If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Hell Is Named After Jesus & Mother Mary
Unity Consciousness #1649


(Part 9ru of 11)

Jesus is the Sun of God. God is the Universe that gave birth to the Sun.
The Sun God is Helios or abbreviated as Heli or Hel, thus Hell.
Or Heli is spelled Hiel. Hiel can be pronounced Hell and then spelled that way.
(See also AE1, BB 61,488 for Kar, Shade, Hades, Hell or search this weblog.)

The neter-kar is the abyss of the lake of fire that we all must enter. Out of this pool of fiery truth, some souls rise purified. Some do not and sink deeper into the lake, through the wormhole and into the lower abyss. This is Hell.

Hell is also an abbreviation of Hellen, the abyss as mother and nurse.
Thus we have hill as high and hell as low. Same word at root. See above.

Hades is Amenta, the underworld. The lowest part of Hades is Hell, the lowest of the low reserved for the lowest of the low.
Hades is a good place, a rebirthplace for souls. Our souls were born in Hades in the waters of Nun, which is why we return to Hades to be born again. Being baptized or christened is a symbolic ritual of coming out of the waters of Nun, which are the waters of womb, which are the mother's waters that break and the child comes forth. This takes place in Hades.

Heaven Above Is The Same As Heaven Below

We humans are simply living in a split-screen perception that heaven above is different from heaven below. If we insist there is a difference, then we must also acknowledge that Heaven Above is more similar to Heaven Below, than Heaven Above is to Earth.
Why is this so?
One way this is true is because we can live in Heaven Above and in Heaven Below in the same form, but we can't live in either in the form we are in on Earth.

Following the lead of Amen-Ma, the Sun must go to Hell and go through Hellfire in order to be resurrected. And so must every spirit-soul.