
4. Khi-Caesar un Kef-Kef
5. Word Because from Ba-Khau-Sa

6. Word Because from Bacchus-En-Bekhet or Bacchus-En-Pekh-Pekh or Bakhu and Bekh-Bekh.
Word bucket from bekhet. Bekh means to engender, bring forth, birthplace, womb, place of issuing forth.
a) Bacchus-En-Bekh. Buk-Shus to Bacchus, for the spirit of waters, fire, air and earth to cause fermenting, fecundating, engendering, inspiriting.
b) Khabsu-en-Bekh. The star in Egyptian is Khabsu to Kabush to Cause.
This reveals word Kabosh from Kabu-Sh, briefly stated as the power to start and stop.
Hebrew Kabod, glory from Egyptian Iu-Kabed, double glory force of Ra as the Sun. Egyptian Peh is equal to Kabod. Egyptian Peh-Peh, Pekh-Pekh, Pekkti, Pehti are equal to Iu-Kabed. So read lu-Kabed is the double glory and the exact equivalent of Peh, duplicated as Peh-peh or Pehti. Word caboose from Kabosh, for the end of a train of words.
Kebeb is the source. Kabu is the noun, a measure, and also the verb, to measure. Kabt [Kabut, Kabtu, Kabs, Kabsu] is measured out.
SH which denotes, water, pool, uterus, place of going forth, action of going out, space, measure of land. Ush is mud is mus is mes.
Khepsh becomes Khapsh becomes Apsh becomes Ash,[Ash-Land] and in this we have an equivalent of Eve, or Chavvah.
Word glory is the two circles and/or two stages. Glory is Kru-riu, and Kh-Ruru]
Glory, like greatness, was founded upon bigness, bekhness, gestating, growing, developing, expanding, unfolding.

7. Pekau-uakh and Pekh-Fekh
a) Uakh[khau or khauti, the two way road] is a marsh, a moist meadow-land, an entrance, a road. Pekau is fruit or grain, food, the place of food, and becomes at last the enclosure or homestead where the produce is stored.

8. Pekau and Pekt-Fekt
9. Pekau and Pekt-Kept

10. Pekauti and Pekh-Khet
a) Kauti is work, labour, especially to carry and to build. Kaui, a herd or band, grey, crepuscular, and rock. Khau (Egyptian) is Wood (English) is Khiuti (Egyptian)

11. Makhaut and Akht-Akht
a) Makhaut is a family, clan, seize, kidnap, strangle, steal, scholar, tuk and is founded solely on the tie of blood, originally the mother-blood.

Triple Cause and Ripple Effect

The following law of the letter will have to be tested: when there are three consonants at the beginning of a, Egyptian word, the first one is combined with one or two letters at the end to form the earlier form, thus skhau is khau-su or khau-sau. When these come together at the corners, Ma is added. In this example, Ma-Khau-Sa is the result. By adding the common word description of Soul, we finally reach Soul Makhosa representing three Kauses: Mama Khu, Mama Sa, Mama Makhosa.
This triple threat (treat) makes the child fan, spread, unfold, extend, expand, dilate, enlarge, elongate, duplicate abundantly and run with great rapidity in all directions. This activates, deactivates, initiates, terminates, aids, hinders, helps, harms, influences remembering and forgetting.

Xoxa from Kaka, denotes a general and confused conversation, talking together, the frog, Xo-Xo is the confused noise of many persons speaking all at once, such as frogs. as Xo-Xo, or Ka-Ka, the frog Ka-Ka denotes calling, crying, speech, cackle as the fool or idiot, darkness, night, night sun, black, boat, canoe, tall, high, boast (word boost), rejoice, eat, devour, feast, dead, corpse, mummy.
Frog Names: Huku, Huka, Heka, Uka, Kâ, Ka-Ka, Xo-Xo. In Sanskrit, Bheka, Bheki, P-Heka (the Heka or Heki). Heka is the consort of the Night Sun. Heka changes into Seti, the consort of the light sun.
This is the first stage of the word, voice, speech. Makaka as Makhu-Khau as Makhosa is the pubescent form, thus more diverse speech.

Mama Kho, Mama Sa, Mama Makhosa

Mama is Khu, Mama is Su, the second form of Khu. Together, Khu and Su form word Seed. In other words Khu is the Cause, Su is the Effect, the Khu-Su is the Cause and Seed is the Effect. This is the seed in the triplicate form of the knower, sower and grower of self-seeding as Ma-Khu-Sa which later becomes Makossa in the song “Soul Makossa” by Manu Dibango [Django]. A seed planted is Change Unchained. The planting is performed by the waters of inundation as one cycle ends and another begins.
Multiple circles, cycles and star constellations are participants in the causes and effects we experience. One of the primary ones is the Sakhu or Sahu Constellation, known by many names such as Big Mama's House, Big Bertha, Bertha But, Great Bekh Hippopotamus, Ursa Major, Urtu Makher, Great Ba-Ur and more. For our present purposes, Ursa Major is also named Sakh-Khussu in the Assyrian Russu (Russian) language.
The Sakh-Makhussu rises, watches and is vigilant, is the turner back or returning one,. By this definition we can see how all constellations take turns being the Sakh-Makhussu, the Soul Makhosa, part of the primary Causers and Effecters.
By now, it goes without saying that the Sun and Moon are always part of The Soul Makossa.
Star constellations are seed pods full of gods. They release these seeds like spores when the conditions are ripe.

All creations and all stars can talk. Ursa Major is a talking bear. It is usually symbolized by a hippo or bear with a big belly, big mouth and loud roar, Stars are Rukhs and Rekhs of the dead and living, thus is also a Tun and Ten. Together this is Rukh-Tun, which leads to Rukh-Pun, then to Ruxpin, which matches the talking bear, Teddy Ruxpin.

The Great Bear Constellation is also the Sakh-Maganna (Akkadian) and Sakhu-Makhennu (Egyptian). Ma-Khan (Macon, Bacon, McCann Ma Can Khanma, Ghana, Khiunm) means the great mother of the water who carries, bears, transports, navigates.
The Makhennu is the boat of souls, and the primordial image of this in heaven was the group of seven stars, whose Khenit [Kenites, Khenti] or sailors were the seven Kabiri, of the Sakh-Magana. We can now see Khennu becomes word Canoe. In the same way Maganna (Makhennu) is a name of Egypt Above (Khebt), which also has the value of seven, from Khep the hand, and Tl, two, thus Hepti for No. 7, Wepti, Wepta, Hoopti. Whoopti Du, meaning something swirling, circular, over the head, crazy, not impressive, top to bottom, side to side.

By expanded name, Kepheus, the incoming northern circumpolar constellation is Ma-Shu-Sekhet or Ma-Khu-Sakhet or Makhussu or Makhossa.
Because we have been raised by wolves in a more recent sense, we balk at being raised by apes, fellow primates. Wolves howl at the moon, Apes honor the moon in silence. The Wolf is the waning Age of Wepwawet called the Jackal-Wolf-Dog. The Ape is the waxing Age of Kepheus called the Dog-Faced Cynocephalus Ape. Thus we shall see a more pubescent understanding of speech and awareness of self as related to the ape, even though that complete awareness is minuscule compared to awareness of self as all else.
Any awareness of self as part of the parceling in other species, is a step in the round direction.

Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Boycott Citizen & Customer Disservice | Netspend Offends
Unity Consciousness #3220

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzk of 11)

On the surface, having a refillable debit card sounds good.
Upon further review and experience, it's more of a hassle and hustle than a convenience.

1. To use the Netspend card online, you must setup an account and answer a bunch of questions such as date of birth, social security number, previous addresses and previous phone numbers. This is not communicated at the point of sale; therefore, consumers are misled to believe the Netspend card is just like a gift card, and all you have to do to activate it, is call a number and give a current billing address. However, with a Netspend card, you must confirm several past addresses or related information. If you get any single piece of this information wrong, Netspend will lock your account and require you to send them documentation to prove who you are, so you can spend your money. Upon further online research and calling customer disservice, Netspend says all this is necessary to prevent people using the card to launder money.

So now Netspend is functioning as a government watch-over-my-life agency. There is no way a business can connect your name and social security number to previous addresses unless they are a fake front business for the government working with credit bureaus and other agencies and businesses to connect all your information. This is why Google moved to One account and why most online sites, especially email companies, want you to put in additional phone numbers and other information but tell you the reason is for password recovery, while triggering your educated gullible brain by always using the word privacy multiple times and words such as protect, secure, security... This is salesmanship gamesmanship tactics in the psychological warfare in the sport of life, to get you to move your mindset and ass, thus your assets, the way the monarchy and their upper echelon minions want the lesser minions to move, even though the lesser minions outnumber those who they allow to rule them.

2. If you don't send Netspend documents, you have about two weeks to go to a store and spend the money by swiping the card.

3. If you successfully answer the questions, Netspend will bug the hell out of you with emails if you don't use the card every freaking month. If you don't, they will rape you of six dollars of your money because you left it there unused as if that is costing them money.

4. If you happen to exceed Netspend's nervous nanny inactivity limit, and you don't login to your account AND spend some of your money that's burning a hole in their pocket, they will deactivate your card and lock down your money, but continue to rape you each month with an inactivity fee.

5. In order to reactivate the card online, you have to put in the card number and security code, but of course, that's not good enough. Netspend will force you to call them and beg and plead and prove who you are.
Furthermore, after attempting reactivation online and successfully entering the correct information, Netspend will continue to annoy you with the message: “Something went wrong, In order to complete your account activation, we need a few additional details. Please call customer service and we will help you complete the process. 1-866-387-7363”

6. Unless you intend to give up your privacy and what you are spending money on, do not get a Netspend card.

7. More importantly, if you don't remember all your past residence information, do not get a Netspend Card, or at least consider getting the smallest denomination at first to setup the card, because after that, when you refill, you can refill with any amount, even an amount higher than the initial card.

