If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Monday, August 31, 2020

Neutrons, Neutron Stars & Atoms
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2227


( 9anr of 11)

We are reminded that when we connect to fundamental truths, we can apply that truth to many metaphors, no matter how seemingly unrelated. And this is why metaphors are inserted in messages that might seem out of place though they speak to the same fundamental truth. Also there are always branching connections that can be made to bring more fullness to our understandings and to help further open our awareness.

Neutron Star Katherine Coleman Goble Johnson continues to inspire through the movie Hidden Figures. She did one of the things she was put forth to do and called forth to do. In the movie, her supervisor says, “What I am asking you and everyone to do is to look beyond the numbers, look around them, through them, for answers to questions we don’t even know to ask, math that doesn’t yet exist.” After her genius nibbles away at the conceptual view of this supervisor, he wonders if maybe they've been thinking about things all wrong – maybe it’s not new math at all.
Ms. Katherine responds, “It could be old math. Something that looks like the problem numerically and not theoretically. Math is always dependable.” Her face lights up “Eulers’ Method.” “But that’s ancient!” doubt shouts one of her co-workers. “But it works.” She says.
When asked how she knew something that had been hidden (redacted), she states she “ looked beyond the numbers” and “held it up to the light.”

I also propose we look beyond the numbers and enormous amount of hypothetical models, theories, calculations and constants taken as truth and other restraints misleading understandings of the fundamental forces of nature. We must first again look at the solution theoremetically (truthfully) and not numerically, Truth is always dependable, plus it's as ancient as the Ancient of Days & Ways.

In recent times the neutron was derived by hypothetically taking a hydrogen nucleus containing a positive electron (proton) and combining it with the ordinary negative electron.

Origin Of The Neutron

The neutron is self-created. This is because the Neutron is the Parent Seed, the Supreme Particle that contains the potential for all forms of two truths such as parent-child, female-male, negative-positive, left-right, potential-kinetic, off-on and no-yes.
The neutron is a re-presentation of the Creator-Destroyer, Ra, God or spirit-soul, by any name.

Neutron comes from neter-un. Neter is the Supreme Divinity. Un means One, Zero, Circle, Open, Two. (UC#890)
Thus the neutron represents the supreme divinity as two within one who are in balance, harmony.

Preexistence is a resting passive potential state of Creation. Motion is negated, turned off.
Existence is a working active kinetic state of Creation. Motion is positive, turned on.

Another name for proton is positron, which combines portion of the word neutron as its surname.
Likewise another name for electron, which already includes part of word neutron, is negatron which becomes Megatron then Metatron, the metaform, megaform and metaphor.
Nega is a form of Naga and Nga. Posi is a form of Visu as in Visual. Latin visus "a sight, a looking; power of sight; things seen, appearance," In the Universe of Existence-Preexistence, the positive and basic visual ability dominate at the basic level of awareness. Thus this becomes the starting point of the journey to remember knowledge of self in totality. We seek proof positive, that which is seen with physical eyes; but we must also incorporate proof negative of that which is seen with other eyes.

1. The One universe, who is neutral as one, drew a dividing line within, a meridian from the center to the top and bottom. This created twins in one circle who were separated at birth, split apart but remained connected as two dimensions of one extension. In each of these circles, another dividing line was drawn, this time from the center to the left and right, creating an equator. The circles did not split apart. There is still two circles but now each circle has two halves. Each circle is a neutron that is -½ and +1/2 = 0.
Thus not only are the two circles representative of double zero, their charges add up to 0 and 0. To phrase this an alternative way, this is when the eclectic as one without and many within becomes the electric as two without and two within.

2. These two universes exist within one universe. They exist simultaneously and are merged. One is superimposed on the other. They exist side by side in the same dimension. These two universes of preexistence and existence exist in the same manner as land and water. Preexistence is the water. This means a great deal of Existence is Preexistence and a great deal of Preexistence is Existence. In other words, one of the universes represents Preexistence. This neutron is oriented negative above and positive below. The other universe represents Existence. This neutron is oriented positive above and negative below. We must be sure to understand that the Existence we are in right now consists mostly of Preexistence, just as there is more water than land and just as waters predominate space.

3. So what we have is two neutron universes: a negative 0 and a positive 0.
The positive zero becomes known as 1 (Existence, positive revealed, proton, on motion on genetics, yes)

The negative zero remains 0 (Preexistence, negative revealed, electron, off motion, off khenetics, no)

4. This is the basis of universal binary code and why in the numerical form of binary code, 0 is off and 1 is on.

5. Now, the neutron of Existence separates internally into electron and proton. This forms the Hydrogen atom and is why the basic primary Hydrogen atom has no neutron in the nucleus. Hydrogen is an unpacked form of the neutron of Existence.

6. The neutron of Existence, though called 1 universally, is still 0 in terms of Existence. Hydrogen is 1. Thus, in the universe of Existence...
(a) the neutron is element zero with atomic number of zero
(b) the atom is element one with atomic number of one
(c) helium is element two with atomic number of two.
(d) once again we have the basis of binary code in chemical elemental form.

7. The neutron and the first atom are the same double stem cell differently structured. Helium is their completion. Helium is the stable counterpoint balancer to the properties of neutrons and Hydrogen atoms.

8. We go back and add more familiar familial names.
(a) Nnun is negative, electron, female parent out front revealed.
(b) Ptah is positive, proton, male parent out front revealed.
(c) Atum is neutral, atom, elder twin child out front revealed.
(d) Nnun and Ptah form the neutron which is a seed, a nucleus. When this neutron begins the process of reproduction cell division, one of the stages is to divide into electron and proton. This creates the atom, an intermediate stage or a prepubescent stage. The mature pubescent stage after growth and development is the element Helium. Thus Hydrogen and Helium are twins, two truths.
(e) In Helium, the younger twin, the potential of Hydrogen is hidden. In Hydrogen, the potential of Helium is hidden.

(f) Helium's prepubescence and puberty follow the same process as all other pairs of two truths. Prepubescence is guided by the birth parent and pubescence is guided by the other parent. Thus Helium is the result of the two neutrons of Preexistence-Existence. These two neutrons combined with the two atoms of Hydrogen Protium as H2. There is no evidence to explain why Protium is an isotope or why Protium's nucleus is different from the primary Hydrogen atom.

(g) Neutron, Hydrogen and Helium are the elemental trinity (0, 1, 2).

(h) We can now understand why, when atoms decay, they break back down into alpha particles which consist of two protons and two neutrons which is what the basic Helium atom contains. It is likely the energy of the electrons quickly dissipate or run off looking for a new atomic home to settle into.
Beta particles result from neutron decay. It seems like these should be called alpha particles and the alpha particles should be called beta particles.

Closing Sequence

The neutron is a hidden figure hidden in plain sight. Neutrons, as a genetic material creation that exists outside of atoms, are still very active in this universe called Existence, but which is actually Existence-Preexistence.

We briefly mention that Zero, 0 and O represent the repeater, that which duplicates.

Bottom Line: A neutron is a nucleus. Thus inside an atom, a neutron is a nucleus within a nucleus. In our many mentions of nucleus we could go further to reinforce the memory that everything is a nucleus of two truths, spirit-soul.

For the Initiate, it is worthwhile to remember that everything is a star. The Supreme Being is a Star, a Superstar. Neutrons do not just exist in the small atoms of the periodic table. Suns and stars are atoms and some of them consist solely of neutrons. Neutrons only is what the double zero, double universe was and is. Thus we can finally conclude that the Universe is also a star. All this then is why all creations, including us humans can be stars and are stars, even neutron stars in the core of our being.

The neutron is an electron and a proton. Thus a neutron is the combination of energy and matter.

Per Fnal.gov, a neutron is not made of a proton, electron and an antineutrino. These particles are only its decay products. A neutron is made of 3 quarks, one up quark, and 2 down quarks and many many "intermediate particles" called gluons which carry the interaction between the quarks. This is contrary to what EPA.gov says.

I say that the neutron is composed out of the particles in the waters of Nnun, including the elemental souls of life and their many elemental elementary offspring numbering at least 70 to 72. These preceded the particles we speak of today and are the building blocks for the particles of quantum studies. If a neutron decays (breaks down) into a proton and neutron, then it is still correct in a simplified summary form to say that a neutron consists of an electron and a proton. However, because a neutron contains a membrane and waters, there is more to the story of what matter and energy are formed when a neutron is decomposed.

Because a neutron is representative of the totality of the Universe and the Supreme Being, then it is correct to say the neutron consists of everything in the waters of Nnun in condensed form or at least contains the seed of all potential in the universal waters. A neutron contains the DNA of the Universe, all the bits, bytes, waves and particles of God. Remember, neutron is a form of neter, neither, neuter, neutral. Therefore the neutron is the fundamental force of fundamental forces – the ability to self-create and self-destroy.

Is is worthwhile to remember that when we speak of Preexistence, we are actually speaking of Preexistence-Existence where Preexistence is revealed out front as the dominant manifestation and Existence is still there with Preexistence, except Existence is more hidden, in the background as the inferior manifestation, thus it is manifesting more internally than externally. This is how it is with all two truths. As another example, the truths of love-hate. When we say we love, we are simultaneously admitting that we also hate. It's just that most of the time that hate is hidden and unspoken but it is very much alive internally. It must be there in order for us to love openly.
Along this same line we are reminded that what the racist collectives manifest is what they openly love and openly hate. No amount of gibber-jabber change of heart words should cause us to doubt these self-evident truths. Regardless of how the media is portraying the progress of Black Lives Matter and the progress of shutting down sports for a few days. This is a war, not a negotiation, conversation or reconciliation. There is no energy put toward bringing the words into material existence, something that could take place as rapidly as Covid-1984 transformations of societies worldwide. The two truths are faithful in explaining the truth of the matter and the truth of the energy. They move the same way as spirit-soul, in the truth of their intentions. Thus a surface process that doesn't quickly and simultaneously dismantle the institutions of racism, speaks to superficial intentions.

