If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, February 14, 2025

Peer Pressure Of Fate
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3229

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzt of 11)

We currently view peer pressure as human to human, and mostly during teen years and strongest during teen years due to immaturity and lack of experience.
If we are not both, the goat crossing the bridge and the troll under the bridge, both a chronic liar and denier of truths, we will quickly admit that peer pressure is lifelong and comes in many varied simultaneous forms. I don't need to list a single one because if you don't know, this message won't cure enough ills of illusion to bring you back to the real.

As detailed in the previous message, Fates are influenced by other Fates. Influence, in one sense, can be viewed as pressure, a nudge, something encouraging you in a certain direction, thus assisting you, thus making it easier to go in that direction.
In a healthy psyche (fully formed, mature), the two truths are always present and always weighed. By themselves, the two truths should cancel each other. It is only when we add other truths, that the balance moves to one side. Peer pressure in an unhealthy psyche (not fully formed as to level of awareness, immature in thought processes), holds a larger weight and earlier place in decision-making, thus in fate-making.

Word Peer from Piur from Phiur from Khiur, the circle, which is equal to the eye.
Word Pressure from Pre-Tseru from Fru-Khiur from Khiur-Khiur. Yes, it takes at least two things, two truths to create pressure. Two truths, properly understood, always start out in equal balance, then go through the fluctuations of dynamic balance, and then return to equal balance. Additional logic is what changes equal balance to dynamic balance. In other words, additional logic provides truths to consider to know whether to say yes or no, for instance. What type of additional logic and amount of additional logic varies depending on the circumstances, situation, set of conditions that must always be considered in priority order.
No healthy psyche chooses to take wood from the structure of their house to burn as fuel just because it is the quickest and easier source. Yet we make many such decisions in daily life, reconfirming them moment by moment, day by day, essentially robbing Peter to pay Paul, kicking multiple components of Fate down the road until they accumulate like our laws, corrupt institutions, illnesses, landfills and the great plastic heap in the ocean.

Since peer pressure is Circle Pressure is the pressure of other beings, who fundamentally represent time to manifest abilities, then peer pressure is also Time Pressure, thus also Fate Pressure.
Be careful giving a fuck what other people think, and be vewy vewy careful doing and not doing, just because others do or don't.

If we consider spirit-soul as inherent in all creations, then the first great fate is water pressure. One meaning of which is the daily pressure in your mind influencing you to seek water to drink, water to wash, water to flush, water to cool the environment, water to grow food. And so on. Unfortunately we do not have enough pressure to conserve water or to curb our activities that poison water and impacts the environment to reduce the water cycle. Fate and fortune are one. Essentially being about the dynamic mixture of truths.

In addition to several dozen other pressures we are influenced by, the Seven Fates are also our Peers and exert Peer Pressure.

And because these Fates are aspects of the Supreme Circle of Being, when they peer, they are using their eyes, their sensing abilities to assess conditions, make adjustments, report to each other and to the One. Thus their peer pressures vary, thus so does the force of their nudgings on our decision-making. This nudging is trying to keep us aligned, in tune and on time with natural cycles that exist in greater number and importance than human cycles.

Part of the meaning of Khiur the circle, is appear. This is due to word forms such as ber, per, fer, ker. We can briefly say word appear is from khepru or kheper as transformer, a form of khekher, the sifter, heavy lifter and highway-low road drifter.

To create a creature, a being, is to create a circle, which is make appear, give birth, which is why peer pressure is involved in all births, including the births of imagining, conceiving, gestating and coming forth in the mind, in the spirit, in the emotions and through the actions of the rest of the body that follow those peer pressures.
This reminds us that spirit-soul, mind, emotion and body are peers, influencing, nudging each other, but not equally or in the same proportions. This internal pressure is like the turgor pressure of waters in a closed container (circle) with flexible gates that close and open into various aspects of our life. These aspects can be likened to leaves on a vine and scales on a fish.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Left My Mind & Found Fate Right On Time
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3228

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzs of 11)

Say it with me. If I allow my society to define things for me, I can only think and be what the society wants me to be, and convince me, that I am making the choice(s), that I am controlling my own fate, and through some of my actions, think I am an independent decider of the fates of others. Meanwhile, back in reality, the society is taking precedence in doing so because my society has taught me to think how I think and has taught me everything I believe, everything I know.

Fate By The Clock

The word Fate is currently used in the sense of human destiny, predestination, predetermination, something that applies to each human that can't be changed or avoided. Thus human life is thought to be largely or totally controlled by fate, some sort of customized rudder that the panel of gods oversee and continuously adjust. This is partially true; however, it is even more true if we remove the word human from the definition and also the human context.

Fate means, and applies to, time. All things stem from, and are based on, time, thus repetition, thus on one thing that follows another, thus on cause and effect, thus transformation, ketu-morphosis, muti-morphosis, metamorphosis, nuti-morphosis, macro-morphosis and micro-morphosis.

