Say it with me. If I allow my society to define things for me, I can only think and be what the society wants me to be, and convince me, that I am making the choice(s), that I am controlling my own fate, and through some of my actions, think I am an independent decider of the fates of others. Meanwhile, back in reality, the society is taking precedence in doing so because my society has taught me to think how I think and has taught me everything I believe, everything I know.
Fate By The Clock
The word Fate is currently used in the sense of human destiny, predestination, predetermination, something that applies to each human that can't be changed or avoided. Thus human life is thought to be largely or totally controlled by fate, some sort of customized rudder that the panel of gods oversee and continuously adjust. This is partially true; however, it is even more true if we remove the word human from the definition and also the human context.Fate means, and applies to, time. All things stem from, and are based on, time, thus repetition, thus on one thing that follows another, thus on cause and effect, thus transformation, ketu-morphosis, muti-morphosis, metamorphosis, nuti-morphosis, macro-morphosis and micro-morphosis.
Fate based on time, must then, be based on the clock. Word Clock from Krekh from Khrekh from Kherrekh (correct) from Kher-Rekh (core of the rekh).Fate means that all creations and all abilities of creations, have a time limit, plus also a time influence, even before reaching the limit. This time and time influence is based on self and also on all else.
Fate means that if a creation or group of creations do nothing or do something, time is also a factor that always influences.
So now, when we add humans back into the meaning of fate, we should be better able to re-cognize, the only fate that applies to humans is time. The only thing set in stone is time. Not just time to live, time to die, but time for this, that and the other. These times are not exact as to the moment, but they are exact as to the fact that they will occur. For instance, it is human fate for a child to be born without teeth, then at some point in time, to cut teeth, but not on an exact date or moment. Same goes for puberty. Same goes for menopause. Same goes for many human fates that are physiological. These fates vary per individual and for the set of conditions influencing the individual. These sets of conditions consist of the things within the individual and that the individual “controls”, along with the things outside the individual and that the individual does not “control”.
Fate also means culture. Human fate is influenced by human culture. Culture of the family, village, country. Refer to the first paragraph of this message.
This reveals two truths: The only way for humans to control other humans is to,
1. control self, AND/OR
2. interact with those who have outsourced self-control based on rules, human laws, authority, knowledge, superiority or any additional reasons for obeying another human, thus placing your fates, your times, ways, means and methods of being and doing and living, expressing and manifesting, in their hands, to have, hold, mold.
Word fate from mate from mitu from muit from timu from time. Fate has everything to do with time and the two truths that underlie, overlie, overlay and innerlie as an inherent part of each creation's ability to be and do within time.
Time is the greater predictor and controller of all things but must not be relied upon as the sole actor or as an excuse. We must use our time in conjunction with larger time, in alignment with time, which is to say, in alignment with two truths, rather than the partial truths societies program into us to predispose us to accept contradictions based on justifications supplied by the society, the culture.
Although time is set in stone as far as human ability to control time, time is not set in stone for the creator of time.
For Those Whose Base Their Faith & Belief On Proof, Starting With The Self-Evident
Though we currently use the word God as though it only applies to a human-looking god who is male, the word God comes from Khut which also named Sut, the southern polestar; and also named Taht, the moon; and also named Hut, the Sun. These Gods are circles and cycles, thus they are time, thus they represent fate and influence fates. In Egyptian, the word Hut is written with the star as the determinative of time and fate. KH briefly means spirit-soul, motion, four quarters, cross, circle, spark, two, give, take, rule, seven. Ut denotes magic, thus so does the OD in God, thus all stars do magic, thus all time is based on magic, thus so also all fates. This then is the truth component of what a horoscope is, even though the horoscopes as written are highly suspect and unlikely to be accurate due to being mostly informed by the sub-optimal context. Not to be overlooked is the fact that as a child of god, you are a child of magic, time and fate, thus so is everything you do.The second thing not to overlook is that the image of God is more universally like a seven-headed snake than a one-headed human or a trinity-headed human. Fate brings us face to face with truths, over and over again.
The Seven Fates
1. The Egyptian Fates are seven in number who are in attendance at the birth of children (word children is Khart-Ren, the offspring of the circle, the cycle, any being created and any being that creates). The Greeks call these Fates, the Seven Hathors. In the Egyptian Book Of Coming Forth, upon which your religion is based, these Seven Fates appear in the form of seven cows, with the bull, the husband of the seven. Hathor is Het-Heru, the Great Mother as Heaven who creates the child with seven spirit-souls called elemental souls of life. In the metaphor, the child is Heru, the sun, the magnifier in the Solar System. The Sun was, and still is, Nu-Ah's Ark long before any fiction-born human Noah.2. The Seven Fates, in various formulations, manifest throughout the heavens, nature, ecosystems, the environment. These are the prognosticators and foretellers of coming events, thus the foretellers of fate. We can watch humans in order to foretell things, but we are too confused about ourselves. We can use many other things in nature. On larger scales we can use stars such as earths, moons, suns, planets. The Sun can help foretell what the other Fates will do because the Sun has been through this many times before in its revolution, called the Great Year.
