If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, December 31, 2020

Garbage Logic Exposed #1
Unity Consciousness #2278


(9apq of 11)

Many of our thought processes are made up of:
1. A logical statement containing two to three logical segments.
2. Each segment has its own meaning.
3. Each segment contains at least one word upon which the logical segment hinges and/or whose definition and meaning is suboptimal.

What we tend to do is carelessly connect those two or three logical segments into a very raggedy thought process and come up with faulty conclusions. It takes years of practice to mess up our logic and turn it into garbage. It takes years to clean it out and refurbish it. This Garbage Logic Exposed Series will dissect and analyze faulty logic that is commonplace. Statements made by respondents are indicative of many logical statements we use to form erroneous opinions about a person, place or thing.

For example:

Question: Do you think she killed her parents?

Respondent: Well she was a loner and I heard people talking.

My Comments on the first logical segment: The respondent has connected being a loner with a killer tendency. She clearly gets this notion from news reports. What is meant by loner? How is it measured? If loners tend to be the killers then what accounts for all the people in relationships who kill people and their friends, family, neighbors and coworkers say, they seemed normal? Don't we know by now that people who seem normal kill more people than people we consider abnormal?

My Comments on the second logical segment: To say “I heard people talking” is like picking up shit and throwing it as far as you can. Why would you do that? And why would you repeat something and use it as factual unless you get the names of the people you heard talking and write down their statements so each person and their statements can be investigated to find out how each person learned about the information. Almost always you will find the information was started by liars and haters. If this were not so, then the statement “I heard people talking” would also include the evidence upon which the talking is based. In court this is called hearsay and is usually inadmissible; however in everyday life, hearsay is almost always all that's needed to convince garbage collectors they are doing a good job of thinking for themselves.

Both parts of the logical statement are weak and say more about the respondent than it does about the accused.
The respondent should have said I don't know or I don't have a reasonable basis for thinking she did kill her parents. But we can't resist the urge to pretend we know.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Above All, To Thine Own Self Be True
Unity Consciousness #2277


(9app of 11)

As I was compiling the previous message today, I also heard an often quoted Shakespearean statement: To thine own self be true.
More of the quote is:
This above all: to thine own self be true,
And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.
This is basically saying that one truth follows another and one lie follows another.

If we want to exercise our sensing abilities a little further, we can go back to the article linked in the previous message. It states:

We need to stand up as conservatives, as Republicans. We need to stand up for our constitutional rights, and we need to say enough is enough, allow our people to go back to work. The data does not make sense. When I say don’t be a sheep, I mean don’t be a sheep. I mean listen to yourself. Check the facts out for yourself and make your own decision.
This is a statement written by a republican talking to other republicans; however, more specifically it is a white male in the USA talking to other white people in the USA. He is a sheriff who is supposed to uphold the law but he feels empowered by whiteness to defy the law and not get bumrushed like any non-albino would be. He has community support.
This white person who has the job of a sheriff is saying don't be sheep, yet he wants people to obey other laws and yet this person and the white collective are sheep following the Maafa racism logic of their ancestors. The information upon which Maafa racism is based doesn't make sense. If the racist collective doesn't know it's wrong then they are completely covered in sheepshit and convinced they are the freest people on the planet. It is not possible for open-minded people to be racist. Their openness would have caused them to not abandon or return to the knowledge of truth about themselves already known when they were much younger.
There's not a lot of independent thought going on among racists. They have herd immunity to critical thinking. It's all about following the stupidest sheep off the cliff as they trample anything in their path.
In these days of greater clarity, I don't know why any African would follow any whitebred logic unless it has been checked out seven ways to sunday and can be transformed to be beneficial for Africans.

This message is another way to show what we already know, that we are dealing with people who are not only sheeple, but also both sociopaths and psychopaths. This is the real pandemic.
Coronavirus is merely one of the tools and weapons they use on sheep who have exceeded their useful life.

Let us not miss the point that if the racist collectives and groups favored in societies stopped lying to themselves and were true to themselves, then a lot of problems would be solved overnight, including human-caused pandemics.

13 Confessions Of A Reformed Sheep
After Overcoming Gaslighting & Reverse Gaslighting
Unity Consciousness #2276


(9apo of 11)

As I began compiling this message this morning, I received two messages talking about sheep. One was on the television show I Love Lucy.
The other was an article on the internet that popped up on my screen and contained the following statements.
The data does not make sense. When I say don’t be a sheep, I mean don’t be a sheep. I mean listen to yourself. Check the facts out for yourself and make your own decision.

My Confessions

1. I had to overcome my for-bread-culture-bred behavior to choose flight over fight.

2. When there was no place else to hide run flee to, I chose compliance, not the defiance of self-determination I was entitled to, because I thought self-betrayal complicity would change the nature of those preying upon me because I was on their side helping them fulfill their asili.

3. Because I instinctively knew nothing had changed except how predatory behavior is framed, I remained jittery, jumpy, fearful, panicky, uneasy, desperate feeling and stressed all the time despite my suboptimal based success.

4. I used to follow alpha sheep, even though one really doesn't exist. An alpha sheep is one who does something and then another sheep follows. This then causes all the other sheep to quickly follow. Why? Because sheep are too busy seeking the rapidly dissipating satisfactions of grazing to find time for assessing and accessing other basic needs.

5. Since there is no alpha among us, I will follow many types of sheep herders such as: humans, dogs, donkeys, other flocked up animals, wolves...

6. All these types of thinking and behavior I had to begin understanding about myself so I could begin the continuous process of reforming my logic and freeing myself. Freeing your mind and the rest willing follows is true. Rest is a form of Karest, thus Christ. Thus the saying becomes “free your mind and the savior will follow.”.

7. I've had to relearn how to follow my own mind; however in order to do so in my best interests, I've had to reform my worldview context along with thousands of definitions and meanings.

8. I am now my own lookout. I check out logic before I consume it and assume its position.

9. During all large season transitions, most sheep perish. For those of Judaeo-Christian belief, this is proven through Noah's Ark, and proven during famines, including the one that brought the Jacob Israelites to Egypt. It is also proven by the decimations of populations the Israelites wrought in the name of unsubstantiated promises. It is also proven by Europeans who decimated populations worldwide and have for decades gotten populations to decimate themselves by following wolf gang logic.

10. I look at what's taking place right now today and since 1963 and before 1963 and I wonder how many sheep can remain dedicated to a herd mentality that has never benefited sheep. Many citizen sheep should be jumping the allegiance ship, like rats leaving the security of a flooded sewer.

11. Another layer of illusion is the logic of sheepdogs and wolves who think they are unassailable because they think they are in better positions.

12. I now flee towards freedom of expression of my greater nature and potential according to my rights of creation. This is achieved through greater amounts of knowledge of self and all else which explains that discerning illusion and reality can be helped by understanding gaslighting and reverse gaslighting.

13. I will never forget I was one of those singing and embodying the following sad happy-go-lucky song for sheep who live in a gaslit matrix corral.

What a trip just watchin' as the world goes past
(Grazin' in the grass is a gas, baby, can you dig it)
Everything here is so clear, you can see it
And everything here is so real, you can feel it
And it's real, so real, so real, so real, so real, so real

Gaslighting & Reverse Gaslighting | Regal Definitions
Unity Consciousness #2275


(9apn of 11)

Gaslighting is manipulating a creature's thinking that causes that creature to give undeserved benefit of the doubt and undeserved benefit of the trust to you and to others you say should be listened to automatically, primarily and unconditionally.
Through many falsehood, lies and deceptions about self and all else, the animal is trained to doubt its ability to understand simple things and doubt its ability to understand many other things that can be understood with effort.

Reverse Gaslighting is manipulating a creature to think that it is intelligent to abdicate the creature's own responsibility for thinking because leaders and their appointed and anointed experts are more intelligent and operate in the best interests of everyone who follows them.
This causes the creature to not question “authority” or anything said, done or produced by so-called authorities, officials and other such words.

Whereas gaslighting causes a creature to think they are not thinking clearly or straight, reverse gaslighting causes the animal to think they are thinking clearly and straight.
Reverse gaslighting causes the person to think others are crazy, insane and abnormal who don't follow the simple simon says predatory abusive leaders they follow in stockholm syndrome fashion.

In other words, gaslighting causes a person to doubt the reality they've experienced, but reverse gaslighting causes a person to trust the illusion they have not experienced. For instance, gaslit people deny they are slaves and enslaved in their societies while reverse gaslit people think they are free as free can be.
Gaslighting causes a person to doubt actions while reverse gaslighting causes a person to trust words. For instance, “thank you for your service” is believed to be genuine despite what veterans are not given, but should be.

When either form of gaslighting exists, the other form also exists in background logic.

Gaslighting causes a person to focus on doubting themselves. Reverse gaslighting causes a person to focus on trusting the untrustworthy.
Both processes are necessary and each has many methods to accomplish its goal. Both forms of gaslighting are taking place and are resident in the logic of creatures, animals, sheep, humans.

All you have to do is pick a topic and ask yourself and others what they think about it and what behaviors do they do and don't do because of that thinking. Listen carefully to the logic, write it down, record it. Practice, practice, practice by listening to people talk and by listening to anything on television, a movie, show, sports, news, game show, etc. All of it contains the effects and results of gaslighting and reverse gaslighting.

Let us be certain to consider how the wet chicken gas of whiteness is used as an air freshner to try to mask the stench of Maafa racism.

Gas Is A Form Of Khes

Khes is a form of expression of spirit-soul that means to return, come back again, resurrection, transformation and renewal. In Kemet, Khes was symbolized primarily by Khepr Khepera.
Since multiple signs point to the same thing, I wonder if there is or will be atmospheric gas changes as part of the upheaval and fulfillment process taking place right now.
Gaslighting and reverse gaslighting by humans is peewee shit compared to the Greater Gaslighter & Reverse Gaslighter.