8. Unless you intend to use your card monthly, do not get a Netspend card.

9. These damn people are another example of the worst of human behavior. So truth is, Netspend's main purpose is to try to find people who might be laundering money. Netspend can do this by tracking your purchases and how much and how often you refill the card. This is why they are so crazy about watching your activity and sending you annoying emails.

10. I'm willing to bet NETPEND IS a branch of The Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), the government agency that regulates money laundering in the United States. FinCEN is a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.

11. This goes along with many other monitoring efforts the government is employing against citizens, that has been in hyper-drive since the fabricated Twin Tower Take-down.
a) For instance, the same government agency Netspend is clearly working with is requiring all LLC's to report beneficial ownership under the Corporate Transparency Act (CTA). The CTA requires certain types of U.S. and foreign entities to report beneficial ownership information to the Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN), a bureau of the U.S. Department of the Treasury.
b) Many online companies, especially the big boys and girls, are in cahoots with your government. So also are the academies, your saviors you call universities and colleges. The same institutions that collude in racism, also collude in many other ways against racists and everyone else in the crab barrel, rat hole, dog pound, monkey forest and swamp success pool. Cancer of spirit-mind-emotion among humans has long since exceeded the event horizon. There is no coming back for those whose souls have been snatched and who have paid forward enough evil to fuel the current upheaval.
c) Terms and conditions for any business or service is another way to get you to agree to give up your rights in exchange for whatever is being dangled in front of you.
d) As already peeped, your smartphone and GPS and location tracking harms you more than it helps you.
e) Also, HIPPA is a scam and other privacy acts. There is no privacy, thus no freedom, if in your society you trust with any of your information, your debit cards, your credit cards, your bank accounts, your internet search activity, your activity on all social sites, apps and YouTube, who your friends on, what you like, your comments....

12. For these reasons and more discussed elsewhere, we should resist the urge to continue to willing interact with another company whose purpose is to abuse the confused. Just say hell no to Netspend whose real name is Spynetspun.

02.10.25 Update

Fucking Netspend. #7 above is no longer true. Tried to add $600 today and it said overlimit. The store clerk said once you try at one location you can't try again, but you can go to another location. How stupid is that? Went to a second location and added $500. Was told the limit is $500. Also heard there are refillable gift card with Visa Logo. This must be investigated to see what the terms of activation are, the refill limit, the fees.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Ru-Mammaled Memories Of Mammaries
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3219

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzj of 11)

Word Mammary initially represents the universe circle as one, divided into the two halves of the heavenly waters.

1. Miriam is Miri-Am is Ma-Miri Mamiri is Mam-Aru, word Mammary.

a) Meru, Meri, Merry, Mary, Mary Ann, Maryanne, Mirian, Maria, Vari, Vary, Variance, have the meanings of birthplace, like, life, live, love, kiss, attach, bear, carry, repeat the image, cause, engender (cause to move to next step, stage), water, suck, suckle. Mer in the mirror image of Rem is the drip drop of nui, mui, niur, miur from the khua leads to word milk. Mama means to ooze through a tiny aperture, as does the milk from the nipple. The English form of Ur is spelled udder from utter from urt from urti-ta, as in Ta-Urt. Ta from Ka means to shed drop by drop, bearing, carriage, seat. Tef is Dip which means to drip, drip. Af means to chastise, wring out drop by drop.
b) Word drip and word drop from Tref, the ref, the rukh, the ru-ukh, the rep, the repa, the rukha-ru, the ru-ru-khu, the great mother circle called the universe, the waters, the heavens, heaven and hell. Thus T-Rep is THE REPetition that means grow, bud, blossom, shoot, take leaf. Rep and leaf are equivalents. Tref from Kref from Kherf from Khiurf.
T-ref-ref leads to word truffle and word trifle and word triple and word trouble.
b) Some First Level Variations: Ma, Mam, Mama, Mamma, Mi, Mim, Mimi, Mimmi, Mu, Mum, Mumu, Mummu, Me, Mem, Meme, Memme, Mo, Mom, Momo, Mommo, Momi (Maori)

2. Mam-Meri

3. Mam-Muri from Mam-Miur

4. Mam-Mar-Ia. IA is first, water, ever-coming, ever-living, everlasting, wash, whiten, purify, island. Rui, Mer and Meru also mean island.

5. Mamm-Maru

6. Mam-Ma-Riu

7. Mamma-Aarru

8. Mamma-Ark from Mamma-Khart. Mamma is the primordial giver of food, to the child. She also represents seven cows or meri, kau-meri, kameri, as the giver of plenty in the meadows of Aarru, so abundantly that the river is called the Milky Way, the ichor, the Merti ichor, the malt liquor that feeds spirit-souls, including the glorified ones, especially the foundational glorified, the first elemental souls of life.
a) Miur as river and Khua as the cow circle, leads to word milk.
b) This is Mu-nui in the Menkat (Menâ, Menât, Mâka, Macha).
Money in the Tank
Milk is Money in the Bank (earlier Piggy Bank).
Mu-Nui is Milk in the Tank
c) The two vases represent the two halves of heaven. The are also call urns, jars, jugs, cups, breasts, mammiu, mammae and other container names. The two halves of heaven also represent two wombs. These were assigned to Goddess Mother Menâ.
d) Mena also denotes creator, potteress, beginning, end, life, death, repose, rest, peace, warping to shore, coming to anchor, arriving at the resting-place, or attaining land. Since the mother is water and wind, Mena is a variation of Khena, Khen and Skhen and has the same meanings.
e) Menât, the measurer by the moon. She was the measurer of the period of gestation as ten moons in the year of thirteen moons of twenty-eight days, and afterwards the measurer of the month in three periods of ten days each. Thus Menat was both the measurer of days and months by the number 10, which is her name, and that name is the earlier form of Menoth or word month.

9. The second and third syllables of Mammary could be formed by Ram, Rim, Rum or Rem and their four letter forms.
a) Mammary also from forms such as Ma-Am-Aru and Mam-Am-Ru.
b) Any three or four letter form of Mum combined with forms of Mur, leads to word Mammal. Also Mam + Ram, Rim, Rum or Rem. Also Mam + Ar, Er or Ur.

10. Mammaries are not limited to two breasts, teats, tits. Most importantly a mammary is also a womb birthplace. For both of these reasons, all creations are mammals and are breast-fed by the waters of meru from the two heavens and many other birthplaces such as Mammal Earth.
Furthermore, the first two circles, preexistence 00, and existence 01, are mammary glands, the Nun-Nun, Mum- Mum, Mam-Mam. Female breasts are called tatas, a word which originally means the double land above, the heavenly bosom, thus if humans are mammals, then so also are all other creations. Word gland from krint from khriunt from khiurnt, the two urns filled with spirit waters.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Muni Mah-Neh Mu-Nui Mune, Money!
Ladies First, Part 4 of 20
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3218

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzi of 11)

Almost none of the words in use today are in their first form. And neither is word money. And neither are words today, in the CE timeframe, even in the same form they were in the BCE framing of time. In the rare instances they are, the definitions have lost meanings.

The Longest Intro Yet, To The Nui

The word Uni in word Universe is word Nui. Nui, combined with the KH spark of imagination change, forms Kh-Nui, the Nuikh power and Khiun, circle, cycle, being.
Nui is great, superior, exalted rank, deity, type, oath, covenant, appointed form, appointed time.
Nui is all forms of spirit-soul, the firstborn inhabitants and powers of the waters released as an inundation deluge flood, continuously drip by drip, drop by drop, then eventually suddenly all at once. These Nui are combined and transformed to create all other creations.
Nui are the motions, mations, titions, tations, rations, lutions, vations, iations... of all creations. Nui are natural resources, unnatural resources, raw materials, seeds, stem cells, elements, molecules, atoms, particles, nutrients, planets, moons stars, elementals, souls of life, dark energy, dark matter, galaxy, black hole and anything that can be formed by their combinations. Just so you're not totally confused by the denial of being bamboozled as the highest form of intelligence, by creation and education, the word human is MH-Nua. But this we already knew, that humans were the same as money, no different than anything else we use to make money.
It's no wonder that Nui means a lot, sufficient amount, full of, more than enough, very, abundant, overflowing.

Transformations of Nui are caused by The Supreme of Being, under various names such as Cypher, Kherf, Kherfr, Khepr, Khepra, Khif, Khifr, Kharver, Khiurver, Khiurler, Potter, Khekher, Seive. Simply put, to Kherf means to move Nui from one side of the circle to the next, and do this as many times as needed.
If we were to make a distinction between nui and rui, we could say rui are the repetitions, the second form of the nui, especially when they leave the source, womb, birthplace through the RU. Nui later become Mua and Amu from Hemu from Khemu from Khemut, the residents enclosed in the womb.
So perhaps forms of rui as rui-ruti, ruir-itu and ruur-itu lead to word reality and word rarity. This is still spitting hairs by spelling words, reformulating words and attaching meanings. This does not cancel the overall truth that everything is everything. Just as hydrogen, oxygen and water are fundamentally the same.
The interesting thing about the current form of money that most frequently changes hands, is that this money is made of paper is made of wood. Word wood from khiuti.
Word wood is a generic general type name; thus word Wood is not limited to wood as trees, plants or any vegetation. Wood is a part of any form of Nui formed partially or completely by the first four or five elemental souls of life.
The fact that Nui in the form of Money is made from what we call wood, is a sign that we are near the end of the full circle of transformations.

