If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 30, 2020

13 Confessions Of A Reformed Sheep
After Overcoming Gaslighting & Reverse Gaslighting
Unity Consciousness #2276


(9apo of 11)

As I began compiling this message this morning, I received two messages talking about sheep. One was on the television show I Love Lucy.
The other was an article on the internet that popped up on my screen and contained the following statements.
The data does not make sense. When I say don’t be a sheep, I mean don’t be a sheep. I mean listen to yourself. Check the facts out for yourself and make your own decision.

My Confessions

1. I had to overcome my for-bread-culture-bred behavior to choose flight over fight.

2. When there was no place else to hide run flee to, I chose compliance, not the defiance of self-determination I was entitled to, because I thought self-betrayal complicity would change the nature of those preying upon me because I was on their side helping them fulfill their asili.

3. Because I instinctively knew nothing had changed except how predatory behavior is framed, I remained jittery, jumpy, fearful, panicky, uneasy, desperate feeling and stressed all the time despite my suboptimal based success.

4. I used to follow alpha sheep, even though one really doesn't exist. An alpha sheep is one who does something and then another sheep follows. This then causes all the other sheep to quickly follow. Why? Because sheep are too busy seeking the rapidly dissipating satisfactions of grazing to find time for assessing and accessing other basic needs.

5. Since there is no alpha among us, I will follow many types of sheep herders such as: humans, dogs, donkeys, other flocked up animals, wolves...

6. All these types of thinking and behavior I had to begin understanding about myself so I could begin the continuous process of reforming my logic and freeing myself. Freeing your mind and the rest willing follows is true. Rest is a form of Karest, thus Christ. Thus the saying becomes “free your mind and the savior will follow.”.

7. I've had to relearn how to follow my own mind; however in order to do so in my best interests, I've had to reform my worldview context along with thousands of definitions and meanings.

8. I am now my own lookout. I check out logic before I consume it and assume its position.

9. During all large season transitions, most sheep perish. For those of Judaeo-Christian belief, this is proven through Noah's Ark, and proven during famines, including the one that brought the Jacob Israelites to Egypt. It is also proven by the decimations of populations the Israelites wrought in the name of unsubstantiated promises. It is also proven by Europeans who decimated populations worldwide and have for decades gotten populations to decimate themselves by following wolf gang logic.

10. I look at what's taking place right now today and since 1963 and before 1963 and I wonder how many sheep can remain dedicated to a herd mentality that has never benefited sheep. Many citizen sheep should be jumping the allegiance ship, like rats leaving the security of a flooded sewer.

11. Another layer of illusion is the logic of sheepdogs and wolves who think they are unassailable because they think they are in better positions.

12. I now flee towards freedom of expression of my greater nature and potential according to my rights of creation. This is achieved through greater amounts of knowledge of self and all else which explains that discerning illusion and reality can be helped by understanding gaslighting and reverse gaslighting.

13. I will never forget I was one of those singing and embodying the following sad happy-go-lucky song for sheep who live in a gaslit matrix corral.

What a trip just watchin' as the world goes past
(Grazin' in the grass is a gas, baby, can you dig it)
Everything here is so clear, you can see it
And everything here is so real, you can feel it
And it's real, so real, so real, so real, so real, so real