Safe Faith and Sound Faith, is not the flimsy form of personal preference belief.
Word faith is based on the cycle of one circle, then two circles, This is the same sense found in safe and sound. Thus the same phrase can be stated as faith and found. This shows faith is the same as safe, while found is the same as sound. In one group we have safe, belief, faith, while the corresponding group is sound, found, sekhent. Each of these dependent on proven causes and effects, the gods in which to trust.
There are multiple forms of faith and levels of faith, as it is with most things, if not everything.
Word faith from:
2. Tau-Kh from Tiu-Kh
a) Variations of Tau (Tuf, Tef, Tof, Tif, Taf, Tâ, Tê, Tû, Tî, Tô, Tŷ, Tiu, Tui, Tua, Kiu, Kui, Kua, Kau, Thiu, Thui, Thau, Thua, Khiu, Khui, Khau, Khua, Kâ, Kê, Kû, Kî, Kô, Kŷ, Hiu, Hui, Hau, Hua, Hâ, Hê, Hû, Hî, Hô, Hŷ, Fiu, Fui, Fau, Fua, Fhiu, Fhui, Fhau, Fhua, Fâ, Fê, Fû, Fî, Fô, Fŷ) Also The, and many other forms containing two vowel combinations of a, e, I, o, u, y and forms containing, D, S, C. Also Tsef (Keft, Khif, Khekh) and other forms creating by changing vowels and expanding to two vowels.
b) Tui is two, second, doubling, one of two, repeat, star, Tsef (Keft, Khif, Khekh)
Tua, consecrate. Tuau, adore, honor, pray
Uta, to examine, verify.
Uit, magic. UI also means the proper, good, genuine.
Uti or utui, journey, expedition.
c) Ut is word out, word tau, put forth, go forth, go along, stretch and extend, divorced, separated, aât, aft, khept, the hinder part, primarily the north; khut, going north.
Tua-Ut is Tuaut is Dayus is a path to word Day.
Tuai is Dyai is word Dayi is word Day
Tuaa is Dyaa is Daya is word Day. Tuaa is time, morning, morrow is Day. This reveals Daya leads to Deja Vu as Day Tu as word Today referring to both the dark portion and the light portion of day, together being two tua, two days. Today is both singular and dual. One day is cut into two halves. Word cut is Khet is Tekh, thus Tua-Khet-Ar and Tua-Tekh-Ar lead to word together. As two khetters, two cutters, two tekars, thus double decker. One deck is the foundation and platform for the other. A deck can be either above deck or below deck and can be in the light or shade. Deck as a platform connects to Dais as a platform. A day is a platform for manifesting. A day is a flatform a fruit form.
We now double-back to remember that the moon, whose overall cycle is more frequent than earth's cycle and the sun's cycle, is a primary cutter, tekher, teacher, writer of letters, thus change agent as Khet as Tekh as Khekh.
Word Day from Dag from Dagh from Takh (Tuakh, Tuahk, Tuaut, Khat) to see, to behold. Although Takh includes the meaning of, The Light (T is THE; Akh is light), this refers to both the stars of the dark half and the star of the light half. Remember, all these things were worked out in Utopia, Aethiopia Below, near both sides of the equator.
This leads to Tekh Takh as Tick Tock as the two portions of Day. Tiktok allows humans to see brief manifestations of humans as movie stars, moving stars that takes power away from an extremely small number of humans being considered stars. This means, that in the above and below, many creations are able to more significantly influence events while Sun and Earth are in the twinlight zone, the middle of the middle road of the Galaxy. It is all hands on deck.
Some of the many words for the light side of day are Heru, Haru, Har, Meru, while some of the many words for the dark side of day are Neru, Nero, Zero, Mehru, Nehru, Negru, Negro. Even so, both sets of words apply to both portions of day when we keep a full circle full cycle perspective.
Tekh is the crossing, the equator. Crossing above or below is moving into a Nu Tek, a Nu Dag, a Nu Tua, a New Day.
