If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Found The Snake In The Grass
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3226

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Word snake from:

1. Snhke from Skhen from Sekhen from Sekhem from Sen-Khem and Khekh-Ium from Khiun-Khium from Khiunm-Khiumn
a) Khiun becomes Hniku becomes Snaku becomes Snake
b) Sekh, enclose, divide, share.
c) Khi, to extend, expand, elongate, run with great rapidity, rise up, be high, rule, govern, protect.
d) Khi-Sekh is the current (moving water)

2. Skein from Skhen.
a) Skein is the cross around which the serpent wraps and around which yarn, wool, thread, strand, fiber is wrapped. This skein is equal to that which underlies, the backbone, the skeleton around which nui are wrapped and attached to form each creation. Word skeleton from sken-ru-tu is equal in meaning to infrastructure. As celestial bodies rotate, revolve, flip and roll, they are winding and unwinding genetic material into and out of the waters we call space, that is filled with dark energy and matter. As macro, so micro.

3. Snuukh from Uskh-Nu or Uskh-AN
a) US, to be extended
b) Uskh means water, water-place, the limit, the division. broad, wide, to range, stretch out, extend
c) Suskh, enlarge, stretch out, free to go

4. S-Neka
a) Letter S in Egyptian is the causative prefix to verbs. A causative prefix creates the noun form of the verb, thus describes who is causing the action. In Welsh, the prefix is YS.
b) Neka means virile power, evil enemy, false, deride, delude, provoke, incite, impious, evil, criminal. Personified, this is the Crooked Serpent set with blades, the Typhon or Sut monster of the deep, the red dragon of the Red Sea or Pool of Pant whose companions are red in the face; the devil; Satan, the Apophis serpent, breather of fire and poisonous vapor, the eternal enemy of the sun and capturer of souls; the Solar Bull, the Neka or P-neka; Neka-Ash (Nachash) the Serpent-Tree of Life
c) Variations, Neken, Naken, Nuken, Niken, Noken, Naka, Naga (Sanskrit), Nekiru, Old Nick, St. Nick, Saint Nicolas, Santa Claus, Nicker (English), Nigger
d) Nek means to compel, force compliance. Las (Res) is to suspend; Neka-Las reads compulsory suspension. The suspended virility marks the child, the unvirile, infertile sun, the sun of the north. Nicholas is a survival of the Child-Horus, who becomes the elder to the younger pubescent self. Neka-Las reveals word necklace and word Less. We can infer word More is from Meru, and word virile is from meru-ru.
e) More or Less means Meru (Heaven Above) or Las (Heaven Below) Las is Les is Res is Heaven. Both heavens are resting places and rising places. Res from Rek from Rukh from Khur from Khiur, the entire circle. Res is Ser is Tser is Kher is Khur.
f) Nek also means the first, as the I or A-One, the Ar-One, the AL-One, the Alone, the All-One, the A-1. Nek is Nuk is Nukh is Nukhi is Khiun is Khi-Un is Khi-Nu is Khi-Nuti is word keynote speaker.
g) Nekb (Nekf) is to be reduced to ashes by fire as part of the process of eventual resurrection.

5. Sophia-Neka.
a) Sophia is name of the heavens as the Gnostic great mother representing circle and tree.

6. Stauros-Neka.
a) Stauros is the sun as the great son representing the vine that forms the tree cross. The sun is the meskhet ber (basketball) who performs the cross-over and the cross-under. Horus has two faculties, supporting and separating. As one who supports and sustains, he is Stauros (a cross), while as one who separates and divides, he is the good serpent, Horus. The first form of Stauros-Neka is the great mother as tree of life and serpent. The six-armed stauros (six-headed snake or dragon) is identical with the sixfold one as mother and child. This stauros cross is called Iota-Chi and denotes one who crosses to form six parts (four corners, depth and height)

7. Snatem from Mut-Snatem
a) Mut-Snatem is the bearing, seeded, gestating, pleasing, reposing, sweet, agreeable, restful, peaceful.

