If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, July 26, 2022

Beyond Cognitive Dissonance
Truths The Mind Refuses To Process
Unity Consciousness #2776

(9azzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

Heard on the “Anonymous” episode of “Criminal Minds”,there are some truths the mind refuses to process.
To the hiders, fakers and otherwise friendly blindsider frontstabbers, this elicits a “thank god” (you can hide and never be found out if you keep running, ducking, dodging).
To the revealers, realistic and self-altruistic, this elicits an “oh god” (I must do more self-checks to inspect my logic to avoid or minimize self-inflicted problems).

In the universe, it is widely known that whatever truth gets stopped in its process, it still must and will make its way through other pathways causing pressures and wreaking havoc. Truth unprocessed completely will also accumulate causing blockages, growths and implosions.

In other words, what the mind refuses to process, will be processed by spirit, emotion and body. These three already share in processing what the mind processes; however, their share is their portion and not the portion of any of the other three aspects. When the mind refuses to process truth, the mind's share will make its way initially through to one other aspect, and then when that aspect can no longer handle this unprocessed truth, it moves on to another aspect, wreaking havoc, and eventually making its way back to the mind. This might seem to take a long time, but it doesn't.

So a more complete statement is there are some truths the mind refuses to process, until it can no longer refuse, either through the weakenings of repeated refusals or diminution and death of the mind due to the repeated unrelenting pulsations of vibrations who seek complete relief in order to keep everlasting life processes viable.
Thank God this continuous revolution of truths is built in on all levels, dimensions, times (future, present, past).

In other words, truths the mind refuses to process will cause a cascading series of self-destructions, illnesses, problems, malfunctions, imbalances, crimes, disorders, harms, deaths, disasters, crises, emergencies and so on until the final dam breaks, releasing it all from many generations, many cycles of truths presenting themselves for proper adjudication.

In other words, when the mind encounters any truth it refuses to process, it arrests healthy development and releases unhealthy development. All truths have roots and produce fruit, seeds and other forms of offshoots.

In other words, what one aspect of self suppresses, the other aspects will express in toxic ways.

The reason there are so many problems in the world, in the body, in the mind, in the spirit and in the emotions, is that we have many unprocessed truths we refuse to accept, process, reorganize and adjust our thinking, behavior, societies.

These provide the name cognitive dissonance of the mind but do not go steps further into the effects on the other three inseparable aspects of self.

https://duckduckgo.com/?q=%22the+mind+refuses+to+process%22&ia=web These two examples again highlight how the licensed, certified, educated professional mindologists in societies called psychologies, psychiatrists, therapists, life coaches and whatever are mostly clueless due to their suboptimal context. Individuals, despite being under the same context, can know more by tapping into the spirit expert within. The spirit within is the way out. This freeing we are reminded of by Nsamanfo Asa Hilliard.
If you really want to understand cognitive dissonance, you'll search this web log.

Another approach is to climb back to the surface and confine ourselves to small spaces and expand just a little by understanding there is also Spiritual Dissonance, Emotional Dissonance and Physical Dissonance. These plus Cognitive Dissonance affect all sensing abilities and sensory perceptions, thus explaining the normalcy of what is commonplace among the masses, thus throughout societies that refuse to face truths.