If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Miryam, Miriam, Mary: Mother of Yeshua, Jeshua, Jesus
Unity Consciousness #537


Miryam, Mother Of Yeshua is called Mary, Mother Of Jeshua (Jesus). This message does not repeat all of the Mary-related details presented in UC517, UC518, UC528, UC530, UC531 and UC539.

Miryam: Mary, Mother Of Jeshua (Jesus)

1. Family (Matthew 13:55) (Mark 15:40)
(a) (Mary & Joseph): Jesus, James the less, Joses1*, Joses2*, Simon, Judas, Salome and other daughters
(b) (Miriam & Joseph) Jeshua, Jacob the younger, Joseph, Josi, Simeon, Judah, Shelomith and other daughters. (These are the names that should appear in the KJV if they were consistent with the Old Testament of the KJV.
(c) From this comparison we can now see where the name “Jesus” comes from.

2. Mary was present at the wedding when water was turned to wine. Also present were Jeshua's (Jesus') brothers and disciples. (John 2)

3. Mary stood at a distance and watched her son die on the cross. Also present were her daughter, Salome; Mary from Magdala; the mother of Zabdai's (Zebedee's) children and many other people. (Matthew 27, Mark 15:40)
(a) John 19 says Mary was not standing at a distance but close enough for Jeshua (Jesus) to tell disciple Johanan (John), this is your mother.

4. Mary and Mary from Magdala follow Joseph of Arimathea, a town in Judea, to see the place where Jeshua's (Jesus') body was placed. (Matthew 27, Mark 15)
(a) Luke 23 indicates more women than just two followed.

5. Mary and Mary from Magdala go to the tomb early on the third day. (Matthew 28)

(a) In contrast, Luke 24 states more than two women went to the tomb and also mentions Joanna
(b) Mark 16 says Salome was there but Jeshua (Jesus) appeared to Mary from Magdala first.
(c) John 20 says Mary from Magdala went to the tomb by herself, saw the stone removed then told Simon Cephas and Johanan (John). These two ran to the tomb but Johanan (John) arrived first.
(d) Luke 24 says Simon Cephas was the only one who ran.
(e) Jeshua (Jesus) appears to them both at the same time and they both recognize him immediately. (Matthew 28)
(f) John 20 says after Mary from Magdala told the two disciples and after they both went to the tomb and left, then Jeshua (Jesus) appeared to her but she thought he was the gardener.
(g) Jeshua (Jesus) appears to disciple Cleophas/Cleopas and another disciple before any of the other disciples. These two were not part of the original Twelve. (Mark 16, Luke 24)
(h) After Jeshua (Jesus) appears to the 11 remaining disciples, he ascends to heaven. (Mark 16, Luke 24)

(i) John 21 states Jeshua (Jesus) appeared more than once to the disciples after he was resurrected.
(j) Acts 1 states Jeshua (Jesus) appeared over a period of 40 days.
6. Mary and her sons were with the 11 disciples and others who were praying in an upper room. (Acts 1).
7. Mary is the sister of Disciples Simon "Rock" Cephas and Andrew. See UC539.

Some Questions

Where is Mary's husband, Joseph?
While on the cross, when Jeshua (Jesus) told Johanan (John) that Mary was his mother, why would Jeshua (Jesus) not say this to his brothers and sisters?
See the next message in this series for unquestioned answers regarding Mary.

CJB word Yosef becomes Joses (Matthew 13:55, 27:56)
CJB word Yosi becomes Joses (Mark 6:3, 15:40, 47)
Although these two CJB words are similar and could be considered the same person due to mishandling, these two words could be two people. (1) Since there is no other information or indications in the CJB to support either, then the text stands as two different people. (2) The fact that Matthew contains Yosef and Mark contains Yosi does not clear things up. (3)That Yosef appears twice and Yosi three times does not help. Since the proper translations of these words would be Joseph and Josi does indicate two people, for the moment, Yosef/Yosi that is presented as one person, Joses, is now presented as Joseph (Joses1) and Josi (Joses2). This leaves the possibility open rather than closing the door to consideration absent something that sways us more to one side. The difference seems small but could be the same as Alex and Alexa.