If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Dementia Forgetfulness Is Human-Made & Spirit-Made
Unity Consciousness #2088


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Anything that affects humans affects the four inseparable aspects of self. In the past 2,160 years, humans have intentionally on purpose created societies based on forgetfulness. The culture of societies is based on short-term fragmented memory. Thus any attempt at critical thinking is automatically by design extremely limited. Only a person who is reaching down to the fundamentals of life and existence, or is expanding to these same fundamentals, is able to have the context and information necessary to critically think in a sufficiently healthy way.


Physically speaking we are a bunch of cells. This is a fundamental enough perspective for our current discussion. Cells function based on processing information. When a cell doesn't have information or is unable to process information it has or is unable to process information correctly or efficiently, then this manifests in numerous maladies. One of those is forgetfulness which we call Dementia. Dementia, like all other physical ailments, is a manifestation of cellular malfunction.

When societies are based on low levels of nutrition and high levels of toxins, then of course the physical will suffer and of course that means cells will suffer and of course that means cells will malfunction and of course communication within the cell and between cells suffers and of course memory will be one of the effects that we notice, yet there is a disconnect as to the chain of causes.

If you don't already know your society intentionally does things to lower the amount of physical nutrition you get and raise the amount of toxins you get, then you better ask somebody, but don't ask anyone who has already taught you alot. Why not? Because the more you learn from a source, the more you should learn how to teach yourself how to remember everything you need. Also search nutrition, nutrient, toxin, toxic. Add in any other words you think applies.

Societies cannot easily control healthy people. Imagine how much more free you would be if you were physically healthy and knew how to maintain that health and had uninhibited uninfringeable access to what it took to be physically healthy. Any society out of sync with the ecosystem will also suffer in physical health.

The ecosystem needs rest an so do humans, but yet our societies are based on little rest and lots of stress. This negatively impacts physical health and contributes to the ability to process, thus contributes to forgetfulness.

We know our society poisons the ecosystem. This also tells us that our societies are filled with fundamental widespread pervasive chronic forgetfulness at the heart of its culture, thus forgetfulness manifests in citizen of all ages, whether or not they have been officially diagnosed as having Dementia.


We know for certain, that in the USA, the society intentionally has a food and water system that lowers the nutritive value of food and raises the toxic level. We also know the society's various means of educating people, are intentionally designed to keep citizens from understanding health. This is true despite an abundance of information on nutrition and toxins. Citizens are unable to correctly process the information in relation to the other information they possess. Thought processes are fragmented due to how citizens are taught to think.

Citizens are intentionally taught how not to be critical thinkers. They are also taught to rely on fragments of history and fragments of other information. Societies desire to control people with misinformation miseducation. This is a contributing factor to forgetfulness called Dementia. Citizens display signs and aspects of dementia throughout their lives, not just during old age. Citizens don't even remember information about their own society that has taken place during their lifetime or even one month ago, let alone anything broader or anything interconnected. This then inhibits citizens and encourages the habit of not continuously going back in memory and fetching information. Thus inside cells, there is a weakening of the route to access deeper caches and stashes of memory. Combined with fragmented short-term memory, this facilitates forgetfulness we call Dementia.


Whatever impacts the health of the physical and mental, also impacts emotions. We humans have been trained to live in imbalanced emotional states and in emotional states based on woefully inaccurate information. Take something as fundamental as love and hate. We manifest those two emotions based on misinformation about self and other things. The emotions are real but their basis is illusion and confusion.

Our emotional responses to information causes that information to be accessed more quickly or less quickly or on an even keel. How this plays out depends on our overall health. The same information we hate or are afraid of might be quickly accessed or hindered from being accessed, thus our thought processes are influenced more or less by this information, even though there is other information to consider. Improperly informed emotions, interfere with the proper accessing of information and how our cells function. It contributes to forgetfulness Dementia. People in societies are jerked around and mistaught about the context and definitions of love, hate, anger, fear and many other emotions. We are taught to misapply emotions and this carves out a rut in our thought processes that we quickly go to and fall into and this creates an emotional divide between information.


Never separate is the spiritual aspect of all things. There is a spiritual component to the physical, to food, to nutrition, to toxins, to cells, to information, to thinking, to behavior and to emotions. Throughout this entire message I am being brief because the four inseparable aspects of self have been discussed constantly and how different things going on are either the cause and/or effect of these four parts of who we are.

Most societies acknowledge and promote some sort of Higher Power. However, those societies only do so to the extent that that Higher Power is described and understood to be in favor of that society and against other groups. Also, within the society there is further disintegration of understanding because the Higher Power is said to be in favor of certain members of the society, for instance, males. Going along with this solidifies long-term forgetfulness.

Understandings regarding life and death and our connection to ancestors and to other creations is also intentionally crafted to elevate some and denigrate others. It is idiotic to denigrate animals when we are animals, thus so also must God be an animal. Likewise it also spiritually corrupt to think plants are lesser creations and are not our relations. Any Higher Power worth anything must be the seed of seeds.

Spirit is the main aspect of self. Spirit is trying to manifest through the physical and trying to understand self. When the physical, mental and emotional are impaired, so also will be the spiritual. All of this programs the spirit into a narrow understanding of self and promotes spiritual forgetfulness. Because Dementia is the result of cellular malfunction, then dementia forgetfulness can spread from cell to cell, thus dementia is cancer, just like any other disease, illness, sickness or problem that has the ability to spread. Infections are cancers inside our bodies and cancers between humans.
Cells communicate using electricity and magnetism. Spirit is that electromagnetic energy. Everything affects the flow of spirit energy, because all motion is generated by spirit, thus everything whether thought or behavior, affects the flow of electromagnetic energy thus affects the flow of information and our ability to remember.

The main source of repairing forgetfulness is the natural world. This is where we came from, what we are made of. The natural world can help us remember the spiritual aspects of all things and their connectedness. The natural world can lead us back to our destinypurposes, which is the same thing as our spirit remembering itself and finding its way as to why it is here in this place and time and form.

Another way say Dementia is human-made is to say Dementia is spirit-made in human form. Everything we are as humans began in the above and below that surrounds Earth and began as spirit and began as information and began as thoughts of spirit and began as words (instructions on what to create in terms of genetic potential).

Memory can be restored by going back and fetching the spiritual context by reconnecting through the natural world context. The natural world context takes us back to the beginning womb and lap that taught us about life and existence. Spirit helped us find our way as human babes and raised us to adulthood an elders. Spirit also led us astray in various ways. Spirit is once again using any means necessary to change conditions to help us remember whatever information we need about self and anything else to align us with the rhythm vibrations establishing new nations for New Ages.