If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, July 1, 2019

Someone's Gonna Price Cost Comparison Hop
Unity Consciousness #1632


(Part 9rf of 11)

Someone's Gonna Price Cost Comparison Hop

by Sadalsuud & Alderamin through Usekhu

You got to pay those tithes, those taxes, those dues
And you know you gotta play by community rules
You can make any kind of living
No matter the current fad
As long as you're willing
To do the required killing
To pay that got-to price
Because nothing can be had
Without costing sacrifice
Someone's gonna wonder is that good or bad
Someone's gonna stumble then choose the other path

Someone pays premiums to keep policies in force
Someone pays to ensure life in force
Always something to lose and gain
For better or worse
We make the exchange
But when choice logic is reversed
Tears spill filled with joy
Laughter is based on how logic now works
Someone's gonna reckon and abandon precious logic
Someone's gonna move away in relation to the ship

Get receipts to keep track
Of how this and that interact
Things purchased separately still arrive in variety pack
Whatever it is it takes, requires payback
There's always a co in decide decisions
Ignoring either one interferes with precision
For one to live, the lives of many continuously give
Pay cost and price with their lives
Plus all penalties and interest accrued
All day long this is going on
As part of everything we do
So anything you think you do by your own strength
Requires the resources of others, past, future, present
How can I have gain and benefit
Unless something else changes to deficit
So all those prices we pay as a percent in different ways
Is the reverse of the different ways resources are confiscated or lent
For the intent of life and existence
You got to pay tribute to contribute and feel worthwhile
Labor with a smile through the turnstyle, by and large
While someone rapes your money because they're in charge
Someone's gonna price compare what's meant by fair
Choose between virtue and vice, change how they fare
Someone's gonna recheck where something comes from
Become aware as more base pairs change direction
And nunsense replaces nonsense