Word Money From:

1. Mu-Nui
a) Mu is whatever Nu is, which is everything Nun, Nunu and Nnu, which is everything in the universe. This is briefly stated as spirit-soul, waters, of water, from water, to water, by water. Mother (Mo-Ther, Mu-Khiur) of all living and dead, all that is after, now and before, another, repeat, circles, cycles, an appointed time. This is the basis of word money. All resources, their motions and transformations as they change from hand to hand and move from hand to hand. A hand is also the womb, thigh, circle, boat, heaven, house, place, mouth, tongue, teeth, foot, arm, leg, water, streams, digestive systems, ecosystems and at least fourteen other things.
b) Mu is also a name of the vulture, a symbol of the mother in all her roles as chief, head, provider of needs, birth mother, keen sight and keen smell, thus significantly better foresight, compared to humans.
c) The Vulture, Mu, represents the many forms of two truths such as beginning and continuation. Another form is Two Drachmas as the basic unit of money. The Unit [nuti] of two, is the origin of every number. Thus in preexistence, the unit is two in the form of zero-zero, either of which can be construed as one, singular, alone, nothing from nothing. Then in existence, the unit is two in the form of zero-one, which can be construed as two by itself or two in the form of 00-01, or two as the second form of 00. The word unit of two was also equal to word unity, thus the unit nuti of preexistence was equal to the unit nuti of existence. Thus nuti-nuti is nuti-ti is unit-ti is 2 times 2 is four and/or 1+2 is three, thus 1+2-3+4=10, the pyramid, the makheru. Furthermore, binary code for number zero is stated as 0 (base one), but should be 00 (base two bits, mats, nuts, khuts, khubits). A logic consistency check reveals this omission is shown by binary code for number two being stated as 10 (base two mats), 010 (base three mats) and 0010 (base four bits).
d) There is no singular in the current sense of the word because it takes at least two to create a cycle, thus create self-sustaining repetition, thus life. Plus, every component of word single and word singular indicates two, second, repeat, another, more.

e) Word drachma from drach-ma from trekht-ma or trekh-tma or rekht-mat.
f) Rekh is pure wise intelligent knower, rule, reckon, reign as the supreme authority.
g) Racha in Javanese is a divine image or type. Racham in Hebrew is the womb.
h) Trekht takes the later form of Dright, (k)he who is simply the right one to direct and lead due to be being pure and wise, thus the dright one (the right one) is the pure and wise one, thus by default, knows the direction to go.
i) T represents Ta represents direction, to go. The people who follow the dright are the drighten, the endright (end-right), the entlighten, entity lightened, the enlightened, the whithen, the Khuten. Following the wrong direction and directors will never make you enlightened, no matter how many people do so for whatever reasons of personal gain or group gain. Being led this way will only continue to douse the flame of spirit-soul and keep it at the smoldering level until it dies out by feeding on itself. This then is the same behavior in terms of human money that becomes the reason for doing and not doing. This logic runs into itself as a backlash backdraft.
j) Variations: Nu-Nui, Nui-Nui, Kh-Nui, Khiun, Mu-Nu, Mu-Mui, Mu-Nnu

2. Mu-Nuh. Nuh from Hun, the womb, food. This reveals the possibility that Hun-Nuh is an earlier form of word Honey and word Money.

3. Mu-Ne and all other forms such as Mena, Mana, Mona, Munu, Muni, Mene, Menu, Meni, Mina, Monu, Mone, Moni, Minu, Mine, Mini, Manu, Mane, Mani, Many.

4. Nukh-Nui. Nukh means powerful and is a form of word Ankh which broadly means thing, things, thank, thanks, think, thinks. Nukh is Nuikh is Khiun is the circle of waters. Nukhti and leads to word Nut and word Nat, the name for gifts, offerings, to present tribute, make a collection, to bow, address, hail, help, afflict, punish, save.

5. Mah-Nui. The litter of children from the mother as Miriam (Hebrew) means to be very pregnant (fat, stout, full, filled, fulfilled, fruitful, big bellied). Miriam is Meri-Meri, the two Mary's of heaven below, heaven above. Word Miriam from Meru-Un from Mu-Rui-Nu, great mother of the waters from Kheri-Unm from Kheru-Unm from Khiru-Umn from Khiur-Umn. Miriam is Meri-Mu, Meri-Mehi, Mehi-Urt, Tefnut, Sekhmut, Sekhmet, Serkhet, Cassiopeia, Scorpio, Milky Way (Celestial Nile, Karu-Tana), Kar-Tum, Meribah, Mest-Ru-Am (Mitzraim, Ursa Major), Ma-Miri and the Mau in Ma-Shu.

6. Mat-Nui is one path to word Amount. Mat is bundle, mother, two pools of two truths. Mat from Mhat from Khat.

7. Han-Neh. Han, Hen, AN or En, to appear, first sight of, bring, contribute, repeat, renew the cycle,the crossing where the cycle was renewed. This is Hansel (English), the money first appearing. We can quickly see the one step back transformation of hansel is hanser, thus another pathway to word answer from ansher from anhser. Also likely is ankhser from khanser and khansel.
To hansel money is to spit on the first that is received. The spitting is a mode of consecrating or anointing. Hant is the name for a rite of consecration, which in hanselling, is the spitting. The word Sel (Ser), in addition to sacred, private, reserved, sole, also denotes some kind of liquid, cream, or butter, and is evidently connected with anointing.

8. Khennu or Khen-Nui. Still practiced in 1881 CE, among the Kymry-Scottish peasantry of the south, the first Monday of the year, was called Handsel Monday. It was a great day for tips (money). The young people visited the old for tips. The tips of Handsel Monday are the equivalent of Christmas boxes in England practiced by the British Kymry. New Year’s gifts in England were formerly called Xenia. Khen is the act of offering, and some kind of festival. Xenia from Kenia from Khen-Nui or Kennu, means plenty, abundance, wealth. Khent is supply, festival.
Word Tip from Tep (Egyptian) from Tef (Egyptian) for first and commencement of the circle and cycle. The practice of getting tips was not known as TIP by the northern Kymry called Picts. For the northerners, Handsel Monday was the day on which labourers and servants changed their places, and were engaged by new masters. Those who stayed on were treated by the farmers to a liberal breakfast. It is in short the labourers’ day. Hanuti are the labourers. Hanuti is the equivalent of “hands”, thus hired hands, working hands, those who work getting their hands dirty, doing the hardest work for the lowest pay.
Sel (English Egyptian) is said to be word self; however, the equivalent of Self is Serf is Kerf is Kherf is Khefr, to transform using hands as a Serf-Hand, word servant. The USA and other countries now have Labor Day on the first Monday, but it is in September, which is closer to the Hebrew-Egyptian Rosh Hashanah reckoning of when the New Year begins, September 20th. We, the masses, have been educated clueless for generations as to what is really the reality going on. Variation: Kerfiu or Kerf-fui is word selfie.

9. The practice of Tips probably lead to the Halloween practice of trick or treat, which in adult form became Hansel Monday, Warth Money Worth Money, Swarff, Kherf Money, Serf Money, Serf-Hand Money, Kherf-Hand Money and Holidays to give workers a day off, and now are paid holidays to keep workers looking forward to more of the same at the end of the train that drains and rearranges resources, causing “money” in many forms to change hands.
The inhabitants of Lewis Island in Scotland, worshipped a deity called Shony, who presided over the tides that brought seaweed and other flotsam float-sem fruit-mes drift to the shore. Shony from Shennu from Khennu (Egyptian), to fish and gather from the waters. Num (Nef), the God of the Inundation, was likewise the Lord of Shennu. Shennu and Num (Nef as breath, wind) are forms of Mother Meru, the provider from, of and by the waters. Annually on All Souls Eve, at the church of St. Mulvay, each family brought food and a peck of malt, which was brewed into ale. One of them was chosen to wade into the sea up to his waist, to carry a libation to Shony. He then cried, with a loud voice: “Shony, I give you this cup of ale, hoping that you’ll be so kind as to send us plenty of sea-ware for enriching our ground the ensuing year.” He then threw the cup of ale (aru made of riu) into the sea. This ritual was performed at night. Everyone then returned to the church, where a candle was kept burning on the altar. They stood silent for a little while, blew out the candle, went into the fields and spent the rest of the night in merriment. This ritual on All Souls Eve, likely became Hallowed-Eve that led to word Halloween as it gradually lost significance until it reached trick or treat. I mean who wants to pray to a god you'll have to explain is Egyptian and spend all night with their children in drunken merriment? Another switcheroo while trying to hang on to the power of the makheru.
Halloween is the earlier All Soul's Eve. Relatively recently, in the Common Era, Roman Catholics added an extra day called All Saints Day. The festival of Hallow Eve (All-Hallow Even) is observed in Ireland on the Isle of Man. Fires are kindled with accompanying ceremonies to prevent the baneful influence of witches. The islanders call the festival Sauin [likely source and reasoning for adding All Saints Day]. Sahu means to assemble and perambulate, to set up, charm, drive away the evil, and the island was perambulated at night by young men who stuck up at each door a rhyme in Manx, as the charm against the evil influence.

10. Handy-dandy is an ancient game played with the two hands. Something is passed from hand to hand, and a guess is made as to which hand the thing is in. This is the shell game. Also the game when someone puts their hands behind their back and moves something between each hand, and then someone must guess which hand it is in. This is exactly the simple way of explaining the shell game with money being played by societies, their governments, their businesses, their other institutions, especially with the taxes and fees they forcibly extract under threat of whiplash. Yet more broadly, this is how resources change hands, not just human hands, but change between forms and dimensions.

11. Handy, Hanti, Tenti. We have come to understand word handy as meaning useful, available when needed. This is a good summary for Nui. Word Handy from Hanti, the returner. From Han, to turn back, return, pass to and fro, tribute, to bring, young.. And Tenti, to reckon, separate as needed, distinguish, how, where, which one, thus knowledge of how to use which Nui when needed.

12. Word Worth from Wrath. At autumn equinox, in Knightlow Hundred in Warwickshire England, a certain rent is due called Wroth Money, Warth Money or the Swarff Penny, payable on Martinmas Day before sunrise. Wrath is the name of a pillar, a prop, the crossing of the equinox and the cross of the circle. Word Wrath from Khart, the orbit, course, cycle or circuit of the two heavens.
Wrath, as used by the Scots, referred to food for humans and provender (grain as food for livestock). This indicates the Warth Money as the Provision Penny, likely to help the poor and the “common” laborers.