Secondly, continued Maafa Racism does not cancel the symbolism and significance of the Bucks of Milwaukee, and thirdly, to a lesser degree, the influence of Starbucks during this twilight zone transition period.
We now revisit the trinity. The Neutron is primarily oriented towards Preexistence. Hydrogen is the transition state between Preexistence and Existence. This is why Atum the Atom is the word that creates the creation called Existence. This is also why Atom the Hydrogen Atom is unstable and highly reactive and must be doubled into a molecule to become stable. Helium is primarily oriented towards Existence.

Like all things in existence, water on Earth is based on Preexistence and Existence. The Hydrogen Atom is preexistence slanted which is why it takes two Hydrogen atoms to form water.
To say this another way, H2 is equal to slightly less than ½ Helium, perhaps 3/8 or 5/16. Oxygen is equal to 4 times Helium. The water we call water is a form of the waters of preexistence.

Mathematically speaking:
0 x 0 is 0............................Neutron
0 x 1 is 0............................Neutron
1 x 1 is 1............................Hydrogen (H1)
1 x 2 is 2............................Hydrogen (H2)
2 x 2 is 4............................Helium
2 x 3 is 6............................Carbon
2 x 2 x 2 is 8......................Oxygen (the triple of the double that forms most of water and one-fifth of the air we breathe)
The next number in the progression is 16. Perhaps this is why Oxygen 16 is the most abundant form of Oxygen.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Ordinary & Dark Matter & Energy Suboptimally
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2226


( 9anq of 11)

This message discusses ordinary matter, ordinary energy, black matter and black energy as paraphrased and explained through the suboptimal context. Thus much of the logic spewed forth is defective, but not always 100% faulty. Current academia have confirmation biased themselves to death strokes of ingenius. [Text containing significant amounts of my comments are in brackets] Another discussion from the optimal content will come later on down the road.

Ordinary Matter

1. Also called ordinary atomic matter, baryonic matter, normal matter.

2. Everything we can see or detect with telescopes or microscopes per nasa. [Thus what is ordinary is based on what these humans can see or detect]

3. Per NASA, everything we can see is really only 3 percent of the entire universe.

4. Researchers from University of California claim they found all of the missing ‘normal’ matter in the vast empty space between galaxies.
[The matter was said to be “lurking” as if it was hiding. They continue to ignore their contradictions by confidently saying the space between galaxies is sparse and only contains a very small amount of atoms. Thus they are saying that even though all of the missing ordinary matter was found between galaxies and stars, that space is still relatively empty. They ignore the fact that they thought that same space was totally empty. Then dem dry bones folks say there must be dark matter and dark energy in outer space, which evidently must not be the same place as sparse space or empty space.]

5. [Standard thinking among European academics and governments is that they know how to measure the big bang; therefore they claim to know how much matter there was in the beginning of the universe. If you swallow that, you will also believe these same folks know what color underwear God wore on big bang day.]

Per the University of California, the researchers were able to directly detect the missing matter using the phenomenon of fast radio bursts—brief flashes of energy that appear to come from random directions in the sky and last for just milliseconds. Scientists don’t know what causes them, but say it must involve incredible energy.

Dark Matter

1. Per Energy.gov, the term dark matter was coined in 1933 by Fritz Zwicky of the California Institute of Technology to describe the unseen matter that must dominate one feature of the universe—the Coma Galaxy Cluster. The galaxies in the Coma Cluster were moving too quickly for as much mass as there appeared to be. Dark matter was a potential explanation.[this suggests velocity or speed are dependent on mass]

Per National Institute of Health, dark matter is known to exist because of its gravitational effects—stars in the outer reaches of galaxies seem to be moving faster than they should, given the visible material present, as if they were being tugged by some huge unseen mass.
Per NAP, cluster galaxies move at high speeds, and the mass necessary to hold them together in the cluster far exceeds that contained in all the stars that make up the galaxies. Light emitted by distant galaxies that passes by a cluster is bent by the gravitational effect of the cluster dark matter, as predicted by Einstein’s theory.

2. Per NASA, dark matter can't be seen, but we know it is present in the halos of galaxies and in vast galaxy clusters [contradicts paragraph below that says galaxies are composed of ordinary matter] because of its gravitational effect on ordinary matter. All particles of matter are attracted to each other through the force of gravity.
Per Energy.gov, Dark matter only interacts with ordinary matter through gravity. [why would two forms of matter only interact via gravity especially when those two forms are the main two forms? Gravity is a bitch of a glitch in current-day thinking. We try to fix the glitch by forcing logic to fit the gravity schematic as if the theory of gravity is accurate, despite numerous problems with getting gravity to fit with other fundamental forces.]

3. Per Nasa, dark matter seems to be the "glue" holding galaxies together with all their ordinary matter. [contradicts paragraph above that says dark matter is present in vast galaxy clusters].

4. Per Nasa, the mass of ordinary matter alone is not enough to hold “glue” galaxies together. Galaxies would fly apart if not for the extra, dark mass. Per the National Academies Press (NAP), dark matter holds the universe together.
The nature of dark matter is a mystery. The leading candidates for dark matter are new particles whose existence is predicted by theories that attempt to unify the forces and particles of nature. Showing that one (or several) of these particles compose the dark matter not only would answer a key question in cosmology but also would shed new light on the fundamental forces and particles of nature. [these are goals of this miniseries]
One final source weighs in on what holds galaxies together. Per The Atlantic, Dark matter accounts for a host of observations: the tight cohesion of galaxies and packs of galaxies.

5. Per the California Institute of Technology, dark matter is weakly interacting uncharged elementary particles produced in the early universe. [the elementary particles portion is correct]
Dark matter exists in extended halos around individual galaxies or in a sea through which cluster galaxies move. Dark-matter particles must not interact with ordinary matter very much, if at all; otherwise, dark matter would by now have dissipated energy and relaxed to the more concentrated structures where only baryons are found.

6. Per NAP, computer simulations of the evolution of cold dark matter predict more substructure within galactic halos than is seen and a higher concentration of dark matter at the centers of galaxies and clusters than is measured. [the substructure and concentration are moves in the right direction]

Dark matter neither emits nor absorbs light.
7. Per NAP, clues to the nature of dark matter will come from astronomical observations as well as from study of the evolution of structure in the universe. [study of evolution is useful]

Ordinary Energy

Per Nasa, photons, like matter, are attracted by gravity. [This implies light from the Sun is attracted to Earth and/or falls to Earth because light is more dense than everything it passes through to reach Earth and more dense than water and more dense than human skin.]

Dark Energy

1. Per Nasa, dark energy refers to the force that is accelerating the expansion of the universe. [Let's recap. Because objects are moving faster than expected, we are told there must be dark matter' Secondly, because the universe is expanding unexpectedly, that must be due to dark energy. Now for the second two parts of what we are being told. First when mass is moving due to an unknown force, that force causing motion must be matter. Secondly when matter is expanding on a universal scale, that growth must be due to energy. What say you about how much sense that makes?]

2. Gravity pulls things together, and this familiar force should act to slow down the expansion of the universe[why should gravity as an attractive force slow down expansion?]. Yet the universe continues to fly wide open faster and faster. No one knows why [yet this does not stop them from saying they know it's dark energy].

3. Per Nasa, the dark energy causing the expansion of the universe is exerting a repulsive gravitational force, as opposed to the normal attractive force of gravity.

Repulsive gravity is also called an "anti-gravity" force and called quintessence or a cosmological constant.

4. Per NAP, dark energy by its very nature is extremely diffuse [spread out], and its effect can be felt only on the largest scales, where it influences the expansion of the universe and the growth of structure within it. [to limit dark energy to the macro is a clue that there's something very wrong with logic associated with dark energy. Is there not macro and micro energy? Is there not macro and micro spirit? Is there is or is there ain't macro and micro matter?]

Widely Differing Estimates Of The Amount Of Ordinary & Dark Matter & Energy In The Universe

1% to 5% visible ordinary matter. NAP states there is no evidence that the amount of ordinary matter today is different from day one of the universe. [Yet these same people say the universe is expanding, thus this must be due to dark matter, dark energy. Thus they expect the dark components of the universe to be responsible for the universe expanding even though they don't know much about those components. Meanwhile on the other hand, they do not suspect ordinary matter to be responsible for the universe expanding, despite claiming to know much about ordinary matter. Secondly to say ordinary matter has not changed is to suggest everything that is today was created in the one instant of big bang.]

[A last note on an expanding universe. If matter and energy are neither created nor destroyed, then how does a universe expand?]

4.6% atoms.
24% to 99%, 5x ordinary matter - dark matter.
65% to 71.6% dark energy.
1% to 5% is visible matter.
4% of the mass and energy in the universe is ordinary matter, the rest is in an unknown form per NAP. [This is contradicted in the same document that says ordinary matter exists in a significant amount. They then state a truth that “we are lacking a deep enough understanding of the laws of physics underlying our universe.”]

See also, Per University of Texas,

Per Cern

Per National Radio Astronomy Observatory

In the midst of thousands, getting paid to study matter and energy, there still seems to be willful ignorance and selective amnesia of statements such as matter is neither created nor destroyed and that matter is energy in a different form.
Per NAP, occasionally a science reaches a precipice—a juncture where all paths seem to lead to confusion. These crises often precede major conceptual breakthroughs. By any measure, cosmologists and physicists now find themselves in such a (wonderful) quandary. Their picture of the universe now requires a strange kind of dark energy with negative pressure, along with dark matter that is made of something other than the baryons that make up the stars and us.