8. Snathea from Asenath from Mut-Snatem and from As-Neith and from U-Snatem
a) Variation: The son, Sif-Nat-P-Ankh

9. Ha-Snate from Asenath from U-Snatem from Usnath from Uisneach from Usnakht from Us-En-Akh from Us-En-Akht
a) US means to create and produce, large, extended, consume or reduce by fire; vitrifying and distilling; USH means to consume, destroy by fire; EN is by; Akh is fire, dead. Us-en-akh reads:
Creators and producers by means of fire.
Vitrifiers and producers of forts and mounds by means of fire; cremationists.
Creator Neach
Usha, burning, scorching, reducing by means of fire; Ushm, a decoction and the essence; Ushm, grind down and devour.
Usnoth likely is sonthu

10. Ash-Nakh from Nakh-Ash. Also from Kna-Kefa from Nak-Kefa. Also from Usnakht from Ush-en-akht
a) Khepha (Khep-Ah, Kefa, Hefa, Jehovah) is the name of the great serpent of life worshipped in the typical wilderness, one of whose emblems was the serpent of fire that vivifies. This was the serpent called by the word Nachash (Nakh-Ash, Nakh-Akh), that is the serpent Nak or Nakh on the Ash tree of life.
b) The Na (water) is red; Ash is the red source, with the sign of bleeding. Khekh (fluid) has the same determinative. Nakhekh or Nakhakh is fluid, blood, essence of life, with the same sign. Together they are the red fire and red liquid that creates blood and breath in the first stage, then blood and milk in the second stage. Nakhe-kh has the KH terminal for spark, fire. And is the same as En-Akh, The Akh or Akht is fire, the dead; EN is “of the, by.
c) Thus the KH adds the Ush, to destroy by fire, US meaning to produce, become large, swelling, create and produce, large, extended; USH, consume, destroy, reduce by fire; Us-en-akh reads the creators and producers, destroyers and transformers by means of fire. The Egyptian has the terminal T in Akht to indicate the female and possibly some sort of duality as in burn twice or dead twice, once to die, once to be reborn. Thus Nachash is a form of Uisneach, Ush-en-akh, Ush-en-akht, Usnath, Usnoth, Usnath, Unagh, Usnakht, Uisneachan).
d) Nakhakh,with the SH terminal for liquid, water, is word Nachash, the soul of life in the water serpent of fire.

11. Sneku from Pneku from Pekh-Un
a) Pekh and Peka is to extend
b) Pneku is the same as P-neka or Neka, the sun. The sun is the Mes-Sheru, the Shiloh who is the ark containing other souls of life, the company of miserables. Word Company from Combe-P-Neka and Khiunm-P-Neka and Khem-P-Ankh

12. Word Python from Pa-Tum from Pithom from Psothom or Psonthom
a) God Atum of Pithom was Pa-Ankh or P-Ankh, THE-Living. Atum P-Ankh transformed into Horus Iu-Sif. Sutem, the hearer is a title of both suns.
Thus we get P-Sutem-Atum and Tum-Sutemi
P-Sutem-Ankh has Psonthom
Psont from Pshent. Sent or Shent is a divine title due to the duality it embodies. The Pshent (Shent, Shenti) crown represents the two heavens, two lands. The Shent crown was typical of pubescence, the second stage and attaining the upper heaven, or the zenith. Word zenith from senith from shenti.
When the mother transformed from conceiver to gestator she was called Sentem (Sntm) ; Psonthom from P-Sentem. Word Adult likely from Ad-Hurt from Ad-Hur from Ikhurt, OR from Uis-Tur.
Variation: Psothomonponei, Psotem-Pheneh, Zaphnath-Paneah (Zaphenath-Paneah, Sif-Nat-P-Ankh is the living son of Neith who never dies due to being reborn in and through death)

13. Word Python from Putah-Tun
a) Put, to stretch the bow out is equivalent to PUFT.
b) Ah, the womb.
c) Tun (Ten), to extend, spread, lengthen, division, fill up, terminate, determine.

