The conversation within ourselves shifts, expands and hits bedrock beneath the watery mes as we remember that Ethiopia on this Earth is simply the northern portion of the human birthplace centered around the equator in the Great Lakes Region in East Africa.
Word Ethiopia from Aethiopia from Kheftiopia. Briefly stated, Khef means north, darkness and mother. TI means two. Opia is simply the first ancestral land. The matching half to Kheftiopia is Khentiopia, the southern half of the birthplace inclusive as far as the total of Nyanja ya Tanganyika. In today's terminology, Khentiopia would be Entiopia. The Ethiopia of today is a relatively small northeast portion of the original Aethiopia (Kheftiopia), which is only half of the human birthplace. The earlier Ethiopia existed on both sides of the Nile because it was inclusive of all the Great Lakes, their valleys, the lake sources, their mountains, which included several Mountains of the Moon, one of which being where primate apes transformed into primate humans during the time when the sun was in the lower half of its cycle, then rose to complete the Great Year and align with the four equinoctial constellations, two circumpolar constellations, Ursa Major, Cassiopeia and the Moon. We are at the rear end of another such period of time that has lasted for 12,960 years.
By the way, Lake Tanganyika is called the Lake of the Thigh, which is also the name of a lake in Cassiopeia Constellation. Word Cassiopeia from Khatti-Opia, another name for the birthplace above and below. Cassiopeia is called the Queen of the South and Queen of Ethiopia. Word Cassi-opeia is a form of Mi Casa, Su Casa which is Meh and Suh which is Ma and Shu which is North Ethiopia tomb Womb Cocoon and South Ethiopia Tomb Womb Cocoon.
By the way, TI, TIU, TUI or TU for TWO is an earlier form of Tea for Two, both meaning the two truths, such as water and leaves or liquid and solid to make a creation called tea. This tea was naturally made by UATI, the marsh, the land of water and water-plants, reeds, papyrus. All creations contain tea because all creations contain the two truths and are based on the two truths. We can expand just a little by understanding breast milk is tea. So is blood. So is ichor.
Just because a word in current usage is associated with only one form of creation or one sense of the word, does not mean that form or meaning is the only one the word represents. The creature currently called ape is word Kaf from Kaften from Khau-Fiun from Khau-Khinu is named as the first form preceding the specification (specific formulation) we call human. Word Khau is also word cow.
The word Africa from Afe-Ruca from Afte-Ruka from Kaften-Rukha from Kiftun-Rukhi from Khitun-Khiur from Khi-Khi-Khiurn, the first womb, birthplace, cocoon and tomb. We can now see how Afe-Ruca can become Ame-Ruca is the word America. Word America also from many other combinations such as Kymeri-Ka or Kamari-Ka.
The ape is known as Khafan and is called Kaf and An and Aan and Fan and Ian and I-An and I-Am. Thus I am that I am is I Am Khaft I Am. The next language retter letter ladder step from word F to word M, changes Khafan to Khaman to Khuman to word human and word man.
It is possible that word afghan is from afkhan from khafan and means a blanket that covers us. Then, using another step by step process, we later removed this understanding as knowledge of self and all else diminished.
One name of the total birthplace is Khuftiopia or Khuftiuopia or Khiutapia, which in today's terms leads to the word Utopia. Another name of the total birthplace is Kharua and Khauf-Kharua, which leads to the word Euphoria. Even in today's reduced understanding of language, we can now better understand the relationship between Euphoria and Utopia. This includes word Happiness which is based on God Hapi, a deity of the Nile who was born with the Nile and as the Nile. Hapi is Khapi is Api is Ape is Afu is Hafu is Khafu is Khauf is Kaf.
If we accept the limitation that Kemet is the area from the last cataract to the northern end of the Nile, then even the Ethiopia of today and earlier times, would have been considered as Khentiopia because it is south of Kemet. It is more accurate to say that all the land south of the meeting point of the White Nile and Blue Nile is the birthplace of humans based on the mother as God Alone, then later as Virgin Mother and Son.