13. Penny. The Swarff Penny probably denotes the Kherf penny, an offering of first fruits by which homage was paid. Possibly word penny from fennu, for dirt, earth; however, more likely from Feh-Nnu, fruit or grain from the waters. Or from Fekh-Nui.
The Kherf Penny is likely an earlier Kherf Money and Kherp Mummy. The soul of life of all renewal and resurrection manifesting through various forms of nature, is called Osiris, the Mummy, the Corpus Christi, the Karest, the Money in the Bank. The Piggy Bank as the Moon and the Piggy Bank as the womb of Pekhi. Osiris the Kherf Money Mummy was reborn through his son Horus, the sun, who caused and fekhed various forms of renewal on the third day in the moon or third month in the moon, third day from the waters, forty days from the earth. In the Kamite original, the night of the Last Supper, and the death of Osiris, and the laying out of his body on the table of offerings are identical. It is the “night of provisioning the altar” and the provender was the mummy of the god provided for the mortuary meal. That was the dead Christ, or Corpus Christi who represented the food eaten by humans and livestock.

14. Lammas Day or Lam-Mas, Ram-Mas, Rem-Mas, preserves the Rem (Egyptian), a span and a measure (a hand and an arm's length). Because the hand is an extension of the arm, the Remmes Festival used a pole for the arm and attached an enormous glove, which was stuffed and carried through the city. The Rem measure was sometimes measured using the foot for the span, thus it stands to reason that the leg was equal to the arm. This opens the possibility that the saying, an arm and a leg, is used to indicate someone asking for too much, a double measure. The Rem was one thirty-second of a measure of land. One Rem is a span. The quantity may be varied, as the word Remn means the extent, extending to, up to, as far as, the border or limit, the Rim, which in the form of Rum leads to word Room. Word Arm from Rem, thus by similarity, also Word Leg. Rem as Remi, also yields word Earn. Word glove is word Kherf, a first form, a model figure, a primal offering.
Rema is a combination of Ru that contains the waters and the waters called Na or Ma, thus Runa and Ruma. These two words represent an amount of water that extends to the limit of something. This leads to Rema and Rena or written as REM and REN. Rem + It (heaven, two) is Remit is Limit. Remi is the limitless one original source with the genetic kinetic potential capable of rising, coming forth drop by drop, drip by drip and pouring out into other sources and filling them to their limit. Rem means to rise up, surge up, weep, moan, cry, reach out, stretch out, expand, elongate. This motion of surging up and going forth is the act of yearning and grieving expressed by the word Erme (English) to grieve, to lament from Reme. This is enough evidence to show Lammas leads to word Lamaze. And enough to realize that these late European practices barely recognizable facsimiles of earlier festivals.

15. Mana-tata, money. Mana is Men is fixed, firm, magic influence and power, the abnormal, mediumistic, or supernormal power. Tata, strike, strike terror, double land, upper of two, head, chief, prince, heads of ways, head of crossroads, head of houses, or the equivalent of rent-paying people. Tat, cross, take; Ta, leave; Tata, go, gallop. Mana-Tata Money is rent money paid to the heads, rulers, princes. This money was extracted by force if necessary. In a broader sense, it is the payment due at the cross, at the crossroads, at the toll road, where things that take their toll, show up to be reckoned with before passage is granted. Thus the rulers of the incoming Ages can decide to take it or leave it in regards to what payments are needed to provide resources for the incoming rulers to establish their kingdoms. Word rent is word land and word lent. Thus rent was paid on land lent. Tata is also vase, dish, jar. Thus payment is also received from womb locations as needed. Word payment is Peh-Ment is May-Ment is Meh-Meant is Meh-Menat. Menat, or word Ment, is a measure of ten feet, the oldest unit of Egyptian land measure.

16. All this and more tells us money in its current form is fading, changing and being replaced faster than we think we think we know.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Mpambe-Mpambe, Mamby Pamby, Namby-Pamby
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3217

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzh of 11)

Namby Pamby

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary, Eighteenth-century poets Alexander Pope and Henry Carey didn't think much of their contemporary Ambrose Philips. His sentimental, singsong verses were too childish and simple for their palates. In 1726 [Common Era], Carey came up with the rhyming nickname Namby-Pamby (playing on Ambrose) to parody Philips: "Namby-Pamby's doubly mild / Once a man and twice a child ... / Now he pumps his little wits / All by little tiny bits." In 1729 CE, Pope borrowed the nickname to take his own satirical jab at Philips in the poem "The Dunciad." Before long, namby-pamby was being applied to any piece of writing that was insipidly precious, simple, or sentimental, and later to anyone considered pathetically weak or indecisive.

This account is another one of thousands of things we've been sold, and accepted as solid gold, because it sounds right and seems right because that is the only thing we've heard.


Evidently many of us have heard the phrase mamby pamby; however, internet searches using the words mamby pamby, return results that are all about namby-pamby. This creates the gaslight illusion that what we've heard is not what we heard.
Mamby-Pamby is an earlier form of the word that existed before Henry Carey was a splinter in his mother's thigh.
There are always clues. Seek and you shall find. Mampi in the Pati language, is the goat, beast. Momfu in N’goala is the beast. Membi in Bagba is a beast in the cat family.
Mampus in Malayan means the dead.
Mum (Egyptian) is the dead. Mum from Mum-Mum is Mumti, Mumit, Mummum, Mummy, as the dual mother, the child in the tomb, womb, cocoon. Likely word minimum comes from this group.
Mum becomes Mfu (Swahili), a dead person.
Mum becomes Mba (Nso), an idol or divinity.
Mum as Mum-Mum becomes Mpambe in Marauri, for an idol or divinity.
In Xosa Kaffir the Pambo is the handle or handles of a pot or other vessel.
Nam in Egyptian is a jug of water thus, Nam-Pambo is a jug with handles. This is not the origin.

Mpambe-Mpambe, Way Earlier Origin

In order to explain most word origins, different branches must be explored that lead back to the trunk and root. One of the main reasons is because, at various times, humans have borrowed pieces of language, mixed them with other pieces, and then made adjustments to it. Thus, the same thing has happened to the definitions and meanings of those words.

1. Nam, Nam-Nam, Namt or Namti (Egyptian) from Kenam, Khenam, Khnam, Khnum, Khunum. Nam (Nim, Num, Nem, Nom) means waters, sweet, delicious, delight, repeat, renew, second, see, perceive, guide, direct, judge, accompany, guide, join, go together, speak, utter, discuss, converse, explain, announce, proclaim. Nam is also the place of bowing for beheading at the block, put to death, force to bow [cow down, kowtow, kau-tau, get on hands and knees, like a quadruped beast]. The hallowed secluded grove of the Keltae Druids in southwestern Eurasia was called a Nemet (Numut, Namit), meaning the retreat, place of judgment, execution, gallows and the block where criminals were put to death. The judge was the Nompere,. The form of Numpere leads to word Umpire and the second half of word referee. The Namt is the womb, the first oracle and mouthpiece of revelation.

2. Nam (Sanskrit), worship, bow down, submit one’s self.

3. Nambita (Zulu), is to smack the lips in eating, also in tasting something mentally pleasant.

4. Mumit (Egyptian) becomes Mamit (Assyrian), an image, idol or divine likeness of the dead or of a deity. The mummy was not a personal portrait but a general image given to all mummies. Equal to Sa, Touch, Sem-Sem, Shemau, Enveloped Majesty, Precious Thing, Seed, Khema, Tesas, Sheb, Shebti, Shep, Kristo, Karest, Christ, Krast, Mummy, The Cross, Bible, Rosary Beads, Grave, Tombstone, Ashes In an Urn, or any other religious symbol or any symbol representing anything such as a wedding ring, a statue and so on, especially something humans have made. A Mamit, though a physical, visual, tangible object, can also be verbal such as placing a hand on a bible and swearing. Or saluting a flag or the dead. Or placing a hand over the heart when an anthem is played. Or saying, I cross my heart and hope to die, if I'm lying. Or saying, I swear on my mother's grave.

a) Mamit is the image or type of the dead, of life that is past, save and preserve the memory, thus a form of salvation for the soul of the dead and the living who have symbols of the dead. Mamit from Mum-IT. Mum-Kheft. Mum, the dead. “It” means to figure forth, picture, image, typify. IT from Kheft, the image itself. Sheft, to fashion likely leads to word Shift and shape-shift from kheft-sheft.

b) Mamit came to denote a curse and signify a form of evil satanic demonic, dark, occult pagan underworld incantation. This was due to miseducation regarding the Mamit, as a thing and type image of the dead and eternal life, to which an appeal was made during consecration blessing or execration cursing or in making a covenant.

c) Mamit is an image of life to come, a life-giving image; an embodied messenger of heaven.

d) The Itu portion of Mamitu remains to express the image or sign of upholding and saving the new identity in memory. Itu as Idu is the front part of word identity. Yes all identities are based on things long since here, many of which are dead and gone in original form, yet have returned. Idu as covenant is certainly the source of saying I DO, in marriage that creates a new joint Idu-Ntu-Tu, word identity.

e) .Mamit from Mam-Mam from Nam-Nam. Mam-Mam from Mam, the dead person and Mam the mummy image. Eternal, Eternity and Immortal was based on repeating cycles of time, thus by repeating the image of the dead, this was symbolic of all in nature that was renewed after death. Haters of their homeland try to deride this as ancestor worship, yet humans worldwide honor their ancestors with images and holy days, holi-days, holidays, while being ignorant of the fact that word holy is based on Nile Valley concepts of heru, kheru, khiur, khiurkh, khiurlkh and khiurlnm.

f) A Mamit was a way of making a covenant (forming a bond of agreement and connection) between two stages of existence in two dimensions (form and time). As said above, many symbols are still used today to swear by, some of which are, a handshake, tying a string around a finger, a locket, a belt, a buckle, sword, book, coat of arms.

g) All this is the mammon of the Judaeo-Christian-Muslim Bible Dictionary. Although the CJB and OJB versions say mammon means money, wealth, riches, it is more likely to be Mammum and mammim, thus a form of Mamit as it was called in Assyria. No doubt these mamui were valuable and representative of the mother, now derided under a male god father only context. Mamman is to give suck. Thus you can't serve god the father with a mature mindset while still being a baby sucking at your mamma's breast.
The earliest Middens were burial-mounds, later becoming the name of refuse-heaps. The Mmu are the dead ; the Mut is the tomb. Mu-hat is a sepulchre or enclosure for the dead. Maten is repose, resting, quiet, pacify, facilitate, make a way, the dead and their pathway. Mateni is the name of the axe so often buried with the dead. It was made of blue-green jade, felspar, gold, bronze or nephrite and was highly prized for its rarity, hardness, color and symbolism. Money and other treasures were buried with the dead. This money and other items were needed as amulets to make it through the way. This later became known as Matening or Madening-money and viewed as paying your way. Maten leads to word Mad and word Maddening. Other words are likely such as word Mitten, due to the tomb being a form of the hand.