Gas is also closely related to khaos, chaos, chess, gestation, justice

Simply Put

Gaslighting and Reverse Gaslighting causes us to mix-up the two truths. We think up is down, good is bad, wrong is right, ugly is pretty, criminals are morally upright, toxic is safe and so on and on.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Africans, Stop Saying Africa Is Not A Country
Unity Consciousness #2274


(9apm of 11)

When an African says Africa is not a country, the person continues by saying Africa is a continent made of 55 countries and each of those countries is different with different cultures and languages and that Africa is not a monolith.

On one hand this is technically correct.
However, on the other hand this is fundamentally incorrect.

Once again, we can be certain that the logic of “Africa is not a country” is the work of the African enemy who seeks to destroy and weaken Africans by intelligent-sounding divide and conquer logic. This is then fueled by African sheep who live to eat what the enemy throws at their feet.

What Africa needs most is unity by way of knowledge of self.
The trojan horse logic of “Africa is not a country” works against an African unity mentality, an African unity spirituality, an African unity eventuality and the recognition that an African unity actuality already exists behind, smothered and buried by a bunch of misfit bullshit logic.

Africans, you should know the saying “Africa is not a country” is detrimental to our heal-thy-self (healthy self) because this type of saying is not said about anybody else anywhere else in the world.
It is not said “America is not a country” because it is composed of all these different states with all these different laws and constitutions mottoes, songs and animals. Neither is this said about any other place made up of multiple geographic divisions and multiple governments.

Yes we know Africa does not have one single national government, but that is what we are working towards. It doesn't help to keep impressing disunity in our minds by expressing “Africa is not a country.”

The saying “Africa is not a country” is another targeted attack on Blacks to make Blacks think that not only do Blacks outside of Africa have no country, that Blacks in Africa don't have one united country. Thus then the conscious and subconscious next step in the minds of Blacks in the Diaspora is to join with the countries formed by our enemies. The mindset of Africans inside Africa gravitates towards looking out for individual country names and interests.

The Universe Is A Country

The word country is derived from a combination of Khu-an-ter. Ter is Tri is Try, thus khuantry.
All space is a country and part of other countries.
“Country” simply means a geographic area. This is why the entirety of Space is a country.
Africa is a country, a continent and an island. Same goes for Earth, Moon, Sun and all other celestial bodies.

More Different Ways Of Revenging Logic

1. How in the hell can it be said that all the people in the world belong to one human family and yet, Africans are running around saying “Africa is not a country” so as to say all the Africans in Africa are not the same?
This and multiple other pieces of broken logic, contribute to African on African crimes.

2. To say Africa is not a country is like all the different immediate family groups present at a reunion saying you can't think of us as all being the same because we're different in this way and this way and we live in different geographic locations.

3. Because parts of Africa has been divided and given different names, values and esteem, to swear up and down in a defensive stance that Africa is not a country is like saying a pig or cow, once divided into all the different cuts of meat, are no longer the same animal, just because the different cuts have different aspects that are focused on.

4. Europe is not a continent, but Africans keep repeating that lie too.

5. To say Africa is not a country is to allow ourselves to be tricked into thinking like our colonizers based on how they divided Africa geographically and politically.. We Africans have taken on the suboptimal identifier self-esteem psychosis of our enemies. However we fail to take on and copy, to the core of code, the collusive behavior of our enemies.

No African with Pan-African aspirations and dedication will allow it to be said that Africa is not a country.

Be certain to remember that Africa is not limited to the Africa continent. Africa exists in many other places on this Earth and outside of this Earth. Thus the country of Africa is vastly different and vastly the same, maintaining unity despite diversity.

Do not accept the weak definition of “country” given to you by miseducators and masterbaiters of ego kept afloat by clinging to bladders filled with self-haterade.

If Africans are not the same, despite our differences and locations, then no other group of people have a fundamental basis for unity. No other group can claim unity based on inherent physicality, mentality, emotionality or spirituality. The only basis for their unity then, must be for the purpose to be criminal. This is exactly what is taking place, and unfortunately, Africans choose to emulate against themselves.

Africans! Stop using “Africa is not a country” as some kind of smart-sounding fact of differences that we're foolishly proud of, and thus subconsciously act out to preserve to the detriment of African unity and self-preservation.

Sunday, December 27, 2020

Self-Righteous Statements In Self-Reflective Mirrors
Unity Consciousness #2273


(9apl of 11)

1. When most people ask someone else a question, they usually will not ask a direct question to get them to the information they really want to know. Instead they will ask other questions and then add the responses to other understandings in order to answer the question they didn't ask.

2. When most people attempt to make what they consider to be derogatory statements, they are usually admitting what they think about themselves.

For instance, when someone calls you self-righteous, it's either true or not.
a) The person making the statement doesn't know one way or the other. They call you self-righteous because they feel less righteous than they wish they were or know they ought to be. This is because they lack self-control and give in to their weaknesses. They do not feel as strong as they wish to be or as strong as they see exhibited in others. They are self-convicted and self-conflicted. Failing at self-correction, anyone that reminds them of this, intentionally or not, is considered self-righteous.

This is usually stated as “You think you're self-righteous.” “Do you think you are better than me?”

Thus, when most people ask questions or make statements, it is more about how they think and feel about themselves.

We now look at this a third way, which is really the first way. We are supposed to be self-righteous by checking ourselves before we wreck ourselves. We're supposed to continuously self-correct before our logic checks us by the self-destructive results it produces.

Righteousness respects rights of creation.
Righteous people do what's right & just

He that trusteth in his riches shall fall; but the righteous shall flourish as a branch [renewed in winter and awakened in spring]. (Proverbs 11:28)

Like A Pot Of Neckbones It's On
Many Right Moves & At Least One Wrong Move
Unity Consciousness #2272


(9apk of 11)

Everything must change is one of those things we can be sure of.
We can also be sure many right moves are being made by superhumans; and at least one wrong move is being made or remade every day by humans.

One Wrong Move Is All It Takes

Wrong moves come with the terror story territory when Freedom is the context instead of Preedom.
In our own lives we already know that one wrong move can throw us off and set us back. Sometimes that wrong move can be fatal or near fatal.

Imagine moving about in a system of Maafa racism that is itself of a larger system of miscreant-ran criminality. All it takes is one wrong move within this scenario to totally derail an out of control train that is now encountering many changes in terrain.
In all of the institutions in societies, there are many criminal moves being made to try to hold on to status quo rulership over citizen prostitutes who follow leaders who pimp them out as sheep who need experts to lead them to how to earn their keep.

Space and time feel right that one more wrong move is going to cause the entire train to crash and burn causing the most superficial of basic needs to be unobtainable.
Lies are being told sold so fast, that one of your leaders says take the sars cov-2 covid-19 coronavirus vaccine and we can get back to normal while another leader says taking vaccines each year is the new normal.


Neck is nakh is ankh.
Ankh bones are cooking and simmering in the pot while a lot of other ingredients are being added by many cooks.
Suboptimal human manipulation of genetic potential is continuing to build Humpty Dumpty societies on inner and outer walls. When the bough breaks, dominoes will fall and humans, in catbird seats along with sheep who acquiesce at their feet, will reap what their logic has sown and shown.

One wrong move after another was made long ago. The accumulated but unreleased tension pressure of all the wrong moves made since the first one has ensured a rapid succession of collapses is coming soon and must be waiting on one more catalyst by those making the right moves.

Bones produce stem cells (sySTEM cells). Ankh bones produce system cells that can become anything needed. Ankh bones are making moves.

”Bone” is a form of benu and ben, symbols of resurrection and renewal, like a phoenix. Large groups of bones, including dry bones, resurrect when each Age changes. A bone is also a rock, stone, bean and seed, thus fundamental particles are being produced by stars in constellations.
Ankhbones are like stem cells, neters, the early elementals. In the galactic kitchen, the galactic pot in “An” is cooking up ankhbones like a pot of neckbones is “On”. Environmental change climate change is taking place because four cauldron pots are heating up and boiling at the corners in Pools of An as God's will is nearly DONE in bringing about even greater transformations in 2021.
All this is in addition to human societies turning up the heat for centuries in their melting pots.
In terms of pots, human controlled or superhuman controlled, some are cooking on open fires and stoves and come to boil relatively quickly as compared to other pots that are more like ovens and crock pots (Khekher Pots, Kherrekh Pots). And now “pot” is being legalized by humans. Their desire for money, unknowingly aiding the greater desire for Preedom and Expreedom.

Remember the Ber as a form of Per and Preedom and Expreedom

Ber and Bar is to boil up, well up, swell up from the abyss below to the topmost height above in the waters. This takes place step by step in all places pots of genetic POTential exist. This means environmental change is also taking place inside self and all else. And this is why human master deceivers are attempting to put more of their tools and weapons inside us via viruses and vaccines. And also why the same gang of terrorists, continue to poison and genetically modify nature and tamper with the weather.

Understand clearly that boiling and swelling not only means cooking but also gestation and fermentation, thus new things are being born in many places above, below, without and within. This bodes well for many new generations and regenerations of technology such as additional sets of chromosomes, trinary code, fundamental forces, solution cures and a restoration of the rights of creation. Bring it AN and AN and on and on! This is the only way the incoming rulers can establish their Golden Age Spring and Summer kingdoms.

All logic, good or bad, right or wrong, accumulates and leads to logical conclusions.

Why would anyone think that continuing to follow the logic of their society is going to end well?

Saturday, December 26, 2020

Priest Of Preexistence, Part 3 of 3
Unity Consciousness #2271


(9apj of 11)

As our level of awareness evolves our plain sight, more hidden things will be revealed as insight improves outsight or incite improves excite or insite improves exsite or insistence improves exsistence. As we regain and maintain faithfulness to our initiation into this life, we'll be able to see puzzle pieces of things needed for the continuance of our safari. For me the current thing is seeing that the word Free is a form of the word Pree.