Fate based on time, must then, be based on the clock. Word Clock from Krekh from Khrekh from Kherrekh (correct) from Kher-Rekh (core of the rekh).
Fate means that all creations and all abilities of creations, have a time limit, plus also a time influence, even before reaching the limit. This time and time influence is based on self and also on all else.
Fate means that if a creation or group of creations do nothing or do something, time is also a factor that always influences.

So now, when we add humans back into the meaning of fate, we should be better able to re-cognize, the only fate that applies to humans is time. The only thing set in stone is time. Not just time to live, time to die, but time for this, that and the other. These times are not exact as to the moment, but they are exact as to the fact that they will occur. For instance, it is human fate for a child to be born without teeth, then at some point in time, to cut teeth, but not on an exact date or moment. Same goes for puberty. Same goes for menopause. Same goes for many human fates that are physiological. These fates vary per individual and for the set of conditions influencing the individual. These sets of conditions consist of the things within the individual and that the individual “controls”, along with the things outside the individual and that the individual does not “control”.
Fate also means culture. Human fate is influenced by human culture. Culture of the family, village, country. Refer to the first paragraph of this message.
This reveals two truths: The only way for humans to control other humans is to,
1. control self, AND/OR
2. interact with those who have outsourced self-control based on rules, human laws, authority, knowledge, superiority or any additional reasons for obeying another human, thus placing your fates, your times, ways, means and methods of being and doing and living, expressing and manifesting, in their hands, to have, hold, mold.

We are reminded that word time is mite is mati is miet is maut is maat is summarized as the two truths, the fundamental principal of everything, including time. Time is based on and depends on at least two opposite manifestations such as negative and positive, water and fire, darkness and light, life and death, and so on. Thus the two truths are also called the two times. Time is ruled by many cycles; therefore, all these times play a role in fate. Furthermore, greater time cycles, larger time cycles, rule over all creations, even as each creation is allowed to partially and temporarily have wiggle room within time.

Word fate from mate from mitu from muit from timu from time. Fate has everything to do with time and the two truths that underlie, overlie, overlay and innerlie as an inherent part of each creation's ability to be and do within time.
Time is the greater predictor and controller of all things but must not be relied upon as the sole actor or as an excuse. We must use our time in conjunction with larger time, in alignment with time, which is to say, in alignment with two truths, rather than the partial truths societies program into us to predispose us to accept contradictions based on justifications supplied by the society, the culture.

Every circle, every cycle, every being is a time clock, a maat clock, a fate clock, a two truth clock. The previous sentence helps us go back in order to go forward. As discussed elsewhere, we know darkness and light do not always exist in a 50-50 relationship, but they do always exist in dynamic balance. This also, the many components of our fates vary as to which ones and which combinations are influencing us and manifesting through us. This is a better definition of word fateful.

Although time is set in stone as far as human ability to control time, time is not set in stone for the creator of time.

For Those Whose Base Their Faith & Belief On Proof, Starting With The Self-Evident

Though we currently use the word God as though it only applies to a human-looking god who is male, the word God comes from Khut which also named Sut, the southern polestar; and also named Taht, the moon; and also named Hut, the Sun. These Gods are circles and cycles, thus they are time, thus they represent fate and influence fates. In Egyptian, the word Hut is written with the star as the determinative of time and fate. KH briefly means spirit-soul, motion, four quarters, cross, circle, spark, two, give, take, rule, seven. Ut denotes magic, thus so does the OD in God, thus all stars do magic, thus all time is based on magic, thus so also all fates. This then is the truth component of what a horoscope is, even though the horoscopes as written are highly suspect and unlikely to be accurate due to being mostly informed by the sub-optimal context. Not to be overlooked is the fact that as a child of god, you are a child of magic, time and fate, thus so is everything you do.
The second thing not to overlook is that the image of God is more universally like a seven-headed snake than a one-headed human or a trinity-headed human. Fate brings us face to face with truths, over and over again.

The Seven Fates

1. The Egyptian Fates are seven in number who are in attendance at the birth of children (word children is Khart-Ren, the offspring of the circle, the cycle, any being created and any being that creates). The Greeks call these Fates, the Seven Hathors. In the Egyptian Book Of Coming Forth, upon which your religion is based, these Seven Fates appear in the form of seven cows, with the bull, the husband of the seven. Hathor is Het-Heru, the Great Mother as Heaven who creates the child with seven spirit-souls called elemental souls of life. In the metaphor, the child is Heru, the sun, the magnifier in the Solar System. The Sun was, and still is, Nu-Ah's Ark long before any fiction-born human Noah.

2. The Seven Fates, in various formulations, manifest throughout the heavens, nature, ecosystems, the environment. These are the prognosticators and foretellers of coming events, thus the foretellers of fate. We can watch humans in order to foretell things, but we are too confused about ourselves. We can use many other things in nature. On larger scales we can use stars such as earths, moons, suns, planets. The Sun can help foretell what the other Fates will do because the Sun has been through this many times before in its revolution, called the Great Year.

