If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Fecal Matter Everywhere: In Our Minds, Food & Soil
Unity Consciousness #1636


(Part 9rj of 11)

We are eating earth, water, sun, air.
We think fecal matter (feces, poop, shit, crap, doo doo) is only solid waste from humans.
More accurately, fecal matter is that which is discarded eliminated from an organism as no longer in a form directly usable for itself. Thus, urine is fecal matter and so is carbon dioxide and anything else that comes out of us or off of us. This includes everything we shed, trim or cut.
We need to relax and re-grasp the fuller definitions of the words we use.

Fecal matter is everywhere such as all the gases and other particles in the air.
We know fecal matter is in water. What happens to all the goings on taking place in the ocean? It stays in the water.
We finally come back to earth so we can recognize every bit of earth we step on is made of fecal matter, the comings, goings, leavings, and decomposition of many types of creatures large, small, microscopic. All that lovely grass we like to lay on when we go the park, all that sand at the beach, all of it has fecal matter in it.
As stated elsewhere, we gladly put the fecal matter of many types of animals on our gardens. We also add other types of fecal matter such as bloodmeal, bonemeal, eggshells and all sorts of things.
We don't realize what was in the soil that grew our food or what was sprayed in the air or what all those human hands touched or all those farm machines spewing gas and oil and all the bird droppings, and all that goes on at the manufacturing and production facilities and in transport from here to there or that comes in contact with those boxes or what happens when the food gets to the store and stored and moved back and forth and many human shoppers touching stuff. Do we think it all just sits on the outside of those fruits and vegetables?
We do all this just to get food from the earth to our mouths. What other creature goes through all this?

The natural world works because it does things continuously little by little to complete cycles and start new ones.
Humans think that just because we send some of our fecal matter into a sewage system, that it never makes it back to the earth, water or air. It does, all of it. But it happens in such an enormously non-efficient toxic way. Where does your sewage treatment plant empty itself? Who knows?

The first search result I ran into was Massachusetts who say they put it back into the water , after making it safe to do so, and turn the solid part into fertilizer. http://www.mwra.state.ma.us/03sewer/html/sewhow.htm
Well what do you know, we go through enormous expense to do what all other creatures are already doing with their fecal matter. Outhouses were a more eco-sensible way than current day methods.

In some places people still go out behind a bush, dig a small hole and let it go. They do this in a different spot each time.
These are the ones who are going to survive the changeover of the Ages while those of us in cities and “civilized places” are going to die off in huge numbers, because we are the larger problem.

There has never been a problem with fecal matter from other animals or from human animals until modern day humans came along with our supposedly civilized ways that break the ecosystem chain in umpteen places. This broken logic behavior is predetermined by how we live, which is mostly too many people too close together. And too many people who do not consciously participate with the ecosystem for their basic needs, at least for liquid and solid nutrition. As a result, many of our behaviors are counterproductive to the ecosystem, thus counterproductive to health, thus conducive to being fodder for cancers.

Based on our current context, we have fecal matter logic in our brains, thus shit for brains.

By The Way, I'm sure Massachusetts is a proxy for what most sewage plants are doing. Notice how they try to calm our frantic minds by how they describe the process. The disillusion surfaces many times but I point out one area: they say they put the fertilizer in the forest. I say, the forest don't need no fertilizer.
Secondly, we pay for fecal matter to be taken away, then we pay more in taxes for these sewage facilities, then we pay for fertilizer. All this after we've already paid and continue to pay.