The opposites Pre and Expre, taken from the word Preexistence, lead us to discover that Preexistence is a word based on Existence because it being called Pre-Existence.
What was Preexistence called before Existence existed?

We can see that the difference between Pre and Expre is “EX”. Thus if we remove EX from Preexistence, we end up with Preistence. This reveals the word Priest.
Priest comes first and is self-created, then recreates self as the ExPriest.
The Expriest is another tense (form) of self. This change in tense is due to a change in space and time. This is how Priestence becomes Expreistence.

Expreistence and Existence describe the exact same stage created by Atum, the Spoken Word, The Big Bang, Creation.
Two truths interact during the cell division transition from Priestence to Expriestence to release khemical climaxes, the first of which is called The Big Bang.

Atum is another way to say Muta or Maut or Maat or Two Truths or Repa or Karest or...
The logical use of metaphor shows us that another way to describe the two early stages of this Universe is Priest and Christ, or Priest tense and Christ tense, or Priestence and Christence.
Since the Christ is the Expriest, the Christ is the expression of the priest, the outer manifestation of the One.

It is the priest who transforms into another iteration of self and annoints that new form as the annotation of self. To annoint is to christen, which is part of the word christence, the new domain created for the christ, the next priest, heir apparent and repa-tition.
Thus we have the Chief Priest and the Christ Priest. The rise of PC as an abbreviation is not simply due to humans but also due to the rise of ever-coming christ priest and transformation of the ever-changing chief priest who is always changing forms, names and locations from which to impress self and express self.

We can continue to take this further by remembering that the tence of Priestence contains ence, enc or nce which all lead to the word ankh.
Thus, Priestence becomes Priest Ankh and Christence becomes Christ Ankh.
In other words, the first circle layer of this Universe is the priest tank, while the second circle layer of this Universe is the christ tank Both of these are the Pool of Two Truths. Recognize the similarity as to why humans form think tanks, as overall, overseeing, background guiding groups of people who create truths based on their agendas to control the logic, thus resources, of a collective.
We are now able to also see that the words “priest” and “christ” are pretty much spelled the same in English. We can be certain the similarities increase as we move back down the ancestral tree to Egyptian and Inner African languages.
We know the Priest is the High Priest or the Chief Priest while the Christ is the Priest who cannot become the high priest until re-ascending back into Priestence.
The High Priest pre-serves the Priest who re-serves the High Priest.
This is the same as saying the Parent preserves the child who reserves the parent.
The High Priest rules Preedom while the Christ rules Expreedom and Freedom.
This is why the Christ comes to reconcile the human freedom mindset back into the superhuman expreedom and preedom contexts.

Double-checking Triple Doubles Via Hebrews 7:1-3

For this Melchisedec, king of Salem, priest of the most high God, who met Abraham returning from the slaughter of the kings, and blessed him;
To whom also Abraham gave a tenth part of all; first being by interpretation King of righteousness, and after that also King of Salem, which is, King of peace;
Without father, without mother, without descent, having neither beginning of days, nor end of life; but made like unto the Son of God; abideth a priest continually.

This is telling us that Mechisedec the son, is the same as Melchisedec the father.
Not only is Melchisedec the priest of the most high God, but also has no parents, yet was made into another form as the Son of God. Thus the two are one and the same, plus they become three when we acknowledge the holy spirit of change, the mother.

All this is to again say that Priestence (Preexistence) and Christence (Existence) exist simultaneously as the first two major divisions of this universe.

Crackers & The Crack of Doom, Part 2 of 3
Unity Consciousness #2270


(9api of 11)

In the previous message we learned that Preedom gives us DOM which means justice, court, jurisdiction, rule as in domain, dominion, dominate, domino, wisdom, kingdom, doom.

According to etymonline.com, Crack of doom is the last trump, the signal for the dissolution of all things.

Dom also has other forms such as in don don't, done and Donald
Dom as in dome as in home as in khom as in khem as in khep as in khepera. Khepera is one of the names for the chief change agent (Khekh, spirit-soul).
Thus Khep as Dom is Tom is Toom is Tum is Atum is the Spoken Word that changed a portion of Preexistence into Existence by going into the tomb as a Karest and rising like a Phoenix.
Thus Khekh is the resurrection, the re-Kher-rection, the re-correction.

The word “crack” used above, is the same as the word Khekh. Thus the Cracker is trumped by the Crack-ur, the Khekher, the re-khekh, the rekh (truth and justice, the ever-coming one at the corner angle, parent and child, the I am and the Mati).

Right at the moment when things are about to switch over to the other side, the height of confidence exists on one side and the height of doubt on the other....which causes miscalculations. Then a crack appears on one side as a scab forms over the division on the other side. Neither of these occurrences are clear, except to the Watchers of Adro Adroa, far and near. Neither of these occurrences are pretty, but they are lovely in deed.
See also crack of dawn.

It seems like I must mention that one of the main understandings of this message is it has been revealed that the rule of freedom and preedom is changing as shown by being led to information that mentions trump and donald as a sign for the dissolution of all things. Add this to the indented paragraph above which was revealed 02.12.20.

Friday, December 25, 2020

Freedom & Preedoom, Part 1 of 3
Renewed Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2269


(9aph of 11)

We've been using a Human Existence context, rather than a context that is aware that both Preexistence and Existence are taking place simultaneously right now.
We think the opposite to freedom is captive, slave, enslaved, prisoner and other such synonyms.
However, in the larger context of Preexistence, the opposites are Pre and Expre, two words which are DERived from the word Preexistence.
These then become rehydrated back into Pree and Expree and also Preedom and Expreedom.

Humans have taken expreedom and turned it into expertdom then freedom. Thus in the human mindset, the opposites to freedom are captive, slave, enslaved, prisoner and expertdom.
The expressions of human experts (witch doctors, medicine men, shamans and magicians) have been and still are being used to captivate and hold captive our thought processes, thus hold captive our free will while making us think we are free thinkers behaving in our own best interests.

The desire to be free is fundamentally, the innate desire to be pre.
The desire to be in a pre state of mind when all things were in harmony, in balance and optimal in beingness and wholeness.
There are many words born out of preedom and that give birth to preedom. All these words are related and prelated. Some are intermediate forms that take place in the background of language formation. Here's a short list.
1. Pre as in PER perimeter as in CIR circle as in SER serve. Perimeter as in Perm, Berm, BER, barometer, verb. Der as is order and as in tur nature and TER as in water, neter, territory, terrain. Pre as in supreme becomes superma becomes superman becomes super me, superb, super
2. Per as in person, expert, perfect, perspective, percent, period, Inapertwa, persecute, per-aa, per is rep, rep-a, repre, re-pre-sent, pro, professional
3. Dom as in dem as in den garden, thus preedom is preeden is pre+eden. Gard-en is gold-en. Den is home. This den, this preden is where evidence comes from for identity and where the student and teacher begin; however, when not, the Ber-den eye becomes a burden eye
4. Dom as in dan jordan as in garden which produces descenDANts
5. Dom as in dam fundamental
6. Dom as in dim dimension
7. Dom indicates justice, court, jurisdiction, rule as in domain, dominion, dominate, domino, wisdom, kingdom, doom

Preedom is oneness with however many forms of self there are.
Freedom is free will that neglects this presponsibility due to pledging allegiance to lesser knowers.
In other words, freedom is free will of self that is out of harmony with the pree will of self. This pree will of self is the preexisting will of preedom that is part of the standard operating system khaos logic of all creations.

Under human control, America is indeed the epitome of the land of the free.
Under superhuman rule, America is indeed an epitome of the land of the pree.
This is true all over this Earth where humans dwell.

Preedom is pree will that agrees to lifelong indentured servitude to the totality of self so as to preserve the motion and mation of space and time that allows for continuous cycles of Preexistence and Preexistence-Existence (self-creation and recreation). This agrees with the need incentive to maintain continuous cycles of evolution and devolution in knowledge of self.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Four Fatal Flaws That Cause Our Thought Processes To Fail Us
Unity Consciousness #2268


(9apg of 11)

Thought process (thinking, logic, reasoning, reckoning) is one the many fundamental roots of this weblog that shows up in every message, explicitly and/or implicitly.
Despite how fundamental our thought processes are to everything we do, many of us don't spend any time specifically focusing on improving our thought processes.

1. We make the fatal flaw of subconsciously thinking our life experiences and formal education have molded our thought process into the shape of the scientific method.

2. We also make the fatal flaw of thinking the scientific method is the epitome of thought processes. It is not. This is due to being used under the wrong Utamawazo and Asili.

3. We also make the fatal flaw of assuming that deciding who to believe is complete critical analysis rather than just a fragment of the process.

4. We also make the fatal flaw of thinking we are open-minded because we open up and swallow what the government and the press present for our consumption. In other words, a person whose diet consists mainly of multiple sources of miseducation is not better off than a person whose diet consists mainly of one source of miseducation.

A penny for your thoughts is too much to pay for the “garbage out” our current thought processes produce.

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Realize Your Old Charitable White Lies Die Slowly
Unity Consciousness #2267


(9apf of 11)

At the moment, I'm so tired of hearing sociopath psychopaths megaphone talk, and then, due to the call of duty to Seshat and Tehuti, having to debunk their funky lies because these lies poison the waters others are drinking into their thinking but not making the connection that the consumption of these lies is the reason their quality of life is outwardly wet, but internallyl dry.

If this weblog you're going to continue to pa-troll, you will be told what is needful for your soul.