3. When you hear, see or use the word fate, substitute the word time, then maat, then two truths, then three truths, then keep going all the way to seven truths. All other uses of word fate in all other cultures is based on these, but only partially so in a misunderstood way.
To simplify things, pay attention to the waters, the fires, the winds, the earths, the plants (vegetation, wood), all other animals, blood. These are the greater fates who preside over the life of every child, every primary creation, every secondary creation.

Additional forms of the Mother as Fate

These examples are being shown to help us remember, that fate, like all things today, has come a long way from its origin and earlier meanings.

1. The future fate of the soul was dependent on the deeds that were done in the body, thus like word fate itself, fate is two-pronged, has two truths. Fate is dependent on what we do and don't do in conjunction with other humans and all other creations as they do what they were created to do. In other words Fate has a Ti-me component and a Me-Ti component.

2. We have previously shown word fate is from mitu. The Assyrian divinity Mamitu is the goddess of fate, who is the determiner of death. Thus Ma-Mitu and Am-Mitu representing the lower half of the circle that is the place of death. Ma denotes the likeness, and Mat is dead. IT from Sheft from Kheft means to figure forth, picture, image, typify fashion. ITI (Assyrian) means a thing which supports and upholds as did the Mamit in death. The Ma-Mat is the image in death, the mummy. In Egyptian, the word Mamit is literally the dead (Mam) in heaven (IT); The fate of the Mamit is to be transformed into a spiritual body.

3. Word Nin-Dara from Fu-Nen-Tera. Nin-Dara is the nocturnal sun, thus like Atum, is the judge of the dead, measurer and decider of fate. This must mean, the one who, after assessing the soul, decides who is reborn and who is not.

4. Another spelling of Fate is Phate, the name of the Lycian Great Mother. Word Phate from Khefa from Khefti. Word Lycia is Rutiu (Nile Valley Rut and Ruti and Ruten).

5. Another spelling of Fate is Shai, the god of destiny or fate, the apportioner of the lot. Shai is Shati is Shat is Khet, is Khetu. Shat (Shit) means cut, and all things Khat, Khit, Khet, Khut.

6. Proof is staring you in the face, when you use the phrase, “that was right on time.” You are also saying, fate was right on time. You are also saying, that what happened, happened when it needed to happen. Even though we use this acknowledgment selectively, Fate means that whatever happens, happens when it is supposed to happen.
Word supposed, means that something will happen when there is enough logic to support the notion and spark it into motion. Word support is a form of kheper and khepert, thus what happens, happens when there is enough Conspiring Cause to create a chain of transformation that leads to Required Effects. Required is not to be confused with human Desired or human Need. Required means logic that causes, must obey and follow natural law, thus lead to the effects that the logic requires. Many times humans create short-term desired effects and knowingly or not, ignore the required effects that are simultaneously created by the same causes. All this plays into current and future fates, especially for those who have not yet made a jail break from the harmful aspects in the layers of their culture that come together and participate in causes and effects leading them to certain uncertain fates.
Word fate is Word THAT is reckoning time based on the moon. Remember, word THAT is also word Khut.

7. Word fate can also be formed from other words. For now, it is enough to understand word fate from Ketu or Khetu, the goddess of retters, thus everything. Also from Kitu (Swahili), a tangible thing [tangible to touch, tangible to imagine, tangible to conceive, tangible to believe, tangible to have faith in, tangible to understand, tangible to know].
Thus an earlier form of word fate is Khiu. Khiu-Tu takes us back to the Khuti and the seven truths called seven fates called elemental souls of life, the eighth being inherent as the composite. Word fate can be obtained from cause and becauses of our decisions.

Closing Thoughts

Everything condenses back into spirit-soul that expands into truths, beings, circles, cycles, times, elements, and all other names of all creations and the names of their actions, motions, behaviors. Word fate is based on give and take. Both words lead to word fate.

We have been building our understanding of fate from the middle up, and now we approach fate from the middle down.
1. Many creations can shorten or delay certain cycles based on the surrounding conditions. Earth, Moon and Sun can make adjustment as to how, when and how long they manifest their abilities. And so can many ancestors awaiting resurrection who form a large portion of those engaged in spiritual warfare in high places, low places and middle kingdoms.
2. If creations can make adjustments, then how much more so can the Creator of All?
The Supreme Creator is the X factor who is beyond time, without limit and knows not impossible.
3. Before the sun was used to recognize, reckon-wise, reckon-kitu and reckon-fate as time, the Moon was the symbol. Before that it was the Pole Star. Before that it was the Great Hippopotamus. Before that it was Gestation of the human female. Before that it was her menstruation.
4. Because we are not using enough indicators of time to reckon fate by, we are distracted by using time as mere dates. Humans are currently in the stage of regression, as the rest of the natural world is in the stage of progression because the Sun and the entire Solar System is awakening. Thus Makheru foundational gaps widen as the kep gap, and health gap of wheel wealth, closes in from all six sides, leaving less room for the crooks to extend their lies into nooks and crannies. The once asleep miuk, come to level up and claim their inheritance, Earth, along with its souls, only one of which is the inherit the wind (ruach, spirit, breath, air, word, word reach).

