If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, December 9, 2020

Humans Gasping & Grasping For Self-Esteem
Unity Consciousness #2254


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Self-esteem is a common theme of this weblog that runs through every message and all day throughout our subconscious as a contextual meme of our frame of reference (worldview context).

Because humans who live in societies are severely mentally ill, due to not having a healthy self-estimation of who they are, where they came from and why they are here; most humans are constantly gasping for a breath of self-esteem and grasping for something to hold onto that will make them feel good about themselves.

In the absence of a healthy foundation of knowledge of self, then most humans will tend to think they are better than most or all else created, except perhaps for deities. Then, because all else created is too far removed from the obvious mirror image of other humans, then humans will move to the next level of misguided thinking and focus on believing they are better than other humans such as siblings, friends, coworkers, job classifications, gender, race and all other “suboptimal identifiers of self.”

This is why in all of today's societies, humans manifest the following two behaviors when thinking about other humans and interacting with other humans.
1. All humans need to breathe fresh air. This air is more than physical. It exists in the form of nutritions that nourish spirit-soul and allows it to breathe freely. This air is the air in pair, in repair, in repa, and in compare. Thus this air is also a form of “are” which is part of the expansion process of conjugating “to be.” This air is essentially the relationship between the self as one, two and many. It is a spirit-mind-emotion relationship that requires universal understandings of the harmonious self that is composed of sameness and difference inside self and outside self. Proper self-esteem allows our spirit to be inflated in healthy balance rather than feeling deflated unless we can create actual and illusory imbalance to distract us from our sickness and weakness caused by malnourishing understandings (junk logic that is momentarily filling but not deeply satisfying).
Air is a macroelement and microelement. Air is one the seven elemental souls of life and one of the four or five primordials. When we speak of being grounded, we speak of Earth; however we should also be aware of our innate inherent basic need to feel attached to Spirit, Water, Sun and Air.
Air represents breathing space to expand and contract in cycles. This is what our self-esteem needs. As we mature in understandings, we need the ability to maintain the simultaneous dynamic view of ourselves based on “optimal identifiers of self.”
We must come to understand that the duality of the collective is inseparable from individuality, even when that individuality is group based, group placed and group debased, such as it is with the intentional confusion regarding race.
Spirit-soul transforms at each stage of birth in order to grow in understandings so it can expand the use of its genetic potential. Humans whose spirit-soul has not grown enough are always struggling in unhealthy ways for room for self-importance yielding expression. Thus this leads to harming self, thus interacting in unhealthy ways with other creations. Spirit-soul's self-estimation is in balance when enough understandings are connected on opposite sides of the circle, thus able to maintain a harmonious utamawazo.

2. Humans currently under 40 years of age might not have enough experience to understand that whiteness people and their wannabes hate it when any black person has something more than them that they wish they had. “Something more” can be anything about the physical self, anything physically acquired, any knowledge, any ability and any anything. This bothers white people to their rotten racism core. It puts them on the defensive, angers them and puts them on the offensive to make sure that black person or black people think less of themselves or suffer in some way. Jealousy, envy, misery is abundant in all societies they lord over. There is not one healthy example anywhere in history of a white led civilization. This unhealthy self-esteem logic resides in the root directory that directs Maafa racism thinking and behavior overtly and covertly, by omission and commission and passively and actively. As discussed at length, white people feed each other poison logic starting at home in order to recruit terrorist gang members for racism, an ideological construct that depends on it's members having sick self-estimation.
Also an added dimension of sick logic of humans who rely on racism to temporarily boost self-esteem, is that even when these strugglers offer any type of assistance to the disfavored group, they are doing so from the perspective of helping someone more lowly and more pitiful than them. They have bastardized the logic of Christ and other leaders who did not see themselves as “better than” those they were helping. These false prophets are true puppets to a self-cannibalizing sense of self.

Thus, what has been said above is that basic human flaws possible in all humans are magnified and made worse as more and more suboptimal identifiers of self form the foundation and context for knowledge of self.

All the flaws discussed in this message will be manifest by self and by others no matter the type of relationship that exists - even by best friends, spouses, neighbors or someone who claims to be wanting to help you.

The more suboptimal self-estimation is, the more likely we will do things to harm others in order to attempt to satisfy one or more of the 64+ basic needs. This then is the motion of gasping and grasping for self-esteem that gives us a weakening good feeling that must be continuously renewed by bad behaviors. This type of human thinks their best path to obtaining basic needs is made easier by violating the rights of creation. If this ain't confirmation of mental illness, then nothing is. Sick self-esteem keeps us gasping and grasping for anything that can help us feel any sense of self-esteem. More often than not, this constant sense of desperation funnels us in to tunnel thinking the best way to rise in self-esteem is to try to lower or limit self-esteem in others and lower our self-estimation of others.

Briefly Again Defining Self-Esteem

Self-estimation (self-esteem) has been discussed many times using both pairs of words, Another way to summarize the definition and meaning of self esteem is that it is our total understanding and sense of self in relation to the transformations and motions of space and time.

Once Again Summarizing The Basis Of Homo Races Homeostasis

Our sense of self, knowledge of self, self-esteem is overall a spiritual thing because it is the same spirit-soul that endures throughout all transformations of space and time.
Humans today have grossly limited self-estimation to mental-emotional-physical dimensions. Even so, the spiritual is still present and active in the background, but most of us are unaware of this always present influence on all thinking and behavior.
Now consider how much of our mental-emotional-physical understandings are based on thousands of pieces of miseducated information.
As a result, the way we move about with our sense of self (self-esteem, self-estimation) is mostly disharmonious with the full true self, thus, by default, also self-destructive with the totality of all else.
This is why it is important to remember, the Number One Thing You & Everyone Else Must Learn, Unity Consciousness #421