Furthermore, even the word human applies to all creations. In Egyptian, hemp is named Huma. How close is Huma to word Humid and many other words? Consider Hima as in Himalaya and Himalayan that leads to Himan. Word spellings are not inconsequential.
Many religions think their God created everything, yet has only existed in human form; however, as an example, current Abrahamic religions acknowledge that God as human still takes many forms, such a a dove or pillar of fire and so on.
We live in glass houses that allow us to see outside and between rooms, if we we remove the curtains of understanding obstructing our view of the word certain. Doing so will re-reveal we are all Aliens, Arians, Aruans, Aarru-Aans, Kharuans. This is true especially since Khu and Khi, among so many things, also mean spirit, black, white and all colors in between.
Metaphor means, samely stated differently, or same-ru stated differnt-ru. Word Metaphor means matching form, mati-khen form. Form is morf is murf is kerf is kfer is kher is khiur is khiurnm. This is the womb rui that passes through hands of the khif-ru that bekhs tu khifru (begs to differ). Metaphor is our original language that combines, compares and contrasts the khem-ur to the khif-ur, the similar to the differ, the same to the different. Metaphor is likeness and unlikeness. For example life and death is both like and unlike. To extend this example, life is like a butterfly emerging and unfolding its wings, while death is like a caterpillar going into a cocoon. Or death is like a butterfly that doesn't emerge or is helped out of the cocoon.
Metaphorically speaking, Khentiopia is the root system, Kheftiopia is the first shoots, from Khartum to Asouan is the stem and branching leaves, and from there to the Mediterranean is the lotus flower and from there in other lands north, northeast and northwest are lotus seeds. Other lands south of Khentiopia and southwest and southeast are rhizomes and tubers from the root.
Aswan from Asouan from Uskh-An from US-Ken from Ues-Khen from Uskh-Khen, meaning from Uskh means water, broad, wide, large extensive range, range out and around, stretch out far and wide, extend, seek, follow, limit, boundary, water limit, water unlimited, crossing the boundary, crossing at the boundary, division, cut, incise, engrave, memorize. Suskh means enlarge, stretch out, free to go, have liberty. Sus is six, Aswan is the sixth and last cataract starting from the Great Lakes heading north. Aswan is the first cataract starting from the Great Green Sea and heading south.
The Egyptian Anit or Neith is the place of the well, the Uskh Hall of the Two Truths, stationed in An, the last of the three water signs where first the dam is constructed, then removed.
Since Asouan is the place where the inundation flood waters spread out to a greater degree than elsewhere, Asouan was another birthplace for consciousness to expand, but also forgetting, as in out of sight, out of mind after hundreds and thousands of years living in the north periodic garden, a land different from the south perpetual garden containing greater wildlife diversity. Since Uskh is Sukh is Sekh, then Sekh-Khen becomes Sekhen then Eskhen then Aswhen then Aswoan then Asouan and Aswan. We know word AS is a name of the birthplace.
The Khennu or Khenit are the navigators, sailors, pilots; the men who paddle a canoe. Khn or Khen means blow, puff away, breathe, thus breath, air, wind, navigate, transport, convey by water. The Khenit are equivalent to the English British Khenti of Kent, who were called the Kymri.
We are all Nile Valley-Ans or Vallians. Science and its many components, such as History, are part of the fundamental curriculum encapsulated in Nile Valley Mythology and Eschatology. By the way, we can see how Vallians relates to word Villian and word Vile. A valley is a low place. We can further see the ridiculous contradiction of Judaism, Christianity and Islam that considers altars on high places (mountains) to be evil, yet they are comfortably proud of their Mounts such as Zion and altars in low places (valleys), and also within their places of worship, the altars are always raised places (higher than the main area for the congregation). Does not worship involve lifting up voices, praise and reverence for a HIGHER power?
Doesn't a higher power deserve a higher place?
Yet, humans who hold themselves out to be holier than the average bear, call themselves high priests or other words that mean the same thing as experts, scholars, authorities, know better than you.