Tuesday, February 11, 2025

Negative, Positive, & Nicknames Of Plants
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3227

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzr of 11)

Word Negative from:

1. Neka-Khem, the first power, but the second motion in a cycle. The power of stopping, staying the puts.

2. Neka-Kefa. Kefa means force, puissance, potency.

3. Neka-Nuti

4. Neka-Teka

5. Neka-Tumu. Tum was the negative, sterile under, hindward sun. Hence Tum signifies no, not, without, negative, completion, termination.

6. Na-Tua-Time. Nu is water, not, negative, negation, the English No. Nu is word new and renew, thus newness and renewal starts in the negative stage, negative state, the beginning of a cycle after the end of a cycle. Nu can be used as N as a prefix or suffix.

7. Nakht-Tepu. Light is Akut or Akhu. Tepu means the first and also to breathe or blow.

Word Positive from:

1. Puissance-Khem, the second power, but the first motion in a cycle. The power of starting, leaving (ream, ruim, the mouth or outlet to the sea)

2. Puissance-Kefa. Neka is a type-word for power and puissance.

3. Khauti-Mati

4. Feka-Muti

5. Peka-Teka is the click that fires as the first motion in a circle cycle

6. Peka-Tumu

7. Koka-Teka. Koka, to set on fire with sparks.

8. Pauti-Tipau. Puti or Pauti is the circle of heaven divided into two halves, upper and lower, north and south.

9. Puti-Tui-Time

Word Nickname from:

Currently we view the Nickname as the other name, the additional name, the optional name, the unofficial non-legal name. However, Nick is from Nukh, Nekh and Nakh. These, in the form of Unk, Unkh, Enkh, Enk, Ankh and Ank, also express the I as the chief one. I is the royal personal pronoun in the highest form, and means one and many, individual and collective. This Nekh Name is the foundational name, the group name, the family name, the totem name, the surname. Thus the Nukh Name is the first name. This Nekh Name is much broader than human surnames. The Nukh Name is the name shared by all creations. Then this Nakh Name becomes subdivided thousands of times based on various groupings of creations that share one or more recognizable characteristics in their bodies and/or behaviors. This Nakh Name, though first, later became the second name, the last name. Most likely, humans spoke the Nukh Name first, then the individual name. Today, surnames are spoken last, but the bigger problem is that these surnames foster permanent division and all related miseducation problems. Many nicknames today are used to mock and degrade. This is connected with the mocking and denigration of the Nukh Name because this Nekh Name is based on the virgin mother as the All One who is the Creator Alone without need of the father until she herself created him in order to diversify self beyond two mothers and three sisters. This next step was the maleness that is the positive to match the already existing negative. Prior to this, the double negative existed to create the positive, then the triple negative restored the negative. Thus we think a double negative is incorrect; however it has always been kherrekh and kherrekhkher and still manifesting in many creations.

Now, besides the names your parents gave you, you have many other names such as human, animal, country name, team name, school name, gender, age group and many other names that have been partially summarized as optimal identifiers of self and suboptimal identifiers of self. Which of any of these is your nickname?

Andy why do you treat these nicknames as they they are more important that your legal name, which you most certainly do not understand the meanings?

The Nukh Name as I, is the royal name. Word Royal is Rukhar is Rukha and Khar-Ru is Khiur. Thus your Nukh Name is your circle name that summarizes the totality of who you are as a complete being. Knowing who you are tells you where you came from. This then informs why you are here.
Word loyal from royal. Loyal means respect for the birthplace, the mother, the chid, the circle, the cycle. Word legal from loyal.

Word Plant from:

In previous messages we've remembered everything is everything, thus, as a partial review, humans are both animals and plants. Although we are programmed to say plants and animals and consider them different and not the same, we oughta be able to self-correct when we are reminded that humans cannot have a family tree and be part of the Tree of Life, and not also be a plant.

1. Word Plant from Palent from word Parent from Pa-Ren-T from Pa-Rennut
a) Pa is the producer.
b) Renn or Ren is the spring, mother, nurse, to nurse, nursling, child, offspring. Renn as a verb is to name, call by name, rear up, tie, encircle, enclose
c) T is the participial or feminine terminal
d) Rennut or Ren-T, the Serpent goddess, represents the gestator, harvest, growth, renewal, the named, the namer. The Parent is the begetter, namer and bringer up. Thus we can see how more than two people can be the parent of the same child. This agrees with, it takes a village to raise a child. Before this village applied to a village of humans, it applies to a village of people (many forms of creations).
Word Serpent from Ser-Parent or S-Parent. Thus both mother and child are formed from genetic material of woven strands and strings that are long and flexible like snakes. The serpent-ring was the first shape of the Ren, the cartouche that enclosed the royal name and formed the membrane of the circle.
Ren as the child, reveals word Children from Khiurt-Ren and Khart-Ren.
Renn as Lenn is the Nurse's Lenn, thus word Nursling.
e) Pu is earlier than Pa, thus word Plunt from Pulent from Purent from Pu-Rent-T.
Pu-Ren the Parent, becomes Renpu, to grow, renew, be young, with the shoot for determinative. Renpu represents the mother and the child but has been reserved for the child, once the child emerges. Prior to that, the Pu-Ren is the Ren-Pu.
Pa-Ren as the father becomes Renpa, the child of the father or child of the second stage. Pu-Ren, Pa-Ren, Renpu and Renpa are equal, but are ways to distinguish different stages of the same thing or when the second stage was recognized and then named.
Pu means it is, to be, divide, belly, womb, birthplace, north void, hole of the tomb, spirits, seven.
Pu from Pû from Puff from Fuff to Fu
Puff adder, cerastes or horned snake, remains the symbol for the letter F, the syllabic Fu and ideographic fuff or puff-adder.
Fui or Fa (faf), to bear or carry, with the ideograph of the bearing mother, who fufs, dilates with new life.