Namby Pamby Actually Means

First of all, the basic notion of education worldwide, and the curriculum, today, and back then in England, was a Nile Valley education that became increasingly diminished and fragmented after being once sought as a point of honor to elevate self as a human deity leader above the huddled uneducated masses of gullible worshiper followers. Most certainly the relative few who went to those African schools, in Africa and Asia, and the few who went to college were exposed to Nile Valley ideas in many areas. This has been proven more than enough.
Second of all, Ambrose Phillips and Alexander Pope, hated each other. His pastorals opened the 6th volume of Jacob Tonson's Miscellanies (1709 CE), which also contained the pastorals of Alexander Pope. Phillips was praised while Pope was mocked. Pope's jealousy was roused, and he sent an anonymous contribution to the Guardian (No. 40) in which he drew an ironical comparison between his own and Philips' pastorals, censuring himself and praising Philips's worst passages. Philips is said to have threatened to cane Pope with a rod.
It was at Pope's request that Gay burlesqued Philips's pastorals in his Shepherd's Week, however, the parody pleased, by the very quality of the simplicity it was intended to ridicule. Samuel Johnson describes the relations between Pope and Philips as a "perpetual reciprocation of malevolence."
This account is ignored by the Merriam-Webster Dictionary of Fragments and Pretend Thorougness of Research and Pretend Accuracy.

Alexander Pope, evidently low on self-esteem, did what is still done today and was done before him. Be the initiator and aggressor by attacking those who are what you want to be.

Mpampe-Mpambe leads to pronunciation as Mambe-Pambe then spelling as Mamby-Pamby, then Namby-Pamby. Along the way, the connection to Mum, Mam and Nam has been lost in almost all information sources and education sources put forth by societies.
Mampe-Mpambe is briefly stated as images representing the dead and deities. These images relate to the period when the first deities were in the form of the Mother as the only one who creates, and her child.
So there they were in 1726 CE, Pope, Carey and Phillips struggling for male versus female identity, European versus African identity and whiteness versus blackness identity in a lackluster land versus a land of plenty.
The meaning of Nam-Nam as repetition and simplicity was already ridiculed and now associated by Pope with Phillip's poems. The concept of repetition in language is not understood and considered primitive, unintelligent, childish baby talk compared to the wordsmithery wizardry that relatively recent Europeans think they are masters of.
Carey and Pope were essentially saying that Phillips was just as uneducated and underdeveloped as those Africans who practiced the use of the Mpambe-Mpambe as children, and remained childish in their thinking as adults. The Mpambe were a symbolic reminder of the precious thing.
Ridicule and demeaning is a basic move when attempting to justify your behavior. This takes many forms such as calling people savages, primitives, barbarians, and the recent shit-hole countries. This while not understanding the origin and most of the meanings of any of those words.

New Growth Pending

For an expansive further study, return to this web log in the next few weeks and search Menkamber and Men-Kam-Ber, in order to understand how word Mpambe is a later form.

Wednesday, January 8, 2025

Shrink Wrapped Shrunken Places
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3216

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzg of 11)

If your definition of a word is only one thing, or one side of the fence, that definition is woefully insufficient.
A balanced definition must be expressive of many things, including opposites of each and every thing. This is usually achieved through spelling variations that create different-looking same words containing the other meanings.
One of my go-to examples is, God cannot be supreme if only good and creator. God by the same name or a spelling variation, must be bad and destroyer. One form of this is Evil, Satan, Devil and other such names. Thus God and Devil are equally supreme.
Some people are so much of a cheerleader for their God they cannot be honest about their God's character. Which is why honesty doesn't show up in their mirrors, causing them to walk around in disfigurement confidence.
I invested mighty heavily in one a them there mirrors, called worldview, that I didn't know I clung to as a form of rescue. A worldview I sung to, using words I heard but did not knew the meanings to. And with those broken strings of thought, I willing tied my young to. Until I chalked up my miscue, took that broken mirror context to the recyling center and traded it for the true blue lapis-lazuli utamawazo and asili.
If God, the Good, is so supreme, then why the hell does so much bad have so much power and why do societies exist for more than the briefest moment?
The cheerleader says, there is more good than bad. Answer the damn question. A response is not necessarily an answer.

Is Your Logic Warped, Shrink Wrapped, Trapped By Fault & Default?

For most of us, by fault and default, the first thing learned about something becomes the correct thing, the truth.
Meanwhile, anything learned afterwards, that does not agree with, or support the first thing, becomes wrong, incorrect, evil, stupid, false, uneducated, misinformed, not approved by schools, and so on.

Same is same in the visual game.
For most of us, by default and fault, the first way shown how to do something, becomes the true way, best way, correct way, most intelligent way, common sense.
Then, any other way becomes lesser than, less intelligent, not good, nonsense, backwards, questioned and questionable.

Some of us ask for “proof” to support the second thing heard or the second way seen, yet we don't ask for, or feel, or think we need any proof for the first thing or first way.

Check your context pockets for definition receipts to go with the ceits and deceits of all the logic sold to you missing parts, instructions, woefully incomplete. Yet you've purchased with heart, soul and mind, causing your last to follow into the shrunken place.


Word Answer from An-Ser, An-Tser, Iun-Su-Ur.
An answer helps renew the soul. A response usually helps undo the soul because there is no double-check until found kher-rekh.
AN is the rebirthplace pool of dark energy and dark matter, that reformulates genetic potential according to whatever is needed to ensure the fulfillment of the need-want incentive.
Maat, the Two Truths, Is The Ser, the Tser, the two in one who can look at both sides, both ways before crossing the street from one logic to the next. Everything needs to add up to one and oneness, then to zero and wholeness.

Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Emphasis, Emphasize, Emphatic
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3215

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzf of 11)

Emphasis means to draw attention to, call attention to, point out, cause to stand out, make more noticeable, stress.

Word Emphasis from Mfa-Sis from Umfa-Sest-Ar, Umfu-Isis from Um-Fuff-Ses-Mutt

Maw and Paw from Mau and Pau from Mmâu from Mmafu that leads to Maft, Mfat (word fat) and MFA from Mfu from Um-Fuff.
Um-Fuff means dilate, enlarge, be extended, swell, puff, numerous, ichor water, sa fire and snake skin and ash wood earth to create breath and its khiur, bread, cake, soul, spirit (aliment of life), life, god, divine image, form, figure, body, artist, belly, womb, birthplace, wind, air, breeze, snake. Mfa, Momfu, Mampi, Mmau (Mimmau, Mam), becomes written as Mâ. Both forms are type-names for the beast or animal. We can see why word Mutt describes a dog of mixed breeds. Very likely that word Mutton is from Maut-um and means, of the beast or animal.

Um from M, Mim or Mu for make, cause, engender (cause to move to next step, stage), water, mother, heaven, see, eye, perceive, conceive, discover, try, examine, a time appointed, type, image, portrait; created with, of, from and by waters; existing with, of, from and by waters. Um also from Khem from Khum from Khium from Khiunm.

SES or SIS (Egyptian) is the brood mare, the breeding (breathing) mare, a type of the gestator and mother of life, breath, to breathe, breathing space, womb, spark, fire, flame, heat. Also means to use modesty, knowledge to train, instruct, teach, guide, lead, rule, shepherd. Ses also denotes the attaining of land after crossing the waters. To be bred is to be bread, as spirit-soul baked in the womb and through this process become clothed in another form.
Word Sister from Sist and Ar. Sest is the preparing house, the House of Breath, presided over by the second mother, the Saving Sister, the Saving Grace, the Khnefing Khiur, the breathing room.

Word Emphatic from Mfat-Tek

Tek, Tekh, Tuk, Tukh is see, hidden, crossing from one stage or state into another, reach the limit and see beyond, reach the shore and see that there's more on the other side. Tek is the limit reached, the limit breached, cross, crossing, crosser, cut, divide, fix, attach, twine, join, weave, combine, attack, overthrow. Tek is to twist sensing abilities to see different ways and directions as in remembering what has been dismembered and scattered through the winds and other elements of change. Tek is part of Sankofa. Tek, as in Kar-Tek, is spark, the star which is the stark in the dark, the stork that transports.

Mfat-Teka. Teka means to cut, join, touch, attach, adhere, mix, multiply, cross, twist, intertwine, lie hidden, escape notice, unseen, see, behold while hidden, spark, sparkle, illumine, with the determinative of the symbolic eye.

Mfat-Tef from Tef or Taf, fragrance, pay attention.

Word Empathy and Word Empathic

Both words come from a combination of Emphasis and Emphatic.
We split hairs and come up with more of the same when we try to distinguish between Empathy and Sympathy.

