If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, December 13, 2020

MD 2020 | Master Deceivers Self-Defeaters
Unity Consciousness #2257


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Despite being discussed many times before as subtopics using various synonyms, Master Deceivers deserve their own flashing marquee billboards all over the spider web to highlight their dechievements.
Master Deceivers are experts at self-deception and self-destruction, but terrible at self-awareness and self-correction.
Almost everything that a Master Deceiver believes is true about self and false about others, is a twisted lie.
Almost everything that a Master Deceiver believes is false about self and true about others, is a self-hate crime.

We are now in the twinlight (twilight) period of time when, due to transitions from two great truths to two others, they seem as one.
Thus Master Deceivers in human form, have devolved into thinking they have perfected the art of making truth seem like lie and the other way around.
This conceit belief is so extreme that it has grown into hasty carelessness such that as the decades have amassed, more and more raggedly lies are spewed and only supported by more and more raggedly lies that are only held together by false believers in a sick relationship with Master Deceivers.

The gullibility, ignorance, stupidity and fear of the masses is what Master Deceivers depend on most.
This is why, for instance, in the USA, Master Deceivers are spending 50 million dollars to convince more black people to willingly take the covid-19 vaccine.
Master Deceivers agree black lives matter, just in the opposite way black lives matter to black folks.

As discussed several times before, the greatest deception of Master Deceivers is that they think they are the best Master Deceivers there ever was and that they are the originators of the okie doke.

Truth is, Master Deceivers are average run-of-the-mill deceivers who have used any means necessary to take resources, thus gain physical power and convince others to continue to consent to their usage of any means necessary to maintain always unfair unstable societies.
As a result, just like the average liar, Master Deceivers have told so many lies that they can't keep up with them or keep them straight. Thus they have gotten their tools and weapons mixed up, but perceive this not.
Master Deceivers think their ability to shape-shift deceptions is also their foolproof protection.
This inebriated thinking is legitimized and solidified in their psychopath sociopath calcified pineal glands that prevent them from doing better and understanding the following:
1. Self-determination contains its own termination.
2. Self-preservation requires us to (a) preserve the motion and mation of space and time and (b) pre serve the animation of creation.

Thus the ability to achieve self-preservation and self-determination is dependent on the rights of creation to be.

Being fans of suboptimal theory, Master Deceivers have little to no understanding of “optimizing,” thus they default to the “maximizing” approach.
This has ensured they would lose sight of one the basic rules of deception: lie as little as possible and only to the extent necessary and only when absolutely necessary.
Instead, Master Deceivers have fallen in love with the arrhythmia of the lie, thus they voraciously seek to maximize lies by telling as many lies as they have breaths because lies feed their self-esteem.
Whereas before, Master Deceivers were content to feed their livestock a steady flow of lies from self-feeding taps, in the past few decades, Master Deceivers have been turning up the volume which has led us to the fire hose approach now being used to inundate and silence the lambs with bullshit science, thus herd masses to their new normal lives.

Master Deceivers are out of control trains designed to derail, misconfigured to fail.
In 2020 Master Deceivers have outdone themselves in.
They will win at their own game.
They have lost the favor and love of the coming Lords - for whom the Lords love, they correct; however, there is no correction in this life for Master Deceivers whose greatest acclaim is that they will go down in history and be inducted, all of them and their enablers, into the Hall of Shame in the Pool of Flame in a blaze of well-deserved overdue glory – a fate befitting mad dogs.