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Alternate Universes & Alternative Fundamental Forces
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2225


( 9anp of 11)

How rare is it that a synonym of a word is spelled almost the same?
Alternate and alternative are the same words.
Alternate is used as a noun, verb and adjective.
Alternative is used as a noun and adjective.

In the universal sense of these words, alternatives are equal, but each alternative defers to the other forms of self by transforming into these other forms and alternating among them in order to remain in motion and continue gaining understandings. The understandings boil down to the proper-improper uses of power. This fulfills the need incentive of maintaining continuous cycles of self, thus everlasting life.

An alternative is a different way of presenting and/or looking at the same thing and doing so by alternating among the alternatives.

The Epitome Of Alternate Universe

Preexistence might be perceived to always be the first truth while Existence is perceived as the second truth. However, Existence is also the first truth and Preexistence the second truth.
If the Supreme Being is self-created, then was there a preexistence or only existence?
This is the epitome of splitting hairs. If there is a difference, it is so small, it appears significant only in stagnation and short durations and disappears in continuous motion as cycles of preexistence and existence increase.

Preexistence and Existence are alternative alternate universes that are two wholes of duality and two halves of one whole.

The “alternative” is the alter-native, the altered native, the ulterior motive.

Alternate and alternative break down into al, el, ter, na, ti, ve (me, be) have all been discussed and are forms of two truths, the divided connected circle, the Supreme Being, Spirit-soul, metaphors, mirror images.
When we look at the individual components again, one of the words we easily see is “eternal”.

I can see clearly now the rain has come and is being blown in my face.

In addition to the fundamental forces suggested in UC#2219, Container Theorem Of The Universe, we suggest additional fundamental forces.

In the previous message about the cytoskeleton, we learned about “actin” and now realize this word is one letter away from the word “action,. Since action is motion and motion is a dominant universal default of Existence, then actin as the most abundant protein makes sense.

The protein Actin helps the cytoskeleton contract.

From the alternative perspective of Existence, genetic material expanding from the rest state of Preexistence is the default action. Thus then there must be an abundant set of genetic material that helps moderate the natural tendency of Existence to expand. This is what Actin does. We call it contrACTINg or contraction.

Additional Fundamental Forces.

Even though I suspect the default action of Existence is expansion, there still must be separate expanding logic able to function on the same scale as contracting logic, such as Actin.
Thus there must be an accessory protein responsible for expansion of cytoskeleton microfilaments.
As a result of everything understood thus far, we must consider the following as fundamental forces.

1. Expansion-contraction can be automatically facilitated through the diffusion-disporportion of fluids into and out of containers. Contraction is the first truth in preexistence, while expansion is the first truth of existence. This is why, even in cells, the contracting protein actin is most abundant in order to help offset the natural and rapid expansion of genetic material in an Existence universe.

2. Negative charge-positive charge (attraction-repulsion) allows for large-scale automatic involuntary motion just as does diffusion-disproportion. In a micro sense, positive-negative has become one of the main forces driving the Covid-1984 narrative.

3. Duality creates (alternatives, alternates, two truths) thus forms the basis for continuous automatic cycles of all other forces and all other truths and everything else that exists or preexists.

Duality was earlier stated in terms of spirit-soul, the guiding consciousness that divided self from One into Two, thus creating the basis for alternatives, motion and energy in the realm of Existence.

Duality can be called binary code. Binary code is the code of conduct and covenant of agreement between two halves of self that agree to endlessly transform into each other and remain consciously aware of being tied (united) in the four inseparable aspects of self (spirit-soul, mind, emotion, physical). (See “covenant”)

4. Spirit-soul. It is preferable to always list spirit-soul as a fundamental force because it is the most forgotten, even though it is the most fundamental as a way to describe the primary creative force of the universe. The exclusion of spirit-soul is one of the main reasons that understandings of today are woefully deficient.

5. Potential-kinetic. This is the same as inaction-action. This helps us see clearly that5.
inaction is potential energy that can be transformed into action to bring things into and out of Existence.

6. For those who have been with us the entire time of this miniseries, we can see how both the electromagnetic force and the strong force -weak force pairing follow the two truth pattern; however gravity does not. This is fundamentally why gravity as a fundamental force is difficult to reconcile with other forces.

By the time we get to the end of this widening-narrowing winding-unwinding road, we expect to consolidate and group many versions of fundamental forces we are recovering from impaired memory.

7. We are reminded that one or more of the fundamental forces might be a three to four truth combination.

Finally Refocusing On Alternate Universes

We've already shown that an alternate universe exists because it is based on alternate alternatives at every level of Universes. By extension of creation and applying the fundamental keys, we also recognize there are also alternative worlds (Earths) just as there are alternative moons, suns, planets, comets, asteroid belts, meteor fields, solar systems, galaxies and so on.

All of these things must be so true if in the beginning there was the word and the word became everything else, unless there is an alternate explanation as to why an abundance of alternatives are not the result of Alternate Universes.

Cytoskeleton Definition & Summary
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2224


( 9ano of 11)

The cytoskeleton is a complex three dimensional network of protein fibers of different thickness in the cytoplasm of cells. The cytoskeleton forms a framework for cell stability, organization and movement of organelles and raw materials across the cytoskeleton's crissrcross highway extraordinaire. Most organelles are attached to the cytoskeleton by cytoskeleton fibers. The cytoskeleton also plays a role in cell division.

The cytoskeleton was thought to be unique to eukaryotic cells, but researchers think prokaryotic cells may also have structures that resemble a cytoskeleton. I say, since prokaryotic cells carry out many of the same functions as eurkaryotes, then we must lean towards there being a cytoskeleton unless it is already known that cellular functions of prokaryotes are carried out by other means. Is it reasonable to think that supposedly less evolved cells can do the same or more functions with less structure?

Cytoskeleton Fibers Come In Three Flavors

1. Microfilaments are fine, thread-like protein fibers mainly composed of a contractile protein called actin, which is the most abundant cellular protein. Microfilament association with the protein myosin is responsible for muscle contraction. I suspect there are other proteins that counteract actin and myosin, thus are responsible for expansion/extension.

2. Microtubules act as a scaffold to determine cell shape, and provide a set of "tracks" for cell organelles and vesicles to travel on. Microtubules also form the spindle fibers for separating chromosomes during cell division.

Microtubules are hollow pipes and are assembled in such a way that they have a polarity (one end is positive and the other is negative). This gives the overall microtubule, a flow of current thus the ability to guide movement in a certain direction.

Microtubules are a mobile pipeline that is rapidly assembled and broken down many times within a short span of time, while intermediate filaments are more stable.

3. Intermediate filaments provide tensile strength for the cell. Intermediate filaments are rope-like fibers made of a variety of proteins. The rope-like structure [woven, braided, twisted] of intermediate filaments gives them great strength and their main function is to provide mechanical strength to cells to help cells resist being damaged or pulled apart during stretching and changing shape.

Intermediate filaments form a network in the cytoplasm, surrounding the nucleus and radiating out to the plasma membrane of the cell. Intermediate filaments are also found in the nucleus, where they form the meshwork called the nuclear lamina underlying the inner membrane of the nuclear envelope.

Intermediate filaments also connect cells, thus these filaments run through the interstitial fluid.

The cytoskeleton is much less rigid and permanent than its name implies. It is a dynamic structure that is continually reorganized as cells move and change shape.

To make the inner cytoskeletons even stronger, cells and their cytoskeletons are connected to the extracellular region which weaves and sews them together to form tissues and organs.

The cytoskeleton pulls things together, pulls things apart and holds things together, thus must also help push things apart. It's structural behavior mimics the interstitium's constant shapeshifting. I wonder if the cytoskeleton also contains fluid -filled compartments?

Sunday, August 23, 2020

Intro To Different Types Of Plasma
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2223


( 9ann of 11)

This is a quick look into plasma in general and specifically as one newest forms of matter remembered and called the fourth state of matter after solid, liquid and gas.

In General

1. In animals with blood, plasma is a yellow form of extracellular fluid but it is found within blood vessels but outside of red blood cells, white blood cells and platelet cells. Blood plasma is partially solid and partially liquid which gives it a sticky viscous consistency.

2. Cell membranes are also called plasma membranes. Plasma membranes are not made of plasma but instead are made of solids and liquids. Plasma membranes surround the cytoplasm and protoplasm. This is why cell membranes are also called plasma membranes.

3. Cytoplasm is all contents inside a cell, thus it contains liquids, solids and gas, thus cytoplasm is thicker than water. Cytoplasm does not contain plasma. The nucleus is not considered part of the cytoplasm for the weak reason that the nucleus contains its own type of fluid-called the nucleoplasm. The nucleus is not considered part of cytoplasm even though the nucleus is in the cytoplasm and other containers in the cytoplasm are considered part of cytoplasm and some of those containers also contain fluid such as mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulums, Golgi apparatuses, lysosomes (animals only) and vacuoles (plants only).

4. Protoplasm is the same as cytoplasm, except the plant nucleus is said to be part of protoplasm. Protoplasm does not contain plasma.

5. Bottom line: Is there a fundamental difference between plasm and plasma? I suspect not. Plasma has many forms, thus plasma and plasm are the same.

Defining Plasma As An Ionized Gas – The Fourth State Of Matter

There is solid, liquid, gas and ionized gas (plasma). An ion is an atom or molecule with a charge.