2. First the Renn becomes the Pu-Ren as the mother who becomes the Renpu, her own child as she duplicates into the two mothers, then the three mothers, the Pu-Ren-Ren, the Du-Run-Run.

3. Second, the Pu-Ren as mother becomes Renpu as male child, Renpu means renewal, reproduction, continuity, the young shoot, plant, or branch.

4. Third, the Renn as elder child, the first stage, becomes the Renpu via word puberty (Pu-Per-Ti), the second stage, second cycle, word pubescence (Pu-Pes-Senti). This is shown by each stage of becoming, such as when the seed becomes the shoot becomes the leaf becomes the branch becomes the fruit becomes the seed. In the science of the solar mythology, the sun falling in the west and into the north is the Renn (Ren-T, Runt) that becomes the Renpu when rising in the east and into the south. Word shoot from shut from khut is the basis for word God. Thus what is being renewed and repeated is, spirit-soul as the plant and that which is planted in and as all creations. This expresses the word fluent. Word fluent from fruent from furent. Furent leads to word purent, word pliunt, word pliant, word khriunt. The word friend is the more solid sinewy squishy strands of mess that is companion to the liquid waters and to the muddy soft-serve mes. This reinforces the truth that you must be a friend to self before being a friend to all else. Plus you must be fluent in the foundation of something, in order to be truly fluent, otherwise the fluency is premature, immature, prepubescent, not fully formed to the extent of potential.

5. The Pu-Ren that duplicates and moves into another stage is called Renpu in Egyptian, Pren in Welsh, word Branch in English and word Prince in English.

6. Due to the yearly renewal of plants, these plants were used as symbols of time and to keep track of time. Horus, as the sun of god, is but one form of the plant that represents all forms of renewal. Before the sun was used to reckon by, the Moon was the the chief symbol. Before that it was the Pole Star. Before that it was the Great Hippopotamus. Before that it was Gestation of the human female. Before that it was her menstruation. These last two, we can now reckon by Mother Earth.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Found The Snake In The Grass
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3226

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzq of 11)

Word snake from:

1. Snhke from Skhen from Sekhen from Sekhem from Sen-Khem and Khekh-Ium from Khiun-Khium from Khiunm-Khiumn
a) Khiun becomes Hniku becomes Snaku becomes Snake
b) Sekh, enclose, divide, share.
c) Khi, to extend, expand, elongate, run with great rapidity, rise up, be high, rule, govern, protect.
d) Khi-Sekh is the current (moving water)

2. Skein from Skhen.
a) Skein is the cross around which the serpent wraps and around which yarn, wool, thread, strand, fiber is wrapped. This skein is equal to that which underlies, the backbone, the skeleton around which nui are wrapped and attached to form each creation. Word skeleton from sken-ru-tu is equal in meaning to infrastructure. As celestial bodies rotate, revolve, flip and roll, they are winding and unwinding genetic material into and out of the waters we call space, that is filled with dark energy and matter. As macro, so micro.

3. Snuukh from Uskh-Nu or Uskh-AN
a) US, to be extended
b) Uskh means water, water-place, the limit, the division. broad, wide, to range, stretch out, extend
c) Suskh, enlarge, stretch out, free to go

4. S-Neka
a) Letter S in Egyptian is the causative prefix to verbs. A causative prefix creates the noun form of the verb, thus describes who is causing the action. In Welsh, the prefix is YS.
b) Neka means virile power, evil enemy, false, deride, delude, provoke, incite, impious, evil, criminal. Personified, this is the Crooked Serpent set with blades, the Typhon or Sut monster of the deep, the red dragon of the Red Sea or Pool of Pant whose companions are red in the face; the devil; Satan, the Apophis serpent, breather of fire and poisonous vapor, the eternal enemy of the sun and capturer of souls; the Solar Bull, the Neka or P-neka; Neka-Ash (Nachash) the Serpent-Tree of Life
c) Variations, Neken, Naken, Nuken, Niken, Noken, Naka, Naga (Sanskrit), Nekiru, Old Nick, St. Nick, Saint Nicolas, Santa Claus, Nicker (English), Nigger
d) Nek means to compel, force compliance. Las (Res) is to suspend; Neka-Las reads compulsory suspension. The suspended virility marks the child, the unvirile, infertile sun, the sun of the north. Nicholas is a survival of the Child-Horus, who becomes the elder to the younger pubescent self. Neka-Las reveals word necklace and word Less. We can infer word More is from Meru, and word virile is from meru-ru.
e) More or Less means Meru (Heaven Above) or Las (Heaven Below) Las is Les is Res is Heaven. Both heavens are resting places and rising places. Res from Rek from Rukh from Khur from Khiur, the entire circle. Res is Ser is Tser is Kher is Khur.
f) Nek also means the first, as the I or A-One, the Ar-One, the AL-One, the Alone, the All-One, the A-1. Nek is Nuk is Nukh is Nukhi is Khiun is Khi-Un is Khi-Nu is Khi-Nuti is word keynote speaker.
g) Nekb (Nekf) is to be reduced to ashes by fire as part of the process of eventual resurrection.