14. Word Serpent from Asp from Resp-En from Serp-En from Kerf-Enk from Kherf-Nek from Kherf-Nuk from Kherf-Nuikh.
a) Ser, to extend, rise up.
b) ST, to extend. Ster, to lay out, extend
c) Set means to transmit, extend

15. Word Serpent from Serp-Pent from Kerf-Fent
a) Fent from Fennu from Fennut from Fe-Nnut
b) FE from Fekh, means carry the likeness of spirit-soul in the tomb, cocoon and womb and cause the child to fan, spread, unfold, extend, expand, dilate, enlarge, elongate, duplicate abundantly and run with great rapidity in all directions.
c) Fekh and Feka, in addition to being the root of food and word fish as the first food, fullness, reward, abundance, plenty, fullness, roar, split and burst open, is also the root of the meaning to destroy, capture, ravish, burst open, denude.
d) Fent is dirt, worm, nose, bad smell. Fenka (Neka-F, Nehkaf) is to evacuate. This is Funk (English), to cause a bad smell, a stinking vapour.
e) Word Fiend from Fent.
f) Variations: Bent, Pennut (Penut, word Peanut), Fenti as Ti-Fen is Typhon.

16. Word Serpent from Kherp-Un from Tserp-Un from SP-Nuter from KH-Nuter from Rukh-Ten
a) Nuter is the divine and a name of the serpent.
b) Net (Nut) means serpent. This is the earlier Nek and Nuk, thus Nuter is Nukhur is Nuikher is Khiurnu and U-Khiurn
c) Nuter is Nukhur is Ru-Ukh-N is Ru-Ukh-Nu
d) N is the single zigzag line of running water. Zigzag is Sigsag is Seksak is Sekh-Sakh is Khekh-Khakh is kickback is the motion of Mah-nui moving back and forth, changing hands. This reveals word Saxon as chief money-changers in the temple, and who always have a new Angle on how to cheat and justify their souls. Saxon from Sakh-Un.
e) One of the meanings of Nuter is, of, from, by water. The snake, the serpent is named after the spirit and soul of life in water and moves like water. Though everything else is also named after water, we must reach, stretch, in order to remember how, where and why. This reaching and stretching is how all things came to be, in the first place. This fixation on first place is why most humans will do just about anything to claim this position. This is also an indication of the heavens returning to their first places, thus replacing the current first place status quo.

17. Word Snake from F-Neka from Fu-Nenka from Fu-Nen-Ka from Fun-Nen-Tera
a) The Everlasting (without limit, beyond time), dilates without limit (Fu-Nen-Tera), as a Nen-tera is the root of word Nnuter, Nunter or Nûter. Nnuter (or Nuter). Fu-Nen-Tera is the one god who was the one soul of life, the one self-generating, self-sustaining force, manifesting in everything; the self-existent, maker of all else, the Ka of the human soul.
b) Fenka and Ka is to evacuate. Usesh is overflow, evacuation. Word evacuate from c) Kefa-Kauti, Tefi-Kuatu and Rumi-Khiutu
d) Remi, Kefa, Sefa, Khep, Shep and Tefi is the limitless source capable of stretching, expanding, elongating, rising, overflowing drip by drop, filling other cups to their limit so they can do the same.
e) Kauti is work, labour, especially carry and build
f) Fu is ardour, odor, bad smell, impurity (futi); Fua (Fui), life. Fu, Fuf, Puff signifies water, fire, air, gestating, dilating, swelling, bearing. g) Putha (Ptah) is the opener. Opening is at the root of all awakening, expanding, unfolding of the mind. Put (Egyptian) becomes Bud (English), applied to opening in the form of blossoming and flowering. Putha is Buddha whose mind and inner sense have been opened and expanded, until fully Enlightened.

18. Word Adder from Nadredd or Ratter from Retter from Rekker from Kert from Khiurt.
a) Adder is the name of the serpent in Welsh and basically means repetition as retter-tition.
b) Variations: Nuter, Neter, Nadredd, Nedder, Word ladder, matter, the twin total of truth; Letter, Retter, Utter, Uterus, Ikhur (Ik, Ak, AT, Ad, thus Ikhur becomes Ad-Hur is Addur is Adder. The Uterus, the Universe, the Mother are forms of the Adding Machine, in addition to being the Sex Machine, Sewing Machine, Washing Machine and all other machines.
c) Word Cerastes from Ker-AS-Tes or Kar-Ast-Hes or Ker-Hes-Ut or Kher-Hest-US
Ker from Krau is AU is claw, hook, horn, fasten, fastener.
Hest is the mother moon
US is to produce, become large, swelling, create and produce, large, extended
Ut means magic, to inscribe, wish, command, give directions
ITU, a name of the moon
The puff adder, cerastes or horned snake that swells and fuffs (puffs) is self-named as Fuf or Fuff in the first or ideographic stage. It then becomes Fu in the second or syllabic stage, and becomes Letter F in the third and final stage. Letter F still carries the two horns of the hieroglyphic snake.

