If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, May 11, 2022

Mystic, Mystical & Mystology | Definitions & Meanings
Unity Consciousness #2718

(9azzzzzzzzi of 11)

We use many words that confuse us, yet we continue to use them to abuse our true selves. Some of these words are science, myth, mythical, mythology, mystery, metaphysical, metaphor, metaform, allegory, synonym, zodiac and many more. We have sufficiently busted the bunk about myths. Now comes mystic, mystical, mystology, mysticism.

Mythology means understandings expressed in metaphorical story form, also called allegory. Mythology is based on observation of natural phenomena, including life after death (eschatology mythology upon which all religion is based). The human is explained using non-human metaphors and the non-human is explained using human metaphors and non-human metaphors. Sometimes the human and superhuman metaphors are mixed along with their symbols. Metaphor story telling makes understandings easier to pass on and remember because metaphor is a concentrated condensed form of information. Metaphor allows for simultaneous learning of multiple things.

Mystical is the same as mythical.
The Mythical becomes Mystical when some of the extensions and expansions of understandings of myths, are written using coded language to which the keys are only known to a relative few because the information must not be available to those who have not learned the proper use of power (self-control necessary to control all else). These coded myths become like mist (myst) that quickly evaporates when grasp is attempted by the uninitiated and grossly miseducated who lack the discipline to be a disciple of the higher education of mesteriu curriculum.

From the perspective of way back in the ancient ancient of human days. What is available to be understood exists as mesteriu because it is part of creation composed of one, two and three truths which are the perfect, the terrific and the trifecta. When the mesteriu is not fully understood, the missing portion is mystery, even if we think we have clarity. When enough understandings are achieved, they are placed into vocalizations and sound mimicking, then into Sign-Language and Gestures of natural phenomena facts, then into more evolved spoken language, then into Elementals/Elementaries (fundamental principles and forces), then into Totems, pre-human and human, then as drawn images pictures, symbols, mdw ntr, then converting these images into written language using letter words, then into myth which become more and more comprehensive until, by necessity they are placed into mysts, then through profanement, placed into religion, folk-tales, fables, riddles and cultures who lack understandings of the lineage of learning and what learning is all about. Television and movie portrayals, including cartoons, of mythology and mystology, especially of gods and monsters, have made myths and mysts seem unreal because these portrayals are based on foolish interpretations, especially when gods are presented in human form without the proper narrative and dialogue to explain.

The mystical, like the mythical, is intended to encourage us to evolve in learning more about self and all else by going back, forward and around in logic and thought processes to find as many metaphor connections as possible, adding, deleting and rearranging as appropriate to remove conflicts and contradictions.

Full understanding comes by making full use of multiple ways of knowing and as many sensing abilities as possible. In societies, because we are not taught the logical use of metaphors, but instead are taught to only rely on one way of knowing, and are not taught how to use all of our senses in the learning process, most understandings take longer to acquire and are usually very limited in scope when acquired. This then severely limits understandings, critical thinking and reasoning. This must result in a low level usage of our brains.

Everything is a mystery before we understand it, then it remains a mesterui.

It is possible to understand something sufficiently enough for our level of maturity; however, this does not mean our level of maturity is sufficient.

When a written or oral story is said to be mythical/mystical, it is often thought to be non-factual, thus not human history.
Based on what myth teaches about natural phenomena and principles, myth must be factual. Also, myth is historical, just not human history.
Instead, myth is a continuous attempt at compiling and retelling superhuman history of the above, below, without, within which includes all the truths necessary to make each understanding complete. This is the history of the Universe which becomes more accurate as understandings increase in the direction of all angles of light. This is the superhuman history of the Universe, written in repetitive/mirror image/metaphorical/mythical/mystical form. This is the life story of the Supreme Being written as a bio-in-progress by humans who are seeking to make it match the autobiography being written by the Supreme Being who keeps track of everything word for word. This process is also writing the history of self, thus making the Initiate writer scribe an Adept, a Mystae, an Alchemist, Pyramid Builder, Space Traveler, Time Traveler and many other things we cannot do today, thus explain away how others could, who are supposedly less knowing than us. (AE1)

Grossly Wrong Definitions Of Mystic, Mystical & Mysticism

As expected, after the knowledge put forth by Africans worldwide, then comes the bastardization of that knowledge. The term mysticism is what I choose to call mystology, the study of mysts and the mystical, just as mythology is the study of myths and the mythical. Nowadays, pure-ol-dee delusional people call themselves Mystics but grossly misrepresent the meaning.
1. (Paraphrased) A mystic is someone who has mystical experiences that are primarily seen with the eyes or heard with the ears. These experiences are abstract and hard to put into words. You become more mystical by developing love or growing in intellect. Mystic experiences can occur spontaneously, unexpectedly, at any time and place; yet many religions endorse practices that encourage the development of mystical experience. All traditions seem to agree that mysticism is a special gift, not fully under the control of the recipient.

2. Mysticism is the personal experience of the absolute or divine. In some cases, mystics experience themselves as part of the divine; in other cases, they are aware of the divine as separate from themselves. Mystics have existed throughout history, around the world, and may come from any religious, ethnic, or economic background.

3. Mysticism is "any mode of thought or life in which reliance is placed upon a spiritual illumination believed to transcend ordinary powers of understanding," 1736 [CE]. Often especially in a religious sense, and since the Enlightenment a term of reproach, implying self-delusion or dreamy confusion of thought.
Mysticism and rationalism represent opposite poles of theology, rationalism regarding the reason as the highest faculty of man and the sole arbiter in all matters of religious doctrine; mysticism, on the other hand, declaring that spiritual truth cannot be apprehended by the logical faculty, nor adequately expressed in terms of the understanding. https://www.etymonline.com/search?q=mysticism