Rukh is word lost, thus rukh and sekhen is lost and found or rusta and sekhen. Rukh is also look, thus lost, look, found. Variations: word loss, word less, word lest, word lust, word list, word last, word salt, word rasta, word rose, word ruse, word rise
Word Find and Word Found from dfoun from khiun to khiunt to khiuntu to khiunti to khiuntiu.Khiunt to khintu to khinse to sekhin to sekhen and seekhn. This helps us see the phrase seek and find.
Khiuntu to Sekhenu
Khiunti to Sekhena
Khiuntiu to Sekhenui
Word First from Khiurt or Kherf and possibly Rukht. Word Second from Sekhunt and Sen-Khut.
Sekhen (Sukhun, Tukhun, HuKhun, KhuKhun, Kukhun, Cooking) is khe source, abyss, womb, tomb cocoon, resting-place, nesting-place, sanctuary, ark, the be all and end all. The primary meaning of Sekhen is a place of settling in the tun, thus place to settle down on the waters (not under the waters), a breathing place, the second forever home. A basic right of creation is a place to settle down in the downtown (tukhun-tukhun) or uptown (tukhun-tukhun). Settling down is not motionless. Settle is kekkru is basically khekhing, which is going through the motions of being the being created to be. That is, be the rukh rukht to be. Be Rukh is Belief. Belief in anything else is our reliance that what something is said to be, is what it is. This is also belief. Thus self and all else is the same as I am that I am and It is what it is. All belief falls into these two categories, whether the belief has sufficient proof or not.
Proof is based on the burekf womb and the pref branch. Thus proof is that which recreates the image of the heavens and the rest of nature. Proof is solid is serti is serti-an is word certain when it makes sense no matter how you turn it. Proof is not just cognitive such as existing only in the mind as thoughts and belief. Proof is the result of how logic plays out.
We can follow Sankofa Road back to show that in between the waters and the breathing, there was fire. In the Khekh-Khuni to Shekhuna to Shekhinah to Shekina. To Shena to Shuma to MaShu. The combination of Khekh, Khiun and Khiur leads to Shekinah Glory the double dance motion in the circle of waters and circle of fire, the two pool of two truths. Both Khen and Khena, due to the nature of breath, contain the meanings of water and fire, and the other two ways around.
Thus the first three things found, founded, the foundations were waters, then fire, then air.
Khekh-Khiur-Khiun, Re-Khiur, Akh-Khen is begin, recur, again.
This is the Khiun, Khen and Akhen that leads to Agan, Ingan and Onion.
Believe & Belief
Khen is to conceive, image, bear, interior, ark, canoe. In Galelic (Kharu-Rekh), Khen morphs (kherps) into Gin, to beget. All forms of genesis and birthplace come from Khen.Khenn also means to rest and believe.
Rest is Rukh and Rekh is to create truths.
Believe is Meruni and Meru-Nui, circles, sources, wombs, children
So basically Khen, by nature as the creative space, means what is created is kerf is serf is self. Thus what is created is proof to recreate self. This creates rest assured, which is believe and belief.
Word belief is closer in evolution to burekh and burefh, birthplace womb.
The first stage is the Rukh (Khur) of the Khun is the Rukhun and Rukh-Nu and Ukh.
The second stage is the Rekh (Kher) of the Khen, the Rekhen and Rekh-Ne and Ekh.
The third stage is the Rakh (Khar) of the Khan, the Rakhan and Rakh-Na and Akh.
Intermediate stages are the Rukhen and Ukhen. Rekhun and Ekhun. Rekhan, Ekhan. Rakhen, Akhen.
The primary Ruk, Rekh and Akhen is Spirit-Soul and its power to create, transform, change whatever is needed. This has already provided sufficient repetitions of proof to create believe, thus faith.
This information, this knowledge is based on nui. Nui becomes word News; however, news as put forth by humans is a far cry from truth.
Forms of Khen, to believe, also mean lean on, thus fits with the meaning of rest, foundation, settle. This connects to, lean not on thy own understandings but lean on the lord. Lord is Rurt is the circle and cycle. Lean only on what is proven by circles, cycles, especially the greater circles and cycles. This is the basis of smart, good sense, common sense, genius, intelligence, knowledge, wisdom, sanity. This is what supports and sustains. Lean on the circle to make paths straight.
Word sense from kense from sekhen OR from Sen-Su OR from Ken-Su. Ken is the sculptor-scribe’s chisel. Thus we can now better understand Ginsu knives.
Word Sense from Ken-Surt. Surt (Sert, Sart, Tser) means to cut, inscribe, carve, engrave, and the sculpture.
Word Sense from Khunda (Sanskrit), the the divining cup, a bowl-shaped vessel, or an aperture for water or fire. The cup imaged the fountainhead of all ways of knowing (kenning, divining), because the mother was the revealer of the Two Truths of time and period. Thus basic good sense is to understand what time it is and the period of time.
Word Sense from Khentu or Khen-Khen or Khiun-Khiun. It takes at least two forms of self (kerf) in order to begin to sense. To begin to “make sense” requires the foundation of two truths, and then continue adding two truths to form a safe and sound structure of logic.
The purpose of belief, knowledge, understanding, intelligence is to live and let live so destinypurposes can be fulfilled through cycles of evolution and de-evolution until all consciousness is re-unified. The only allowable killing is for this purpose. Thus we know the nature of humans whose existence depends on killing, is a nature based on the sickest combination of beliefs, thus they can only live through lots of killing that allows them to temporarily rise and live through the wasting and polluting of resources and infringes on many destinypurposes, thus under these conditions, all creations in the ecosystem suffer and the mass production of idiocy continues as the human status quo of the four inseparable aspects of self.
Belief, in its immature and mature forms, is the same thing as trust. Belief is not something randomly selected based on personal preference just because of the disjointed right to individual choice. That is not belief, that is guess, which is guest and ghost. Ghost in this form, is spirit without form or the foundation of fundamental completion to produce healthy behavior. Thus, this type of to-each-his-own belief is generic, random, grab-bagish, blind, ill-formed and more like a stem spirit which can be anything but not yet part of the active ecosystem while preceding as if it is all it needs to be. This is why this type of unvetted belief causes so many disconnections and malfunctions because these beliefs just don't fit into a healthy working system, thus are like free radicals that are destructive like continuously ricocheting bullets. No one is safe and sound when unsound belief abounds, not even the clingers to such beliefs.Word trust from teru-rust is real or illusive understanding of the full cycle and related cycles.
Word trust from rust-ter is rusterday, which is yesterday which is the beginning in the womb in darkness, then the re-beginning in the womb of lightness. Trust is originally based on logic calling you to earlier foundations of who you are, where you came from and why you are here.
Word trust from trukh from rukht from khiurt. Rukht is the completed process of bleaching (bur-akh-en), washing, boiling, baking, smelting, beating, reshaping, purifying, healing and filling full with all the basic elemental souls of life, this filling full is khuti-en. This is what can be trusted when the khur is completed, it becomes khur-t becomes rukht becomes trukh. To be rukht is to be rukh-rukh is to be khur-khur, the two truths, which is shortened to ru-ru to ruti to ruiti to word ready. Even the word Tur (Ter, Rut, Ret) means dip, wash, purify, whiten, libation, distil, repeat, time.
Purify from phritu from fhiurt from khiurt. Word Purify, word Purity and word word Pure is the process of restoring the basic sets of two truths that allows the creation to move to the next stage. This process involves waters or fire or air or any two or all three.