5. Sophia-Neka.
a) Sophia is name of the heavens as the Gnostic great mother representing circle and tree.

6. Stauros-Neka.
a) Stauros is the sun as the great son representing the vine that forms the tree cross. The sun is the meskhet ber (basketball) who performs the cross-over and the cross-under. Horus has two faculties, supporting and separating. As one who supports and sustains, he is Stauros (a cross), while as one who separates and divides, he is the good serpent, Horus. The first form of Stauros-Neka is the great mother as tree of life and serpent. The six-armed stauros (six-headed snake or dragon) is identical with the sixfold one as mother and child. This stauros cross is called Iota-Chi and denotes one who crosses to form six parts (four corners, depth and height)

7. Snatem from Mut-Snatem
a) Mut-Snatem is the bearing, seeded, gestating, pleasing, reposing, sweet, agreeable, restful, peaceful.

8. Snathea from Asenath from Mut-Snatem and from As-Neith and from U-Snatem
a) Variation: The son, Sif-Nat-P-Ankh

9. Ha-Snate from Asenath from U-Snatem from Usnath from Uisneach from Usnakht from Us-En-Akh from Us-En-Akht
a) US means to create and produce, large, extended, consume or reduce by fire; vitrifying and distilling; USH means to consume, destroy by fire; EN is by; Akh is fire, dead. Us-en-akh reads:
Creators and producers by means of fire.
Vitrifiers and producers of forts and mounds by means of fire; cremationists.
Creator Neach
Usha, burning, scorching, reducing by means of fire; Ushm, a decoction and the essence; Ushm, grind down and devour.
Usnoth likely is sonthu

10. Ash-Nakh from Nakh-Ash. Also from Kna-Kefa from Nak-Kefa. Also from Usnakht from Ush-en-akht
a) Khepha (Khep-Ah, Kefa, Hefa, Jehovah) is the name of the great serpent of life worshipped in the typical wilderness, one of whose emblems was the serpent of fire that vivifies. This was the serpent called by the word Nachash (Nakh-Ash, Nakh-Akh), that is the serpent Nak or Nakh on the Ash tree of life.
b) The Na (water) is red; Ash is the red source, with the sign of bleeding. Khekh (fluid) has the same determinative. Nakhekh or Nakhakh is fluid, blood, essence of life, with the same sign. Together they are the red fire and red liquid that creates blood and breath in the first stage, then blood and milk in the second stage. Nakhe-kh has the KH terminal for spark, fire. And is the same as En-Akh, The Akh or Akht is fire, the dead; EN is “of the, by.
c) Thus the KH adds the Ush, to destroy by fire, US meaning to produce, become large, swelling, create and produce, large, extended; USH, consume, destroy, reduce by fire; Us-en-akh reads the creators and producers, destroyers and transformers by means of fire. The Egyptian has the terminal T in Akht to indicate the female and possibly some sort of duality as in burn twice or dead twice, once to die, once to be reborn. Thus Nachash is a form of Uisneach, Ush-en-akh, Ush-en-akht, Usnath, Usnoth, Usnath, Unagh, Usnakht, Uisneachan).
d) Nakhakh,with the SH terminal for liquid, water, is word Nachash, the soul of life in the water serpent of fire.

11. Sneku from Pneku from Pekh-Un
a) Pekh and Peka is to extend
b) Pneku is the same as P-neka or Neka, the sun. The sun is the Mes-Sheru, the Shiloh who is the ark containing other souls of life, the company of miserables. Word Company from Combe-P-Neka and Khiunm-P-Neka and Khem-P-Ankh

