If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, May 6, 2022

Capitalism Means Ecosystem & Code Word For Slavery
Unity Consciousness #2714

(9azzzzzzzze of 11)

Capitalism is a good thing because it is the continuous process of investing resources for a profit and reinvesting those resources for profit. Profit is getting more in return than what is invested due to the synergistic efficient use of resources. These profits become additional resources to reinvest. This is the basis and system of abundance which is the ecosystem we call nature and the natural world.
In this universal comprehense sense, capitalism is what brings creation to life and keeps all creations alive, without the human form of resources, called money.
However, when resources are in the hands of, and controlled by the nutrition deprived, they the deprived become depraved.
Then capitalism becomes their code word for slavery and employee becomes another word for slave. This is because resources are not reinvested for the benefit of the whole as it is in the capitalism run by the natural world.
Capitalism in the hands of the nutrition deprived, becomes a fragmented system where resources are hoarded and wasted, which, as dammed up and reduced flows of resources, this leads to many imbalances, disparities, problems, sicknesses and diseases, all which feed the weakness of vices rather than the strength of virtues. This is because profit now means and requires getting more in return by investing and wasting a lot more than necessary due to the non-synergistic inefficient use of resources. This creates a sense of scarcity and keeps people in normal panic mode regarding resources, thus again, a dog eat dog, backstabbing, lying, cheating, stealing mentality.
In the hands of the demented, capitalism is slavery because workers who are not owners, essentially work for a sharecropper's wage because their collective effort is nowhere near recompensed fairly.
This kind of capitalism miseducates trains programs slaves to think that to get a good job, i.e., a good paying job, requires a good education, based on what the society deems is good and deems as education.
Truth is, as ancestors have said, a good job is an “honest” job and that deserves to be paid a living wage, not a barely living wage and not minimum wage. A living wage is a wage that allows you to pay for, or not have to pay for, all basic needs that allow you to enjoy the rights of creation, so that you can spend most of your life evolving rather than revolving around food, shelter, clothing, healthcare. There's no chance of evolution in that use of our genetic resources.
Like all definitions and meanings, the meaning of “honest” varies depending on asili and utamawazo worldview context, both of which provide the infrastructure for all that follows and is called culture. In other words, depending on whether a civilization exists or a society.

Current day Capitalism, in recent times, has been discussed enough for us to know this version perversion of capitalism is a stank nasty disgusting smelly cram-packed bus that takes us to the end of the line but not the end of time. It's like being stuck in or trying to navigate in a stopped up commode, septic tank or port-a-potty.

Capitalism is a spirit-soul system used by the Supreme Being, aka Universe. Capital is another word for Kepital is Twotal is Total. Capitalism is a system of profiting from the employment of resources for the benefit of the whole, each part giving according to several abilities and each part receiving according to several needs. Thus capitalism is full of grace. In mediocre places, capitalism is a disgrace.

Kep has a worn down form in “It”, one meaning is Heaven. Kepti is the dual form of Kep. Thus Kepti or Kepit or Capit, represents the duality of the two truths, the total. “Tot” is the hand; totu is both hands.
“AL” is the elemental, thus Capitalism is many and total forms of the elementals in a dynamically balanced system that benefits the parts and the whole, even when some benefits are seemingly put on hold. Capitalism is synonymous with Altruism from terial, material, maternal, truit and terit, as in territory.
In the same sense, Kepti means two hands and 10 (ten). Thus we have duality, total and one hand washes the other, one hand benefits the other. Hand is a symbol for the one and many with different functions that work together. One hand is good, two hands are better, many hands are better still. Thus an atom, group of elements, molecules, compounds and solar system are all forms of the hand, a harmonious unit of one and many because the logic is capitalism. Thus hand is synonymous with uterus and womb. Thus we have words such as handful (tut, tat), meaning a lot; handy, meaning helpful (khepful); hand, meaning laborer (hanuti plural); handiwork meaning the result of using many things to craft something; hand-made, meaning better and more expertly crafted; hand-made meaning how all things are made in the fuller sense of what hand means; handmaid meaning the lesser who serves the greater, the nine who serves the ten, the nine beckoning to the reckoning of ten, the virgin pubescent girl who is attached to, belongs to and serves the wife and mother; hand meaning give and receive; handsome meaning beautiful (beauti-ful) meaning bi-an-ti-ful, meaning bountiful, meaning the hand sum of two meaning two full and too full, meaning overflowing with abundance. Two hands form the circle and the tie (ankh, covenant, agreement) (BB1) Think of the meaning of many other phrases such as “hand it over” or “hand it to me”.

Kep is the parent as Great Mother. Kep is the child as son, Kepheus. Kep is Khepera, a word designating spirit-soul all forms of change. Kep is keep is keeper. Each one, and all, are each other's keeper, but not in the current sense of capitalism and societies, which is of course the fundamental fatal flaw.
Kep is the corner of the circle cycle where, when star constellations change position, Kep changes. Thus because all of the corners of both Great Years are changing as Great Year Spring goes into full swing, so also changing are the energy forces of the climate of capitalism in a universal sense, which is why things are changing below on Earth and among humans regarding the system of resources. And if it can't be corrected, it will be completely destroyed, leaving the first or last known good configuration of capitalism as the basis for employing resources.

On one hand, capitalism the healthy way epitomizes the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. On the other hand, capitalism the unhealthy way epitomizes the wants of the sum of the parts, though working together, is greater than the needs of the whole. In a littler sense, capitalism, the disharmonious way is even greater than the needs of the society itself, thus the society, being further deprived, becomes more and more depraved, and despite all platitudes, lipservices, placations and self-stroking almost everyone becomes more and more like slaves.

This we can clearly see in societies such as the USA, so I am, just stating what the obvious is.

And this is why Capitalism the healthy way is the same thing as socialism, which is why capitalism the unhealthy way denigrates socialism, yet fools you into thinking they are concerned about social security, which is a program of temporary distraction while capitalism the unhealthy way does everything to make things more imbalanced and more insecure in a social way to keep you desperate, in fear and in allegiance for food, shelter and whatever it is you think you need to save your life, yet never having any security in these things due to going along with unhealthy capitalism.
Social is another form of the word capital and the other way around. Socialism is communalism is the true sense of what community means which is common unity rather than the debased deprived depraved ghetto version of community practiced in societies.

Thus then, we can now see that capitalism as ecosystem becomes capitalism as eco-nomic-system. One run by superhumans, the other by depraved humans.

Nom or Num means God. Thus economicsystem is what is adopted by humans who deceive themselves as being God in the larger sense of both hands, rather than god in the little sense of one part of one finger. This leads to human empires which are the opposite of the empire of God.
“IC” is Ak, Akh, Uk, which is rule, spirit, ankh, things, water, waters. Thus again nomic meaning god of all things in life, which is something only pertainable to the Big God, not us little gods. However, unhealthy capitalism attempts to function as Big God over all resources, while yet being woefully uneducated in the proper use of such power. Thus in a bit of spellbinder word magic, “nomic” is inserted between eco and system and treated as two words called economic system as opposed to ecosystem. This is why this kind of capitalism is concerned about, and keeps you concerned about, the economy rather than the ecosystem, and in fact, gets you to agree that the ecosystem must be sacrificed for the sake of the economy and jobs (for slaves, who beg and compete and sell themselves into).