If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, May 27, 2022

Match Game Is Elementary, But Not Just For Kids
Unity Consciousness #2725

(9azzzzzzzzp of 11)

Since the growth and development cycle of the universe begins as One who becomes Two, we know the first outward change consists of one who is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, who duplicates to become two truths, the two-fold whole truth and nothing but the truth.
These first two truths, match each other exactly in shape, form and fashion. Double zero is easy to see and match, which is exactly what the basic children's match game teaches. It is about the ability to match things that are alike in shape, form and fashion. Color doesn't matter at the basic level of the grand scheme. This is first level Giri So stuff, the foundation before any added maturation. The match game is supposed to evolve right along with us as we grow older and our minds evolve to include more information about this dimension and not confuse sameness and difference and be able to match the same truths that appear differently in shapes, forms, fashions, formulations, configurations, transformations and presentations.
We are supposed to get better, not worse, at thought processing using multiple layers of information, double-checking, comparing and contrasting, investigating, questioning and critically analyzing, to finally match things correctly, then optimally.
We sorta pass the test when we think of a trinity of father, son and holy spirit as being one and the same. This is good, but not all good, not all of who god is.
We fail the match game of three when we have one gender, but don't wonder where the other gender is.
We fail the match game of three when we have a father, but don't wonder where the mother is.
We fail the match game of three when we have a son, but don't wonder where the daughter is.
We fail the match game when we have one truth, but not the other, such as having the positive without the negative, darkness without lightness, space without time, matter without energy, death without life, carnation without reincarnation, destiny without predestination, and so on.
We fail because we do not sufficiently explain where the other truth is, why and how it comes into existence, or not.

We are slow slow dancing, grinding it out, romancing the unknown with the known, bumping into things, taking our time reorienting understandings about the match game because the two truths form a broad base that continues to expand and allows us to repair/re-pair any knowledge we possess, consciously and subconsciously. This is what Amma knows and shows everywhere in everything.

Earlier in this Khafra-Khan safari in the spiritsphere, we started with one, then two, then detailed our knowledge base into the seven elemental souls of life which are divisions of spirit-soul that specialize. We have investigated beginnings from several perspectives such as circles, cycles, truths, divisions, spirit-soul, elementals, nature powers, religious creation stories, mathematically, and more. We now remember again and go back and recap some of the information we've uncovered and rediscovered that matches the seven nature powers as seven elemental souls of life.

Ten Heavens, Ten Elemental Nature Powers & Ten Souls Of Life

1. Supreme Being, ever-living One, ever-transforming One, ever-coming One (Holy Spirit-Soul Waters of Nun), spirit-soul as visible and invisible spirit and matter, feminine and masculine is the double force, source and primitive essence – Christ is mother, daughter, son, father - Atum-Ra or RA describes one and all, name is changed to Iu-em-hetep (Iu-em-hept) or IU - Iu-em-hept from Hor-em-akhet from Khar-ma forms har-ma-ni and harm, Amen-RA more fully expressed as Amen-Amenet, the AA, Adro-Adroa, standings near and far - many original spirits in heaven do not take any other form, especially servants of Ipet-Isut, the holy of holies that contains the ark of the covenant containing a complete history of everything including last known most evolved good configuration and last known good configuration of the Supreme Being, the genome genetic code of god, how and why all things work and agree – ark, rek, khar and rekh are easy enough to glean and grasp, covenant is cove-nunti, nun + unti and cov-nenti, nun + enti and cov-nentera, in this handful of words and their analogues is contained sufficient framework and fundamental meanings of the Supreme Being – see also UC#946, UC#2322 to remember Sars-cov-2 is code for Sir Kepheus and Serene Aquaria, CoV also meaning covalent - Soul of life in the sun at Annu and polaris at Shennu – ten in the ark- ten is two hands - ten is beginning, ending and consolidation of diversification, a restatement of zero thru nine, thus a return to the Only One as Mother – zero is One pre-division; ten is One post-division - The first tree of knowledge has ten branches, thus ten times ten is one hundred, the completion of completion - Goddess Menat, God Mena - Aravoth - Tenth heaven, where the Lord God Per-aa RA Aravat dwells in the pineal mountaintop penthouse pyramidion portion of the Great Per-ntr, the Holy of Holies (Ipet-Isut). This topmost location houses the ark and shekina and is called ben-ben, BB, a symbol of resurrection and renewal, thus phoenix rising out of fire.
Assistants: Elim (elim), 'Er'ellim, Taphsarim (Tafsarim)[part source of Rastafari as first level assistants to Jah] and six Phoenixes, Cherubim, Ophannim who do not sleep but keep watch over the Throne of Glory [similar to Akhemu-Seku never-setting stars].