19. Viper from Haker from Hak
a) Viper is Atum, the first stage of the sun, the elder Horus, the prepubescent
b) Haver from Havel (English) is the slough, the shed skin of a snake.
c) Pra, to be visible, manifest to sight, and Pehti means the glory. Pehti-Pra is the visible glory of the disk worship.

20. Viper from Khefr
a) Kheb (Khep, Khef), Khab, Khap, Khaf, Kab, Kap, Kaf, Heb, Hep, Hef, Ab, Ap, Af) is north, laid low, be low, be extended on the ground, be in a lower position such as crawl, squat, sit, or prostrate
b) Hefur is the lizard
c) Hef is the reptile or insect that crawls stealthily with the heave-motion (Heafe, Hefa, Hefu or Heft). The stealth of snakes reveals word sneak from snake.
d) Hef represents things that slough or shed, as well as heave. This includes the good serpent and good representations of all things considered bad.
e) Supposedly, Pigs are enemies of snakes. When a pig sees a snake, it rushes at it, and the snake runs. Even the hedgehog will attack and devour the viper.
f) Leviathan (Refi-A-Than) one of the mythical monsters is probably the Egyptian Ru or Ref a form of the Apophis serpent, from Refi the typical reptile, viper, snake, worm, scorpion, or dragon. Tan or Than, to cut in two, thus the cutting, destroying Akhekh, serpent of night, armed with piercing blades, which represented the power of the darkness and death to sever the circle of light and life in the bend of the great void.
g) Kar-un is a being of the Kar or hole. Also called Akar, the viper of Typhon
h) Word Vampire might be from Viper-Am, meaning of, from and by the viper. This possibility is strengthened by Akhekh, the dragon being connected to Akhkharn or Akh-kh-Aru (Assyrian) for vampire, in the shape of which the Dead are supposed to rise up and attack the living. This indicates the first form of the vampire is a serpent.
i) Word Vapor seems connected to viper, as the river. Water must be the origin of vapor, thus also word evaporation, which might be U-Viper-Am-Nuti or Um-Viper- akht-iun. For now we will consider word ation as stemming from action from akhtiun, akhtnui, akht-un, akht-nu, akh-tun or other forms of words beginning with ak, akh, akht.

21. Vipe-Ru from Vipe from Vage from Vega
a) Vega (Sanskrit), impulse, passion, shock, haste, force, expulsion. Vega is a later b) form of Fekh (Egyptian), fullness, to roar, split, burst open. Fekh is an earlier form of Pekh and Pekhti at the horizon, the Ru.
c) Passion from Peash-Sen from Pekha-Sen from Fekh-Shen.
Peash, to stretch, extend; Sen, pass, traverse, extend
Pesh and Pes-sh is to stretch, extent. This is Passe (English), extend.
d) Las Vegas is Ras Feka, the elevated middle heaven of passions. What happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas. Even if everyone and everything involved in what happens, stays in Vegas. This is because Vegas is an extension of everything around it and connected to it. This also explains heaven, above, below, between.
e) Word Satisfaction from Satis-Fekh-Sen is the two mothers at the corners of the galactic equator. Satis is Satet is Sekh is Fekh is Pekh. Simply put, satisfaction is a passion for balance of truths.

