If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, May 14, 2022

Four As The Basis For All Knowledge
Unity Consciousness #2722

(9azzzzzzzzm of 11)

The Ages of Aquaria-Aquarius (Kafi, Hapi, Seb), Kepheus (Shu-Tefnut) Are Making Themselves Known More Each Day

Kherrekh Presuppositions Of All Knowledge

1. All knowledge comes from observing natural phenomena (nature: self and all else) and further inquiry into the same.
2. All knowledge has a beginning, an origin, a root, a seed, a primary source.
3. All beginnings come from one single beginning.
4. All beginnings begin with the awakening of spirit-soul energy, the primitive primordial.
5. Everything is a representation, re-presentation of one thing.
6. Thus, there is one ecosystem of knowledge, a single unity, harmony, wholeness, totality, completeness, oneness that all knowledge fits into.

All Knowledge By The Numbers

0. Zero is the Preexisting, Super-Me Being, Akhu, Metaform Image, Template Blueprint, Presentation, Only One, One and Only, the Producer, the paired entity called Parent (Negative-Positive, Khuality, Aurut, Truth, Circle, Space & Time, Preexistence portion of hidden Universe (holy of holies), Waters of Dark Energy & Matter, minus sign, dot, period).

1. Zero becomes Double Zero, the Doubled is the Duo, the second of which is named One, is the duplicated Supreme Being, Khuti (copy), Metaphor Mirror Image, Template Trueprint, Representation, two separate individualized sets of paired entity, both are Parent Producers (Negative-Positive, Khuality, Duality, Reality, Two Truths, Two Circles, Two Times/Two Spaces (Two Lands), Existence portion of the revealed Universe (outer temple), Waters of Dark Matter & Energy, colon.

2. One becomes Two (One In Two, Parent and Child, Water/Earth & Air/Fire, Dark & Light, Two Truths, Duality, One Partitioned Circle, horizontal line, division sign, equal sign, parenthesis)

3. Two becomes Three (One in Three, Parent and Child Twins, Parent & Immature Child and Mature Child, Water/Earth, Air and Fire; Three Truths, Trinity, Triangle, delta change sign)

4. Two becomes Four (One in Four, Four Parents, Parent & Child Twins, Negative Parent, Immature Child, Mature Child & Positive Parent; Primordial Four of Water, Air, Fire & Earth; Four Truths, Square, Cross, times sign, plus sign)

We've come down out of trees, gone back up, now live inside them, yet treat trees as a disease because of their dispersal of leaves and roots. We gone from natural made caves to caves made of natural material denatured. We've gone from foraging from field stores to buying food from storage filled buildings. We've gone from clothing liberty until puberty to clothing whose worth is lost in its cost and self-esteem gloss. We've gone from sharing resources in a system of exchange to converting all resources to a single commodity as the main aim. We've gone from working as a spirit living out destinypurposes for salvation to working for a living as existence justification. We've gone from nature as the basis of understandings to believing in humans as the main knowers. We've gone from understanding is power to education is power to money is power to abusing job power because we don't use power properly at home. We've gone from rabbit holes to back roads back to wade in the waters.

Further Explore Ways One Becomes Four

1. The Primordial Four are clarifiers, activators, revitalizers, invigorators, initiators, immunizers, messengers, transmitters, transporters, facilitators, conductors, resistors, healers, spell breakers, bond breakers, bond makers, alarm clocks, early warning and detection systems and alarm clocks for what is happening to humans.

2. The current four celestial constellation corners: Aquaria, Taurus, Leo, Scorpio
Every corner is a resurrection, a death, a twinlight zone, a twilight zone.

3. Four Times: Four Circle Cycle Circuits Of Time:
a) Moon, by the month
b) Earth, by the year
c) Sun, by the great year (the Celestial Equatorial Great Year)
d) Galaxy, to be estimated using the Polar Great Year rotation.

4. Four star constellations currently positioned at the galactic poles:
a) Kepheus and Corona Borealis in the north
b) possibly Corona Australis and Pavo in the south.

5. Four family members, Parent Aquaria, Parent Aquarius, Son Shu, Daughter Tefnut
a) Aquaria is the first month of the Sun's Great Year
b) Aquaria I the first month of Earth's Lesser Year
c) The Moon is full in Aquarius
d) The position of the Galaxy in Aquaria is unknown to this writer.
e) Aquaria-Aquaria is Hathor Nut Meri as Water and Earth Glorified, Shu is Air, Tefnut is Sekhet as Fire

6. Four Inseparable Aspects Of the Dual Universe, Self & All Else: Spirit-soul, Emotion, Mind, Physical

Four Like A Virgin

No, not like a virgin according to the current definition of not having had sexual intercourse.
Like a virgin as follows:

1. Vir as 0 and 1 is the Parent as Mother-Father, the Vir generator, gene-rator (Virgen, Virgin)
Vir from Kher, the circle, spirit and truth
Vir from mer from mes, water
Gen from Khen, the womb, thus gen, genesis, origin, gender, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen, generations, genealogy, ken, kin and so on.
This Parent is two and one and also One as Two.

2. Sher as 2 is the Child until age 12, the impubescent, Nunter, nuter, nut-ar, Shera, Sherau, Au, Su, Repa, fire

3. Sher as 3 is the Child at age 13, the pubescent, sheru

4. Sher as 4 and 10 is the Child at age 30 who is now the Parent, the Vir as Father-Mother, the Vir-generator, sir, kheru, nefer, un-nefer, caesar, rex , Bar-Typhon, Khem-Har, Khemt-Horus, Khem-Horus, Man-Child, Hu, homme fait, Ter, Asar (Hebrew), Tat

5. Because zero is always the beginning, Four is 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 = 10, a triangle with a square base, the khuality of zero. (NG2 545/563). Each number, zero through ten, represents the whole, the whole-in-one number, a whole in a whole.
This entry is numbered 5 because 5 is one hand, two hands are ten.

Levels Of Awareness

1. Giri So – front vision (plain sight).
2. Bene So – includes peripheral vision.
3. Bolo So – includes rearview vision.
4. So Dayi - includes cirlce vision and inner vision that allows a peek into the holy of holies to takes place where the anointing baptism of shekinah/shekina glory creates four additional pairs of chromosomes within the person.

Ways Of Knowing

1. Divination
2. Revelation
3. Clairvoyance
4. Telepathy
5. Intuition
6. Reason. This is the almost 100% way most humans in societies come to know something, thus, this makes the reasoning method of knowing faulty in several ways.