'Ophphanniel H appointed over 'Ophannim and 'Ophannimare. Assistants: Kerubim of the Shekina. ( “H'” means by the name of the Holy One)
'Ophphanniel H also appears in 7th heaven as Kerubiel H' and Rikbiel H'. Assistants: Holy Chayyoth [Chavvah, Hefah], Chayya

Chayyliel H' appointed over Four Holy Chayyoth, the four winds. Each Chayya is the size of the whole world and each has four faces.
Also appears in 7th heaven as Zakzakiel H' [kakkak, sakh, saakh, sakh, UC#2760]. Assistants: Four Seraphim [serpents] of the four winds. Called Seraphim because they burn (saraph) the writing tables of Satan. Seraphiel appointed over the Seraphim. Prince of Seraphim is Radweriel H' appointed over the library. He brings records to the Great Beth Din (The court of justice) in the height of 'Araboth Raqia'. Radweriel is so named because every word he speaks causes an angel to be created, a new vibration. Also appears in 7th heaven as Shoqed Chozi who weighs all the merits (of man) in a balance. Also appears in 7th heaven as 'Azbuga H' who in the future will gird the righteous and pious with garments of eternal life.
Also appears in 7th heaven as Sopheriel H' the killer and Sopheriel 'H the lifegiver. The first prince is appointed over the books of the dead. The second prince is appointed over the books of the living.

Four equal princes, two Irin (Watchers) and two Qaddishin (Holy Ones) by name, Ir singular, Qaddish, singular. “in” and “im” form the plural. Each greater than everyone in the heavens except The Holy One. On either side of the Throne of Glory, one of each stands beside the Holy One who does nothing without first consulting them.

The Holy One, blessed be thy name – This is third Enoch who ascended twice without physical death because he is a spiritual principle which is why he renewed the city of heaven above. - Celestial Mestrean Egyptian Eschatology and earlier mythology components. All references to mythology belonging to a specific location is for initial understanding purposes and to show the general evolutionary path down the Nile. All such knowledge must be attributed to Nile Valley Africans due to their foundational, integrated and ongoing contributions to the development of the knowledge. If any location is to be given primary importance, it must be the Aethiopian, the Karuan which took the longest and formed the broad rootage of knowledge and sturdy trunk from which other knowledge branched and flowered, including branches of knowledge now claimed by other groups.

2. Blood – second half of the double primitive essence as the soul of life in blood as corruptible matter-incorruptible spirit of the ruling polestar from the galactic rotational axis. This blood is reborn through the positive masculine principle called father – Soul of life transforms moon into rising sun, and also the imperfect beast into the perfect beast, and also the perfect beast (imperfect human) into the perfect human (twa). This is why animations (animals) are said to be begotten of the father spirit because the father spirit manifests at rebirth (puberty) - Mut (Ptah-Khem) as mother and the pubescent son as Atum-Ra who then become Put (Ptah-Khem) as father and pubescent son as IU-sif (Joseph) - Ma, Meh or Meht mean nine, to fulfill; and also mean ten as the terminus and end of the Throne of the current ruling truth as a primary balancer of the scales of Ma'at (see seventh heaven). Nine is the end of gestation and beginning of inundation of waters, 9 dry months, 3 wet months – nine solar months equals ten lunar months - God Ptah-Put as the framer and Goddess Ptah-Ma, Meh-urt as the fulfiller - Pasht, the cat-headed Great Mother is the black cat with nine souls of life – nine in the ark - Nine is the plural of plurals (3 x 3), two is dual, three is the first plural – Peten, Putten or Kuchavim - Ninth heaven, location of homes of the twelve constellations. Kuchavim also appears in 7th heaven as Sother 'Ashiel H' and Zehanpuryu H' – This is second Enoch as Enos who rebuilt the city of heaven below - Second Adam-First Adam** – Ninth heaven is where you can do fine on cloud nine. It is the highest level of the outer temple. Based on ninth and tenth heavens as another clue, we can see how and why the internet came into existence and cloud storage. This tells us the stage of the cycle we are in above and below, the beginning of ten and end of nine – Lower Mestrean Egyptian Solar and earlier mythology components, son who becomes father, first acknowledgment of fatherhood and God as Father, thus most of human history and bibles have no male father, but do have a male as son of the mother.

