If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

Realize Your Old Charitable White Lies Die Slowly
Unity Consciousness #2267


(9apf of 11)

At the moment, I'm so tired of hearing sociopath psychopaths megaphone talk, and then, due to the call of duty to Seshat and Tehuti, having to debunk their funky lies because these lies poison the waters others are drinking into their thinking but not making the connection that the consumption of these lies is the reason their quality of life is outwardly wet, but internallyl dry.

If this weblog you're going to continue to pa-troll, you will be told what is needful for your soul.

The Charity of Your Whiteness is a peculiar thing. It's mostly about you being charitable but not needing charity or accepting charity.
I continue to hear you white folks of all types of all demographics, now and back in the day, still being delusional talking about how you don't accept charity or handouts. Give me a goddamn break! This denial of receiving charity is of course said with the mistaken belief that you did it all by yourselves the fair and square hard way, thus you deserve whatever it is you think you've accomplished that justifies your participation in vengeance on disfavored groups.
To all of you, you've accepted the charity of whiteness, via the plethora of accepted advantages conferred and undeserved by Maafa racism that is maximized in the land of the free. Free for all? Naw!
What more do you want in terms of charity?
I am unimpressed by your so-called success.
You might not accept the same kinds or levels of charity that others accept, but most certainly you accept numerous cumulative charities that continue to create disparities.
Because you have a propensity for displaying incredulity and density when looking in the mirrors of the images you've created in societies, many of you will sit and look dumbfounded as hell that you did indeed have it oh so hard, but you ignore all the 365/24/7 benefits accrued and conferred by other white folks bending, breaking, ignoring, changing and manipulating rules in favor of each other and in disfavor of others. There's much more.

Yes, Maafa racism is the biggest recent charity and welfare program to white people and their kiss ass bend over fast chickenhead class of wanna be groups.

I am the messenger of the oracle and oracle reader. You have just received another dose of truth, the best kind of charity.

A lot of good it will do, due to the denial and cluelessness of all the charity given to whites by Africans for Ages. This charity exceeds any and all charitableness white folks think you've ever given to Africans. Consult your history of how you came up out of several Dark Ages and then leave a big recording space in hopes that you will make it out of this Dark Age.

It will take a process that admits that there is no land outside of western Asia that white people now inhabit, that was not already inhabited by non-whites. White people did not discover or pioneer the lands they continue to lie about. Africans have been all over this planet for a hell of a lot longer time than white folks have existed.
White Folks, you're right to say that the taking of these lands was not charity, but you contradict yourself when you say it was given to you by God.
It was either charity or theft. Pick which lie you wish to defend.

In other words, you folks have told so many lies that your defense of one lie is automatically admitting that you've lied about something else. In other words, you lie on both sides of the two truths, thus the double lie that Kwame Ture speaks about in his message about the conscious and unconscious.

We are living during times when humans in general, use lies as their weapon, tool and ability of choice as a shortcut to success. As explained before, this is made worse when white people and other groups favored in societies, flat out lie about the enormous past and present generational handicaps and helping hands of Maafa racism.
You people have been willing to change the way you live and the way your societies operate due to what you believe about coronavirus, but you have not been willing to come nowhere near, in the past 150 years, changing your societies because you believe Maafa racism is less of a threat to you and more of a benefit, thus you do nothing to get rid of it and lots to keep it. That's the same as accepting charity by systematic institutional design until it makes you blind in conscience.

You don't have any trouble asking for areas to be declared disaster areas after natural disasters so you can get a bunch more charity from governments. You need relief, you say. Help us you cry. You ignore the fact that Maafa racism is a nonstop disaster affecting lives in all kinds of ways, for which you begrudge any type of relief.

You want all manner of financial pandemic relief. You want assistance. You want help. This is the same thing as charity. You say it's not because it's through no fault of your own. You want the government to help you in multiple ways because you're suffering and desperate. But you don't want the government to provide relief for the nonstop virus of Maafa racism manifested everywhere in societies. You want compassion but you are a compassionless liar.

The Great White Way, the Milky Way, is changing and spreading infections to recolonize the galaxy and kill off legions of lies.
Old charitable white lies die slowly, but they do die.