The Charity of Your Whiteness is a peculiar thing. It's mostly about you being charitable but not needing charity or accepting charity.
I continue to hear you white folks of all types of all demographics, now and back in the day, still being delusional talking about how you don't accept charity or handouts. Give me a goddamn break! This denial of receiving charity is of course said with the mistaken belief that you did it all by yourselves the fair and square hard way, thus you deserve whatever it is you think you've accomplished that justifies your participation in vengeance on disfavored groups.
To all of you, you've accepted the charity of whiteness, via the plethora of accepted advantages conferred and undeserved by Maafa racism that is maximized in the land of the free. Free for all? Naw!
What more do you want in terms of charity?
I am unimpressed by your so-called success.
You might not accept the same kinds or levels of charity that others accept, but most certainly you accept numerous cumulative charities that continue to create disparities.
Because you have a propensity for displaying incredulity and density when looking in the mirrors of the images you've created in societies, many of you will sit and look dumbfounded as hell that you did indeed have it oh so hard, but you ignore all the 365/24/7 benefits accrued and conferred by other white folks bending, breaking, ignoring, changing and manipulating rules in favor of each other and in disfavor of others. There's much more.

Yes, Maafa racism is the biggest recent charity and welfare program to white people and their kiss ass bend over fast chickenhead class of wanna be groups.

I am the messenger of the oracle and oracle reader. You have just received another dose of truth, the best kind of charity.

A lot of good it will do, due to the denial and cluelessness of all the charity given to whites by Africans for Ages. This charity exceeds any and all charitableness white folks think you've ever given to Africans. Consult your history of how you came up out of several Dark Ages and then leave a big recording space in hopes that you will make it out of this Dark Age.

It will take a process that admits that there is no land outside of western Asia that white people now inhabit, that was not already inhabited by non-whites. White people did not discover or pioneer the lands they continue to lie about. Africans have been all over this planet for a hell of a lot longer time than white folks have existed.
White Folks, you're right to say that the taking of these lands was not charity, but you contradict yourself when you say it was given to you by God.
It was either charity or theft. Pick which lie you wish to defend.

In other words, you folks have told so many lies that your defense of one lie is automatically admitting that you've lied about something else. In other words, you lie on both sides of the two truths, thus the double lie that Kwame Ture speaks about in his message about the conscious and unconscious.

We are living during times when humans in general, use lies as their weapon, tool and ability of choice as a shortcut to success. As explained before, this is made worse when white people and other groups favored in societies, flat out lie about the enormous past and present generational handicaps and helping hands of Maafa racism.
You people have been willing to change the way you live and the way your societies operate due to what you believe about coronavirus, but you have not been willing to come nowhere near, in the past 150 years, changing your societies because you believe Maafa racism is less of a threat to you and more of a benefit, thus you do nothing to get rid of it and lots to keep it. That's the same as accepting charity by systematic institutional design until it makes you blind in conscience.

You don't have any trouble asking for areas to be declared disaster areas after natural disasters so you can get a bunch more charity from governments. You need relief, you say. Help us you cry. You ignore the fact that Maafa racism is a nonstop disaster affecting lives in all kinds of ways, for which you begrudge any type of relief.

You want all manner of financial pandemic relief. You want assistance. You want help. This is the same thing as charity. You say it's not because it's through no fault of your own. You want the government to help you in multiple ways because you're suffering and desperate. But you don't want the government to provide relief for the nonstop virus of Maafa racism manifested everywhere in societies. You want compassion but you are a compassionless liar.

The Great White Way, the Milky Way, is changing and spreading infections to recolonize the galaxy and kill off legions of lies.
Old charitable white lies die slowly, but they do die.

NFL Rules Smell Foul & Play Out Foul
Unity Consciousness #2266


(9ape of 11)

As already known, all major institutions in societies are filled with many flaws that are simply idiotic and intentionally egregious, mainly for the purpose of maintaining power and control over people and gaming outcomes.

Anyone who follows any sport, already knows the many unsolved solvable issues associated with the sport.
The National Football League (NFL) in the USA has a huge list of problems with their rules, and like all sports, has umpteen problems with officiating, post play reviews, after game adjudications and even with sports commentators.

For now I'll just mention a few areas that continue to irritate my sensibilities because those problems are easy to fix; however, mental midgetry prevents it.

1. This rule currently favors the defense. Since most kickoffs result in touchbacks, move the kickoff spot back 10 to 15 yards.

2. This rule currently favors the defense. Some defensive penalties on scoring plays are assessed on the kickoff by moving the ball closer to the receiving team's endzone. This is wasted time and energy because all these kicks will result in touchbacks. The penalty should be assessed from the first dead ball spot after the kickoff from the standard distance.

3. This rule currently favors the defense. Penalties that result in “half the distance to the goal line” are unfair to the team on offense because when the offense commits the same foul in the red zone, the offense is moved back the entire distance of the penalty.

4. This rule currently favors the offense. Any penalty on the defense that gives the offense an automatic fist down should be balanced by a rule that results in an automatic fourth down, if the offense commits the same foul OR get rid of most or all automatic first downs, OR the rule should be changed to “repeat the down” unless the penalty moves the ball beyond the line to gain.

5. This rule currently favors the defense. Penalties for defensive pass interference should be a spot foul plus 15 yards or placed at the one inch line if the total distance penalty is not able to be assessed. The spot distance for offensive pass interference should be deducted from the line of scrimmage and an additional 15 yards added. The ball should be placed at the offensive team's own one inch line if the total penalty is not able to be assessed.

6. This rule currently favors shabby ass teams and deprives fans of the best in the NFL playing the best in the NFL. College football has the most idiotic playoff system ever devised by devious minds. The NFL is close behind. Only the division winners should be guaranteed a playoff spot and then teams with the best record regardless of Division and Conference. A few tiebreakers should be listed. Forget all this division and conference wildcard bullshit. Right now the playoffs are too divisional based and penalizes good teams in good divisions that are better than the best teams in bad divisions.

The NFL Playoffs do not become about One League until the Superbowl. Prior to that, it's about Two Conferences. Prior to that it's about Four Divisions. Yet, team records are determined by playing teams in all divisions, thus both conferences.

7. This rule currently favors the offense. A safety should be 3 points.

8. This rule currently favors the offense. Spiking the ball to stop the clock should not be allowed because it is intentional grounding and essentially gives the offensive team more time outs. The pass should be required to be made in the vicinity of a receiver.

9. This rule currently favors the offense. Watching quarterbacks kneel down at end of games is as painful to watch as intentional walks in baseball, a rule which MLB fixed. In the NFL Jerry Jones agrees. https://profootballtalk.nbcsports.com/2012/09/18/jerry-jones-thinks-kneel-downs-should-be-banned/

10. This rule currently favors the offense. The Play Clock should be 25 seconds, not 40 seconds. This at least minimizes the benefit to the offense of kneeling down. Then if kneeling is still allowed, just tell the referee the total kneel downs intended and have that person announce what the game clock should be reset to. The teams never have to take the field again unless time remains after the reset.

11. Games should not be able to end on an offensive penalty if the defensive team is behind. Possession should be given to the defense so their offense can run one play.

12. There are too many rules protecting quarterbacks. Stop it!

13. There should be more pass interference penalties and illegal contact penalties on “Hail Mary” pass attempts. The same rules should apply.

Monday, December 21, 2020

A Plea For Righteousness Settled By Revenge
Unity Consciousness #2265


(9apd of 11)

If greed is a real thing, then the counterbalancing counterpunch is altruism that we must make real. Is it not?
If vengeance exists, then the necessary right-thing-to-do-response is revengeance.

The Takers-Decimators-Cannibals-Parasites have infected Earth and are not satisfied with spilled blood, pain, misery and suffering. It does not satisfy their need to feel worthwhile or whole, so they continue to seek greater illusions of superiority.

Do you seek revenge?
I seek righteousness, as we all should – but I'll settle for revenge.
Everything we have is what it's worth.
The only thing that remains is to ask ourselves What do we have to give in exchange to achieve righteousness?
[paraphrased and embellished from the movie The Magnificent Seven, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vfzgQQzYv1M]
Get over being tricked into thinking revenge is a bad thing.
It's all throughout bibles.
It's the main action of the status quo to maintain their feifdom theifdom griefdom kingdoms.br> Revenge is the same thing as “punishment” and “penalty” for breaking laws.
Revenge is the same as retribution and retaliation.

If “paying it forward” is a good idea, then “paying it back” is also a good idea.

Per etymonline.com, vengeance or vengeful means to "lay claim to, assert; claim for freedom, set free; protect, defend; avenge."
This is what the Takers did and do 365/24/7. Ain't it?
Fakers have claimed the right to use any kind of force by any means necessary by the virtuousness of authority from God and authority by various forms of Manifest Destinies and authority by genetics and authority by intelligence and authority due to being modern humans and authority by way of many other illness inducing logic claims that are all false.

As a result, Takers feel vindicated by their societies because they say that their societies are proof of their right to take whatever and do whatever.
Because Takers feel vindicated, they continue to feel revin-dicated to use any type of force necessary, including emotional, mental and spiritual weapons and tools.

Vengeance is mine, ... saith the Lord, is a true statement; however this statement also reveals that the Lord is also saying, revengeance is yours, thus ours.

There would be no need for revenge if vengefulness of Takers-Fakers-Decimators did not exist.
Revenge simply means to take back what has been taken and to complete the cycle of the equal and opposite reaction to the vengefulness of Takers.

Revenge Yourself! Take revenge against the illogic fed to you by Takers that causes you to continue to assist their death wish.
The Magnificent Seven as the Seven Elemental Souls of Life would rather not take down Takers without our help. If we don't help ourselves, we will be treated as answering the call to duty of Takers, rather than the call to righteousness.

Vengeance is the actions called the grace of god. Revengeance is our part. It is the second complementary part of grace that we must participate in to secure our own salvation. It is a dis-grace to reject the grace given through god. Vengeance being carried out by Takers is them taking action to secure the grace they say god has given them. We should do the same. We must do the same. If not we will be forever dis-connected and separated from the grace of god because we let Takers confuse our benefit of the doubt into not taking vengeance, otherwise called revenge. This is hidden in the word “participate” which is parti + reciprocate, being a party in reciprocating actions.
As rediscussed elsewhere, your biblical Israelites were required to take action and go to war to get the promises of the promised land. Ask your spirit if it's true that metaphors are for reminding us that the most fundamental truths always come in pairs. When we do not keep both truths in mind, we dis-pair and despair. For example, when we have the fatal logic flaw of thinking vengeance is okay but revengeance is not.