3. Blood and matter in four parts:
a) First half of the double primitive essence as the soul of life in blood as corruptible matter-incorruptible spirit of the ruling pole star from the galactic rotational axis. This is why it is clear to see that animals containing blood are born of motherblood of menstruation and/or gestation and birth. Both matter and spirit are born through the negative principle called mother.
b) Soul of life in corruptible matter and incorruptible spirit of the first six elementals (4-9 this list).
c) Soul of life in corruptible matter from the terrestrial circle, Parent Earth, of the seventh elemental (10 this list).
d) Soul of life in incorruptible spirit from the Galactic Equatorial constellations* of the seventh elemental (10 this list) (*formerly called the lower celestial circle, Khekh 2, originally conceived as the first two circles of the universe, but since the galaxy duplicates these truths, it is now conceived as the celestial upper circle formed by the galactic circumpolar constellations and the celestial lower circle formed by the galactic equatorial/equinoctial constellations, see celestial terrestrial) .
Feminine and masculine - This soul of life transforms the red and black night sun into the yellow and white moon, and also transforms the perfect beast into the imperfect human who has more free willpower and more genetic potential to consolidate understandings from self and all else (inapertwa) - Octava and the impubescent Son as Aethiopian Sabean Sut – Eight and ten are lunar, this level also referred to as Smen – Smen is Semn (semen) is seminal, thus Hesmen feminine & Semen masculine liquid essences contain the eight primordial souls of life and 8 principles and characteristics of everything - musical octave scale of 8 is vocalized by monkey and ape - Goddess Hathor, God Sut-Anup, King David - eight in the ark - Eighth heaven uplifted by Shu. Aarru (water plants) Garden (Heaven Below) of eight great gods, seven in Ursa Minor, plus north pole-star (AE1, AE2). Muzaloth, is the changer of the seasons and of the twelve constellations of the firmament above the seventh heaven.
Metatron, the angel, Prince of the Presence whose seventy names correspond to the seventy tongues of the world taught to the 70 descendants of Noah. The King calls Metatron, 'Youth' (Na’ar) - Hanokh/(Enoch, Henoch). This is the first Enoch whose father, Cain or himself, built the city of heaven below called Enoch that became corrupted - First Adam**/Atum/man as prepubescent human – Second Adam/Atum/man as pubescent human. Although “human” is used to refer to the specific manifestation we are, what human means is not limited to us. All creations are female and male. Plus “made in the image of god” pertains to the inside and outside – Upper Mestrean Sabean Lunar and earlier mythology components, virgin mother and son – begins transition from oral records to written records, with some exceptions.

4. Water – negative – feminine – Soul of life in water is evidenced by fish, crocodile - Amset the carpenter, the devourer of impurity – Amset presides over the Ka-image (or celestial self, the perfected glorified self) – Goddess Typhon, Nun, God Nnu - Acatl the cane dedicated to Tlaloc – Ialdabaoth – Har, Har-Makheru/Har-Makhu and Mikael (Makha-El) are three stages of the same being. The first two are terrestrial. seven in the northern circumpolar ark - Mikael is of the seventh heaven, Omega, in the Araboth. The name Michael came into existence from Egypt through African Druids. Michael replaced Egyptian Tum, the judge of the dead. He is represented with the scales, the Makhu. MakhuEL is Lord of the Scales, primarily the equinox, secondarily the solstice (see ninth heaven) - Michael, merciful and long-suffering, over the nation and best part of humankind. Michael is highest ranking of the seven, but lowest ranking within the seventh heaven, also called captain of heavenly host, thus mercy ends and ass-whooping begins - Hanokh/(Enoch, Henoch) through Seth – (Lemekh/Lemech/Lamech & Adah & Sillah) through Abel-Cain – Aethiopian Sabean Stellar and earlier mythology components, virgin mother and son, Earth is primary as planet, then as star.

5. Darkness – negative – feminine – Soul of life in darkness is evidenced by Canis Major as Polaris South. Goddess Apap, God Sut – Oreus - Gabriel of the sixth heaven, Upsilon, in Makon - (Raphael, Saraquel) over diseases and wounds. Saraqael over the spirits of men that causes them to sin - Yered/Jared - Metusha’el/Methusael or Methuselah

6. Air (Sky) – positive – masculine - Soul of life in air is evidenced by breath, wind, lioness - Hapi, Kafi, Shu, the digger – Hapi presides over the heart – God Shu, Goddess Nef - Tecpatl the flint (or arrow) dedicated to Quetzalcoatl – Iao – Shataqiel/Shatqiel of the fifth heaven, Omicron, in Ma'on [Makon] - Gabriel over all powers, Garden, Serpents and Cherubim - Mahalal’el/(Mahalaleel, Maleleel) - Mehujael or Enoch or Mahalalel