Plasma is created when a gas encounters enough energy to free electrons from atoms and allow the electrons to not reconnect to other atoms. Freely moving electrons can transport electric current and create magnetic fields, thus plasma is a conductor of electricity. The magnetic fields cause the moving plasma particles to travel in certain directions and in corkscrew-like spiraling paths.
Magnetic confinement keeps plasmas away from container walls because charged particles (electrons and ions) tend to follow magnetic field lines [power lines]. Plasma is bound to magnetic fields.

Where Is This Plasma?

Planets, such as Earth, are one of the few places that aren’t mostly plasma. This statement could be true since all celestial bodies are stars in different stages. Earth and other terrestrial planets are stars whose atoms are in a lower energy state, thus atoms are more stable.

Even though it is said that plasma makes up 99.9% of the Universe, it is also said that dark matter makes up 85% of the matter in the Universe. Thus we must conclude that all dark matter is plasma. This must be investigated because I have encountered many conflicting statements regarding percentages of dark matter, dark energy, plasma and ordinary matter.

See also Plasmas actually make up nearly 99 percent of the matter in the Universe.

Plasma exists on Earth in the extreme upper layers of Earth's atmosphere and in the magnetosphere that surrounds the atmosphere. The magnetosphere is full of plasma of many different temperatures and densities. Most of it can't be seen, even with telescopes.

The magnetosphere provides a barrier between Earth and particles continually given off in solar wind. There is also no reason to think that anything can pass through outer space without being affected by outer space. One example is when shorter wavelengths of sunlight, ranging from the ultraviolet to X-rays, ionize the Earth's upper atmosphere. Thus different wavelengths of sunlight represent different energy levels that are being used in processes along the path of sunlight which makes sunlight thankfully lose energy before it reaches Earth's surface.

The plasma environment around the Earth is a natural extension of Earth's atmosphere, ionized by the Sun.
Since conditions in space constantly vary and regions never have exact boundaries, the extent of the plasmasphere depends on conditions in outer space. High levels of activity in space erode the plasmasphere while low levels of activity allows the plasmasphere to build up again. The plasmasphere is the inner magnetosphere above the ionosphere It is a cold plasma region.

Transformations Of Matter

Solids - At low temperatures, relatively speaking, atoms bond tightly to form solids with a fixed shape and volume.
Liquid - At temperatures higher than those that allow solids to form, bonds between atoms are loosened which brings them into a liquid state with a fixed volume but not a fixed shape
Gas - At even higher temperatures, the bonds between atoms loosen further, turning substances into a gas with neither a fixed volume nor shape.
Ionized Gas (Plasma) - Extremely high temperatures cause electrons to detach from the nucleus and remain detached from any nucleus; this is the plasma state with no fixed volume or shape.

Plasma drifts and flows freely. If enclosed, plasma expands to fill the container. We can expect plasma to expand even more when the Solar System is in a warming trend moving from Galactic Winter to Galactic Spring. Thus then this portion of the universe is expanding due to temperature increases that cause particles to move more and create more pressure; however due to the inability of a heated boundary to maintain the same level of resistance, the next container expands.

Types Of Ionized Gas Plasma

Plasma seems to be about energy creation, energy conductivity and serve as a stage of atom breakdown and reformulation on a large scale as part of the particle cycle.

There are different types of plasmas based on temperature, degree of ionization, and density.

Hot & Cold Plasma - A plasma is sometimes referred to as being “hot” if it is nearly fully ionized, or “cold” if only a small fraction of the gas molecules are ionized. However, do not be misled by these terms. Even in cold plasma the electron temperature is still typically several thousand centigrades.

It turns out that a very low degree of ionization (cold plasma) is sufficient for a gas to exhibit electromagnetic properties and behave as a plasma. A gas can achieve an electrical conductivity of about half its potential at just 0.1% ionization. At 1% ionization conductivity nearly matches a fully ionized gas. Thus we must conclude that when a gas goes from 1% ionization to 100% ionization, there must be other significant benefits in doing so.

Transitions between degrees of ionization are often not continuous. When the input energy to the plasma increases gradually, the degree of ionization jumps suddenly from a fraction of 1 percent to full ionization. This indicates that all gas in a certain area will become ionized at the same time once the threshold temperature is reached. This indicates compartmentality exists somewhere that segregates gases and that energy input can occur to specific portions only.

Under certain conditions, the border between a fully ionized and a weakly ionized plasma is very sharp. This suggests there are simultaneous coexisting layers of plasma. Thus most layers of plasma are hybrids of ionized gas (plasma) and non-ionized gas (gas).

Solar wind from the sun is an example of a fully ionized plasma. Earth's ionosphere is an example of a partially ionized plasma (weakly ionized gas) whose degree of ionization is less than 1 percent. Even at this low level of ionization, partially ionized gases still exhibit most of the characteristics of fully ionized gases.

Cold plasma plays a dual role. It helps create an environment which allows for efficient conversion of energy and matter, and it provides a resonant plasmon particle to collect the energy of the converted dark matter.

Grainy Plasma - A comet and planetary rings are examples of grainy plasma that contains tiny particles suspended or levitated in the ionized gas. This might speak to how some objects are floated in space and how pyramids were constructed.

Colloidial Plasmas - may “condense” under certain conditions into liquid and crystalline states, while retaining their essential plasma properties. This “plasma condensation” therefore leads to new states of matter: “liquid plasma” and “crystal plasma.”

Active Plasma Regions - are small but carry field-aligned currents which give them filamentary or sheet structure. They transmit energy from one region to another and produce electric double layers which accelerate particles to high energies. Active plasma regions also transfer energy and produce sharp borders between different regions of passive plasmas. They are of decisive importance to the overall behavior of plasmas in space.

Passive Plasma Regions - may transmit different kinds of plasma waves and flow of high energy particles. There may be transient currents perpendicular to the magnetic field changing the state of motion of the plasma but not necessarily associated with strong electric fields and currents parallel to the magnetic field. Passive plasma regions fill most of space. This might be because their functions seem to include serving as a conduit, reservoir, coolant and motion moderator.

Basic Difference Between Interstitial & Interstitium Fluids
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2222


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The interstitial area of cellular organisms is the area between cells. It is filled with fluid. This interstitial area is also called intercellular and extracellular (1). There are also interstitial cells; however this seems to be an unnecessary and confusing designation because interstitial refers to the space between cells and not the cells themselves.

The outermost portion of the interstitial area is called the interstitium. The interstitium is divided into many fluid-filled spaces whereas the interstitial is not. Per researchgate.net, the interstitium's fluid-filled spaces are supported by a reticular pattern (lattice, mesh, net, grid, web, matrix) of thick collagen fiber bundles forming dark curvilinear bands. (06.03.21 update after composing UC#2466 on mental health: I suspect the interstitium serves as a breakwater buffer and tension pressure regulator. This then means intracellular homeostasis uses the interstitial and it's interstitium as a release valve zone and a quick access ready and willing resupply zone.)

Collagen fibers are very strong, comparable to iron or steel but are very tiny and are of variable width and length.

I imagine the interstitium as a wavy-shaped grid that more than likely changes its reticulating shape depending on the amount of fluid in each compartment and in the surrounding cells and remainder of the interstitial area. I further imagine the interstitium to be similar to an irregular-shaped ever-changing honeycomb-like pattern.

As part of connective tissue, the interstitium serves as support to hold things together and provide an earlier buffer and shock absorber to dampen energies before they reach the rest of the interstitial and deeper cells. Not only are collagen fibers strong, but the interstitium is made significantly stronger when the fibers are arrayed in a reticular pattern.

The collagen bundles in the interstitial space are lined on only one side by cells, implying that the opposite side of the interstitium network is in direct contact with interstitial fluid. This means the interstitium serves as the boundary wall for the interstitial container which is composed of layers like many other containers.

As we are seeking understandings, we are listening, asking questions and making logical use of metaphor per the fundamental keys. We search our memory banks and quickly remember that the interstitial, its fluids, solids, gases and interstitium boundary are likely metaphors for black energy and black matter (outer space) as a fluid type of connective tissue between the moving parts of the universe.

(1) In animals containing blood, plasma is a yellow form of extracellular fluid but it is found within blood vessels but outside of red blood cells white blood cells and platelet cells. Plasma is also called intravascular fluid.

Transcellular fluid is neither intracellular nor extracellular. It located under the last layer of cellular membranes which are made of epithelial cells. Thus all cells have an outer layer of skin and an inner layer of skin.

Lymph fluid is a collection of excess fluid from intracellular spaces, transcellular spaces and extracellular spaces. Lymph travels in lymph vessels called capillaries, tubes and ducts that are the same or similar to blood vessels except these vessels transport lymph fluid only.

Interstitial fluid in plants is often called apoplastic fluid which also contains solids and air.

Structure and Distribution of an Unrecognized Interstitium in Human Tissues

Saturday, August 22, 2020

What Is A Vacuum & Air | Definitions & Redefinitions
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2221


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For a great many of us, the problem is not an inability to learn in a “formal” setting, but being imprisoned in a miseducation process that is very good at teaching what teachers don't understand, but are good at regurgitating.
For the rest of us, the problem is even worse because we are able to excel at memorizing confused information so we can take our place among the normal mentally ill.

I will continue to repeat that I have yet to find an academic topic that is explained across the board without contradicting other truths.

In trying to get a quick understanding of what a vacuum is, a simple question I thought, and after conducting several searches and checking several sources in article and video format, I am left thinking, “good grief, what another bumblefuck!”

1. A vacuum is a place where there is less pressure than at the surface of Earth. This suggests various degrees of vacuum exists as elevation on Earth increases. This definition seems suspect.

