If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

Europe, Never A Continent, Always A Khart Tenant
Unity Consciousness #2763

(9azzzzzzzzzzb of 11)

I was drugged by many pills of miseducation to accept what I was sold in schools. One such confusion is that a continent is land surrounded by water on all sides, yet, that is also the definition of an island; however, an island, by itself, is not a continent, but is sometimes part of a continent, but is a continent if it's big enough according to who knows what.
Briefly put, a continent is based on a container which is based on enclosure, encircle, surround, womb, garden. All this is related to kharti and ank (ankh).
So as to create division while maintaining connection, anything in one or more forms, surrounded by itself in one or more different forms is an island is a continent. The universe is a continent. Spirit-Soul (holy of holies) is a continent. The Supreme Being is a continent. A cell is a continent.
Inherent, innate and indigenous to continent is covenant is cove-nunti, nun + unti and cov-nenti, nun + enti, cov-nentera and ark of covenant. See also complement. Lastly, for our present purposes, continent leads back to the mother out front, repetition, duality, two truths, ta, ti, ut, at, tanan, tanen, Khan, Khon, Khun. A Khan-ta-nen-t is a Khan division. Khan is the Lord of Lords “LOL”, The King Khan, King Kong Ape that is both Kafi as Kepheus and Hapi as Aquaria.
In more familiar words, a continent is a person, place, thing, action, thought, behavior enclosed by, encircled, contained by, surrounded by a person, place, thing, action, thought, behavior.

Diversification of Miseducation

1. Per etymonline.com, Continent, [in late British English], is a 1550 CE construction meaning "continuous tract of land," "to hold together, enclose," from assimilated form of com "with, together" (see con-) + tenere "to hold" (from PIE root *ten- "to stretch"). [this definition has pieces of accuracy]

2. Per the undeservedly blanket and blindly trusted Merriam-Webster, a continent is one of the six or seven great divisions of land on the globe.

3. Per National Geographic, a continent is one of Earth’s seven main divisions of land, from largest to smallest: Asia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica, Europe, and Australia.
When geographers identify a continent, they usually include all the islands associated with it. Greenland and all the islands in the Caribbean Sea are considered part of North America. [Yet some islands are not “officially” a part of any continent]
Coastlines, however, do not indicate the actual boundaries of the continents. Continents are defined by their continental shelves. A continental shelf is a gently sloping area that extends outward from the beach far into the ocean. A continental shelf is part of the ocean, but also part of the continent.
Geographers also use a cultural definition of continent, meaning how the current culture decides to define and commonly use the word continent, regardless of accuracy or consistency or agreement with other information. For instance, Europe and Asia are part of a single landmass called Eurasia. But based on how the culture defines language, ethnicity and race, Asia and Europe are considered distinct, thus two separate continents. An imaginary line, running from the northern Ural Mountains in Russia south to the Caspian and Black Seas, separates Europe, to the west, from Asia, to the east. [this is ridiculous since this means Russia is in two separate continents, thus suggesting half of Russia is distinct linguistically and ethnically from the other half]

4. Per World Atlas, Their definition of continent comes from Cambridge dictionary which states a continent is “one of the seven large land masses on the earth's surface, surrounded, or mainly surrounded, by sea, and usually consisting of various countries”.
Most of us learn there are seven continents: Asia, Europe, Africa, Australia, North America, South America, and Antarctica. However, some of us learn there are six continents [and some learn there are five continents since North and South America are considered the same continent]

From This Point Forward, World Atlas Asks The Right Questions & Uses Critical Analysis

Where Is The Sea?
The uncertainty regarding continents lies in the misleading definition of “sea.” The definition of a continent claims that continents are ‘large, land masses’ separated by the ‘sea’. However, there appears to be no ‘sea’ separating the ‘large landmasses’ of Asia and Europe. Some argue prodigious cultural differences have led to the demarcation of Asia and Europe as separate continents, even though the sea has no role to play in this distinction. If cultural differences were indeed the basis to define continents, then is it not also quite appropriate to consider the Middle East and India, with their largely distinct cultures, as separate continents also?

Before the manmade Panama Canal existed, North America and South America were one land mass. [It still is if the continental shelf is considered. Did the canal divide the continental shelf?]
Before the manmade Suez Canal, Africa and Eurasia were one.
Before the Panama Canal and Suez Canal, and if the 'sea demarcation theory' was strictly adhered to, we would have had 4 continents, Africa-Eurasia, Americas, Australia, Antarctica.

Large Landmasses? What Is Meant By Large?
Australia and Antarctica clearly meet the “sea” portion of the definition; however, they do not clearly meet the ‘large’ portion of the definition. What size is large? Why is Antarctica is a continent, yet is a group of small islands. The largest one is smaller than Australia. On the other hand, why is Greenland, the world’s largest island, simply a part of North America? Similarly, many other large islands, like the Baffin Islands or Madagascar, could also claim to earn their respectable positions as separate continents depending on what is or isn't considered 'large'.

The Geologist’s Definition
The geologists have a completely distinct way to define continents. According to them, continents are demarcated by the presence of continental crusts, seen in the layer of igneous, metamorphic, and sedimentary rocks forming the floating land masses and the shallow seabeds near the shores (known as continental shelves). If we try to divide continents on the basis of the geologist’s definition, we would again end up with a large number of overlapping continental plates, each being a continent.

Special Cases
There are a number of countries and islands which are not matched to a particular continent. For example, Hawaii, which lies in the middle of the North Pacific Ocean, by definition, does not qualify to be part of any of the known continents, but is politically a part of North America. Turkey is another country that has a very strategic position. Part of it lies in Europe and a part in Asia. Russia is also divided into European Russia and Asian Russia. New Zealand, Fiji, Papua New Guinea, Micronesia, Polynesia, and others islands do not seem to belong to any continent. Many geographers consider uniting these islands together with Australia and designating them as Oceania []Oceana] [Another ridiculous notion due to the inconsistency of how other islands are grouped.] [World Atlas never questions the difference between a continent and island].

How Many Continents Actually Exist?
Continents are created by man-made demarcations in order to make geographical studies more convenient [and more confusing]. However, the definition of continents is both historically unstable and highly unexamined [not critically analyzed and corrected]. [In recent times,] there is no proper definition on the required size and degree of physical separation within and between the continents. This has led to varying interpretations regarding the definition of continents. We will not adhere to the original division of [one, four, five, six or seven] continents, and conveniently continue to create as many continents as we like to meet our needs [and do so carelessly without clearly giving each type of continent grouping” a different name and definition. See how the term “continental divide” continues the tradition of miseducation on this topic].

If humans did the same amount of critical analysis that World Atlas has done regarding the word “continent,” what we will find is a lot of what we know we don't know and a lot of what we believe, we deceive ourselves with, happily, devotedly, passionately, fiercely, violently.