If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Another Look At Tools & Weapons & Power
Unity Consciousness #1709


(Part 9tz of 11)

This is what everyone should understand about religion, life, war.

Quickie Look

The bible in your hand is not the result of a one-and-done compilation situation.

Your bible was not handed down from a Supreme Being to a holy man or men, who then wrote it down and handed it to us. No. No. No.

The bible in your hand is the result of dozens, if not hundreds of versions of Mythology, of which the vast majority originated in the Nile Valley of Africa. (Start studying the origins of everything you desperately believe in.)

At the core, your religion is African.
At the core, you are African.
Yet, somehow in your mind, you are not African, or are only partially African.
How do you reach that conclusion?
Who told you so?
Did you figure it out all by yourself or did someone else sell you on the idea?
Come again!? Back away from confusion. Step into diffusion. Say hello to fusion. Say see ya later to delusion and illusion. Back to life, back to reality, back to the here and now, oh yeah....

An Extended Oration Orgasm As It Came Out And Was Born Again

Those who are lording over us and running everything into the ground are those who understand there are greater powers in the world, solar system and galaxy. Yet we think cash is the king. It is when our thinking has been Melek-tized to molec-ular size.
Meanwhile we play around with religion in emotional fashion while the tellers and sellers cash in.
Meanwhile those families who are tied into all forms of government at all levels and to the most powerful aspects of business and to all the other institutions that really matter - those are the ones who actually secretly, and in plain sight use symbols and Nile Valley Mythology to try to achieve power, maintain power and direct power.

Meanwhile we function at the petty level of understanding.
All knowledge, whether you agree with it or believe it or understand it, can, and will and is, being used as both a tool and a weapon. Every aspect of this message has been discussed elsewhere multiple times.
While we're being silly about religion, spirituality and mythology because it's precious to our fragile feelings, the real power is understanding how mythology is the foundational subject area that informs all other subject areas. Mythology contains everything.
Even with the little we understand about Nile Valley Mythology, its proper use is more powerful than understanding current religions in their current context.
The proper use of Nile Valley Mythology is more powerful than “education is the key” in our societies who are telling us to our faces, we're going keyless.
We're moving away from keys. We're going cashless. We're going paperless. Education? Oh well, we going to more robots and driverless? What about my other keys? We're doing away with those also? Why? Cause we need new weapons and tools to use because people are catching on and can only be fooled for so long, that's why we keep rearranging the game, renaming the game and changing the rules.

We know many other things that we chase after and obey as the keys to making it in life are not.
Haven't you heard you should pay your bills, pay your debts, don't file bankruptcy? Meanwhile all your governments, local to national, operate their budgets at a deficit. They spend more than they steal each year. And for some reason we keep listening to people who are full of contradictions as to “the right thing to do.” Meanwhile companies are filing bankruptcy everyday and getting away scot free with debts they owe and no longer have to pay. Yet the greatest crime to us is non-payment of child support, while we support trillion dollar criminals, including religions.
We worry about tax evasion and pay taxes to extortionists who function just like mob gang thugs who say you must pay me for operating a business or for making a living or for spending your money or for saving your money or for giving your money to someone or for...And if you don't, we gon' shut you down, throw you in jail, take everything you got. And this scares the hell out of the rest of us who claim to be mentally stable living in fear.
And so the goofy logic goes, if you don't pay, because we need the money so badly, we'll put you in jail and spend money we don't have to keep you in jail. Okay.

Hell, people get pardoned all the time for crimes and get amnesty and other forms of forgiveness and relief, yet here we are focused on each other the little guys instead of learning who and what is doing the most damage in our lives.

Meanwhile those who we allow to lord over us, are doing all things mythological they possible can to keep things the way they are.
Meanwhile we're busy following the programming of making an honest living in a dishonest society.
Meanwhile the society is making a dishonest living off us, always in our pockets.

We'd better take another look and recognize we are in multiple wars all the time every second.
These wars are for every part of our being. Everything we encounter is part of a war.

It's time we play the game by the rules that win wars.
The devil uses any means necessary through people.
So why don't God lovers use any means necessary against these devil worshipers?

Bump Trump! He is just the current public face and mouthpiece of the Devil and his racist collective demons.
The Devil is everywhere, including far too deeply entrenched in Africa.
That Devil wears the multi-colored coat.

Religion has done a number on us and made us numb, dumb and soft. Unable to stand up and question our own thinking and behavior. No wonder we just go along with societal logic, culture logic, tradition logic...
Time to lose all the losing logic that keeps us vulnerable to the shenanigans of devils and dependent on them for basic needs.

Everyday all day we are distracted by little in-fighting wars, while we are being attacked with hundreds of forms of wars.
There are dozens of wars aimed at your body. Dozens more aimed at your mind, And so on.

In the same manner that Earth, Moon and Sun are not the only things going on in the universe, neither are the things that occupy our awareness.
In the same manner that we understand very little about Earth, Moon and Sun, we understand very little about the things that do occupy our awareness.

Stop allowing what you've been told to keep you sold. (Aren't you too old for that crap?)
There's a big difference between who has your back and who's at your back.

We are tricked by the words “global” this and “global” that, as if dem crazies, the true shiftless lazies, really consider everyone as being in the same boat, thus by our mis-inference, everyone should be given the same consideration. No. No. No. Our fragmented subconsciousness is allowing our scattered consciousness to get away with nonsense. Those global diversity words are only used to keep you off-balance and confused. The entire Dead Souls Collective and their supporters have got to be swept up and under in a steady deluge of changed logic. Whether that's by poquito mosquito, whirling winds and waters or lions, fish and apes.

Stop allowing your logic to be sold to the highest bidder fibber.

Stop playing the fool who follows the wrong rules which causes misuse of weapon and tool which causes us to never be able to properly connect the long chain of causes and effects.
Best we can figure out is that either this tool or this weapon has a defect.

Take another look.

It's how you use it.

Oops! Nope!

First you gotta recognize you're in a war for your life, every aspect, including mental life, emotional life, spirit-soul. You can't be in a war for one and not be in a war for all the others.

Then you gotta recognize who's who.

Then you gotta revise your strategy.
Then you can understand how to use your genetic potential (resources) and the genetic potential (resources) of other creations as tools and weapons in keeping with your strategy as a person in a war at war, always and forevermore.