2. A vacuum is a place with less pressure than atmospheric pressure anywhere on Earth. This then must be referring to outer space. It also suggests the Moon is a vacuum. This is suspect.

3. A vacuum is a place with no air. Air is defined in terms of the composition of the atmosphere on Earth. This is suspect.

4. A vacuum is negative air pressure. Air pressure is also called atmospheric pressure, barometric pressure. It is the weight of the atmospheres pressing down on land, water and all contents above land and water. Thus then, a place with negative air pressure would pull or push objects up from Earth, and in the upper atmosphere, provide a lift assist to rockets and spaceships.

5. Per etymologyonline.com, a vacuum means the "emptiness of space," "an empty space, vacant place, a void," "empty, unoccupied, devoid of." About 270 years ago, a vacuum was defined as "a space emptied of air."

The notion of space as a vacuum had been discussed among Europeans as early as the 6th century B.C.E. by Parmenides and Melissus who said a vacuum is impossible. Aristotle agreed. For a while it was widely said that "nature abhors a vacuum." This abhorrence changed to affection and many believed outer space is indeed a vacuum.

6. Per the University of Illinois, the parts of space that are far away from planets, stars, etc. are NEARLY a vacuum. The concentration of particles [density] in those regions is very tiny compared to [relative to] the concentration in Earth's atmosphere.

7. Per the University of Dortmund in Germany, there does not exist a totally empty space in nature. There is no "ideal vacuum" [total emptiness]. A vacuum is a partially empty space, where some of the air and other gases have been removed from a gas containing volume In other words, vacuum means any volume containing less gas particles, atoms and molecules (a lower particle density and gas pressure), than there are in the surrounding outside atmosphere. Accordingly, vacuum is the gaseous environment at pressures below atmosphere. This reference defines a vacuum as partial emptiness and total emptiness.

Since the times of Demokritos (460-370 B.C.E.) and Leukippos (5th century B.C.E.), the concept of vacuum and an absolutely empty space were being discussed.

In the 17th century C.E., Otto von Guericke said planets orbit at a constant rate, thus he concluded there is a frictionless vacuum in space. Aristotle had earlier spoken against such a notion, but this was still believed for 2,000 years.

This reference, like others, claims the space around stars (interstellar space) is ALMOST total emptiness and on the other hand claims space is emptiness. Furthermore, despite claims of space being an empty vacuum, this reference also states there are superstrong fields of electromagnetic radiation everywhere. This then goes against the notion of an empty vacuum. This reference concedes that even if an empty volume [container] could be constructed that was totally shielded against radiation from outside and cooled to absolute zero temperature to reduce radiation from its walls, there would still be radiation emitted from the particles of the walls which are never totally at rest.

8. Per Pascal, atmospheric pressure varies with elevation, thus he deduced that a vacuum exists above the atmosphere. This deduction was likely due to the steady decline of air pressure at higher elevations; however, Pascal did not account for the container effect of Earth, Solar System, Galaxy and Universe, each of which have their own adequate pressures.

9. Per Wikipedia, a vacuum is a place devoid of matter.

10. Per Britannica.com, a vacuum is space in which there is no matter or in which the pressure is so low that any particles in the space do not affect any processes being carried on there.

This message was initiated when I came across this notion through Albert Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity which states the speed of light within a vacuum is constant.
This notion is being questioned by some scientists who are exploring the possibility that the speed of light changes due to conditions within the vacuum of outer space.
The speed of light varies according to the type of matter light is passing through. In general we can say the speed of light is slower in all forms of matter outside of outer space. One of the uses of the speed of light is measuring the strength of the electromagnetic force which affects molecular bonds and the density of nuclear matter.

Instellar Space In Outer Space

Per Nasa.gov interstellar space begins where the sun’s constant flow of solar wind particles and magnetic field stop creating the heliosphere. The last portion of the heliosphere is called the heliopause. Both the solar wind blows and magnetic field flows constantly into space at high velocity.

The notion of interstellar space as something different from outer space in general or interpalnetary space are false and unnecessary demarcations.

Composition Of Air

According to University of Dortmund, [Earth's] atmospheric air is a mixture of gases with over 99% nitrogen and oxygen. The rest gas of high and ultrahigh vacuum consists mainly of hydrogen, the lightest gas. Hydrogen is highly reactive and easily passes into and through many forms of matter.

The atmosphere of any container contains air breathable by organisms naturally born in that container.

Air is a form of the waters of Nun because it is an elemental soul of life (soul of life in breath, wind or air) is aka Shu (Kepheus). Thus air is not an original fundamental property of Earth. Thus what air is or what atmosphere is should not be defined in terms of Earth.
Air, anywhere in the universe, can have different compositions. An atmosphere can contain one or more formulations of air. We know this because some organisms breathe carbon-dioxide while others use sulfate, nitrate, sulfur, and fumarate for respiration.

Lastly I am reminding myself that neither atmosphere or atom-sphere are limited to the form of air or gas and is not limited to the physical.

Bottom Lines

1. If space is a vacuum, then space is a container.
2. If space is a container then it is pressurized.
3. If space is pressurized, then it obviously has lower relative pressure than Earth's air pressure. Of course there is less air pressure in outer space; however this does not mean there is less overall pressure from other sources.

4. Clearly outer space does not have the same air formulation as Earth. Earth has atmosphere; space has atom-sphere. Earth's atmosphere is a denser formulation of the hydrogen-based atom-sphere of outer space. Hydrogen is the one atom that becomes many atoms. Hydrogen is the lightest atom and gas that becomes heavier atoms and gases.

Thus to suggest space is a vacuum because it does not contain the air compounds of Earth is something that should be reconsidered. What kind of limited universe would it be if everything functioned the same as on Earth and the same as human understandings?

5. Furthermore, just as we are unable to always perceive the presence of air on Earth and air is “see through,” appearing to not be there, then this can also be the case in outer space that an outer space formulation of air exists, but is not perceivable by humans of current persuasions.

6. It appears the current day use of a vacuum is two-fold. (a) As an assertion of the legitimacy of whiteness as it upholds Einstein's law of special relativity as the best tool to quantify macro measurements in space. (b) Remove atmosphere to reduce chemical reactions thus provide stability and a more pristine environment for certain types of controlled experimentation.

7. It has long been said among the Europeans that there is no sound in space because sound requires air. Can you imagine all the processes, reactions, explosions and activity in space but yet none of it makes a sound? This is the vacuum of thinking we are trying to escape. Once again, humans have limited sound to the type we can hear even though we know there are many sounds on Earth we cannot hear without some sort of human-made machine. We also know sound can travel in a gas, liquid, solid or any compressible material. Space is compressible and expandable. We also know that in the beginning was the Word and the Word was Light. We also know Atum climbed out of Nun to the top of the moundtain of Ptah and cried out. No sound in space just flies in the face of a Big Bang as if Creation is just one massive silent movie. Hell, we can even hear shit in the inner space of our dreams, but yet think there is no sound in outer space unless verifiable by humans like the Giri-So riddle of a tree falling in a forest. This is a fundamental flaw of logic we must stop using.
Oh yeah, there is no “air” underwater, yet ocean animals are able to communicate using sound waves. See the 2019 article titled “Physicists have found a way to 'hear' dark matter”.
See also NASA's statement regarding the presence of sound waves in outer space: Denser regions in the primordial fog of the early universe attracted more matter. This ebb and flow protons created the vibrations, or sound waves, that rippled through the fog. The density or thickness of that fog, as you might imagine, determines how easily sound waves travel.

8. Outer space continuously interacts with all of its containers. This is too open of a system and too full of a container to be a vacuum. Outer space is the home of the waters of Nun, black energy-black matter, black holes, lots of other stuff and an enormous symphony of activity. Current understandings of space as a vacuum only exists relative to the atmospheric pressure on Earth, thus it is likely there are other celestial bodies, and perhaps places within Earth, that meet this criteria. Air does not exist only on Earth. Most human thinking does exist in a vacuum where there is a lack of fresh air. How else do we explain the survivability of ridiculous notions when it is the job of millions of people to study this stuff every day. Kepheus is a breath of fresh air and Aquaria is a fresh drink of waters. Ashe Adonai-Tzva'ot. Heka Hiao.

9. Number 7 above in the first section provides the basis for the best definition of a vacuum. A vacuum is any closed container with a lower particle density and air pressure, than the atmosphere surrounding the container.

Thus then, within organisms and other types of containers throughout the universe, temporary vacuums do exist based on differences in pressure caused by energy and matter concentration imbalances. This pressure is mitigated by diffusion and aggravated by disproportion.

10. So now we come back around to say that is likely that outer space does contain vacuum areas (sections, containers) of varying durations caused by various pressure differences due to concentration differences of energy and matter between outer space and the other containers within it and larger containers of outer space.

Thursday, August 20, 2020

Fundamental Keys To Universal Understanding
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2220


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This is a newly compiled short list of fundamental keys to help unlock understandings about anything.
As long as lies are still being sold and bought, truths will be offered for free but delivery, installation and activation require effort on our part.
Only through reliance on the current-day version of belief can someone think the fundamental forces of nature and other scientific laws and principles are new discoveries in the human realm attributable to Europeans. This kind of conceptual starting point will automatically skew you every which way you turn. In order to get plumb straightened out and re-twisted on the level, we must use fundamental keys put forth long ago.

This list should be referred to often as we seek understandings about anything.

