If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Re-education & Definition Of Forgiveness For Africans
Unity Consciousness #443


Definition Of Forgiveness For Africans, Especially In America

Apology accepted contingent on full restoration before you apologize. Only then does forgiveness become a possibility.

Africans, stop saying you forgive those whose greatest achievement is death and destruction. Their hearts are sufficiently hardened and solidified like the two feet of shit in the holding pens of slave castles where our Ancestors were held physically. All of the enemy's continued actions say Africans don't deserve to live so how is it that our enemies deserve forgiveness? We must give ourselves the benefit of the doubt. Forgive the family we know. Forgive the family we don't know and forgive those who we know are family just because.

Forgiveness For Believers

According to the Judeo-Christian Bible, after the very first sin of Adam & Eve, God punished them both. There was no forgiveness for that sin, plus their punishment became everyone's punishment. Is forgiveness always appropriate.? If so, there would be no need for Hell and Revelations. God sure has a lot of wrath and anger in the Bible which doesn't leave much room for forgiveness for everything. People were punished. God has said there is no forgiveness for blaspheming the Holy Spirit. God has limits to forgiveness. So should Africans.

If we go by the Bible, in modern times, do we really think we should forgive someone or anyone seventy times seven especially those who have laws that say three strikes you're out and for those who say our beautiful, powerful, God-anointed blackness is one strike and for that alone we're out?

How can we forgive those who have not repented or relented?
I say to Africans,
if we forgive the unrepentant, there will be no one to forgive us our regret.
Not even our own selves.

When you are sick, do you forgive the virus in you that's trying to take you out of this life? Do you empathize with the virus? What shall be the fate of that which sickens the world?

If there is such a thing as punishment, there must be a point when there is no forgiveness. Africans have a right to all the rights of Creation, which of course includes life and other liberties yet these are being denied up to this second.

Forgiveness might be appropriate either after punishment or after full restitution or both. We know the enemy knows better yet refuses to simply stop and do better. If people do not make extra efforts to do better, they should not be forgiven. This is how punishment is justified in the Judeo-Christian Bible. If you don't change you can't be forgiven and deserve what you get.
”Indeed I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is just ; that his justice cannot sleep forever”
- -Thomas Jefferson
Chattel slavery is justified based on the curse of Africans in the Bible. We have not even been forgiven this make-believe curse. Our enemies hide behind this and other lies with pride and then cries out for forgiveness.

Understand this clearly, an apology, is not a first step if there are clearly other steps that must accompany it. Sometimes all you can do is apologize. You can't do anything else different or fix anything. However, in many cases you can do something or a lot. This is what is absent from the good-heartedness of our enemies – abundant actions that precede words.

The enemy is scared to death of the higher spiritual nature that is the strong force of the universe. The enemy is seeking an escape route from accountability and for the need to repent and for the need to make recompense and for the need to change in a healthy way. The enemy is hoping Africans, the parents, will overlook their behavior and will be gullible enough to let them off the hook for the greatest barbaric, uncivilized, legacy of ongoing societal behaviors the world has ever known building on barbaric slave system of Rome.

Shall we forgive them for absolute crimes when they forgive us for absolutely nothing? Are we forgiven for the non-crimes we commit? Are we not criminals from conception according to their cognitive deception? Shall we forgive the poison fed to our children in every one of their systems? Africans, we must save our capacity to forgive for family.

Just like salvation, forgiveness is connected to actions, not words. If the extent of apologies is written words, then clearly the apologizers must still take Africans as unintelligent fools who are just so in love with the Judeo-Christian Bible version of forgiveness and so desperate to be in a loving relationship with our attackers, that any suggestion of decency is greedily gobbled up. They think we need their respect to live and feel good about ourselves. Kindness is not blindness and kindness never remains weakness forever. The healing process never overlooks the removal of the pathogen for the sake of unity.

Forgiveness comes through self-correction. If the enemy wants forgiveness the enemy can easily get it for themselves. It is not the responsibility of those under attack to forgive. If you do, you are not ensuring your salvation, you are only ensuring continued African devastation. If you forgive those with cognitive dissonance and who are conscience-less you beg for more trouble. While you're busy feeling good about forgiving, the enemy is busy plotting more ways to hasten our demise.

Do you not know there has never been a moment since the enemy arrived that all our tears have dried?
"...For Adonai is a God of retribution; he will surely repay." (Jeremiah 51:56)