The process of Revenging the spirit-mind-emotion must begin first, then comes revenge of the body and then revenge of the physical outside of self, then the final stage of revenge to take back freedoms taken, otherwise called freedoms forsaken.
Actual Freedom comes no other way.
Freedom lost through the vengeance of others is only regained and reclaimed through revenge.

Revenge is personal and universal.

Saturday, December 19, 2020

What The Hell Is An Aspersion?
Unity Consciousness #2264


(9apc of 11)

Based on the general definition of aspersion, I reckon we've all cast aspersions, knowingly or not.

Definitions & Meanings

Referring partially to Etymonline.com, an aspersion means:
1. to shed, to sprinkle, to scatter, to spread, to strew, to spew.
2. to spread slander, rumors or derogatory information.

Aspersion is related to dispersion, disperse.
This connects to the word “diaspora” which also means to scatter or spread.
This also is clearly related to intersperse, sparse and parse.

Aspersion is related to aster, which means star, ster, tser and ser, all of which are the two truths of duality.
Asper, aspers, aspersion and aspersions are pieces of stars and pieces of Ars, as also are asteroids and steroids.

Casting aspersions in the current sense is used to denote depictions intended to harm ; however, casting aspersions is also a good thing as pieces of ars (stars, words) are spread throughout this universe in many shapes and sizes, composing, decomposing and carrying out all processes, including the SARS processes of Master Deceivers on opposite sides.

Lastly we must begin to recognize that compliments and complements are also aspersions, or shall we say, “AS versions.”
Thus they are star types, thus ster types, thus stereotypes, thus stareotypes, shortened to Archetypes which comes back around to karchetypes, kharchetypes, khereotypes, hereotypes, hero types.
Aren't hero types, stereotypes and superstars who have superhuman abilities due to a change in one or more conditions that affect their otherwise same genetics as us?

When we cast aspersions, with good intent or bad intent, we are spreading truths, but not necessarily connecting those descriptions harmoniously.

Friday, December 18, 2020

Pandemic & Vaccine Chess Moves (Khes Moves)
Unity Consciousness #2263


(9apb of 11)

In the message I just published earlier today, I reported and repeated the following:
...status quo humans are inventing new games in order to try to outwit the moves being made on the web by the Great Spider & Company.

12.18.20 Update to UC#2262

A few hours later, I came across the following quote just received today from one of the national health care insurance companies.
VACCINES are the game changer for the pandemic. Understand and articulate the benefits so that we can educate and encourage others to become vaccinated.

Briefly Pulling Together Recent Remembrances

Taking another look at the word “pandemic” I am now able to extract more understandings from pan + de + mic.
1. “Pan” means all, everything, the ever-coming one, the universal, Ra, the holy spirit. This includes the powers ruling the Ages, under which we are subjects.
2. ”De” means a variation of duality and sometimes the bringing together of those variations and sometimes the separating of those variations.
3. ”Mic” is Mak which means ruler and rule, the Mak-er, the Great Maker.

The most recent easily noticeable human pandemic is the one that was planned and nicknamed Covid-19 as evidenced by written documents these criminals authored and published years ago.
This pandemic is using “panic” to control people and usher them like sheep down a narrow path off a steep cliff.
The plandemic called Sars-CoV 2 coronavirus is one of many methods being used to try to counteract the spiritual, mental, emotional and physical forces that are bringing about the removal of the current rulers above, thus also below. This changeover includes the souls of life, the fundamental forces and inhuman governments, societies, cultures and their sheep.

The human pandemic is one of many plans to try to separate heir apparents of the New Ages from achieving rulership on this Earth. This has never been achieved by humans and never will, unless you think “God's will be damned and human will be done” and you also think a hero is the construction of human make-believe and not Almighty Maker Conceived.

The rapidness of these revelations into streams of consciousness heightens my spidey sense that we are due, in very short order, for another noticeable sign in the USA and/or diseased places worldwide during 2021 and most likely before July 26th.
Earth's annual month-long alignment with Aquaria is when the child is reborn in the watery abyss of South Karua. This is being intensified and magnified by Earth's 2,160 continuous alignment with Aquaria as one of two ruling Ages. Aquaria is when the child is reborn in the watery abyss of South Karua. Expect paths of destruction across a section of the planet that lead from stored up water places to full blown inundations in Egypt Africa and Egypt America and along other rivers and their dams....19, 20, 21. Desert places, Saharas, will bring forth an enormous amount of dormant life overnight. Vaccine delivery and many other things are indeed moving at warp speed.

Don't you find it quite curious and suspicious that the human plandemic vaccine delivery is being called Operation Warp Speed? [on 12.22.20 I was reminded of the 05.06.20 blog post titled, “Lies Are Replicating & Mutating At Warp Speed,” UC#2108] [Also the 12.29.19 blog post titled, “Tolerance & Dynamic Balance For Being Human Self-Understanding Each Other,” UC#1930].

In the

In the new game of chess, the queen and king are once again equally and doubly important and positioned at all four corners of the circular game board, while all human moves are made within these boundaries and parameters. The secure feeling of insecure walls of the human matrix are crumbling like the glacial walls of ice fortresses. They are calving and caving back into the waters where game changers understand all moves.

Then there's this, also encountered on 12.18.20

The Occult Symbolism of the Vatican’s 2020 Nativity Scene. This is reminiscent of the 2018 symbolism used in the USA in the White House, after which the following year brings forth Covid-19 and Pandemic Lockdown-20, now Vaccines-21. What moves will the Grandmaster make next?

This causes me to revise my estimate of the next large scale event occurring starting right now and up to the rising of the Star Constellation of Spring which is still Pisces-Aquaria, but mostly Aquaria.

Encountered 12.20.20

...the stars are just getting warmed up. On December 21, a rare alignment between Jupiter and Saturn, also known as a Great Conjunction, is set to shake things up politically, socially, and in your personal life as well.

I do not subscribe to a lot of what is said in this article, but some of the details along with the overall message are on point.

You should compare and contrast the following two additional articles taking note of their similarities and stark differences, plus also in relation to what has been stated on this weblog in various messages.
1. https://www.yahoo.com/lifestyle/great-conjunction-almost-change-everything-160515071.html

2. https://www.yahoo.com/news/worlds-align-winter-solstice-look-031122921.html

We can be certain upheaval will continue until most of big head governments and their citizens, are laid low and new rule and systems are fulfilled.

I will make note of two dates given in these articles.
1. The year 1623 is approximately when the King James Subversion of the Christian Bible was translated into English in 1611 and when African enslavement began in the USA in 1619 but not based on the concept of race as a color. What a coincidence. “White people” did not exist as a concept or racial construction until 1681 shortly after the 1676 Bacon's Rebellion. In 1616 the Quing and Ming Dynasties began a 46 year war. In 1618 the Thirty Years War began between in Europe which, like all wars, created many refugees and many deaths. During the 1600s CE, the scientific method became a widely formalized method finally known to Europeans.

2. The year 1226 is approximately when Kepheus and Aquaria are exerting more influence. I suspect alignments of Jupiter and Saturn are more related to Kepheus and the transfer of power from parent to child, or shall we say, from the outgoing Polar Age to the incoming Polar Age.

Recalling New Dinosaurs Via Planned Obsolescence
Unity Consciousness #2262


(9apa of 11)

As discussed elsewhere, the Supreme Being is the Supreme Scientist using the Supreme Scientific Method while conducting continuous genetic-potential-knowledge-wide experiments necessary for survival, ser-revival and thrival.
By copying this Master Conceiver, Master Manipulator Method we can conclude it is more likely that most giant dinosaurs on this Earth are no longer with us due to no longer being a necessary variable in the sets of conditions that have transpired since most giant dinosaurs expired.

I suspect that although dinosaurs helped bring about the necessary transformations for a new age dynamic, dinosaurs began to overburden the ecosystem as their populations proliferated and their logic stagnated.

Through observations of many types of cycles, we know universes, since they cohabitate and interrelate, they also collaborate to process planned obsolescences inherent in the genetic code of every creation. This is again easily understood as we witness everything created and born, also having the potential to transform and die, or shall we say, the potential to be broken apart for reconfiguration, thus renewal in another form.

Drawing upon analogous metaphors inherent to the Supreme Scientific Method, we can easily see how humans are the new dinosaurs in line to become mostly extinct in our current form, numbers and misinformed disharmonious totemic groupings.

This will not be due to impact shockwave concussions from disasteroids. This is not what happened to the earlier dinosaurs. That explanation does not take into account all the other effects of an asteroid event that large.
Earth, Solar System and Galaxy are going through metamorphosis called climate change. This recalibration process on Earth will not be setback by killing most life on Earth, just to kill humans with one or more gigantic disasteroid explosions. Instead humans will go through a series of attrition due to various causes, including self-destructions, many small asteroids along with slow motion rapid environmental change.

Suboptimal logic bastards and bitches, wizards and witches are injecting humans with cocktails of pathogens and other machine weapons; however, optimal logic has already been injecting Earth with vaccines of genetic potential to facilitate below, the same Khepera-Khep-Khu (coup) changing of the guard taking place above. This includes bringing forth whatever is necessary by drawing from genetic formulas anywhere in time and space. Time is running out on the cards dealt and the moves made under the outgoing Ages. They will not be able to complete the current hand of Spider Solitaire by reshuffling the deck and then winning the game. Winnable hands are no longer being dealt to the wicked. This is why status quo humans are inventing new games in order to try to outwit the moves being made on the web by the Great Spider & Company.

Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Pet Repet (Repeat) Is Also Pretty
Unity Consciousness #2261


(9aoz of 11)

We now repeat “Pet” which was discussed in detail along with fetish and churinga and totem. All four are forms of the same thing and have fundamentally the same meaning.
We already know a pet is an animal we bond with to form a connection to a greater sense of nature, thus self, even though we might not be aware that this is what's working in our subconscious.
As already shown elsewhere, humans are pets, thus Mother-Father God is Pet, thus Earth is Pet.

That dogs and cats are very popular as pets is due to the Age of Wepwawet-Kepheus-Sekhet-Kat and Pisces-Aquaria-Sekhet-Kat.

Of course, “Pet” is the universe and name of the birthplace.
Pet also has to mean two, thus the saying Peet and Repeet or Peat and Repeat or Peti and Repeti or Peter and Pet or Pet-ur and Pet or Puter and Put. We can also sense the basis of the words compete and complete.

Since Pet is duality, it is based on opposites and apposites, thus Pet also means to caress and to strike.
In the current sense, a pet is something dear to us that we take care of like a child. In a primitive sense, pet is the ever-coming child. Same is still same. Sem-sem remains intact despite changes in space and time.

Using all we've learned thus far, we can see that Pet is a combo form of preexisting duality as ter and per and as pre-ti and pretty.

6 Reasons More Dogs Get Lost In Cities & Suburbs
Unity Consciousness #2260


(9aoy of 11)

As days accumulate in societies, more strange artificial things take place. In their cities and suburbs one area of strangeness is due to dogs and humans being more estranged from natural world context and contact. I had no tangible concept of a lost dog until I moved from the country to a city where lost dogs are a real concern which requires dog tags and rfid chips to put owners at ease. In cities and suburbs, I suspect the following reasons more dogs are lost:

1. Most dogs are chained up or fenced in or housed in, most of the day, most of their doggone lives.

2. Like their owners, dogs have become domesticated to be dumbed down on how to navigate in concrete jungles.

3. There is too much noise. Thus there is a shorter distance for dogs to easily hear owners calling them.

4. Dogs have a reduced sense of direction due to not being able to become familiar with scent trails that lead back home.

5. Dogs are naturally curious. Once they get a chance to get out of lockdown, their sense of exploration kicks in, but they can't find their way back.

6. Dogs are too dependent on being led by a leash to even know how to cross the street.

Back in the days of the 1960s and 70s, in the country, most of us never chained up, fenced in or kept dogs in the same house we lived in. The dogs came and went as they pleased. Sometimes we wouldn't see the dog for days at a time. They almost always came back home.
In the country it was foreign to have to walk a dog so the dog could get exercise or piss and poop. Our dogs roamed mountains, creeks, hollows and crossed roads and walked railroad tracks. Most of our dogs died of old age and most of them didn't even have dog houses outside. They lived under the house or porch.

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

The Press, Impress & Express, Part 2
Unity Consciousness #2259


( 9aox of 11)

Circling Back To The Original Press

The Press is the EXpress.
The information presented by the press is it's expression.
An expression is logic sent outside of self in order to manifest and imprint itself on something else.
In the beginning was the word and the word was, and still is, the Expression of God that created Existence.

As it is with all things, expression and impression are done more expertly and more harmoniously by the superhuman. The Natural World is The Press that provides all the information we need to understand the natural world context and universal worldview. This is how knowledge evolved and was verified for hundreds of thousands of years.

The Press is the Impress.
The impressions of preexistence were expressed and imprinted into existence and continue to imprint and express in continuous repetitions of variations of cycles and forms.

All genetic potential is an impression and expression machine.
Your genetic potential is an impression and expression machine.
This is yet another reason why understanding self is always tied and dependent upon understanding something else. And this is why the more we understand about all else, the more we understand about self.

The human forms of press that are most widely promoted are only beneficial when we treat them as only one source and one perspective. The human press tricks you into thinking they are presenting different perspectives, but they are each presenting a different fragment of the same perspective.
1. The human press creates a copy of their thoughts in our minds, and we behave accordingly.
2. The natural world press encourages you to continuously seek more understandings in order to understand the truths of self and all else.

Everything is expression that comes from impression.
Whatever you manifest, think, do, behave, are all expressions of impressions.
Please do not allow the human press to determine the fundamental and overall context for the Presson that you are.

We choose to be imprinted and impressed by what others express.
We also try to make impressions on others by our expressions.

The Press, Impress & Express, Part 1
Unity Consciousness #2258


( 9aow of 11)

While listening to a movie made several decades ago, it occurred to me that I've been less than clear when using the word “media.” A more easily understood word is “the press.”
One of the reasons the press is called the press is due to the printing process used back in the day to press images and other information onto paper.
Another, more important reason is that “the press,” as an industry, imprints images and other information into our minds, emotions and spirits, thus “the press” also affects us physically.
By using the phrase “The Press” we should be able to remember that this form of media is another way our logic-thinking-behavior is programmed.

The Press helps form our utamawazo worldview context about anything and everything, especially when the press is what we consume as something nutrition fresh each day essential to keeping us healthfully informed about what's going on.
The Press and The Government are each a finger in the 10 fingers of people activity formalized into institutions to control a group of sheeple and commit Maafa racism.

The government prints money to spend to carry out their thinking and behavior while the press prints spin to monetize our thinking and behavior.
We should know by now that the human press machine only presents a very narrow and fragmented perspective for understanding any topic. Obviously a lot of people don't care and prefer to be made brain dead in exchange for being primarily fed by the press' daily bread.
To make matters worse, most people have been programmed to only rely on an extremely narrow subset of the press whose make-believe ubiquity, impresses people to conclude that that press is credible, thus trustworthy, thus their words, images, pictures and graphics are objective.
No wonder most people have skewed logic that screws up any chance of a balanced thought process.
Yet most people think their press fed logic is healthy.
The only thing objective about the press is that we objectify the press as reliable in a helpful way.
Good is the grief that comes from sleeping with a thief.

Let us not forget that all of our so-called good education is part of the human press complex, thus being educated in the school systems of your society is almost a guarantee you will not be able to recognize and escape the thousands of daily misprint imprints you received from school.
School is another word for flock. School flocks you up. Why? Because the experience still does not lead to a course correction of worldview context nor does it elevate fundamental understandings. You are no closer to knowing who you are, where you came from and why you are here. What has mostly been accomplished is learning how to work in a dysfunctional system that's essentially a ponzi pyramid scheme to get you and us to seek a tiny portion of basic needs and swear up and down it's a better life.

It doesn't matter how many books you read. The only way your thinking and behavior can turn out for the better is for your worldview and definitions to move towards the optimal in optimal theory and become centered around the universal vantage point.

I don't give a damn what kind of specialty knowledge you possess for which you have a job, a career, a profession or an expertise.
None of that information improves a suboptimal worldview context and definitions that misinform you about who you are, where you came from, why you are here and how you fit it.

By following flockstep in behind Master Deceivers, we ourselves have become victims of confirmation bias. We are continuously impressed, since birth, by various forms of the human press, and we use that as the basis for continuing to listen to more of the same.
Most of us follow the thinking of the money rich, the popular and the famous, of which the press, entertainment, government, schools and religion are primary promoters of these misguided notions.
We allow the superior-than thou “experts,” “studies,” “reports” and “papers” presented to us to become protected by blasphemy if we question or doubt the press as if they were religious bibles.
In fact, the human press, including schoolbooks, are the most widely adhered to primary bibles of societies. This causes us to continuously make the mistake of thinking that unless the society has anointed someone as having valid thoughts on a subject that that person's thoughts can in no way be credible or exceed the understanding of experts.
If this is how you think, please don't talk to me. Keep it moving in the rut of muck fed to you by the stinking press. Just remain in the subservient position accepting every crumb thrown down to you by those who you need so you can feel safe, secure that you will have the best opportunities to be.
Instead of processing information through critical analysis, we make snap judgments based on impressions of the source. The only time this is partially valid is when the source has proven to not be operating in your best interests. The catch to this is that we don't know what our best interests are because we have suboptimal knowledge of self and plenty else.

PRESS RELEASE: "Free and critical minds can emerge only by a return to the source-the primary sources. A free and critical mind takes nothing for granted and is not intimidated by "authorities" who frequently may be more confused than the general public. Free and critical minds seek truth without chauvinism or shame." - Ancestor Nana Baba Asa G. Hilliard III (Nana Baffour Amankwatia II)
In 1971 Neely Fuller said if you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you.

The human press does everything in its power to keep you from thinking about the above two quotes.

Sunday, December 13, 2020

MD 2020 | Master Deceivers Self-Defeaters
Unity Consciousness #2257


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Despite being discussed many times before as subtopics using various synonyms, Master Deceivers deserve their own flashing marquee billboards all over the spider web to highlight their dechievements.
Master Deceivers are experts at self-deception and self-destruction, but terrible at self-awareness and self-correction.
Almost everything that a Master Deceiver believes is true about self and false about others, is a twisted lie.
Almost everything that a Master Deceiver believes is false about self and true about others, is a self-hate crime.

We are now in the twinlight (twilight) period of time when, due to transitions from two great truths to two others, they seem as one.
Thus Master Deceivers in human form, have devolved into thinking they have perfected the art of making truth seem like lie and the other way around.
This conceit belief is so extreme that it has grown into hasty carelessness such that as the decades have amassed, more and more raggedly lies are spewed and only supported by more and more raggedly lies that are only held together by false believers in a sick relationship with Master Deceivers.

The gullibility, ignorance, stupidity and fear of the masses is what Master Deceivers depend on most.
This is why, for instance, in the USA, Master Deceivers are spending 50 million dollars to convince more black people to willingly take the covid-19 vaccine.
Master Deceivers agree black lives matter, just in the opposite way black lives matter to black folks.

As discussed several times before, the greatest deception of Master Deceivers is that they think they are the best Master Deceivers there ever was and that they are the originators of the okie doke.

