If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, May 5, 2022

Homegrown Stupid Shit From Organic Ignorance
Unity Consciousness #2713

(9azzzzzzzzd of 11)

Can't help but laugh and “pity the fools” who speak Spanish as a first language and frequently proclaim they're Latino.
These damn fools don't have a clue as to what they are saying, yet they are pompously proud of being Latino, yet don't speak a bit of Latin.
Latin is a language, not an ethnicity or race.
People who claim to be Latino can be speaking English without any hint of accent and then when they say the word, Latino, they say it with a strong heavy accent as Lah-teeno, as if that gives it come kind of credibility or authenticity. Or that say Latina and pronounce it as Lah-tee-nah.

Likewise, Spanish is a language, not an ethnicity or race.
Find out what Hispanic really means.
English is a language, not an ethnicity or race.
White, Caucasian, Aryan, European, Majority is an illusion because the meanings of these words are greatly misunderstood and misused.

By the way, when any colorless person of no color, as the context for their origin, claims Europe, the psuedo-continent, as a home base and then they proclaim they are Italian or French or German or Scottish, and so on, what they are really saying is that I'm White. This is their way of having to affirm to themselves and keep up the illusion of whiteness and all whiteness ideology as if all that jive pushes aside the larger reality and truths from roots. Since they inherently know this and know this from their own self experiences, they proclaim fake origin names to remind themselves they have what they believe is a trump card to strengthen an otherwise weak hand of logic.
By stating a European country as their ancestral origin, colorless people of no color are using code word language to each other to keep coloring everything white, a word which means colorless and no color, according to their own usage of words such as colored and people of color, which does not include them, according to them, and according to us fools who follow their broken logic from broken homes.
All this self-promotion of who they think they are is sorta the same as original people saying I'm Black and I'm Proud, which there's no need to proclaim, yet anything a Black person mentions Black or African, all the other groups don't like it. To that I say, oh well, go back to hell.

Origin of Latin and all the fake races and ethnicities above, have been discussed.
People claiming to be Latin, Latino or Latino are doing so as if, like colorless people of no color Jews, and others, that they are a group who came about as the result of a brand new god, evolution and race, separate from the origin of all humans as African Black & Proud.
Everyone claiming to be anything, but definitely not African, are still trapped in organic ignorance and homegrown stupidity. They are actually acknowledging their African origins, because their language and word usage betrays their discontent estrangement from the African continent womb and nucleus of Earth for all life on this Earth.

Repetition Of The First Point Above

In the recent sense, Latin is a language.
In an earlier sense, Latin is another name of a people who are from Africa who had and have many other names.
Nowadays, people who claim to be Latino/Latina are using the recent language sense of Latin, while disclaiming to be African.
Reality check reveals that they are Latin because they have the genetics of the African in them.
This fact-checking truth revealing analysis can be made and stated for all groups of people who claim a race or ethnicity but disclaim to be African.

Claiming to be Latino because you think you are from Latin America is stupid when you don't understand why Latin America is called that and don't understand the original version of what Latin or America means and still means.

All this is the equivalent of running from self but not being able to hide.
It is the equivalent of denying self, while claiming self by using words that you think gives you more pride, but actually affirms who you originally are.
Latin America and the Americas, just like all named lands on this planet, could just as well be called New Africa or Little Africa.