3. When you hear, see or use the word fate, substitute the word time, then maat, then two truths, then three truths, then keep going all the way to seven truths. All other uses of word fate in all other cultures is based on these, but only partially so in a misunderstood way.To simplify things, pay attention to the waters, the fires, the winds, the earths, the plants (vegetation, wood), all other animals, blood. These are the greater fates who preside over the life of every child, every primary creation, every secondary creation.
Additional forms of the Mother as Fate
These examples are being shown to help us remember, that fate, like all things today, has come a long way from its origin and earlier meanings.1. The future fate of the soul was dependent on the deeds that were done in the body, thus like word fate itself, fate is two-pronged, has two truths. Fate is dependent on what we do and don't do in conjunction with other humans and all other creations as they do what they were created to do. In other words Fate has a Ti-me component and a Me-Ti component.
2. We have previously shown word fate is from mitu. The Assyrian divinity Mamitu is the goddess of fate, who is the determiner of death. Thus Ma-Mitu and Am-Mitu representing the lower half of the circle that is the place of death. Ma denotes the likeness, and Mat is dead. IT from Sheft from Kheft means to figure forth, picture, image, typify fashion. ITI (Assyrian) means a thing which supports and upholds as did the Mamit in death. The Ma-Mat is the image in death, the mummy. In Egyptian, the word Mamit is literally the dead (Mam) in heaven (IT); The fate of the Mamit is to be transformed into a spiritual body.3. Word Nin-Dara from Fu-Nen-Tera. Nin-Dara is the nocturnal sun, thus like Atum, is the judge of the dead, measurer and decider of fate. This must mean, the one who, after assessing the soul, decides who is reborn and who is not.
4. Another spelling of Fate is Phate, the name of the Lycian Great Mother. Word Phate from Khefa from Khefti. Word Lycia is Rutiu (Nile Valley Rut and Ruti and Ruten).5. Another spelling of Fate is Shai, the god of destiny or fate, the apportioner of the lot. Shai is Shati is Shat is Khet, is Khetu. Shat (Shit) means cut, and all things Khat, Khit, Khet, Khut.
6. Proof is staring you in the face, when you use the phrase, “that was right on time.” You are also saying, fate was right on time. You are also saying, that what happened, happened when it needed to happen. Even though we use this acknowledgment selectively, Fate means that whatever happens, happens when it is supposed to happen.Word supposed, means that something will happen when there is enough logic to support the notion and spark it into motion. Word support is a form of kheper and khepert, thus what happens, happens when there is enough Conspiring Cause to create a chain of transformation that leads to Required Effects. Required is not to be confused with human Desired or human Need. Required means logic that causes, must obey and follow natural law, thus lead to the effects that the logic requires. Many times humans create short-term desired effects and knowingly or not, ignore the required effects that are simultaneously created by the same causes. All this plays into current and future fates, especially for those who have not yet made a jail break from the harmful aspects in the layers of their culture that come together and participate in causes and effects leading them to certain uncertain fates.
Word fate is Word THAT is reckoning time based on the moon. Remember, word THAT is also word Khut.
7. Word fate can also be formed from other words. For now, it is enough to understand word fate from Ketu or Khetu, the goddess of retters, thus everything. Also from Kitu (Swahili), a tangible thing [tangible to touch, tangible to imagine, tangible to conceive, tangible to believe, tangible to have faith in, tangible to understand, tangible to know].
Thus an earlier form of word fate is Khiu. Khiu-Tu takes us back to the Khuti and the seven truths called seven fates called elemental souls of life, the eighth being inherent as the composite. Word fate can be obtained from cause and becauses of our decisions.
Closing Thoughts
Everything condenses back into spirit-soul that expands into truths, beings, circles, cycles, times, elements, and all other names of all creations and the names of their actions, motions, behaviors. Word fate is based on give and take. Both words lead to word fate.
We have been building our understanding of fate from the middle up, and now we approach fate from the middle down.
1. Many creations can shorten or delay certain cycles based on the surrounding conditions. Earth, Moon and Sun can make adjustment as to how, when and how long they manifest their abilities. And so can many ancestors awaiting resurrection who form a large portion of those engaged in spiritual warfare in high places, low places and middle kingdoms.
2. If creations can make adjustments, then how much more so can the Creator of All?
The Supreme Creator is the X factor who is beyond time, without limit and knows not impossible.
3. Before the sun was used to recognize, reckon-wise, reckon-kitu and reckon-fate as time, the Moon was the symbol. Before that it was the Pole Star. Before that it was the Great Hippopotamus. Before that it was Gestation of the human female. Before that it was her menstruation.
4. Because we are not using enough indicators of time to reckon fate by, we are distracted by using time as mere dates. Humans are currently in the stage of regression, as the rest of the natural world is in the stage of progression because the Sun and the entire Solar System is awakening. Thus Makheru foundational gaps widen as the kep gap, and health gap of wheel wealth, closes in from all six sides, leaving less room for the crooks to extend their lies into nooks and crannies. The once asleep miuk, come to level up and claim their inheritance, Earth, along with its souls, only one of which is the inherit the wind (ruach, spirit, breath, air, word, word reach).