1. Have faith in the ability of the Higher Power to teach the truth especially to those who seek the truth.

2. "Free and critical minds can emerge only by a return to the source-the primary sources. A free and critical mind takes nothing for granted and is not intimidated by "authorities" who frequently may be more confused than the general public. Free and critical minds seek truth without chauvinism or shame." - Dr. Asa G. Hilliard III

3. Reacquire a more encompassing spirit-based definition of science.

4. Remain aware that one thing always means at least one more thing. For instance, heads means there is a tails. Tails need not be expressly stated. Amen means Amenet is hidden. Female means male exists. And so on for everything.

5. Nile Valley Mythology contains scientific principles in story format.

6. Optimal theory is a healthier worldview.

7. Levels of awareness

8. There are multiple ways of knowing something that do not depend on another human in this life, teaching you. In other words, you do not need to go to formal human schools and be certified by them in order to understand things a little or a lot. This, of course, has been proven for hundreds of thousands of years.

9. One becomes many becomes one.

10. One becomes Many while remaining One.

11. Spirit-soul is the primary metaphor.

12. Two truth symmetry (duality). Retrain your mind to stop thinking of things as one or the other, but rather think of them as both.

13. “As above, so below, as without, so within”

14. “Know yourself and know all else (extended self).” Understandings about self affect understandings about everything else. And the other way around. Thus then a false sense of who you are, where you came from and why you are here will lead to false understandings about many other things.

15. Four inseparable aspects of self. This key is mainly to remind us of two things: (a) spirit is an inseparable aspect of self and an inseparable aspect of all else; (b) each aspect of self affects the other three.

16. Food is medicine. Thus then, what heals, nurtures; and what sickens, poisons.

17. Everything is free, but not free of responsibility.

18. It takes a universal village to raise a universal child. Word is a universal child, so is truth, so are you, so are all creations.

19. Everything is everything

20. If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. (Neely Fuller)

21. If you do not understand the context, utamawazo, asili and definitions being used, everything else you think you understand will confuse you.

22. If you do not have a fundamental definition of a word, then everything else you think you know about that word, will confuse you.

23. Multiple perspectives must be considered when reviewing information and seeking understandings. Multiple perspectives are built into most of the fundamental keys above. Most of the fundamental keys are based on two or more truths (duality+). Nothing can be understood from a single perspective or from one side only. The more perspectives considered from different aspects of creation helps us approach more complete understandings, thus universal understandings, thus kherrekhness.

Perspective is also known as, and/or shaped by, orientation, context, utamawazo, worldview, reckoning, position, standpoint, vantage point, point of view, viewpoint, relativity, metaphor, outlook, philosophy, the other side, someone else's shoes, walk a mile in someone else's shoes, shoe on the other foot, definition, meanings, fundamental keys and many more words that help shape how we look at things, thus how we understand them.

Open-mindedness does not mean considering perspectives from multiple humans unless those humans are using sufficiently different sets of information to provide different insights. In other words, different perspectives do not exist just because they are coming from different people. The people might not be sufficiently different in their thinking and behavior. This is clearly proven when humans form collectives and adhere to incorrect thinking and behavior.

24. Stop using understandings of humans and Earth as the basis for what is possible or impossible in the universe. Instead there must always be a non-human basis and a basis outside of Earth to help us double-check ourselves.

25. It does not matter whether logic is belief, disbelief, truth, lie or just information. The process remains the same. Question, investigate, compare, contrast, repeat until understandings are reached and knowledge is achieved. Then use that knowledge for the next round of investigating belief, disbelief, truth, lie and information.

26. The Ancients of African Deep Thought told us to believe. The reason they told us to BELIEVE the truth can be found and BELIEVE (have faith) in the Higher Power's ability to teach the truth is because the Ancients knew things they once did not know and that was not first taught to them by another human. Thus they used this knowledge of how they came into the knowledge of kherrehkness as the basis for the next belief in something they wanted to understand. Somewhere in this world there has always been those who follow the processes associated with changing-exchanging belief for knowledge and changing-exchanging knowledge into additional beliefs, disbeliefs, truths, lies and information. This then is not the same as how we lazily and shortchangedly use belief today, by using belief as the entire process.

27. Those who are interested will seek the truth. Those who are invested will find the truth.

28. Follow the Initiate's path listening lays forth and one question and understanding will lead to the next in the process of becoming Adept and totally kherrekh.

Container Theorem Of The Universe
Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2219


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In the process of revisiting the four fundamental forces of nature as a starting point of another branch of the call-response process, we are led by echoes over many rivers and through many woods all the way back to an earlier point in life and existence in order to seek understandings of what forces were likely taking place during the early formation of creation. This is the nature of the journey known as an African Safari in the Spiritsphere. Portions of this approach will continue to be repeated to hopefully redirect our programmed tendency to try to understand the universal from mainly the suboptimal context of our most recent educational nurturing. In other words, to even reach a notion such as a Container Theorem requires many retracted steps and rememberings because such a notion is not to be found united and universalized in human school systems..

As we seek the vantage point, we are going back and fetching understandings using different angles of light so we can break away from the exact same fragmented standard rhetoric and thought processes regarding the fundamental forces of nature and related shot-in-the-dark theories and definitions recently put forth during the descending moments of the outgoing Ages and dawning of the incoming Ages. Recent ideas have been bought by us in lands of the lost as sold by Antoine Lavoisier, Albert Einstein, Isaac Newton, Julius Robert Mayer, Max Planck and others, especially esteem-seeking academics of the 20th and 21st centuries who further obscure obscure understandings by naming things after people rather than by what the understanding is or does. For example, under such an ill-formed context, this message would be suboptimally named something like the Usekhu Theorem Of Universal Compartmentalization.

Here continues a more inclusive but much simpler approach to trying to unify consciousness of what is fundamentally taking place in terms of fundamental forces. As we focus on certain aspects to understand how they fit into the whole, more connections will be made, thus before this miniseries on fundamental forces is all said and done, we will most likely have to go back several times to update portions of various messages.

1. It is incontrovertible that the Universe is a container.
So are the waters. So are the elemental souls of life. So is an organism. So are a womb, a tomb and a cocoon. So is a placenta. So is the Galaxy. So are star constellations. So is the Solar System. So are celestial bodies. So is Earth, Water, Air-Atmosphere, Fire-Heat-Light. So is a hemisphere So is the human body. So are cells. So is a nucleus. So is rNA and drNA. So is an element. So is an atom. So are subatomic particles. So is a seed and an egg. So is water. So are mitochondria. So are mountains. So are trees. So is a rock, a house, a shed, a body, an ark and so on are there many other types of containers that could be listed.

2. There are also other types of containers such as time, logic, beliefs, philosophies, awareness, skin, buildings, culture, temperature and so on.

3. A container is something that contains something.

4. There is no such thing as an empty container but there is such a thing as a container empty of one thing and simultaneously full of another thing.

In other words, back and forth spirit-soul transformations cause cycles of change-exchange of what we call energy and matter.
The Supreme Being stimulates self through thoughts of desire which climax to fertilize and activate additional creative processes. Thus thoughts-behaviors produce spark, motion and charge which are the potential energy of spirit-soul desire that fuels all other forms of change-exchange in the universe.

5. Containers exist in multiple shapes, forms, sizes and durations of nested containers.

6. Each container and its contents are multi-faceted, capable of many shapes, forms, functions, colors, frequencies and other characteristics.

7. Each container and its contents are interrelated and interconnected, no matter how many degrees of separation.

8. Containers are necessary to keep contents separated from contents in other containers until one or more conditions are met that allow contents of separate containers to mix, merge, separate and pass through.

9. Not only do containers keep contents inside the container, a container makes it much easier, more efficient and more optimal to move all or a portion of a group of containers and/or their contents.

10. Containers help create and maintain order, co-order and coordination which allows the Universe to know where one thing ends and another thing begins, thus aid in recognition, location and the carrying out of a continuous multitude of logic (programs).

11. The ability for the Universe to recognize containers is aided by different types of boundaries (borders, dimensions, barriers, membranes, fields, coverings, lids, skins...).

12. There are many types of boundaries with degrees of permeability just as there are many types of containers. For instance, understandings and levels of awareness are boundaries on thinking and behavior. The extent of our understandings and level of awareness restricts the movement and expansion of thinking and behavior. Simultaneously, an overall lack of fundamental clarity from the understandings we do have, causes our thinking and behavior to not be able to remain simultaneously mindful of two truths such as maintaining a macroview and microview.

13. Since containers exist in many layers of nested containers, boundaries exist in many layers of nested boundaries.

14. A container is also content and content is also a container. Thus the contents themselves also form and serve as the boundary.

15. Containers change how genetic material (energy and matter) are grouped, organized, interact and function in order to create constantly changing sets of conditions.

16. Diffusion accounts for a great deal of involuntary automatic motions of contents. The complement to diffusion is disproportion (reverse diffusion, active transport, accumulation, distortion, concentration, aggregation, congregation).
Diffusion equalizes, creates sameness, symmetry, balance and creates energy because it moves items from high concentration to low concentration because the first truth default is equilibrium.
Disproportion de-equalizes, creates difference, asymmetry, imbalance and uses energy because the second truth default is disequilibrium.

17. An awareness of diffusion-disproportion is essential since most motion in the Universe is involuntary and the portion that is voluntary is limited in duration and in other ways. Thus then what we must keep in mind is that the degree of fundamental forces in the universe that are controllable by human free will are extremely limited in the human scheme and grand scheme because the Supreme Scientist follows the supreme scientific method, thus only experiments a relative small amount at a time with what is fundamentally allowable; however this does vary based on levels of self-awareness.

