If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, December 18, 2020

Recalling New Dinosaurs Via Planned Obsolescence
Unity Consciousness #2262


(9apa of 11)

As discussed elsewhere, the Supreme Being is the Supreme Scientist using the Supreme Scientific Method while conducting continuous genetic-potential-knowledge-wide experiments necessary for survival, ser-revival and thrival.
By copying this Master Conceiver, Master Manipulator Method we can conclude it is more likely that most giant dinosaurs on this Earth are no longer with us due to no longer being a necessary variable in the sets of conditions that have transpired since most giant dinosaurs expired.

I suspect that although dinosaurs helped bring about the necessary transformations for a new age dynamic, dinosaurs began to overburden the ecosystem as their populations proliferated and their logic stagnated.

Through observations of many types of cycles, we know universes, since they cohabitate and interrelate, they also collaborate to process planned obsolescences inherent in the genetic code of every creation. This is again easily understood as we witness everything created and born, also having the potential to transform and die, or shall we say, the potential to be broken apart for reconfiguration, thus renewal in another form.

Drawing upon analogous metaphors inherent to the Supreme Scientific Method, we can easily see how humans are the new dinosaurs in line to become mostly extinct in our current form, numbers and misinformed disharmonious totemic groupings.

This will not be due to impact shockwave concussions from disasteroids. This is not what happened to the earlier dinosaurs. That explanation does not take into account all the other effects of an asteroid event that large.
Earth, Solar System and Galaxy are going through metamorphosis called climate change. This recalibration process on Earth will not be setback by killing most life on Earth, just to kill humans with one or more gigantic disasteroid explosions. Instead humans will go through a series of attrition due to various causes, including self-destructions, many small asteroids along with slow motion rapid environmental change.

Suboptimal logic bastards and bitches, wizards and witches are injecting humans with cocktails of pathogens and other machine weapons; however, optimal logic has already been injecting Earth with vaccines of genetic potential to facilitate below, the same Khepera-Khep-Khu (coup) changing of the guard taking place above. This includes bringing forth whatever is necessary by drawing from genetic formulas anywhere in time and space. Time is running out on the cards dealt and the moves made under the outgoing Ages. They will not be able to complete the current hand of Spider Solitaire by reshuffling the deck and then winning the game. Winnable hands are no longer being dealt to the wicked. This is why status quo humans are inventing new games in order to try to outwit the moves being made on the web by the Great Spider & Company.