12. Word Python from Pa-Tum from Pithom from Psothom or Psonthom
a) God Atum of Pithom was Pa-Ankh or P-Ankh, THE-Living. Atum P-Ankh transformed into Horus Iu-Sif. Sutem, the hearer is a title of both suns.
Thus we get P-Sutem-Atum and Tum-Sutemi
P-Sutem-Ankh has Psonthom
Psont from Pshent. Sent or Shent is a divine title due to the duality it embodies. The Pshent (Shent, Shenti) crown represents the two heavens, two lands. The Shent crown was typical of pubescence, the second stage and attaining the upper heaven, or the zenith. Word zenith from senith from shenti.
When the mother transformed from conceiver to gestator she was called Sentem (Sntm) ; Psonthom from P-Sentem. Word Adult likely from Ad-Hurt from Ad-Hur from Ikhurt, OR from Uis-Tur.
Variation: Psothomonponei, Psotem-Pheneh, Zaphnath-Paneah (Zaphenath-Paneah, Sif-Nat-P-Ankh is the living son of Neith who never dies due to being reborn in and through death)

13. Word Python from Putah-Tun
a) Put, to stretch the bow out is equivalent to PUFT.
b) Ah, the womb.
c) Tun (Ten), to extend, spread, lengthen, division, fill up, terminate, determine.

14. Word Serpent from Asp from Resp-En from Serp-En from Kerf-Enk from Kherf-Nek from Kherf-Nuk from Kherf-Nuikh.
a) Ser, to extend, rise up.
b) ST, to extend. Ster, to lay out, extend
c) Set means to transmit, extend

15. Word Serpent from Serp-Pent from Kerf-Fent
a) Fent from Fennu from Fennut from Fe-Nnut
b) FE from Fekh, means carry the likeness of spirit-soul in the tomb, cocoon and womb and cause the child to fan, spread, unfold, extend, expand, dilate, enlarge, elongate, duplicate abundantly and run with great rapidity in all directions.
c) Fekh and Feka, in addition to being the root of food and word fish as the first food, fullness, reward, abundance, plenty, fullness, roar, split and burst open, is also the root of the meaning to destroy, capture, ravish, burst open, denude.
d) Fent is dirt, worm, nose, bad smell. Fenka (Neka-F, Nehkaf) is to evacuate. This is Funk (English), to cause a bad smell, a stinking vapour.
e) Word Fiend from Fent.
f) Variations: Bent, Pennut (Penut, word Peanut), Fenti as Ti-Fen is Typhon.

16. Word Serpent from Kherp-Un from Tserp-Un from SP-Nuter from KH-Nuter from Rukh-Ten
a) Nuter is the divine and a name of the serpent.
b) Net (Nut) means serpent. This is the earlier Nek and Nuk, thus Nuter is Nukhur is Nuikher is Khiurnu and U-Khiurn
c) Nuter is Nukhur is Ru-Ukh-N is Ru-Ukh-Nu
d) N is the single zigzag line of running water. Zigzag is Sigsag is Seksak is Sekh-Sakh is Khekh-Khakh is kickback is the motion of Mah-nui moving back and forth, changing hands. This reveals word Saxon as chief money-changers in the temple, and who always have a new Angle on how to cheat and justify their souls. Saxon from Sakh-Un.
e) One of the meanings of Nuter is, of, from, by water. The snake, the serpent is named after the spirit and soul of life in water and moves like water. Though everything else is also named after water, we must reach, stretch, in order to remember how, where and why. This reaching and stretching is how all things came to be, in the first place. This fixation on first place is why most humans will do just about anything to claim this position. This is also an indication of the heavens returning to their first places, thus replacing the current first place status quo.

17. Word Snake from F-Neka from Fu-Nenka from Fu-Nen-Ka from Fun-Nen-Tera
a) The Everlasting (without limit, beyond time), dilates without limit (Fu-Nen-Tera), as a Nen-tera is the root of word Nnuter, Nunter or Nûter. Nnuter (or Nuter). Fu-Nen-Tera is the one god who was the one soul of life, the one self-generating, self-sustaining force, manifesting in everything; the self-existent, maker of all else, the Ka of the human soul.
b) Fenka and Ka is to evacuate. Usesh is overflow, evacuation. Word evacuate from c) Kefa-Kauti, Tefi-Kuatu and Rumi-Khiutu
d) Remi, Kefa, Sefa, Khep, Shep and Tefi is the limitless source capable of stretching, expanding, elongating, rising, overflowing drip by drop, filling other cups to their limit so they can do the same.
e) Kauti is work, labour, especially carry and build
f) Fu is ardour, odor, bad smell, impurity (futi); Fua (Fui), life. Fu, Fuf, Puff signifies water, fire, air, gestating, dilating, swelling, bearing. g) Putha (Ptah) is the opener. Opening is at the root of all awakening, expanding, unfolding of the mind. Put (Egyptian) becomes Bud (English), applied to opening in the form of blossoming and flowering. Putha is Buddha whose mind and inner sense have been opened and expanded, until fully Enlightened.