Tua is word Uat from word Uati from Uathi from Uakha from Khuati from Khauth from Khiukh, the compressed concentrated form of Khiu-Khiu, the eight in the ark, the circle of the doube cross.
This reveals the earliest source of word heat is from huat from Khuat, the circle of waters and warmth, spark, before there were stars, air and sun. An even earlier form of heat is Huit is Khuit is Khiukh.
This also reveals another explanation of word humidity as Huit-Mu-Titi as Khu-Mu-It-TiTi and/or Khu-Mu-It-Itu. This is heat, water, mati, two truths that are always present in all causes, all effects, two halves upper and lower. Itu is a name of the moon. Basic meaning of humidity is moisture trapped in air when the moisture that falls at night due to the moon's cooling effects is unable to descend completely due to previous day's heat. Then, the following day, when the sun rises and heat rises quickly, the moisture that wants to rise due to evaporation, meets the moisture of condensation, causing a vacuum air pocket stalemate of hot moist air, thus a boiling, steaming effect. This must be influenced by moon phases, elevation, human constructions and human decimation of plant-life that provide cooling effects. See humidity elsewhere and also here. If plants can't breed and breathe, then why should we? Why should we be able to get around natural law and the fundamental forces of nature? It's not the heat or the humidity. It's the stupidity.
Since the day was first reckoned by darkness of the north and lightness of the south, an earlier description of the day is likely to have been Kar-Tek and Sutekh. Then when the west was made the primary hinder part under the solar mythology, the day could have been referred to as West-Ru and East-Ru, then Wester-Day and Easter-Day
d) In Sanskrit, Ud is out, out of, aut, away from, apart, separation, north. Ut-tan is to stretch out
e) Tau is Uat, the waters and Uta, land, earth
f) Letter X is Letter Chi. Chita, Khita, Khitu, Khuti, Ch-tau and possibly relates to word cheetah.
g) Letter I is Letter Iota is the single line meridian cross and crossing of the circle. Iotau, Iuta, Iutiu, Iukhiu
h) Letter T is Letter Tta, Tau, Tat, the double line + cross of the meridian and equator
Word circle as Kirkru is shortened to Ru, later Ro. Ro-Chi and Ru-Khi, as alternate spellings of Khiur, literally mean Circle Cross and Crossed Circle. Thus the first circle containing the Chi X as Khi, Khif, Khekh, Sift Sieve is the first cross in the circle that did not divide the cross but sifted and mixed in the bowl, forming crop circles. Then when the circle duplicated, the X Khi formed the I meridian and + equator, thus creating three crosses in the circle. And prior to this moment, I had no reasonable educated basis to understand why the human depiction of the savior, included three crosses.
Since equators and meridians are not rigid narrow lines, their movements resemble waves, serpents. As a result, there is a fourth cross that emerges due to the whipping motion of the X khekh as it moves up and down the pole, the meridian. This motion is part of the double-kheking and rukhing process that heals spirit-souls. Thus this cross is the staff with the serpent used in medicine, a Nile Valley symbol that goes along with Aesculapius, another Greek-Egyptian Nile Valley original. One of the names for this symbol is the Rod of Asclepius; however, the symbol is more accurate as the pole crossed by a two-headed snake or two snakes, one with head up and one with head down. The closest to this is the caduceus also used as a medical symbol. Khekhing is checking. Rukhing is Rekhing. Thus the saying, check yourself before you wreck yourself, actually means to do this process as khekh then rekh then khekh then rekh until healing is complete, then perform this periodically, the way there are redundant checks in cellular processes. Clearly however, humans are so far out of whack (khekh and rukh) that our cellular processes in each of the four inseparable aspects of self, are too far gone to be fixed by human logic in a society context, thus requies intervention from Earth, Moon, Sun, the incoming Ages and other healers. Word Age from Akhu from Khau from Khiu from Khiunm, the circle cycle first based on star cycles, then later based on other life-cycles. Addressed elsewhere, word year from kear from khear from Khuir from Khiur, the circle cycle. Each completion of any cycle is a year.