22. The Constrictor called Boa is from Fui or Fui.
a) Fu signifies dilatation, swelling, bearing, the mother as gestator. Mu is water and the mother. Fu, fuf, or puf, denotes the breath of life, whether represented by the male or female, and the two parents are identical by name with the two elements of breath and water.
Word expand from Akh-Pan-T. This is based on the mother first as watery mes, then mother and son as Mashu. This reveals the saying, out of the oven and into the frying pan. This means, spirit-soul of life in the waters came out of the oven (heaven) and into the fire-pan, the kfr-pan the friu-pan that releases heat and vapor called air, wind, breath. b) Fui or Fa (faf) to bear or carry, with the ideograph of the bearing mother, who Fu’S, or fufs, that is, dilates with new life, just like bread.
c) Fua means life, full, large, dilating life 23. Cobra from Cober
a) Cober is the Egyptian Khepr, the transformer and god of the crossing where the transformation occurred. Variations: Kiprat, Kirjath
b) Kebruti or Keb-Ruti would be the men of the four quarters, not four different races.
c) Bra from Pra, Per, Par and Para, to wrap round, surround, enclose, be round, show, cause to appear, exhibit, reveal, manifest, explain, and is a later form of the word fire
d) RU, the serpent that puffs, blows
e) Rema in Egyptian would mean natives of Egypt. Tula-Kab-Rem-Hut is the Hood people. Rema is Refa is the Rufi-Ruti, word Reptile.

24. Word Snake from Sna-Khe
a) Sna from Sne from Khnef
b) Sna (Scotch) means breath, to breathe, and is a first type of founding and shaping. SNA, then, is shapen breath

25. Word snake from Tnakh from Nakht.

Word Grass

The womb is hand, earth, soil, ground that gives birth to the interlaced woven web of first level plants generically called grass and weeds that form another foundation for life in another form, and so on this continues, foundation of life begetting form(s) of life. This grass goes from completely submerged to marsh wetlands to grasses on dry land. All of these are mirror images of the nui, rui, reeds, kelp and other water plants that are strings, strips and strands of genetic material of the beginning of all things. All plants are grass.
Word grass from:

1. Gras from Grat from Kr-at from Kirfat from Khifrut from Khiurtf
a) Kr from Kher from Khiur, the circle cycle of repetition
b) AT from Ath from Tha from Kha from Khiu from Khiur from Khiurn
AT is womb as universe, heaven, earth, waters, land, build, form, weave, knit, the loom, circle of time
Kat (AT) denotes weaving and knitting. Kat is the loom, the womb, the first weaver and knitter. Khet is to net, weave, a woof.

2. Grausu from Trautu from Tarutu.
a) Tarutu is a band of lace or network, with the determinative of hair.
b) Tu is a tie, ribbon, or band Taru is the hero

3. Grafuti from Krafuti from Ka-Fruti from Kaf-Ruti
a) Kaf-Ruti is the first form of the Ruti.
b) Word Graffiti likely stems from this root with a meaning of numerous, abundant and covering

4. Grasu from Kraut from Karut from Karuti from Kafruti
a) Su, the child, is the water-reed.

5. Grase from Krate from Tekar
a) Tek to cross, twist, twine, join with the fingers (named Tekar), explains this primitive weaving or Teking.

6. Greas from Griuh from Khiur

7. Gras from Krat from Kart

8. Grasta from Karast from Kharast from Khiurst from Khiurkh
a) Karast, the wrapped mummy.

9. Greshe from Krebhe from Khereb from Kherp from Kherf
a) Kherf is a first form, a model figure

10. Grasi from Gra-Shi from Grah-Khi from Khar-Khi
a) Khi is a water plant, a sieve, filter, sifter, separator, cleanser.

Thus the snake in the grass in the S-Neka in the Karast.
The snake is the grass. Thus the multi-levelness of all metaphors is plain to see here. A similar example is the female in the girl. Snake and Grass are two words that fundamentally describe the same thing. We know how grass snakes it way everywhere and how snakes can move and twist like grass. Grass is the descendant of wood and the ancestor of wood. The snake in the grass is the spirit-soul in self, thus in all else.


The snake (serpent, asp, adder, viper, worm (Noke), caterpillar, centipede, grub, maggot) represents the nui genetic material in the womb that become the rui genetic materials outside the womb. Another form is the Eel named Tune or Tuna (Maori and Mangaian). Eel is identical with El and Ar, the son, who made the passage of the underworld as the Af-Sun or Atun.