7. Lightness – positive – masculine - Soul of life in lightness is evidenced by heat, stars, moon - Har the ever-coming sun. God Horus, Goddess Sekhet – Astanphoeus - Shahaqi'el of the fourth heaven, Iota, in Zebul - Phanuel in charge of repentance and hope of those who will inherit eternal life - (Kenan/Keinan)/Cainan - Irad or Zera or of (Yered and daughters: 'Adah, No'ah, Yebal, Ma'adah, Sillah) or Qeinan of Enosh of Abel-Cain

8. Earth, Plants & Animals – positive – masculine – Souls of life in earth, plants and animals are evidenced by food and periodic renewal - Soul of life in earth by hippopotamus water-horse - Tuamuft the painter, the adorer of the mother– Tuamuft presides over the soul – God Seb, Goddess Ta-urt - Tochtli the rabbit dedicated to Tevacayohua – Sabaoth - Badariel of the third heaven, Eta, in Shehaqim - (Uriel, Suriel) over the spirits of men - Enosh/Enos - (Enoch & Niba [Noba?]) or Enosh

9. Fire - negative - feminine – Soul of life in fire is evidenced by heat, stars, moon, ape - Kabhsenuf, the refresher and bleeder – Kabhsenuf presides over the mummy - Goddess Kar-tek, God Baal - Calli the house dedicated to Xiuteudi – Adoneus - Barakiel of the second heaven, Epsilon, in the height of Merom, also called Raqia. It appears Raqia is also a general name for heaven - (Raguel, Raguil) who takes vengeance on the world and on the lights. Assistant: Galgalliel + 96 others, move the sun globe (galgal) in Raqia'. Assistant: 'Ophanniel + 88, move the moon globe ('ophari). Assistant: Rahatiel + 72, over the constellations, who make the stars run (marhit) in their orbits. Assistant: Kokbiel + 365,000, who move all the planets from city to city and from province to province in Raqia' - Shet/(Seth. Sheth) – (Cain/Kayin & twin wife Qalmana OR Temed; Abel & twin wife Deborah; Seth & twin wife Noba [Zoba?] and daughters Havah [Eve])

10. Blood in Corruptible Matter – negative – feminine – Soul of life in blood is evidenced by menstruation, birth and creations in earth, air, water - Amsta presides over the mother-blood – Goddess Uati, God Atum - Uati carries the papyrus sceptre for water – Eloeus - Pazriel of the first heaven, Alpha, in Wilon, which is in Shamayim, also called Raqia Shamayim. This must be Earth's atmosphere and clouds – Kokbiel – Second Adam is Lamech of Cain-Abel's lineage. This is how and why Eve is the mother of all living - First Adam** (Rerit, Lilith, Eve) is the Great Mother

Starting with uncorrupted logic in conscious memory at birth, we're supposed to improve in being able to match, mix and match, remix, correct mismatches and adjust misfits, including in subconscious memory. The new iteration of the entire universe starts out as all things in harmony in the waters of Nun. This is total matching within. When this preexisting state, duplicates, all things are still in harmony, without and within. Correct matching produces harmony. Just because people work together, agree, cooperate, conspire, collude, doesn't mean it's a match, thus not harmony producing, thus weakness and sickness producing, thus a sign of a buch of low intelligence lifeforms, obviously because the logic is self-defeating. Who does that? This is exactly what we see worldwide in societies. People have gotten together, agree on a bunch of stuff, and the result in all societies in sickness and disharmony because of gross intentional incorrect matching. Nothing is more indicative of this than the many false positives and justifications of false negatives of infringing on the rights of creation, such as genderism, Maafa Racism and harm to anything considered less worthy.
I am sick of their asses.
Most of those targeted by genderism, participate in Maafa Racism.
Most of those targeted by Maafa Racism, participate in harm to the ecosystem, thus self, which is a corresponding reason why Maafa Racism remains in existence - because both the perpetrator participators and the people they terrorize have unhealthy logic by choice that prevents them from reversing course and kicking back against the prick pack of attackers. We are unable to match solution with problem, thus all the cards are turned face out and we are still confused as to how to flip the scripts of logic we keep processing and are unable to solve inequality when all variables are known staring right back at us, face to face. (inequality is us, we are imbalanced) Now we know the reason why. We shut our eyes, resist, deny and don't even try because it's easier to lie and comply and just get by. All this seems to work until time's up and the current game is over, unsolved, is scratched, goes to cat and the monkey on our backs hounds us like a dog-faced ape.

**Two Adams (sun and soul of life in the sun or human and human soul or earth man and haven man or mortal and manes) (AE1)