Ro-Chi is the Khiur, the Kheru, Kher, Ker, Kr, RK, Rekh, Ker, Rek, Kar, Ark, the Word, Voice, or the later solar Logos (Rukhu, word ut born from hand to mouth), that also means circle, circuit, course, turn round, period, cycle of time, hero. Kr is the root of the names Kronus, Course, Circle, Cross, and Christ.
a) Tau-Chi, the double-cross leads to Fauci of the continuing Covid conspiracy. Fauci represents the double-crossing lying favored group not quhite right son-of-a-sick-society.
b) Tek is twist, see unseen; hide, escape notice, yet behold, supply of liquid, dead.
c) Tekh and Tuck are forms of the crosser of the waters who notices hidden things and reveals hidden things. Word duck is the result of those two words. Ducks also duck and dive under the waters and tuck their heads under their wings. Word detect is also the result of these two words from Tuck-Tekh and Tu-Tekh.
4. Chi as Khi as Khe as Ekh becomes Ex becomes X. Tekh also becomes X as does Khekh. X is the first cross and the former who fixes by crossing. The X is the former cross while the + is the current cross out front revealed. This is why Ex means former and out of. Literally, out of the house.
5. Khekhau from Khekhiu
6. Tua-th from Tiukh from Khetu
a) Tau (Maori) bark; Tâ (Egyptian) bark
b) Tau from Kau from Khau from Khauti from Khauit.
Khau, the scholar of writing, letters.
Khau (Kau, Kha, Ka, Ku, Khu, K, Kh, Au, Ua, Skhau) is mother, child and scholar, teacher, student, write, writer, scribe, letters, malady, seize, ape, dog, cow, wood, call, say, earth, land.
Tuath is likely word death, thus both life and death take place in the same place.
a) In the mdw ntr hieroglyphics, the closed right hand with thumb extended {thumbs up} is a figure of six, as Kefa the fist, a measure of six fingers. Also the Egyptian foot or Khep is a measure of six digits. The beetle has six fingers. Khepr, the beetle, using its two hands to transform, is the personification of number 12, a number equal to, among other things, the twelve mah-nui manifesting mansions of the sun.
b) Tut is the hand, and the name of number five or one hand. Tum on the hand is the lower member, and Tut, as the sign of five, in the little finger. Tu is five. This reveals, Ta, Ta Ti, Ti, Ta, as involving hands, crosses, circles and cycles, marking time, making rhythms, making music as they do work.
c) Shu or Su, in the later modification, means number five, hand, Kafi is two hands, likely as MaShu that supports the Sun. Taht superseded Shu as well as Sut, and this is reflected in Tut for the number five and name of the hand as Tut, Tu, Itu, Idu, Tiu, Uti, IT.
d) The hand turns the wheel of time. A hand is also the womb, thigh, circle, boat, heaven, house, place, mouth, tongue, teeth, foot, arm, leg, water, streams, digestive systems, ecosystems, sun, moon, pole stars, ursa major and at least fourteen other things.
8. Faithu from Fahuti from Tahuti (Tut) was another form of the hand of the Lord God who brought forth the word of gods and provided a means of measuring and weighing.
9. Fiaut from Tuaut from Tepht from Tua-Aut.a) Tuaut is morning, dawn, lower hemisphere place of the first family reunion, regeneration and rebirth.
10. Tuaith (Irish), the north, and left hand.
11. Faikh from Khafi or Khaufia) Khus from Khush from Khukh, found, foundation, lay foundation, construct, pound, i.e. in road making
b) Khus from Khaus from Skhau, the scholar, scribe, write, writing, letters. Word scholar from Skhau-Rer, the mother. From Scholar comes word Skill from Skarr from Skhaurer. Skill means knowledge and understanding. The more logic matches the circles and circles ruling this Earth, the greater the skill.