Sunday, January 5, 2025

Ladies First | Be Careful Now
Part 3 of 20
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3214

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzze of 11)

In the Hyperbola, Mother Vari comes to me, whispering, there will be an answer, let it be.
This creams the milkwood and, again, outcomes curds of word careful to weigh.
Careful means having full enough awareness, thus being automatically prepared for the times and sets of conditions that are in the same incubator we were placed to fulfill our destinypurposes.

Word Careful can be hopped, skipped and jumped to, from word circle and the words that form word circle. Careful is a car full, fully loaded, roaded, ruti-ed and reti-ed with what it needs for the travel, transportation and accomodation needs of spirit-souls. Be careful now, is the same as calling you by one of your first names, NOW. The first name is the surname because word surname is turname is thurname is thiurname is khiur name. Khiur name is the same as khiur-nemo as khiur-nu-nu. Finding nemo is finding the name you had when you were a fresh fish in the waters.

Word now from word know from khnow from knau from khnau from khniu from khiun.
Thus, be careful now, means be careful circle of waters as you go out into words, worlds and woods to go about the business AT hands you.

Word Now as Word Khiun, also is Nuikh is Noikh is Nokhi is Noki is Noke, the earthworm in Maori. Moke is the Lizard in Maori. Moke means to be separated, set apart (during the period). Moku is the first person singular, the individual discreted by the Moke, which divided sex at first. Moko is the Lizard in Egyptian and is also the name of tattoo marks and signifies multiplying and fertility.
Word earth from thear from thuir from khuir from khuir. Nokhi reveals an earlier origin of word Okie Doke. The khiun-khiun universe and each kin-kan in the universe, is the tuka doke of the earthworm, thus also Okie Doke from Nokhi Noke from Nukhi Nukhi.
Be careful now is Be careful earthworm as you move around in the know as a lowkey ruki and an uptown rekhi. Be careful wiggle worm as you go about the business AT lays hands on you and hands you so you can be Ok-Ok Noke Noke Okie Dokie and avoid the Okie Doke.

We now wiggle our way back to where we are a worm in the mest because we are formed from word DNA from Tna from Kna, Knau from Khnau from Khaun from Khiun. U and I are formed by strips and strands of worm words caught on the knitting needle crochet hook of Khefer the Kherfer Khekher Beetle who uses each claw hook to fish (fitkh fetch) you out of the can of worms mes you are in to weave you into the lattice fashion and style of spirit-soul clothes, while plugging you into holes in the net.
Tna is to separate, divide, cut-off, insulate, turn away, halve, one-half.

Confirming Worm And Vermin

Word hook is Huk from Huknu from Khiun to Hukni to Hukna to Huka or Hekau, the pig, the worm. Word pig is more easily seen through peg from pek from pekh, as mother, magic, shaping, cooking, feeding, gaping, holing (creating another space to place peg pigs in to form another circle of life.)

A Pek (pig) is also a crooked stick, thus how a pig and worm share the same word. We see this in the word piggly wiggly. One is the big, fat, round pig; while the other is the small, thin, narrow shape-shifter peg. The big fat type of pig was a type of sacrifice in Egypt. Huk also means celebrate, purify through bloody sacrifice. This is the job of the Ru-Ukh washerwoman who uses hot water to boil, bake, wash, whiten (khuten), purify, heal. The Lady Ru-Ukh is the Makh-Hine, word machine. Though the Ru-Ukh is a machine, the entire process is hand-washing by all hands on pekh who are helping hands, kherping hands who rent a hand to help rekh-tify spirit-souls caught in the menstrual flow of blood-letting, a form of sacrificing some fat pigs and some thin pigs because millions of millions of ever-coming ones are being reborn. This must be so based on the millions upon millions of creatures who die every day in every sort of way.
An example of this sacrifice is the bloody thick stringy mess that comes out of the placenta when you are born. That stuff is the packing material to cushion you because that's what formed and fed you. It is now sacrificed to make its way back to form another life. This is the second form of life after death. The first form being the death of self as one to give life to self as two.

Word hand is word wand, both from Khiunt or Hunt or Haunt or Khaunt. Thus hand-washing is wand-washing, wand-wishing in the well hot water, cold water cycles. A hand is a magic wand because it can transform things. Hand is not limited to the hand. A hand is also the womb as the first first hand and pair of hands. Hand is also thigh, circle, boat, heaven, house, place, mouth, tongue, teeth, foot, arm, leg, and fourteen other things.. Word Hand must be an earlier Hant, Hind, Hint, Hunt, Hunt, Hiunt, Khiunt.
The Christian song says, “Alas, and did my Savior bleed?, And did my Sovereign die?, Would He devote that sacred head, For such a worm as I, At the cross, at the cross where I first saw the light...”
By the way, At the cross is Tat the cross.

Being formed of worms is all good, knock on wood. Word Knock On from naukh-khaun wood. Word knock from knuck from nuk-kun wood. Word Snuck from Knuck.

Working with word worm allows us to hear and see word warm, word warn, word worn and word vermin from khiurmn, which also produces word squirm.
Wrinkle lines are like worms, are they not? We remove wrinkles with heat and steam and also put in wrinkles the same way. We call these curls. What helps this process is an iron. Word iron from irun from iurn from khiurn.
In the Creation-Verse, there is always a new wrinkle being added to the evolution plan, the karn-evol, carnival, karn-meru..

Word wiggle is derived differently. Wiggle from uikhru or kikhru becomes khikh-ur is khikher and khekher, the Sifter that moves back and forth, up and down as a sewing machine complement to the washing machine. The wiggling is the khekering and is done by the worms and the khekher even as the khekher leaves wiggle room to change plans at any moment.

Blood In The Waters, Along With Wood, Milk and Bone.

Word wood from khaut or khauti, thus khiut, khuti, khiuti, khiu-khiu, the two part cycle circle and oven where the one part boils and one part bakes to form wood (khiuti).
Word wood from Wud from Wut from Wuti from Kuti from Khuti from Khiuti from Khiu-Khiu.
Wood is called the fifth element or fifth elemental soul of life. Thus we have Waters, Earth as Mes, Fire, Air, Wood (Khiuti, the 4x4 that make 7 and 8). I also include Spirit-Soul as Zero. Thus before the cooking process, there are five elements, then afterwords are exchanged, Wood makes six.
Wood formed from khuti is not limited to wood as trees, plants or any vegetation. Wood is any form of matter formed jointly by the first four or five. Wood is all consistencies of matter that is thicker than water. Thus the saying wood is thicker than waters can be otherwise stated as wood is the ichor of waters.
Blood is thicker than water, because blood is a type of wood. Both blood and milk are also the ichor of waters. Wood, as the fifth element, is a fifth of ichor, that we unknowingly use in the phrase, a fifth of liquor, which is spirit-water, fire-water, spirits.

Bone Marrow

A significant amount of blood is produced inside hard bone in the marrow. Word bone marrow from bhone mirruw is phenu Mirruk is Khiun Meru.
A marshmellow is spongy like bone marrow. Word marshmellow from Khiurm-Meru.
Matr is a name of the marshes. Thus the fuller lineage of word bone marrow is Khiun-Meru from Khiun-Miursh-Meru from Khiun-Miurkh-Meru from Khiun-Khiurm-Muru., Khiun-Niurkh-Miru

Uakh means wet, marshy, waters of inundation. Rem, Erm, Rum, Urm, Ren, Ern, Run, Urn, Rein, Iern, Irun or Iurn is the river that was wept, inundation. Rui or Rua means mud, marsh, and reeds. We can now combine all three components and see the possiblity of the word marsh being Mur-Uakh then Mar-Uash then Marsh. We can now see Uash as word Wash and understand that the Uash-ers are the Khiu and Khuti. Washing occurs as matter is sifted through the marsh. Thus by extension, bone marrow cleanses blood. Marshes are wetlands filter systems. This is corroborated by the Red Reed Sea of Suph that is a marshy valley at the equator red zone purgatory. This understanding is not reflected in medical literature; however, liver and spleen are said to cleanse the blood, which makes sense since they are part of blood production. Even so, the kidneys, lymphatic system, lungs, skin and intestines are said to cleanse the blood. It does not seem right that bone marrow releases blood components, takes in blood and is the home of stem cells yet has no mechanism to cleanse blood. Things will go very wrong if bad blood reaches the marrow.

Word FROM from frome from prem from f-rum. Frum means out of. This originates with the weeping, dripping, seeping of waters into the washing machine and sewing machine, and then into the rest of the universe. Where are you from is Khiur Ar-u Frum, which means the child (aru) of the circle (khiur) comes out of the weeping waters (frum).

There will be a right answer in the right question. Let It Be is Ret It Be is Rurt Khefti Circle. The answer comes through the repetition of circles because humans are the least among those seeking answers.

Word Beatles is be-at-res.

Thursday, January 2, 2025

Sunu's New Year's Resolution Revolution Revelation
Unity Consciousness #3213

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzd of 11)

My new year's resolution is the same as that of Sunu, the word sun.
The sun has a new year once every 25,920 years. So the sun is resolved to make nu year's resolutions as soon as a resolution is needed.
A resolution is also a revolution.
A revolution is a change in the turn we are already in.
A resolution is a turning point in our current revolution.

Since rotation is also a revolution, any change we make in our daily rotation is a turning point in the larger revolution.

Ladies First | Universe Makes Life Before Making Love
Part 2 of 20
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3212

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzc of 11)

She asked If I was looking for love.
I said, since your impatient insistence is rushing me into the hurry-up-and-answer-corner of yes or no, the quick answer is no. She walked away, unwilling to play the first instance things didn't go her way.

Because it was now well after Ladies Night and we were now into Ladies Light, there were others in the room with whom I could share the dance of circumstance, so I continued on with a longer answer.
Why would I go out looking for something if I don't know what it looks like?

This thing laying here, I said, as I picked up an item on the desk, could be worth a million dollars, but if I don't understand that value in monetary terms, then I will ignore it and leave it for someone else to recognize and treasure.
I paused as heads nodding seemed to agree.

