If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, July 1, 2019

Remembering How True Believers Think & Feel
Unity Consciousness #1631


(Part 9re of 11)

True believers pull out the trump card of “belief” whenever they need quick sedative relief to protect their logic from the painful art of conversation (self-exploration), which takes time, and space for slowing down.
True-believers then, are those who don't want to listen to themselves think or speak, unless in agreement. If not, we of the true believer society don't want to hear it from the other part of ourselves that keeps saying, “Now you know something ain't right with that logic. Can we just sit down and talk about this for as long as it takes? You can sleep but I can't. Please, just give me ten minutes at least.”
Out of our side holster we whip out the trump card against self check-up health. The trump card that says, “I'm gonna keep on believing, you believe what you want to.”
(That never makes for good conversation, because the unvoiced subtext of that logic is: “I'm smart enough to know what to believe, and if it wasn't right, I would have figured it out a long time ago or never believed it in the first place. What makes you think you're smarter than me? Worry about yourself. Mind your own business.”)
So instead of healthy self-conversations, as part of continuous verification of logic, true believers can't even have a stimulating discussion unless you stick to the Giri So and tiptoe around anything that requires reflection which might require correction of logic.
So true believers merely internalize the outside focus of others who have done the same.

This then leads to the syndromes of “Simon Says” be blind and “Mother May I” be deaf ?
“Yes child yes you may! You can have it your way and everything will be okay. You have permission to just believe, strongly, deeply, in your heart, and from that feeling-based definition of knowing, understanding you need will come forth.”

True believers are the ones who can't tell you the last time they've studied anything in anyway out side of their bibles and other school books in order to understand something else in relation to what they believe. This includes studying past and present experiences. This includes hands on study through doing something different.

What true-believers can and will tell you is that they don't need to do anything other than what they're doing. You do you and I do me. Howboutthat?

“We can be friends, consciousness says to subconsciousness, just don't question my belief. Either take me as I am and love me unconditionally or not at all.” (This is the kind of self-talk logic that allows the drunk to drive anyway. This is the kind of logic that repeatedly ends in car and other types of crashes when no one speaks up because they don't want to be a backseat or copilot driver who questions the actions of the captain of the ship, whose actions matter to lives. So we delay or never question the belief of a driver who thinks they can handle it, even when sober, handle driving too fast for conditions or too close. This is true even when we are affected by lives that crash and burn, that didn't have to if they had listened to themselves in order to learn and turn.)
Belief is that serious and that dangerous when belief is the first and final step.
We, the people, want help from within from intuition and from friends who will listen and be a sounding board and for epiphanies to come to us, but not regarding our beliefs. We want nice sounding advice when we ask for it, but when someone doesn't speak up, and something less than desirable happens, then we say, why didn't you say something, why didn't you tell me?

I know the feeling of being a true believer.
That sincere private personal free will prerogative feeling lasts and lingers until you get tired of something knocking you off your feet because you were balanced on belief in something that just ain't true.

The secure feeling of true-believing lasts until you get “sick of” being “sick from,” logic proudly owned. Logic bought into that must keep being paid for, to own.

True belief turns out to be a bundle of disconnected nerves that gets its main euphoric sure-of-myself feeling from hearing each nerve in the group chime in and say, I believe this, I believe it too, Me too, You know I do...
This is where the feeling comes from, and the thinking and the behavior.