If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, September 4, 2015

Chattel Slavery Is Not Racism
Unity Consciousness #448


Chattel slavery is a symptom of racism. Racism is a system that one group of people, as a collective, uses to interfere with the rights of another group of people as a collective. Racism is not just one system, it contains multiple systems such as all the major institutions from top to bottom and side to side in a society. As such, there is no such thing as reverse racism, black racism or a black racist because Africans do not have a system to interfere with the rights of others and neither do Africans operate as a collective to do so.

There are always constant efforts to make slavery and racism the same thing, thus, the psychological warfare is to get us to think that since there is no slavery, a whole lot of racism is gone and nowadays we're just dealing with a little bit of racism here and there that pops up like weeds in beautiful gardens. This, of course, is a lie.

Not only is slavery not racism, slavery is not just physical slavery. Slavery teaches you to think slavery is just physical slavery. In other words, if you think slavery is just physical, you are in slavery.

Slavery is always multidimensional. There is also spiritual slavery, emotional slavery and mental slavery.
Slavery also impacts all time periods of past, present and future.

For example, until mental, emotional and spiritual slavery are resolved by correcting the wrongs of past physical slavery, slavery exists and continues. The longer any form of slavery continues, the likelihood that it will mutate and reproduce itself into complete slavery exists. In other words, we are dangerously close to a return to physical slavery because right now we are experiencing the “lynchings” and terrorisms that occurred after physical slavery in America. We are moving in reverse. The longer this behavior is allowed to linger, the greater the likelihood that this infected, defective behavior will corrupt the rest of any sensibilities left.

Of this we have been forewarned multiple times by the Ancestors through teachers. We know that any portion of infection that remains in the body can return the body to full sickness. Mutation breeds mutation. Infection infects. Racism is mutation and infection. Although physical slavery was removed for some of our people, more of the mutations and infections of racism remain.

Racism is fueled by lies. These lies alter thinking. This thinking alters behavior. Until all lies associated with racism are exposed and eradicated and wrongs righted, racism will remain.

Truth is, world history of humanity is hundreds of times older than racism, oppressors and slavery. The world has been healthier longer than it has been sick. Thus, based on its foundations of strengths built upon genetic galactic cornerstones, this health will and must return. By this we know the destiny of destruction is to be destroyed, some through dismantling, some through demolition, some through “the corrosive effects of social injustice” (1) and some through all the natural ways things breakdown, decompose and come apart.

Truth is, although some of today's people claim not be racists, they still benefit from racism, if only by virtue of not being under the level of attack as the violated group. None of them are turning in or refusing their privileges they get at the expense of the violated group. They are guilty of being in possession of stolen rights.

Truth is, although some of today's people think they have overcome racism and are not affected, they are affected by being in the violated group. Whether or not you are in the violated group cannot be determined by members of the violated group by denying to be a member of the violated group. It's a crazy notion to try to escape the irreverent behaviors of racism by saying, “I'm not one of them, or “I don't see myself as one of them” or I'm mostly Irish or Indian or Chinese or European, Christian, etc.” Do you think if a deer calls itself a hunter, wears orange, walks upright, has a license and a diploma, still won't get shot? The weapons of racism doesn't care about your definitions. All racism cares about is feeding all the offspring of sickness it has produced and must keep alive by taking from you. Vultures need carrion. Vampires seek blood. Racism doesn't give a damn. Racism is based on nonsensical responses to un-analyzed information despite natural world examples that attest otherwise.

Listen Africans, if your standards of escaping racism is a job and money and things and being able to go places and do things and having “friends” and other types of relationships and joining organizations and religions, you're a fool. In fact you're a fool in proudly proclaimed self-maintained chains. You pass these chains on to others directly and indirectly. You put these chains on your Ancestors. None of the things of racism-based societies removes you from the targeted group. None of these things override the reasons racism exists. None of these things keep the multitude of killing feet from trampling our rights to deaths. If fact, all you accomplish infuriates racism. It infuriates me, Maat and the Creator. If it must be explained to you that you are more than you and no more than me, you have not yet escaped racism. Your property, position and perspective are your plantations.

(1) Diop, Cheikh Anta, Civilization Or Barbarism: An Authentic Anthropology: Translated from the French by Yaa-Lengi Meema Ngemi (Chicago Review Press, 1991), p. 146.