In other words, preexistence still exists and is the largest part of this existence as evidenced by the easily identifiable overwhelming presence of black energy and black matter which are the summary components of the Waters of Nun. Existence is the experimentation zone.
By default, since preexistence is the sole domain of the Only One who is Self-Created, then preexistence means the pre-thoughts, presets and defaults of logic instructions and genetic capabilities that cannot be altered by human users who use a suboptimal worldview frame of reference. The Chaos created by the chaotic thoughts and behaviors of suboptimal humans is significantly mitigated by Khaos (preexistence) present throughout the container of Earth and the containers containing Earth.

To say this once more, the Galaxy and its contents are limited and so are the Solar System and its contents and the Earth and its contents.

18. Because a container has boundaries, then natural containers must be pressurized to some degree to help accomplish several of the above purposes especially in terms of positioning, structural shape, firmness and flexibility. Pressure as a natural law helps create predictable behaviors of the container and its contents.

19. Pressure exists when one motion or set of motions is met with an opposing motion or set of motions. Pressure remains as the two motions are in opposition or one completely overcomes the other or succumbs to the other or one force's opposition is removed.

20. Pressure is a constantly changing dynamically balancing force. One of those motions is often called resistance. As pressure changes, the container and its contents become more or less subject to the pressure the next largest container is subject to.

21. A fundamental use of pressure is to allow boundaries to resist and press inward against the outward push of contents. Boundaries can expand and contract depending on changes in contents.

Fundamental Forces Identified In This Message

1. Spirit-soul is the primary metaphor. No science (knowing) is complete without consideration of Spirit-soul, known by many names such as Spirit, Soul, Ra, Khekh, Sakhu, Holy Spirit, Holy Ghost, God, Allah, Jehovah, Amen-Amenet, Psyche-Nous-Cupid and more.
2. Thoughts-behaviors are fueled primarily by understandings-misunderstandings, nutrition-toxins. Thoughts-behaviors cause continuous change-exchange of Spirit-soul's genetic material between two or more truths such as the waters of Nun (time and space) into black-white energy-black-white matter which begets many forms of energy and matter.
3. Diffusion-disproportion
4. Pressure-tension created by opposing motions.

A fundamental force is based on fundamental truth, something not established by humans or constrained by human understandings but is in all creations as evidenced through at least two ways of knowing.

There is enough information in the first two messages of this miniseries to raise questions and provide potential understandings regarding fundamental forces in general and specifically, especially the most problematic of the so-called four fundamental forces – gravity. I am being led to explore several other topics before addressing gravity again. The curious and Initiates should be able to move on ahead along paths of their own interest. There is never any need to wait for someone else to teach you something you have an urging to understand more of. You might be the one being called to respond to bring forth from spiritual genetics and genetic memory, one or more forgotten understandings.
This is simply because this universe is primarily under the control of the preexistence unity consciousness of the Creator-Destroyer, that is a voluntary motion seeking reconnections regarding self and all else, even as unity consciousness is being opposed by weakening but determined disunity consciousness.

Friday, August 14, 2020

Intro To Revisiting Gravity & Fundamental Forces Of Nature
Unity Consciousness #2218


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What a freakin' mess of messes! The group name of the four fundamental forces of nature is inaccurate because they are not fundamental because they are explained as not applicable to everything. Neither do they govern everything nor do they reconcile to a whole. Many sources say these forces apply to all matter or almost all matter; however the explanations then contradict this statement because each force only applies to specific matter at micro or macro distances and masses. Something is fundamentally wrong with what is understood about one or more of the fundamental forces. It is also likely that at least one of the currently so-called four fundamental forces must be replaced and likely there are more than four.

Gravity As Promoted By European Hyped Physics

Per Space.com gravity is the weakest force. Here are a small portion of the common things about gravity stated by various sources.

1. Also called gravitation, gravitational interactive force, gravitational interaction
2. Explains how objects and massive objects interact with each other.
3. Acts between any two pieces of matter in the Universe since mass is its source.
4. An attractive force between any two masses.
5. Weight is the gravitational force due to the entire Earth acting on objects on Earth.
6. Always attractive (except in the presence of dark energy, when it can become repulsive).
7. Holds stars, galaxies, and planetary systems together.
8. Weakest of all fundamental forces, but very long ranged.
9. Gravitational force is surprisingly weak—it is only because gravity is always attractive that we notice it at all.
10. Gravity, though the weakest force, is the most important force in determining structure over large distances.
11. Gravitational force is the dominant force determining the motions of moons, planets, stars, and galaxies.
12. Gravity is a macroscopic phenomena, immediately present in our everyday life.
13. Gravitational force also affects the nature of space and time.
General relativity states that space is curved in the vicinity of very massive bodies, such as the Sun, and time actually slows down near massive bodies.
14. The graviton is a massless particle with zero charge and has not been detected, but is theorized to exist based on certain influences that can't be explained otherwise. Quantum theory of gravitation is far from being complete.

Easily Obvious Critical Analysis That Quickly Jumps Off The Page

Right off the bat we can bring into question several commonly accepted notions about gravity.
1. Despite (2, 3 and 4) above, gravity does not explain how two trees interact or how humans interact with mountains or how gnats interact with oceans how the relationship between fork and spoon. Each of these pairings are two objects.

2. Despite 4 and 6 above, if gravity is an attractive or a pulling force, then it must also be repulsive or pushing. Look at the other forces and their tandems: strong force holds together, weak force pulls apart; electromagnetism attracts and repels. There is at least balance here, which has a lot to do with why these three forces are able to be reconciled.

3. Gravity is so important and so obvious on a macro level, yet nobody can sufficiently explain.

4. Because the Universe is fixed and flexible, flexible space does curve around more solid objects.

5. Gravitons are the same as fudge factors.

6. How can gravity affect everything but also only be macroscopic?

7. How can the weakest force be the most important force in determining structure over long distances? And hold stars, galaxies, and planetary systems together.

8. How can gravity be the weakest of all forces yet do all this? Clearly gravity is not the explanation for what gravity is said to do.

9. How do all these glaring blaring inconsistencies pass for truth for so long?
Answer: the same way the timeframe from the sun's revolution around the galaxy is able to be off by over 200 million years. It is due to the funk faking guessing game most of them keep co-signing and we keep following along behind their inexpertise. This is not just limited to physics and chemistry but extends to all areas of knowledge. This fits into the bastardization and bitchification of many things, for instance physical health, religion and the identity of who humans are. This is called the institutionalization standardization of clarification through obfuscation.

10. The very act of separating the strong force and weak force as two different forces, while combining the electric and the magnetic into one force, shows a contextual flaw of balance, symmetry, duality, two truths and fundamental keys to the kingdom.

11. But wait, all lucidness is not lost. There are some thinkers able to generate enough force of free thought to momentarily escape the entrapment of miseducation keeping openmindedness on strict lockdown. Per a paraphrasing from the Journal of Physics Research & Applications, gravity is an illusion and does not exist in the Universe on a galactic scale. Gravity is an internal force in the atom and molecule only. There is no external gravity force. The electromagnetic energy field that is holding up all the planets and galaxies in the Universe also allows us to walk on the Earth. The force that is holding us down on Earth is coming from this Electromagnetic Force from above. This force is pushing us down to the ground versus a force from the center of the Earth, or gravity, pulling us down to the ground. There are four things that help us to walk on the Earth freely. They are quantum mechanics gravity, micro gravity, the Electromagnetic Force of the Earth and finally our weight or to be precise - our mass. The first two forces are inside the atom and molecule in a quantum mechanics form, and the electromagnetic force is generated by Earth’s friction with the space wave and the fourth is our body mass.

This represents a glimmer of hope; however due to the relative newness of this awakening, there is still much grogginess of thought to allow the safe operation of the heavy machinery required to process a lot of information. This is evidenced by multiple passages throughout the rest of the 13 page article last referenced.

If it is possible to sufficiently understand God, the Creator, the Most High, the Supreme Being, then it is also possible to understand the Creations of God, that is the Universe. Therefore, the universe, though complex is not anymore complex than God. Therefore, the Universe can be understood, and it doesn't have to be complicated and relegated to experts unless God can only be understood by a relative few.
The Universe and the Supreme Being are one and the same thing. I repeat that if it is possible to understand how God works in the Universe and in and through creations, then it is also possible to understand how those creations work. This is to say it is possible to understand knowledge of self and all else through the process of optimally unifying consciousness of each piece in the universe as we reconstruct the puzzle pieces of information. This has been our approach for quite some time and is still in effect as we revisit the so-called four fundamental forces of nature.
Explaining God doesn't have to be complicated but can be made understandable for different levels of awareness. Same is true for explanations of the universe and the fundamental forces.

There are many messages remaining in this series of revisiting the fundamental forces of nature. The minimum goal is to reopen our spirits-minds-emotions to allow us to reconceive one or more fundamental forces, thus re-conceive how the universe works, thus how the Supreme Being works, thus what is fundamentally true about self and all else. In other words, at a minimum, we are seeking to regain the basic sense of harmony and the basis of harmony since several years ago we have identified the absence of harmony as a fatal flaw that summarizes all our flaws. Revisit the four fundamental forces and you will shortly realize there is an absence of harmony among these forces, at least in terms of how they are understood and/or explained. Not surprisingly, this absence of harmony among the so-called fundamental forces began when johnny-come-latelys began terrorizing the world with their subversions of information. All Africans in the Spiritsphere must revisit information according to the guidance of the teaching spirit of Aquaria and Kepheus awakening in you so you will ask more questions and return to nature small and large for the process of relearning what has already been more clearly understood.

