Word Negative from:
1. Neka-Khem, the first power, but the second motion in a cycle. The power of stopping, staying the puts.2. Neka-Kefa. Kefa means force, puissance, potency.
3. Neka-Nuti4. Neka-Teka
5. Neka-Tumu. Tum was the negative, sterile under, hindward sun. Hence Tum signifies no, not, without, negative, completion, termination.6. Na-Tua-Time. Nu is water, not, negative, negation, the English No. Nu is word new and renew, thus newness and renewal starts in the negative stage, negative state, the beginning of a cycle after the end of a cycle. Nu can be used as N as a prefix or suffix.
7. Nakht-Tepu. Light is Akut or Akhu. Tepu means the first and also to breathe or blow.Word Positive from:
1. Puissance-Khem, the second power, but the first motion in a cycle. The power of starting, leaving (ream, ruim, the mouth or outlet to the sea)2. Puissance-Kefa. Neka is a type-word for power and puissance.
3. Khauti-Mati4. Feka-Muti
5. Peka-Teka is the click that fires as the first motion in a circle cycle6. Peka-Tumu
7. Koka-Teka. Koka, to set on fire with sparks.8. Pauti-Tipau. Puti or Pauti is the circle of heaven divided into two halves, upper and lower, north and south.
9. Puti-Tui-TimeWord Nickname from:
Currently we view the Nickname as the other name, the additional name, the optional name, the unofficial non-legal name. However, Nick is from Nukh, Nekh and Nakh. These, in the form of Unk, Unkh, Enkh, Enk, Ankh and Ank, also express the I as the chief one. I is the royal personal pronoun in the highest form, and means one and many, individual and collective. This Nekh Name is the foundational name, the group name, the family name, the totem name, the surname. Thus the Nukh Name is the first name. This Nekh Name is much broader than human surnames. The Nukh Name is the name shared by all creations. Then this Nakh Name becomes subdivided thousands of times based on various groupings of creations that share one or more recognizable characteristics in their bodies and/or behaviors. This Nakh Name, though first, later became the second name, the last name. Most likely, humans spoke the Nukh Name first, then the individual name. Today, surnames are spoken last, but the bigger problem is that these surnames foster permanent division and all related miseducation problems. Many nicknames today are used to mock and degrade. This is connected with the mocking and denigration of the Nukh Name because this Nekh Name is based on the virgin mother as the All One who is the Creator Alone without need of the father until she herself created him in order to diversify self beyond two mothers and three sisters. This next step was the maleness that is the positive to match the already existing negative. Prior to this, the double negative existed to create the positive, then the triple negative restored the negative. Thus we think a double negative is incorrect; however it has always been kherrekh and kherrekhkher and still manifesting in many creations.Now, besides the names your parents gave you, you have many other names such as human, animal, country name, team name, school name, gender, age group and many other names that have been partially summarized as optimal identifiers of self and suboptimal identifiers of self. Which of any of these is your nickname?
Andy why do you treat these nicknames as they they are more important that your legal name, which you most certainly do not understand the meanings?
The Nukh Name as I, is the royal name. Word Royal is Rukhar is Rukha and Khar-Ru is Khiur. Thus your Nukh Name is your circle name that summarizes the totality of who you are as a complete being. Knowing who you are tells you where you came from. This then informs why you are here.
Word loyal from royal. Loyal means respect for the birthplace, the mother, the chid, the circle, the cycle. Word legal from loyal.
In previous messages we've remembered everything is everything, thus, as a partial review, humans are both animals and plants. Although we are programmed to say plants and animals and consider them different and not the same, we oughta be able to self-correct when we are reminded that humans cannot have a family tree and be part of the Tree of Life, and not also be a plant.
1. Word Plant from Palent from word Parent from Pa-Ren-T from Pa-Rennut
a) Pa is the producer.
b) Renn or Ren is the spring, mother, nurse, to nurse, nursling, child, offspring. Renn as a verb is to name, call by name, rear up, tie, encircle, enclose
c) T is the participial or feminine terminal
d) Rennut or Ren-T, the Serpent goddess, represents the gestator, harvest, growth, renewal, the named, the namer. The Parent is the begetter, namer and bringer up. Thus we can see how more than two people can be the parent of the same child. This agrees with, it takes a village to raise a child. Before this village applied to a village of humans, it applies to a village of people (many forms of creations).
Word Serpent from Ser-Parent or S-Parent. Thus both mother and child are formed from genetic material of woven strands and strings that are long and flexible like snakes. The serpent-ring was the first shape of the Ren, the cartouche that enclosed the royal name and formed the membrane of the circle.
Ren as the child, reveals word Children from Khiurt-Ren and Khart-Ren.
Renn as Lenn is the Nurse's Lenn, thus word Nursling.
e) Pu is earlier than Pa, thus word Plunt from Pulent from Purent from Pu-Rent-T.
Pu-Ren the Parent, becomes Renpu, to grow, renew, be young, with the shoot for determinative. Renpu represents the mother and the child but has been reserved for the child, once the child emerges. Prior to that, the Pu-Ren is the Ren-Pu.
Pa-Ren as the father becomes Renpa, the child of the father or child of the second stage. Pu-Ren, Pa-Ren, Renpu and Renpa are equal, but are ways to distinguish different stages of the same thing or when the second stage was recognized and then named.
Pu means it is, to be, divide, belly, womb, birthplace, north void, hole of the tomb, spirits, seven.
Pu from Pû from Puff from Fuff to Fu
Puff adder, cerastes or horned snake, remains the symbol for the letter F, the syllabic Fu and ideographic fuff or puff-adder.
Fui or Fa (faf), to bear or carry, with the ideograph of the bearing mother, who fufs, dilates with new life.
3. Second, the Pu-Ren as mother becomes Renpu as male child, Renpu means renewal, reproduction, continuity, the young shoot, plant, or branch.
4. Third, the Renn as elder child, the first stage, becomes the Renpu via word puberty (Pu-Per-Ti), the second stage, second cycle, word pubescence (Pu-Pes-Senti). This is shown by each stage of becoming, such as when the seed becomes the shoot becomes the leaf becomes the branch becomes the fruit becomes the seed. In the science of the solar mythology, the sun falling in the west and into the north is the Renn (Ren-T, Runt) that becomes the Renpu when rising in the east and into the south. Word shoot from shut from khut is the basis for word God. Thus what is being renewed and repeated is, spirit-soul as the plant and that which is planted in and as all creations. This expresses the word fluent. Word fluent from fruent from furent. Furent leads to word purent, word pliunt, word pliant, word khriunt. The word friend is the more solid sinewy squishy strands of mess that is companion to the liquid waters and to the muddy soft-serve mes. This reinforces the truth that you must be a friend to self before being a friend to all else. Plus you must be fluent in the foundation of something, in order to be truly fluent, otherwise the fluency is premature, immature, prepubescent, not fully formed to the extent of potential.5. The Pu-Ren that duplicates and moves into another stage is called Renpu in Egyptian, Pren in Welsh, word Branch in English and word Prince in English.
6. Due to the yearly renewal of plants, these plants were used as symbols of time and to keep track of time. Horus, as the sun of god, is but one form of the plant that represents all forms of renewal. Before the sun was used to reckon by, the Moon was the the chief symbol. Before that it was the Pole Star. Before that it was the Great Hippopotamus. Before that it was Gestation of the human female. Before that it was her menstruation. These last two, we can now reckon by Mother Earth.