If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, April 11, 2020

The Two Times Are A-Changin'
Resistance & Revolution Are Being Televised
Unity Consciousness #2082

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As promised from day one, the two times are changing position, along with the rest of the two live crew.
2020 wasted no time in living up to its twinlight twilight zone name. It is continuing gaining momentum ushering the logic of the masses into the twilight zone as reality and illusion switch places as part of the reshaping, reforming and refashioning the two outgoing Ages into the two incoming Ages. In other words, everything taking place now and what has been happening for hundreds of years and what will happen for hundreds of years, are part of the transition from the current world order to the new world order. It is a process that will get worse before it gets better. At the end of it all, current governments will be no more, even though they might experience a government summer similar to an indian summer.

Search 2020 this weblog. After doing so, you will be reminded of other moving pieces taking place.

After doing so, you will be able to at least get a little better understanding of what is taking place right now. Many more major things will continue to happen in societies, on Earth, in the Solar System and in the Galaxy. Bottom line when it's all over and particles and larger fragments begin to settle down after the Great Day of War, fortunes will be reversed for thousands of years.

Lots more people are going to die. Search extinct, extinction.

However, no longer will the movie version of life be true in the human version of real life. No longer will the masses of white, yellow, brown people and other groups continue to be able to do the stupidest shit, get away with it, then use their guns to get out of it, and be the last ones standing at the end.

Also no longer will all the Africans be killed for just living their lives. Africans, more than any other group, will be among the last ones standing. Enough Africans will survive because they will answer the call of being chosen to be unfrozen and stand tall.

2020 is another alignment as part of the Great Realignment. 2020 in form and function is why things have heated up in a hurry this year causing global changes long in the making among humans and superhumans.

If you think SARS-COV-2 and its pre-planned pandemic nomenclature and all associated shenanigans are the beginning of change or if you think what existed prior to COVID-19 was normal, or some blip of the script, you are going to have a harder time coping with what comes next and next and next.

If you only stay focused on the human, you will miss the much bigger picture of what is taking place with the superhuman as it carries out comprehensive environmental change.

As it turns out, a large part of the revolution and the resistance, have always been televised.
Television by humans is a suboptimal form of telepathic vision by the superhuman powers 2B.
Go back and rerun what has been taking place as far back as you can remember.,

The pendulum scale carousel (the wayback machine and wayforward machine), is coming up and back around bringing a higher, more qualified logic. At the macro level momentum is moving uphill but at the Earth level momentum is rapidly moving downhill, upheaving and fulfilling.. In one sense this is much less than the effects taking place outside of Earth. In another sense, this year is a significant milestone in recent history. This difference and delayed reaction of momentum between the above and below, allows smaller creations time to adjust when they exist in lesser matrices within the Great Matrix.

The Noah's ark of recent times is the ankh of the two times. In other words, the physical ark of Noah's story is the logical ankh of today, it is mental. Logic needs to be saved. Those who will be saved will be those who re-pair their logic back to the dynamic balance condition of the two times, the two truths. There were eight on the ark and there are eight principles and characteristics of everything. This is what the two New Ages are largely signifying is changing.