Monday, August 3, 2020

How's Your Hindsight Working?
Unity Consciousness #2217


( 9anh of 11)

1. Can you see any okie dokes related to SARS-CoV-2?

2. Can you see the increase in number, intensity and simultaneous occurrences of combination weather events, rain events, wind events, earth shaking events, mudslide events, volcanic events, collapse events, heat humidity events, meteorites, asteroids, comets and changes in seasonal patterns?

3. Can you see how mass certainty in following the ways of society has become mass fear in following the ways of society?

4. Can you see how major changes in society we are told takes time to accomplish, was accomplished in just a few months?

5. Can you see how small businesses were kicked to the curb, thus limiting economic independence?

6. Can you see how governments and their institutions saying they are doing something for your health, safety or other kind of benefit is a constant boldface lie?

7. Can you see how favored groups are hanging by an ever-fraying thread? Thus the increase in their desperation desperado behavior?

8. Can you see how many rules can be made, broken and ignored to suit the purposes of getting the masses to do what they are told?

9. Can you see how ineffective the education system is in terms of teaching people how to really be free?

10. Can you see the mass-fed media for what it is?

Can you see how all the information you are being constantly fed focuses on the dangers and how to avoid the dangers; but none of the information focuses on all the people who have gotten over Covid-19 and the things they did?

Can't you see all the information is designed to get you to comply by giving you information so you can mis-reason why all this is for your own good?
The only so-called good thing you are being constantly told is that we should keep doing what we are told-sold because we are going to get you a vaccine (toxin cocktail) to inject into your system.

11. Can you see how things have not fundamentally gotten better since the last time you thought things had gotten better?

12. Can you see what is actually really important?

13. Can you see how the effort to put together entertainment for you via sports has been more important than getting people back into schools? Why? Because you are sufficiently miseducated so no need to focus on education; however, keeping you continuously distracted is always useful. Besides, the media has always been the number one education source.

14. Can you see how the good education we've been dependent bred on is not the key that unlocks opportunities but locks us into thinking and behaving in lockstep?

15. Can you see how weak all the strengths of your society are?

16. Can you see how whether or not you have a job is unimportant to those you assist in remaining in power?

17. Can you see how when a society exists, national interests allows pathogen behavior to flourish and remain viral?

18. Can you see how if a civilization existed, there would be no need for national interests when dealing with other civilizations?

19. Can you see how reduced economic activity and reduced tax collection has not been mentioned and has not been a limiting factor in what governments at all levels are doing?

20. Can you see how a main weapon against you is your military, police and other law enforcers, including your courts?

21. Can you see how society is never going back to the way it was? Never.

22. Can you see how society is going to the next level of the way it was, imprisoning you more perfectly without your consent?

23. Can you see how your religion is useless in terms of helping you achieve what it promises?

24. Can you see how the crabheads you give authority to are crawling all over each other trying to reach or remain on top as societies sink like sand-filled plastic jugs under pressures and tensions of being overstuffed and already biodegrading?

25. Can you see how compliance is the largest part of the problem that allows foresight, insight, hindsight and plain sight, to be obscured?

26. Can you see where you have been a fool who believed?

27. Can you see when government people, agencies or their institutions hold each other accountable to the law and the general public that this is a farce sideshow entertainment event to get the masses to relinquish their scrutiny and pressure and allow the wolves, foxes and coyotes to manage the farm and punish wrongdoers while we go on permanent vacation because we think predators will do what's in our best interests?

The more of these you can see, the better your hindsight is working, helping you see clearly behind enemy lines.

Sunday, August 2, 2020

Never Say Never Is The Same As Always Say Always
Unity Consciousness #2216


( 9ang of 11)

Let's take a quick brief look at something most of us frequently hear someone say: “never say never.”
To me, this is the same as never saying no, don't, stop or quit.
It is the same as as saying, “always say always.”

Now we know always does not always apply, so we should know never say never does not always apply.

As stated above, if I follow “never say never” then I won't ever say never quit or never give up.
I can't believe in everlasting life because that's the same as never die.

Bottom line, there are plenty of times when never is appropriate to say such as: I'm never gonna let you go.
I'm never going to cheat on you.
I'm never going to betray my people.
I'm never going to sell my soul.
And on and on.
Or should I say it's always possible that I might do anything or that something might happen or something might not happen?

I'll always support you is the same thing as I'll never let you down.
We can never say never all we want to, but we still end up meaning the same thing.
Never say never sounds good but is a false positive born of too much positive thinking.

Difference Between Inorganic & Organic | Definitions
Unity Consciousness #2215


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The miseducation system has told us carbon is the difference between inorganic and organic. Then it tells us that it's carbon and hydrogen that's the difference.
Per Wikipedia, the distinction between inorganic and organic is not clearly defined and agreed upon, and authorities have differing views on the subject. For historical reasons [not scientific], some carbon compounds are classified as inorganic. There are also a handful of agreed upon exceptions and a lot of other exceptions that are not agreed upon. All this makes any rigorous definition of an organic compound elusive.
Scientists under the suboptimal context are always trying to make names for themselves and present it as the defacto standard of truth and knowledge for the world.
Organic chemistry would better self-serve itself if it were called carbon-hydrogen chemistry and leave it at that rather than falsely dividing all compounds into inorganic and organic and then have all these caveats as to why something is or isn't.
Inorganic compounds comprise most of the Earth's crust. Organic compounds make up only a small percentage of the Earth's crust. Yet is is said that organic compounds are of central importance because all known life is based on organic compounds. Thus we are told that that which is the least known in the life of Planet Earth (organic compounds), are of more importance than that which is the greatest (inorganic compounds).
It is correctly stated that living things incorporate inorganic carbon compounds into organic compounds through a network of processes.
Wikipedia media does admit that organic compounds are no longer defined as compounds originating in living things, as they were historically (the recent period of miseducation).

The presence or absence of carbon might be better called carbonic and incarbonic or carbon and carbonless but not organic and inorganic. Organic and inorganic are much broader terms than the narrow delineation of compounds containing carbon.

Broader Definitions

Inorganic and organic are an aspect of all organisms because inorganic and organic is a subdivision of the watery muddy MES. This Mes, described simply as matter, is one of the eight principles and characteristics of everything.

In the same way that spirit-soul must move back and forth between Preexistence and Existence, so also must spirit-soul continuously transform between each set of two truths. One of those sets of truth is inorganic and organic.
Consider the two truths of energy and matter. We know that each transforms into the other, and then in the middle stage of these transformations, energy and matter are indistinguishable and are recognizable and reconcilable as one and the same. This then reminds us that two truths are always one and the same, even when at the extremes of difference. For example, the extremes of boiling and freezing or hate and love or midday and midnight and so on. We know midday for us is midnight in the other hemisphere.

Inorganic & Organic Redefined In More Detail

The basis of this section comes from UC# 1704, Organism & Orgasm | Definitions, Meanings, Etymology.
The word “organic” is a compound of Ar + Ka + ni + ekh and Ar + Ka + nakh.
The word “inorganic” attaches the prefix variations of An, En, In, On, Un.
The easiest way to understand this is that organic and inorganic are the same as prepubescent and pubescent or first stage and second stage. Neither carbon nor hydrogen makes this so. Inorganic and organic are the first truth and the second truth of one much larger process, system and organism, the universe, the body of the Supreme Organism.

Organic and Inorganic are Semsem, sem-sem. They are two halves of the same whole just like potential and kinetic and all other two truths that are part of a two step back and forth cycle.

One of the things that makes any set of two truths seem FUNDAMENTALLY, ORGINALLY, or PERMANENTLY different is our level of awareness. Level of awareness is the information our logic is based on that produces understandings about the two truths of knowledge of self and knowledge of all else.

Inorganic does not mean dead and organic does not mean alive.

Elemental Things

The first organisms were the seven elemental souls of life which then combined to form all other organisms. This includes the elements, atoms, particles, molecules and compounds.
One of the attributes of these seven organisms is that all of them contain each other and all of them contain the eight principles and characteristics of everything.
Every elemental thing is also every other elemental thing.
Everything is everything.
Inorganic is organic.

The main difference between inorganic and organic is the same as the difference between spirit and soul.

Final Hurdles

In recent times, organic has been used in many other common ways such as in reference to how food is grown. This use of organic is far removed from the chemistry use of the word organic. Trust me, all food is organic and inorganic. All growing methods are both inorganic and organic because the raw materials are both inorganic and organic.
Organic-Inorganic agriculture is growing in harmony with the ecosystem.

Then there's the use of organic in reference to sales growth, profit growth or some other business parameter. Organic business growth occurs through the regular business activities. This is as opposed to growth through mergers, acquisitions, accounting practices and changes to components such as sales price that falsely indicates growth when it is not paired with volume. Sales price adjustments are not signs of inorganic growth no more than cost reductions are.

Finish Line For This Stage Of The Safari

Organic and inorganic depends on the context and perspective of how we look at any one thing as one, two, three or more truths.
For instance, it is natural for praying mantis females to eat the male after mating. It is also natural for human females not to do so. So which one is natural and which one is unnatural?

So then what is natural and unnatural changes according to the set of instructions genetic potential is programmed to follow under a certain set of conditions. What is natural and unnatural, nutrient and toxin, organic and inorganic changes back and forth throughout the ecosystem.
In other words it changes back and forth between Arkanekh and Arkanakh; Inarkanekh and Inarkanakh; Arkanekh and Inarkanekh; Arkanakh and Inarkanakh and so on for the other prefixes. Using current metaphors, this then, for these tiny but numerous subcategories of matter are the knick-knacks and the neck and neck.

So then instead of thinking of inorganic as “not organic,” think of inorganic as another form of organic.
Instead of thinking of organic as “not inorganic,” think of organic as another form of inorganic.
Use the optimal context worldview utamawazo.