If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, December 11, 2020

Basic Need: A Vaccine To Protect Against Vaccines
Unity Consciousness #2255


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From Why My Life Is Fucked Up comes the following: people are feenin' for vaccines to return their lives to normal, not realizing that both the “new normal” being dangled out front like a carrot in exchange for ingesting a vaccine, and the “old normal” the masses wish for, are the problem. What we need is the abnormal.

Sadly most people think everything was either okay or better before the preplanned covid-19 pandemic was announced.
Truth is, our societies were already in a nosedive after taking off in planes manufactured by sick logic and piloted by the miseducated and morally corrupt.
With most plane rides, there are moments when we can decide to get off or not get on when “something ain't right” tries to warn us that something is wrong.
In the world of physical plane crashes, there are many times when, if one person had made a different decision, then the plane crash could have been avoided or minimized. Often this different decision is not made due to habit of sticking with the same choice and habit of allowing the decisions of others to be a stronger reason for not following the great spider sense of one's own spirit offering us saving grace along a different path.

The word vaccine is a form of the word machine and machination and related to mechanism and mechanic.
A machine carries out a set of instructions.
A machine performs the tasks desired by the programmer, the designer.
Who the hell is designing and programming (developing) the machines called vaccines?
The same people who have colluded to cause brain machines to get used to functioning without critical thinking. This has been accomplished with generations of 24/7 doses of miseducation vaccines that have programmed thinking, thus behavior that causes people to view oppressors as saviors and psychopath sociopaths as sane.

There ain't no way in hell that salvation or the saving of lives for the masses will come through racist collectives, no more than the soul will be liberated through the Greeks, Romans, Sadducees or Pharisees.

Sankofa what a vaccine more fundamentally is.
Vac is a form of Magh and Mak and Makh, to rule. Thus Maker is the great ruler. Rule is Reru and Rru.
Vaccines, as used in societies, are a form of the mark of the suboptimal destroyer beast.
Vaccines, as used in societies, are a form of internal control over you and your free will.
To inject a vaccine into your body is to allow someone else to rule you from afar by activating the additional programming installed with the vaccine.
In relation to vaccines, seek more information, including vaccine + each of the following: nanotechnology, 5G, electromagnetic, dna altering.
For the longest time, vaccines have been and still are being used as trojan horses to deliver a sneak attack into our bodies, just as white people sneak attacked people all over the world, coming in as friends, then showing their true colors of criminal intents.
The trojan horse was used on Troy. Troy is what the DESpot, DESpicable, DESperate used to DES-Troy.
Vaccines, as used in societies, are weapons of mass destruction.
All of the capital cities on Earth and their favored groups are forms of Troy. In the wrong hands.
Many countries are also forms of larger scale Troys.
So also are the cells in our bodies and the cells in all other organisms.
The main battles to Des-troy are taking place in these Troys.
Hellen, (Helen of Troy) represents disfavored groups held captive in Troy, lately of their own choosing. This has caused Hellen to live in Hell while trying to renovate Hell into Heaven, instead of simply demolishing it.
This entire 13,000 year period of the half Great Year has been hell for the original mother and child, the Afra-Ka and Afra, as they have been traveling through galactic underworlds to be reborn.
Aquaria and Kepheus have almost fully risen as the most recent forms of mother and child. They are also beasts in their own rights, with their own machines and superpowers to influence and create vaccination machinations to rescue the remnant from the brink of disaster.

The optimal vaccination is one that will fix broken logic and improve knowledge of self so that human behavior functions in harmony with the extended self.

12.13.20 Update

In order for you to think you need a vaccine, you must also believe that your immune system is not functioning properly enough to produce antibodies and that your general health is poor. I have never taken the flu vaccine, and even in the midst of having sarcoidosis and the sickle cell trait, I have never contracted influenza and I only get mild colds.