If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, July 23, 2022

Being Sophisticated Domesticated Poor Housekeepers
Unity Consciousness #2773

(9azzzzzzzzzzl of 11)

This is why context is one of the first things that must be assessed, adjusted, corrected. Context is worldview, utamawazo. Is it optimal or suboptimal? What is your overall view of the world, the universe, life and existence. Does it honor self by honoring the natural world, the spirit world, rights of creation in every world?

Satet is catet is cated is Khated is hated.
Satet is the female principle and mother principle, waters, copulate, goddess of the white, upper white crown, the beam and arrow of light, war, darts; set, illumine (lumine). Satet is Aquaria, Hathor-Nut, Ma, Mami Wata, Serene Oshun, Tefnut, Sekhet.
Sa and Tet are two forms of the tie, the Ankh. See tether.
One name of the oldest mother, the Kaf-nosed hippopotamus, is Tept, the tongue, utterance, word, mouth, taste, breathe, hand, take. Tept modifies into Tet.

To harmoniously interact with Satet is to be Domesticated.
Domesticated has many variations of components. A few are: Do-mesti-cated, Du-mes-tek-ated, Du-mesti-Satet.
We think domestic pertains to housekeeping, and it does. The house of body, the mind house, the emotion house, the spirit house, the house of the natural world.

To karmoniously interact with Satet is to be Sophisticated.
Sophisticated has many variations of components. A few are: So-phisti-cated, Su-khisti-cated, Sa-khes-tek-ated, Sakhu-ti-Satet, Sa-khuti-Satet, Sophia-Satet, Suph-hesi-satet, Sophis is spirit-mind called Psyche.

We equate sophisticated with civilized, and we should; however, our definitions of sophisticated and civilized are fragmented, limited, suboptimal, superficial, artificial.
Satet is the Supreme, the universe, container, body, temple, house, the whole, oneness.

To kharmoniously interact with Satet is to be domesticated, sophisticated and the best housekeeper of self and all else. This creates wholeness, which is Satisfaction, because Satis is a form of Satet and faction is Sakh and Sekh while ion is uni, on and na, yes and no two, twoness, one, oneness.

Satisfaction comes from the dynamic balance of the two truths, which is the same as harmony, healthy and civilized, unless you were born in the likeness of Ogo, Yurugu, Destroyer, Satan, Lucifer and Pale Fox, to not be harmonious, not to be healthy, not to be civilized.
Born to be or not born not to be is the question.

By The Way, hate crimes have been on the high rise for millennia as push-back opposition to Satet who is on the rise. We've seen many clues all along the way. Another clue will be mentioned in the next message.