I'm not looking for love because I've already found it.
Ears and eyebrows perked up, waiting for me to say, who it is, I've found love with.

Love has to match self. This smallest of crowds seemed disappointed that the expected punch line did not come right away.

Matching self means, each person must be about the business of helping each other become better versions of self. No, not two criminals becoming better criminals together or two racists spitting out racist children. Not someone to help wreck yourself, but someone to help rekh yourself.

Love is not looking for something in another that you can and should, get and do for yourself.
Don't look for romance if you are not romancing yourself.
Don't expect respect or for someone to treat your right if you ain't doing it for ya'self.
You want someone to be good-looking, then look good to yourself.
You want someone to have a good sense of humor, then you better already be able to make yourself laugh.
You want someone to be spontaneous. Respond instantaneously to your spirit-soul trying to make love with you constantly all day in every way to get you to go with its deeper flow and let go of mind control.

You want someone to be honest. Be honest with yourself first.

Though the small crowded room seemed to leave no room for attention to span, the few were still listening, but seemed distracted by the glare of self-reflection caused by what they just heard in a way they had not heard.

Order & Arrangement Of Life-Making & Love-Making

1. Find love in LIFE and how you LIVE, before looking for love in LOVE. (song: live and love life)

2. The word Life comes before word Love. The word Love is a later spelling variation of word Life. The order is life, live, love, leap. Living life is the connection to loving life

3. The template of love. The first step back from the spelling of word love is word rume. Rume is word Roomy or Roomie. Roomie Love is self-love of the body temple with the inner temple of spirit-soul. This is the two temples, the temple-ti, the templeti, the word template.

4. The word Love as word Rume is also word Meru. Meru is the waters of the universe, a lot of room and space to expand and contract. This tells us that life needs room to grow; therefore, so does love.
a) The fuller statement comes in two parts:
Life, in order to grow, needs the roomy space of meru waters, its roomie nutrients and time to turn things into things.
Love, in order to grow, needs con-template-tive nutrition, time to digest, fully process and invest these nutrients into turning self around and around, thus by extension and connection, also turning around the condition of other selves, the world and yes, we can change the universe. Be certain to understand that if the totality of your life consists of sitting on a tree stump all day, you are changing the universe, even if that change is part of what allows things to stay the same.

5. The current order and arrangement summarized:
a) Life Form Formed
b) Life Born, the prepubescence of life.
c) Life Reborn as Love of Self, the pubescence of life, the prepubescence of love, the first love-life.
d) Self-Love Reborn as Adult Love (Mature Love), the self-love that expands to pubescent love to include others, the second stage of love-life.
e) Then comes physical death, but the next step is not life after death, instead it is:
Death After Love-Life
This is when the spirit-soul of life returns to the tomb-womb-cocoon crematory and creatory. Loves and Lifes are separated, as in the beginning. Love, now having lost the connection to Life, becomes no more. This is why it is said there is no marriage in heaven; however this is only partially true. There is no marriage in the manner of humans in the flesh. This is marriage like the angels, the an-kars, they are repeating cycles of time who are married to the flash mob. This is marriage of spirit-souls of life clothed and/or unclothed in nu vestitures.
f) Reformulated Life Form Formed
g) Reformulated Life Born is resurrected life, reborn life, rebirth life, a kind of second life depending how you count, when you count and what you count as life and birth. This life does not contain the same exact souls of life because to each life is given according to the greater need-want incentive. Plus, even the khuti and khiuti themselves are being transformed from time to time as they learn and grow, inflate and deflate, from life experiences and love-life experiences. This last stage of Reformulated Life Born, is kina akin to The Second Time Around.

Bonusing In The Rounding Out

For those seeking to develop more adeptness in becoming better versions of themselves, the word Like is Liku is Riku is Kiur is Khiur is Khiurnm.
Thus, TO LIKE someone or something has two primary senses:
1. Optimal - to recognize your circle-mate, soulmate, cellmate. Therefore, have self-respect, which is only possible through respect for all others. At this point in the reclamation process, this is shortest definition of word self-respect.
2. Suboptimal – using miseducation misinformation misunderstanding fragmented logic to decide and choose who and what to appreciate, enjoy and play favorites with. Thus, who and what to give an abberant form of respect. This leads to Like and Dislike. This is partiality, because, based on like and dislike, so also comes respect and disrespect. This grows mould and molds into Love and Hate. In the optimal context, seeing the likeness in one thing does not lead to dislike, disrepect or hate for the other thing.

Wednesday, January 1, 2025

Ladies First | Nuti Calls From The Universe
Part 1 of 20
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3211

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzb of 11)

Many humans have intermittently accepted the thought that the human body is a temple. Ignoring Pocahontas, we have more consistently accepted human-made secondary creation buildings as temples, treating them with greater sacred space respect than Temple Earth. We sin against sin, by free will, as if everything in the wheel house is free to the will, to wield, to fill with more wants than needs, and that that's the complete terms of the deal. On and on course we go, unwisely heading smack dab into the boomerang effects of recourse, leaving the next generation of others and the next iteration of self to foot the bill. Sefekh says, means and ends always meet. Some bodies always pay the tab for petar days and bata days. If we sinned with sin, every little thing would be alright, okay. Anyways, the house all ways wins.
The greatest temple is the body of the Super Being, the curved burekh house carved by this Superb-est Superbeast of Animals. Yes, the universe is a temple. Yet, word temple is also word simple. Both have the same meanings. Simple is based on the sem-sem, mes-mes, mesti, simful, sinful, sum of all karts. Ple is Plu is is Ful is Full is Fluid is Fluent is full to the extent. Temple is Stem-Full, Khem-Khru and Khem-Free.
This is an update to Universe | Earlier Definitions & Meanings, UC#2398

Word Universe from Unnu-Mer-Tu from Unnu-Nurtu from Nunu-Nur-Khiu from Nunu-Niur-Khiur.
Unnu is the twin and total birthplace of it is what is is containing all circles and their repeating cycles with exits for coming forth and entrances for going back. It is a house under guard, fence, gate, seal, bolt, lock and key with lines that should be crossed but not crossed. It is an open house with hidden rooms we can't escape from or into. It is the workspace resting place for spirit-soul, energy, matter, beings, people, inhabitants, new-raw materials, niu-riu materials, niur-iu materials, and all other animals by any name vilified or glorified where what goes around, comes back around as gifts, re-gifting, stolen and re-stolen, borrowed and returned.
Un is the period, bad, evil, defect, deficient, open, bald, afflicted, murmuring, waiting.

The universe is the first and last verse, I.e, omega and alpha.
Verse is Nurtu is the Nurtu-Ring, word nurturing. Nurtu is Nur-Nur is Niur-Niur is Nile-Nile is Nile-Ti is Ti-Nile is De-Nile is word denial. We can go in the front door through Niur-Niur to Nu-Niur to Ne-Nile to De-Nial to denial. This process reveals word menial. Deny means to accept or reject the two truths of the rivers that run through IT and everything in IT and connect the IT to the TI. This is the itty bitty, the total and half-total, the large and small. In other words, to view itty bitty as only meaning tiny or small is a truth half empty and half full. In other words, to interact with the universe using only half-truth logic, is like reading a script with half the pages missing and not wondering why you lack comprehension of what the story is really about and why the actors are acting as if they are not in the same play.

Size matters: There are multiple universes large and small. Each creation is a universe. Despite what humans consider small and microscopic, humans are among the smallest in the overall universe, and even in this Earth-En-Verse.
Uni-stand where you fit in and how and why you got in.

Variations of the UNI; Khun-Khun, Khiun-Khiun, Kh-Unnu, Unu, Annu, Anu, Khennu, Shennu, Nun, Num, Nem, Mum, Mem, Mun, Men, Nunu, Unun, Numu, Umun, Nemu, Umen, Mumu, Umum, Memu, Umem, Munu, Unum, Menu, Unem, Nin, Nim, Mim, Min, Nini, Inin, Numi, Imun Mani, Mone, Omni, UM. EM, AM, IM, OM, MU, NU, NNU, NA, AN, ON, IN, NNUI, EN, word Any, Ani, and more.

Khunnukh or Khennukh is another route to word enough that tells us heaven and hell is enough.
In other words, the universe is an Enough-Verse, an Any-Means-Necessary-Verse, a Whatever-Verse, an Anything-That-Can-Be-Imagined-Verse.

In this expanded sense, the Superb Being is a Superbowl, a Superbola. This leads to word Hyperbola and word Hyperbole.
Both words from Typhon-Per-Bole. Ber (Per), the supreme height, be ebullient, well up, swell up and boil up to the topmost height as part of repeating the likeness of the power of spirit-soul from which you are formed. Ber and Bole are forms of Baal as Polaris South, the child of Typhon as the north and Ursa Major. These two are the Ber-Pair, Per-Pair and Pre-Pair that prepare us for the Kher-Pair, Khiur-Pair, Kar-Fare two truths of all times. Word prepare is to get ready to understand the behind of time and the ahead of time in order to always be AN time in perfect timing.
This allows us to be careful by being Kar-Fule Khiur-Ful of the Per-Bole.