c) Khiun is to found the whole and the division by duplicating and twisting
Senti, to found the division by two by spitting and tying
d) Found faith is the same as have faith. This is because Found is foundation is Heaven. Plus have and have not are other forms for word Heaven.
e) Khau is scholar, knowledge, knower. Simply put, knowledge is based on circles and their cycles, thus the full of circle logic our understandings, the more like knowledge our behavior represents. Khaufi is Kaufi is word Cause, sound is the effect. Thus Faith and Found is the same as Safe and Sound is the same as Cause and Effect
See, green mile, to glean additional understandings regarding a pretty good portrayal of faith in relation to kaufi, kafi
A form of the green mile is the green meru is the green sea is the Mediterranean sea.
12. Faikt from Aft-Ki from Kheft-Khi. Kheft is four because Ursa Major was the first circle with four corners.
13. Pauth from Putah, god of the solar four corners. Putah is Ptah and Put is the circle of nine gods, or circle beings created based on nine elemental souls of life. Understandings of this Put cycle and Put process provides the proof that is in the Putting (pudding), that leads to a greater sense of belief, trust, faith based on the Put cycle. Before the Put there was the Fut, and the proof was in the Futting (footing) of the four corner feet, which Put also represents. This then leads to Blacks worldwide using some version of the phrase, put your foot in it, when referring to doing something excellent, usually in reference to cooking (kheking with khiu, nui and rui). To put your foot in it means you kicked it on all points, all areas, all four corners and in the middle, crossed off everything and did all that needed to be done to create excellence.
14. Faith-Opia from Fuitkh-Opia from Khuftiopia. This is Aethiopia Above and Below.15. Fait from Fhemt from Khemt from Khemti from Khemtiu from Khemkiu from Khemkhiu
What's Left To Be Said
As usual, humans go through cycles when we repeat things in their fragmented unproven forms. Such is recent times of the past 2,000 years.
Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
This is only partly true. Faith requires evidence of thing seen and the unseen in the continuation of cycles of causes and effects.
In essence this is saying spirit-soul is the main framer. It is also saying, even that which we see on this Earth and in the heavens, are not enough to account for what we see. There is much more responsible for being what it is.
When we have faith in something, that means we have found a foundation for the faith. What is the foundation for the different things we have faith in? Is the foundation sound....solid? Is the foundation based on belief based on proof?
Reaching back to the moon's involvement as one of the faithful, we can infer that the moon is responsible for smaller, more frequent climate changes, while earth itself is responsible for longer and larger climate changes. Then, because the sun cycle is so vastly greater than both the moon's and earth's, the sun is responsible for the greatest shifts in climate changes. No one is confused when it gets colder after sunset and warmer after sunrise. No one is surprised that it is colder for half the year and warmer during the other half. Each cycle has a half-way point separating opposite manifestations. The sun cycle is no different. For half of the sun's cycle of 12, 960 years, it is colder. For the other half, it is warmer, it warms up, gets warmer and warmer. We are at the half-way point of the sun cycle as it moves above the galactic equator into great year spring. This is solar system sunrise. The solar system is waking up as part of normal every day every year morning, resurrection, rebirth springtime events. To support this growth and emergence of shoots and seeds, water must rise and fall from the sky. Same thing is happening mentally as far as healthy-minded seeds go. Cold-loving and dark loving creatures diminish, go dormant, while warm-loving, bright light loving creatures flourish. So while we are being suckered in by tales of creatures suffering due to climate change, don't you pay them no never mind because other creatures are emerging, flourishing. Air-conditioning can't save polar bears and neither can it save cold-loving humans or humans who do deeds in darkness. In both instances, their basic sensing abilities and functioning are becoming more and more sluggish, thuggish, ruggish as they struggle to survive in conditions not made for them. This explanation only deals with three cycles, yet there are many more rekhs in effect at all times.Truth is, none of this depends on, or bends its will to, human logic, understanding, belief, trust, proof, faith, no matter how more or less accurate each face we embrace and replace on one hand, then disgrace and displace on the other hand.
Amma is faithful.
I am that I am is faithful.