Truth is, Master Deceivers are average run-of-the-mill deceivers who have used any means necessary to take resources, thus gain physical power and convince others to continue to consent to their usage of any means necessary to maintain always unfair unstable societies.
As a result, just like the average liar, Master Deceivers have told so many lies that they can't keep up with them or keep them straight. Thus they have gotten their tools and weapons mixed up, but perceive this not.
Master Deceivers think their ability to shape-shift deceptions is also their foolproof protection.
This inebriated thinking is legitimized and solidified in their psychopath sociopath calcified pineal glands that prevent them from doing better and understanding the following:
1. Self-determination contains its own termination.
2. Self-preservation requires us to (a) preserve the motion and mation of space and time and (b) pre serve the animation of creation.

Thus the ability to achieve self-preservation and self-determination is dependent on the rights of creation to be.

Being fans of suboptimal theory, Master Deceivers have little to no understanding of “optimizing,” thus they default to the “maximizing” approach.
This has ensured they would lose sight of one the basic rules of deception: lie as little as possible and only to the extent necessary and only when absolutely necessary.
Instead, Master Deceivers have fallen in love with the arrhythmia of the lie, thus they voraciously seek to maximize lies by telling as many lies as they have breaths because lies feed their self-esteem.
Whereas before, Master Deceivers were content to feed their livestock a steady flow of lies from self-feeding taps, in the past few decades, Master Deceivers have been turning up the volume which has led us to the fire hose approach now being used to inundate and silence the lambs with bullshit science, thus herd masses to their new normal lives.

Master Deceivers are out of control trains designed to derail, misconfigured to fail.
In 2020 Master Deceivers have outdone themselves in.
They will win at their own game.
They have lost the favor and love of the coming Lords - for whom the Lords love, they correct; however, there is no correction in this life for Master Deceivers whose greatest acclaim is that they will go down in history and be inducted, all of them and their enablers, into the Hall of Shame in the Pool of Flame in a blaze of well-deserved overdue glory – a fate befitting mad dogs.

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Good & Bad Disasters & Disasteroids
Unity Consciousness #2256


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All words have usages that are suboptimal and optimal, negative and positive, good and bad.
The words “good” and “bad” are forms of the words “Ka” and “Ba”, thus, like all words, they are forms of Ra, God, Khekh and Spirit-Soul.


One of the ways the comnglomerate word ”disaster” can be disassembled, is into dis + aster.
“DIS” also takes other primary forms such as “DES“. “DAS”, “DOS”, “DUS”, “DYS”.
DES means variations of duality, while DIS means separation of those variations.


“AS” is the Universe, the Circle the Container, the Womb of all time and all space where everything that is anything is ASsembled and DISassembled.
AS is also the item, object, thing and the motion.

TER” is the same as AS except TER is more about the circle and cycle of a great many continuous repetitions.

One of the meanings of “ASTER” is star. A star is a repetition of the fundamental components of space and time, the elemental souls of life and their early offspring.

Aster is also a form of karest (christ).
Karest is aster + K, which reforms the ka and the Kar, the sparkholder.
Karest is “a star.” (astar, Astar, Astarte, Starter, Fire Starter).
Karest as a star, is the sun of god, the light of the world.
Karest yields streak which leads to stark which leads to spark.
Streak is the strand, the string, the vibration of motion and transformation that is sometimes subject to arrest (another form of Karest and the “AR” within Karest)

A star is a disk.
One of the symbols for a star is an asterisk. This is because aster-isk is the amalgamation of star + disk.
A star is a disk and disc and the universe is disk space, discovery space.
Thus, through cycles of inductive and deductive reasoning, we can conclude that not only is an asterisk a star but also a piece of a star, as in asteroid.
Asteroids are formations of the double primitive essence of duality. This can be symbolized with the double strand that not only forms “K”, but also the “X” and the “T” of the double cross which combine to form the symbol for asterisk.
One of the names for the rising eastern star of the Equinoctial Age is Asterodia. This is currently the rising star nation of Aquaria.

Disk + Aster

Disk + Aster is also Dis-karest and Dis-aster.
Thus, simply put and fundamentally put, disaster means DYSfunction of any set of truths, no matter how many are in the set. For example, the 7 + 1 souls of life.
From another perspective, disaster means the death and falling of one christ and the birth and rising of another christ.
However, just as death is the prelude prerequisite to birth, so also is one form of diskarest necessary for the birth of another form of disaster. One of these disasters is good and the other is bad.

All celestial bodies, including “our” Earth, exist in a sea of kazillions of moving objects. It doesn't take much for one condition to change that will alter these cycles of motion and transformation such that increased collisions occur as part of the bad disaster process of throwing good after bad. Asteroids come in multiple forms and states of matter that are only detectable using multiple levels of sensing abilities. Asteroids come in all forms of all components of which stars are composed.

At the end of an Age, or at least a half Great Year, great changes in the set of universal conditions take place which trickle down to galactic conditions, solar system conditions, earth conditions, cellular conditions and societal conditions. All understandings to date indicate increased asteroids are bringing us toxins and nutritions, in addition to the obvious physical effects of the impacts of asteroids of the more solid type.
Just like stars, asteroids (star pieces) are also indicators of the start and finish of large cycles of time, thus indicators of large changes in space (thus environmental change, a continuous process from above and within that no man can put asunder, put out, destroy, disassemble or discontinue).
If what is going on at small scale levels in organisms, and in societies, is not enough to help us understand what is going on, then look to the position of Disk stances as signs and symbols of ever-coming salvations and ever-coming damnations.
I fully suspect disasteroids are assisting in destroying Troys and rebuilding Troys, thus changing storys and fueling rapid course corrections to history to bring enough things into alignment to manifest the New Ages.
Thus if you continue to listen to and follow the logic of the status quo, you will always be misreading disasters and behaving in ways that make things worse as fortunes reverse.
Cases in point, look at the current uselessness of college degrees in securing basic needs and how small business have been decimated at the whim of government and consent of gullibles still thinking the government's intent is to help the masses.

Friday, December 11, 2020

Basic Need: A Vaccine To Protect Against Vaccines
Unity Consciousness #2255


( 9aot of 11)

From Why My Life Is Fucked Up comes the following: people are feenin' for vaccines to return their lives to normal, not realizing that both the “new normal” being dangled out front like a carrot in exchange for ingesting a vaccine, and the “old normal” the masses wish for, are the problem. What we need is the abnormal.

Sadly most people think everything was either okay or better before the preplanned covid-19 pandemic was announced.
Truth is, our societies were already in a nosedive after taking off in planes manufactured by sick logic and piloted by the miseducated and morally corrupt.
With most plane rides, there are moments when we can decide to get off or not get on when “something ain't right” tries to warn us that something is wrong.
In the world of physical plane crashes, there are many times when, if one person had made a different decision, then the plane crash could have been avoided or minimized. Often this different decision is not made due to habit of sticking with the same choice and habit of allowing the decisions of others to be a stronger reason for not following the great spider sense of one's own spirit offering us saving grace along a different path.

The word vaccine is a form of the word machine and machination and related to mechanism and mechanic.
A machine carries out a set of instructions.
A machine performs the tasks desired by the programmer, the designer.
Who the hell is designing and programming (developing) the machines called vaccines?
The same people who have colluded to cause brain machines to get used to functioning without critical thinking. This has been accomplished with generations of 24/7 doses of miseducation vaccines that have programmed thinking, thus behavior that causes people to view oppressors as saviors and psychopath sociopaths as sane.

There ain't no way in hell that salvation or the saving of lives for the masses will come through racist collectives, no more than the soul will be liberated through the Greeks, Romans, Sadducees or Pharisees.

Sankofa what a vaccine more fundamentally is.
Vac is a form of Magh and Mak and Makh, to rule. Thus Maker is the great ruler. Rule is Reru and Rru.
Vaccines, as used in societies, are a form of the mark of the suboptimal destroyer beast.
Vaccines, as used in societies, are a form of internal control over you and your free will.
To inject a vaccine into your body is to allow someone else to rule you from afar by activating the additional programming installed with the vaccine.
In relation to vaccines, seek more information, including vaccine + each of the following: nanotechnology, 5G, electromagnetic, dna altering.
For the longest time, vaccines have been and still are being used as trojan horses to deliver a sneak attack into our bodies, just as white people sneak attacked people all over the world, coming in as friends, then showing their true colors of criminal intents.
The trojan horse was used on Troy. Troy is what the DESpot, DESpicable, DESperate used to DES-Troy.
Vaccines, as used in societies, are weapons of mass destruction.
All of the capital cities on Earth and their favored groups are forms of Troy. In the wrong hands.
Many countries are also forms of larger scale Troys.
So also are the cells in our bodies and the cells in all other organisms.
The main battles to Des-troy are taking place in these Troys.
Hellen, (Helen of Troy) represents disfavored groups held captive in Troy, lately of their own choosing. This has caused Hellen to live in Hell while trying to renovate Hell into Heaven, instead of simply demolishing it.
This entire 13,000 year period of the half Great Year has been hell for the original mother and child, the Afra-Ka and Afra, as they have been traveling through galactic underworlds to be reborn.
Aquaria and Kepheus have almost fully risen as the most recent forms of mother and child. They are also beasts in their own rights, with their own machines and superpowers to influence and create vaccination machinations to rescue the remnant from the brink of disaster.

The optimal vaccination is one that will fix broken logic and improve knowledge of self so that human behavior functions in harmony with the extended self.

12.13.20 Update

In order for you to think you need a vaccine, you must also believe that your immune system is not functioning properly enough to produce antibodies and that your general health is poor. I have never taken the flu vaccine, and even in the midst of having sarcoidosis and the sickle cell trait, I have never contracted influenza and I only get mild colds.

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Humans Gasping & Grasping For Self-Esteem
Unity Consciousness #2254


( 9aos of 11)

Self-esteem is a common theme of this weblog that runs through every message and all day throughout our subconscious as a contextual meme of our frame of reference (worldview context).