Word Meru leads to Nelu and word Nile. Word meru also leads to word mela, which is half of word melanin. A metaphor for meru is nun, thus we have meru-meru becoming mela-nun is melanin. So go ahead and revile your outer melanin, because this is the same as blaspheming the holy spirit, the inner melanin, the mother-birth. It is also blasphemy to deny the female as mother and as God because she was the first gender form to manifest revealed as the Holy Spirit. It is a blasphemy, that when a truth has been revealed to you, for you to deny that truth. Why? Because the revealer is the holy spirit, thus to deny truth is to deny the holy spirit, thus to call the holy spirit a liar, thus blaspheme by denying the two truths and/or considering one truth greater than the other truth.
Everything said above answers the questions as to what some of the people at the northern end of the Nile knew and what some of the southerners knew. This “some of the people” is a sum, a total that varied as time passed and information changed hands back and forth. This is only a smidgen of who we are as humans and where we came from, yet it is the nucleus that connects us to the rest of the natural world on this Earth and to the Heavens. This is a path to understanding the general and specific whys of why we are here, as humans, as pieces of the puzzle, as composites (collective-individuals), as Maatians (mutuals of iuma-ha), the best insurance company. This is also why Mutual of Omaha, sponsored Wild Kingdom. Word wild is word Kart, Khart, Khiurt, the circle, the universe and every creation within.
Furthermore, we can consider the southern land beyond Lake Tanganyika to the end of South Africa, as the outskirts, outside the skirt, outside the veil, outside the inner sanctum, the suburbs of the birthplace.Ethiopia Above, Below and Middle Mean The Same Thing
Word Khiurnt leads to Khent-Ru to Khenter to Shenter to Senter to word Center and word Gender and word Gentle and word Gentile. Thus Jews are Gentiles. And so are Apes.Metaphors are nucleus, seed, core, root, source.
Nucleus from Nu—Kraat from Kar-Nu from Karu-Nat or Karunat. Karu means support, bear, carry Nat is the tool or instrument. Kar-nu. Nu signifies within, and Kar-nu reads “Kar within,” or the inner of the two Kars, or simply the circle within the circle, the nucleus, the holy of holies, the stone fruit.
Kar-Nutr, a stone mason carpenter who cuts, works, planes, polishes. The word carpenter from Kar-P-Neter and Kherp-Neter which leads to carphenter to Kar-Khenter. In the original sense, a carpenter works with all forms of raw materials. Kar leads to word square from S-Khiur or word square from Khekhur from Seker from Sikhiur and Tekar from Ti-Khiur from Khiurti.
All this helps us understand the Temple of Waset which contains Ipet-Isut (Ape-T-Asu-T). This is now called the Temple of Luxor which contains Karnak. Karnak is related to Kar-nuka, Khar-nuka, Kar-naka, Khar-naka, Karnak, Kharonak, Nuka, Neka and Nika, which simply mean power, force. This helps us remember that the first stage and first truth is just as powerful as the second stage and second truth. This is why Kar-nu, also has the meaning of inferior type, and is a name of the elder or child Horus, the prepubescent.
Word Karnak as Nak-Kar becomes Nat-Tar becomes word Nature. See How Ancient Ethiopia Shaped The Civilization Of Kemet (Ancient Egypt)
Black and White Logic Gap & Trap
We double back to remind ourselves that we are all black people. Word black from Bur-Rukha, meaning the birthplace. Word black also from Bu-Rekh, the race. Word black also from Tsheru meaning of the black seed and red blood. It has already been proven that all words pertaining to us as human, people, person, black, white or anything describing our species, applied first to other creations. In other words, before there were humans like us, their were humans like us, just differently formulated.Word white from word white from quhite from kuhite from Khuite from Khiutu from Khiutiu from Khiukiu from Khiu-Khiu becomes Khuti becomes khitu becomes white. These same words that produce word white, also produce word shade.
Word Bu-Rukha produces word white through the ru-ukh wash cycle, the whitening process to transform the black beings into white beings, to transform the buruka into the khuitiu or khiu-khiu..
Thus Bu-Rukha and Khuite becomes Black and White and means the black womb, primordial substance, and, white stars, spirits, beings.
Neither black or white first pertains to color, but rather to substance, essence, process, wholeness, completion.