Being Careful Continues

Be careful is the same thing as saying, careful careful. This can be shown in detail but it is enough to say that word BE can be expanded to word Circle, which leads to Be Careful as equal to Circle-Circle. Thus to be careful is to be in possession of enough two truths in order to complete the assignments. This starts with Khekher and Kherfer, the nun other mothers of the converse universe, conversing each other, bringing them-tham selves into fuller existence.
Likewise then, we can figure out what it means to be careless and the many problems this BE-havior invites and welcomes into the circle cycles of lives. Word careless is care-res. Res is heaven, but only half, thus half of heaven is not enough because half-truths used as wholes leads to disfigured circles called anemia and thalassemia. It leads to anemic group conditions such as weakness in the four inseparables, sick and tiredness syndromes intentionally misclassified locally, nationally and globularly by the legally potentated medical industrial complex that force feeds you pills for ills rather than giving you cures for injures. Anemic people are the dead-to-be cold-hearted who exhibit migraine levels of feeble-mindedness. There is always a re-karr of spirit-souls. This is word recall for product defects. Why do you think human product recalls are a normal thing? It is another of thousands of signs of the times of the above and within, now manifesting in the below and without. These are the ins and outs. The anemic spirit-souls of life in the above are portrayed below as walking dead, zombies, vampires and other suck-the-life-out destructive types.
When the Kar is full of foals who are not molded folded into being fools, then the cure automatically appears by default as a byproduct of the word default being foal-ti instead of faulty.

Hyperbola and Hyperbole is the hole, whole and womb of the universe and occurs in the womb as spirit-soul fashioned for each universe, to each according to need. The Hyperbole as Baal is the soul of life in fire, as you can imagine, was a very big bang up nu deal in a universe of waters, darkness and a spurt spark of imagination. Thus Hyperbole, as exaggeration, is a good thing in the universe when used for the greater good or greater bad depending on which side of the exustence fence you have or have not as tefense for efense.

Sticking with bole, we can now see connections to other words such as mole and vole who bore (bole) holes. The pole is an exaggerated extension of relatively flat waters, and is equal to tree, mountain and pyramid, each of which rise to superior heights in the earthscape. The knoll is the top and has a connection to word knowledge. Both foal and noel represent the firstborn from the one who is self-created, thus the first duplicate of self, thus the creation of another universe, thus the first mother who can give birth to others is the first noel. She is the ac-co-la-di, cola Nuti, dark waters, dark energy, the ladi-dadi. Mary is Noel as female, Jesus is Noel as male.

One of several possible origins of word Female and word Male are from noel and soul. Word Fe is to bear, carry in the womb and FEED. Thus we have the Fe-Soul and Soul. Thus Fe is to give, while word Fee is to take. Thus the Mother, with all her universe power unknown and not understood, is the Fe-AR and first one to cause what is described as word fear. So instead of false evidence appearing real, fear is meru, misunderstood evidence revealing universe. This leads to word meru as a form of word mirror, thus what we we fear is a mirror image of what we don't fear. Fear of the dark is due to not being able to see in the dark. This is a meru of not-fearing the light, while fearing things seen in the light. And for some, this is the other way around. Fear of drowning is a meru of not fearing breathing, while fearing drowning out of water in debt, racism, self-hate in general, identity crisis, misguided notions of love, and so on. This is not about the human condition but about the universal condition. Humans are a familiar example.

In other words, both, what is feared and what is not, are poorly misunderstood in terms of a healthy sense of universe, thus self, thus all else. There is no healthy worldview for humans that does not harmonize with a healthy universe view, even if we don't think in those terms, we must act consistently with those terms. This is hard but not difficult. It is temple simple simon sart peter. Word simple is also word person. Word fear in the form of FE-UR, allows us to see word Femur as the thigh named after the female, later associated with the bone. Femur applies to the place of release of female waters above and below that brings forth the child and leads to femare, another origin of word female, which is consistent with word foal as earlier applying to the child of any animal, including the animal we selectively forget ourselves to be. To marry is to join two. Word marry is a form of Mer-Ru, the two halves of the waters north and south in the circle. Word married is merru-et is merrut is word merit and merti and word marred.

Marry was not based on “love” in the recent sense, but based on life in the univeral sense. Marriage is uniting to ensure the continuation of life through the continuation of life of all else. What does continuation mean? Word marriage is Merru-Kau, Meru the two cows of heaven. Due to this being the marriage season of the Age of Aquaria with multiple partners, the Sun has entered the merger zone. This is why humans have been educated to reflect marriage based on love and to reflect the marriage of same sex and other variations. In recent times, a relative few number and types of human marriage are primarily concerned with and enabled to ensure the continuation of life, even if the marriages reproduce souls of life because we know this alone is not enough. We don't know the reason this is not enough, is that it does not contain enough of heaven, the universe.

Nowadays, marriage is basically a societal approved license to have “”sex” in its weakest sense, which is why most forms of sex outside of marriage and life outside of marriage and children outside of marriage, is viewed as unacceptable, lesser than, failure. This is a human animal face-forward focus instead of being a lion-animal ass-backwards focus. Understand the sphinx wedded ring to add missing links to what you think.

We go back to remember that male, mare and meru are based on niur as the waters, lake and most often the river. The female is a niur whose living waters flow in forms of mentruation, birth waters breaking and lactation. The male, whose waters only flow through semen, is an important, but lesser, river of life, sorta like a stream, brook, creek. Thus then, the male's larger role is in supporting the females and the foals. This is simple-ly another version of what the Supreme Being is doing in the temple by creating a division of gender, thus a division of roles and duties. Water is the marriage of hydrogen and oxygen who mimic the female and male concepts. Simple is to see the sem-sem in the temple.

Word family is a form of fe-mare and fe-meru. Everything is a reflection of family dynamics, so when the human notion of family is estranged from the wholeness notion of family, then what you see is what you get, regardless of how much you try to hedge deficits with contrivances to protect the deficits. Fatal flaws cannot continue long-term.
Word thigh is a form of khikh, the meeting place where the two halves of the cirlce meet or body meet.
Word khikh has been detailed in meanings and shown in its earlier forms.

Hathor by my side, is dripping love on me, laying a rap on me, repping me while ripping me, gripping my thighs, my female and male, unwrapping me. Word Love is that which supports living fully. Word Life comes before word love, a spelling variation of life.
The first step back from love is rume, thus roomy or roomie is the first and truest notion of love. This is self-love of body temple with the inner temple of spirit-soul. This is the temple-ti of love, the two temples, the word template. The reason Mer is defined as love is because Mer as Meru is Rume is Love. Meru leads to word Rume as Rum as Room which is space, room to breathe, rum to breed. The expanded combination of rum-mur leads to rumour, which can be a good thing. Also word murmur as conversations between the two mur who are so close and in tune, they only need to speak barely above a whisper in ways others who are not part of the marriage merger, can't apprehend.

Self-love in terms of the the universe is the embrace the circle membrane walls gives to the waters. This membrane is equal to the human body. Both are sem-brains that must have the wisdom of being able to recognize self in all layers and formations, otherwise be insane in the membrane.
Through meanings and visually, we can see that love as a form of meru leads to word merge as a joining of the khe the spirit-soul. Not just merging but becomine one while being able to distinguish self before and after. This applies to merging and becoming a soul mate roomie as a friend, neighbor, sibling, citizen or any other joint or collective name that suggest being part of a group.
In order to love someone as a neighbor, friend, family, an other than yourself, you must see them as self. You must sem them, sem-sem them, seem them. This requires knowledge.
Love fits like and feels like a glove because word glove is g-rume is merge. This is why the hand is given in marriage. These can be transformed and expanded back to khiurm or khiurmn, another name of the circle.
Love has a lot more to say because Life has reta meru to shau.

Briefly stated, the UN in universe means dwell, dwelling. UN as a person is the UNT who washes the ba-hinds (behinds) of others (uth-ers, birthplace repetitions). Of course, UN as NU is water, heaven, see, eye, perceive, conceive, discover, try, examine, a time appointed, a type, an image, a portrait, with, of, from and by water.
The most powerful UN is the Universe, not a bunch of whacked out cancer-conspiring humans being led to the cliff by the wackiest. Have you ever seen such a sight in your life as these blind mice?
The price of eggs is more important than the homeless and school shootings and...
Hurry up, God, and take out of the world that which you brought in to destroy family, neigbor, friend. AA-Sekha! Aw Suki-Suki Now! Go head! Go head!
I imagine a universe that causes all societies to fall in unstoppable domino rapid succession, and the remnant will walk upon the debris, pushing it into the hungry mouth of the Earth Beast whose turn it is to feast.
Word domino from tumino from tum-nui from tumunu from Tumu-Amenau from Tumu-Amen-Au-El to Immanuel and Emmanuel. Tum is the Great Judge, as in here comes the judge, the AA-ren. Tum is a name of the sun in the lower half of the circle-cycle. Tum (tem, tumi, temi, tema) is a total measure, to cut, strike, announce, make true my life and justify my love, complete, perfect, perfected, satisfy.
Amen is a title of the soul of life in the hidden sun, coming forth by night into the second half of day. Although the sun is with us because Earth is attached to the sun, the power of the sun, the power we are experiencing is the sun under water in the galaxy; however the sun is being lifted onto dry land to dry off, rest and transform from a fish into a bird. I believe I can fly.
The domino effect is two-way. First when things are constructed, aligned and connected, but not soundly in balance; then secondly when things are constructed, aligned and constructed soundly in balance. When the two meet, you already know how things are going to turn out. Immanuel is in keeping with, we're here, the sun is here. When the power of prepubescent sun in the lower, merges, marries and holy kisses and touches itself with the power of its other half, its pubecent self, then tumult occurs, upheaval fulfillment, the peace fulfillment. We are the tail end of upheaval fulfillment where there is no justice no peace, yet it is right around the corner because all seven above have fallen and been replaced by the eight, nine and ten, along with the legion of nui ready to rock the house till the morning light. As another warning to humans who are the last to know, now comes the delayed reaction below, that we only vaguely grasp as climate change. This is taking place throughout the solar system and happens on a regular basis throughout the universe. Governments are falling like dominoes.

Uni as Nui is firstborn inhabitants and powers of the waters released as an inundation deluge flood, continuously drip by drip, drop by drop, then eventually suddenly all at once. Nui (Maori), great, superior, exalted rank. Nia or Nui (Egyptian), deity, great, type, appointed form, appointed time, parent, child, repetition, nomes, water boundaries. Nui or Nu (Namaqua Hottentot), an oath.
See Karat for bolt, lock, key. Other words have same meaning.