Because humans who live in societies are severely mentally ill, due to not having a healthy self-estimation of who they are, where they came from and why they are here; most humans are constantly gasping for a breath of self-esteem and grasping for something to hold onto that will make them feel good about themselves.

In the absence of a healthy foundation of knowledge of self, then most humans will tend to think they are better than most or all else created, except perhaps for deities. Then, because all else created is too far removed from the obvious mirror image of other humans, then humans will move to the next level of misguided thinking and focus on believing they are better than other humans such as siblings, friends, coworkers, job classifications, gender, race and all other “suboptimal identifiers of self.”

This is why in all of today's societies, humans manifest the following two behaviors when thinking about other humans and interacting with other humans.
1. All humans need to breathe fresh air. This air is more than physical. It exists in the form of nutritions that nourish spirit-soul and allows it to breathe freely. This air is the air in pair, in repair, in repa, and in compare. Thus this air is also a form of “are” which is part of the expansion process of conjugating “to be.” This air is essentially the relationship between the self as one, two and many. It is a spirit-mind-emotion relationship that requires universal understandings of the harmonious self that is composed of sameness and difference inside self and outside self. Proper self-esteem allows our spirit to be inflated in healthy balance rather than feeling deflated unless we can create actual and illusory imbalance to distract us from our sickness and weakness caused by malnourishing understandings (junk logic that is momentarily filling but not deeply satisfying).
Air is a macroelement and microelement. Air is one the seven elemental souls of life and one of the four or five primordials. When we speak of being grounded, we speak of Earth; however we should also be aware of our innate inherent basic need to feel attached to Spirit, Water, Sun and Air.
Air represents breathing space to expand and contract in cycles. This is what our self-esteem needs. As we mature in understandings, we need the ability to maintain the simultaneous dynamic view of ourselves based on “optimal identifiers of self.”
We must come to understand that the duality of the collective is inseparable from individuality, even when that individuality is group based, group placed and group debased, such as it is with the intentional confusion regarding race.
Spirit-soul transforms at each stage of birth in order to grow in understandings so it can expand the use of its genetic potential. Humans whose spirit-soul has not grown enough are always struggling in unhealthy ways for room for self-importance yielding expression. Thus this leads to harming self, thus interacting in unhealthy ways with other creations. Spirit-soul's self-estimation is in balance when enough understandings are connected on opposite sides of the circle, thus able to maintain a harmonious utamawazo.

2. Humans currently under 40 years of age might not have enough experience to understand that whiteness people and their wannabes hate it when any black person has something more than them that they wish they had. “Something more” can be anything about the physical self, anything physically acquired, any knowledge, any ability and any anything. This bothers white people to their rotten racism core. It puts them on the defensive, angers them and puts them on the offensive to make sure that black person or black people think less of themselves or suffer in some way. Jealousy, envy, misery is abundant in all societies they lord over. There is not one healthy example anywhere in history of a white led civilization. This unhealthy self-esteem logic resides in the root directory that directs Maafa racism thinking and behavior overtly and covertly, by omission and commission and passively and actively. As discussed at length, white people feed each other poison logic starting at home in order to recruit terrorist gang members for racism, an ideological construct that depends on it's members having sick self-estimation.
Also an added dimension of sick logic of humans who rely on racism to temporarily boost self-esteem, is that even when these strugglers offer any type of assistance to the disfavored group, they are doing so from the perspective of helping someone more lowly and more pitiful than them. They have bastardized the logic of Christ and other leaders who did not see themselves as “better than” those they were helping. These false prophets are true puppets to a self-cannibalizing sense of self.

Thus, what has been said above is that basic human flaws possible in all humans are magnified and made worse as more and more suboptimal identifiers of self form the foundation and context for knowledge of self.

All the flaws discussed in this message will be manifest by self and by others no matter the type of relationship that exists - even by best friends, spouses, neighbors or someone who claims to be wanting to help you.

The more suboptimal self-estimation is, the more likely we will do things to harm others in order to attempt to satisfy one or more of the 64+ basic needs. This then is the motion of gasping and grasping for self-esteem that gives us a weakening good feeling that must be continuously renewed by bad behaviors. This type of human thinks their best path to obtaining basic needs is made easier by violating the rights of creation. If this ain't confirmation of mental illness, then nothing is. Sick self-esteem keeps us gasping and grasping for anything that can help us feel any sense of self-esteem. More often than not, this constant sense of desperation funnels us in to tunnel thinking the best way to rise in self-esteem is to try to lower or limit self-esteem in others and lower our self-estimation of others.

Briefly Again Defining Self-Esteem

Self-estimation (self-esteem) has been discussed many times using both pairs of words, Another way to summarize the definition and meaning of self esteem is that it is our total understanding and sense of self in relation to the transformations and motions of space and time.

Once Again Summarizing The Basis Of Homo Races Homeostasis

Our sense of self, knowledge of self, self-esteem is overall a spiritual thing because it is the same spirit-soul that endures throughout all transformations of space and time.
Humans today have grossly limited self-estimation to mental-emotional-physical dimensions. Even so, the spiritual is still present and active in the background, but most of us are unaware of this always present influence on all thinking and behavior.
Now consider how much of our mental-emotional-physical understandings are based on thousands of pieces of miseducated information.
As a result, the way we move about with our sense of self (self-esteem, self-estimation) is mostly disharmonious with the full true self, thus, by default, also self-destructive with the totality of all else.
This is why it is important to remember, the Number One Thing You & Everyone Else Must Learn, Unity Consciousness #421

Friday, December 4, 2020

Why My Life Is Fucked Up
& Getting Worse Without My Knowledge
Unity Consciousness #2253


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I don't question my gooberment or mainstream corruporate media, despite their co-conspirator track records of using and abusing the public as subjects. Due to my weak ass self-estimation, I have already decided I am not capable of critical thinking (A) and have outsourced my thought processes to those who tell me I am a sane, intelligent, educated good citizen because I listen to them and their experts. In short, I have trust issues in a Stockholm Sydrome, slavemaster-slave way. I am sick, mentally ill.
This is why I also overlook:
1. What a pandemic is
2. The numbers that prove a pandemic exists.
3. The tests used to determine the sickness exists.
4. Several dozen daily articles and reports that are just all over the place and only united in that they support the status quo narrative.
5. Why do I believe a sars-covid-2 pandemic exists? Because the government and media told me.
6. Why do I believe a Pcr test is valid? Because the government and media told me.
7. Why do I believe the numbers? Because the government and media told me.
8. Why do I believe all the ways to control or minimize the pandemic? Because the government and media told me.
9. Why do I believe the solution is a vaccine? Because the government and media told me.
10. What all this boils down to is that by free will I have given away my ability to think for self, thus I have given up self-control, which is why I'm allowing governments from local to federal, to tell me what I can and can't do and what the punishments and rewards are.

My memory is not only fragmented, it is short-term. I am a model minion for dominion. I have no clue as to what the differences are between a civilization and a society or sheep and wolves.

11. I have moved from being stuck on gullibility to stuck on ignorance to stuck on stupid, despite experience to inform me and guide me to truths. I can't get there however because I am fearful and panicky. Thus I do nothing but stick with my current way of following the yellow piss poor road of thinking and behaving.

(A) I think Fox and CNN present opposing views. This is the same as saying white America and the KKK present opposing views. Truth is, they say and do the same things differently.

My life is fucked up and getting worse without my knowledge of self and all else in an optimal context.

Now Multiply Me By Millions

And you get nations that are fucked up with people who are feenin' for vaccines to return their lives to normal, not realizing that the normal the masses wish for, is the problem. Genocide has been conducted for many years and now it is happening in the name of covid-19 via treatments and a vaccine aimed at a manufactured pandemic. Already, the masses are being prepped for another virus. If you think 2020 was bad, then 2021 and 2022 are going to make 2020 look like one of those normal holidays and walks in the park. This must be so because it is the inevitable progression of the logic guiding societies. (see also "THE GREAT RESET" ALREADY HAPPENED

My nation of experts, scientists, medical professionals, corporations and government can't figure out how to keep me alive when I get the virus, but they can quickly figure out a way to boost my immune system so I don't get the virus, and evidently this will be the first medication treatment without dozens of side effects. I am a sheep who deserves to be slaughtered.

Here I Am Again In Disguise...

...as Julia Jackson, NYU students, NYU Professors and NYU Administration.
It's the critical thinkers versus the sheep. Sheep use the heads down stampede tactic to corral and ostracize any sheep who tries to wake up and stop being a sheep. Sheep bumrush anyone who is not willing to follow the pack off the cliff, since sheep outnumber critical thinking former sheep by a wide margin.
...one of his students called for his firing based on in-class comments he made on the utility of masks. In other words, Professor Miller questioned the effectiveness of wearing masks as a means of stemming a “pandemic”, and I, as a faithful believer in deceivers, decided to be a citizen police. Please note that I don't make any outcries against police murdering people or all the other continuous daily examples of Maafa Racism. That's just how I am. All I want is for everyone to go along with the status quo and don't speak against it. I am an adult college student, smart and mature.

The Masses In Behavioral Contrast

Here's what another NYU Pro-fessor said, but he is not getting mauled and molested by the masses. ”... I feel as if this pandemic has largely been invented for taking the top 10% into the top 1%, and taking the rest of the 90% downward”
This professor avoids the wrath of the masses by being contradictory in his assessment of capitalism and by sucking up the same type of sadistic love the masses display.

White Logic In Blackface

People Get Angry At A Movie Star Who Doesn't Trust Vaccines And Not Afraid To Say So Publicly Notice how in this article, all the arguments that support vaccines are based on what people have heard from government, mainstream media and corporate experts and university experts whose thoughts are viewed as the most valid.

No End To My Sheepthink Madness That Loves Lies

Law enforcement authorities in Tallahassee, Fla., on Monday raided the home of a data scientist who had been fired by Gov. Ron DeSantis after refusing to manipulate numbers.