18. Word Adder from Nadredd or Ratter from Retter from Rekker from Kert from Khiurt.
a) Adder is the name of the serpent in Welsh and basically means repetition as retter-tition.
b) Variations: Nuter, Neter, Nadredd, Nedder, Word ladder, matter, the twin total of truth; Letter, Retter, Utter, Uterus, Ikhur (Ik, Ak, AT, Ad, thus Ikhur becomes Ad-Hur is Addur is Adder. The Uterus, the Universe, the Mother are forms of the Adding Machine, in addition to being the Sex Machine, Sewing Machine, Washing Machine and all other machines.
c) Word Cerastes from Ker-AS-Tes or Kar-Ast-Hes or Ker-Hes-Ut or Kher-Hest-US
Ker from Krau is AU is claw, hook, horn, fasten, fastener.
Hest is the mother moon
US is to produce, become large, swelling, create and produce, large, extended
Ut means magic, to inscribe, wish, command, give directions
ITU, a name of the moon
The puff adder, cerastes or horned snake that swells and fuffs (puffs) is self-named as Fuf or Fuff in the first or ideographic stage. It then becomes Fu in the second or syllabic stage, and becomes Letter F in the third and final stage. Letter F still carries the two horns of the hieroglyphic snake.

19. Viper from Haker from Hak
a) Viper is Atum, the first stage of the sun, the elder Horus, the prepubescent
b) Haver from Havel (English) is the slough, the shed skin of a snake.
c) Pra, to be visible, manifest to sight, and Pehti means the glory. Pehti-Pra is the visible glory of the disk worship.

20. Viper from Khefr
a) Kheb (Khep, Khef), Khab, Khap, Khaf, Kab, Kap, Kaf, Heb, Hep, Hef, Ab, Ap, Af) is north, laid low, be low, be extended on the ground, be in a lower position such as crawl, squat, sit, or prostrate
b) Hefur is the lizard
c) Hef is the reptile or insect that crawls stealthily with the heave-motion (Heafe, Hefa, Hefu or Heft). The stealth of snakes reveals word sneak from snake.
d) Hef represents things that slough or shed, as well as heave. This includes the good serpent and good representations of all things considered bad.
e) Supposedly, Pigs are enemies of snakes. When a pig sees a snake, it rushes at it, and the snake runs. Even the hedgehog will attack and devour the viper.
f) Leviathan (Refi-A-Than) one of the mythical monsters is probably the Egyptian Ru or Ref a form of the Apophis serpent, from Refi the typical reptile, viper, snake, worm, scorpion, or dragon. Tan or Than, to cut in two, thus the cutting, destroying Akhekh, serpent of night, armed with piercing blades, which represented the power of the darkness and death to sever the circle of light and life in the bend of the great void.
g) Kar-un is a being of the Kar or hole. Also called Akar, the viper of Typhon
h) Word Vampire might be from Viper-Am, meaning of, from and by the viper. This possibility is strengthened by Akhekh, the dragon being connected to Akhkharn or Akh-kh-Aru (Assyrian) for vampire, in the shape of which the Dead are supposed to rise up and attack the living. This indicates the first form of the vampire is a serpent.
i) Word Vapor seems connected to viper, as the river. Water must be the origin of vapor, thus also word evaporation, which might be U-Viper-Am-Nuti or Um-Viper- akht-iun. For now we will consider word ation as stemming from action from akhtiun, akhtnui, akht-un, akht-nu, akh-tun or other forms of words beginning with ak, akh, akht.

21. Vipe-Ru from Vipe from Vage from Vega
a) Vega (Sanskrit), impulse, passion, shock, haste, force, expulsion. Vega is a later b) form of Fekh (Egyptian), fullness, to roar, split, burst open. Fekh is an earlier form of Pekh and Pekhti at the horizon, the Ru.
c) Passion from Peash-Sen from Pekha-Sen from Fekh-Shen.
Peash, to stretch, extend; Sen, pass, traverse, extend
Pesh and Pes-sh is to stretch, extent. This is Passe (English), extend.
d) Las Vegas is Ras Feka, the elevated middle heaven of passions. What happens in Vegas does not stay in Vegas. Even if everyone and everything involved in what happens, stays in Vegas. This is because Vegas is an extension of everything around it and connected to it. This also explains heaven, above, below, between.
e) Word Satisfaction from Satis-Fekh-Sen is the two mothers at the corners of the galactic equator. Satis is Satet is Sekh is Fekh is Pekh. Simply put, satisfaction is a passion for balance of truths.

22. The Constrictor called Boa is from Fui or Fui.
a) Fu signifies dilatation, swelling, bearing, the mother as gestator. Mu is water and the mother. Fu, fuf, or puf, denotes the breath of life, whether represented by the male or female, and the two parents are identical by name with the two elements of breath and water.
Word expand from Akh-Pan-T. This is based on the mother first as watery mes, then mother and son as Mashu. This reveals the saying, out of the oven and into the frying pan. This means, spirit-soul of life in the waters came out of the oven (heaven) and into the fire-pan, the kfr-pan the friu-pan that releases heat and vapor called air, wind, breath. b) Fui or Fa (faf) to bear or carry, with the ideograph of the bearing mother, who Fu’S, or fufs, that is, dilates with new life, just like bread.
c) Fua means life, full, large, dilating life 23. Cobra from Cober
a) Cober is the Egyptian Khepr, the transformer and god of the crossing where the transformation occurred. Variations: Kiprat, Kirjath
b) Kebruti or Keb-Ruti would be the men of the four quarters, not four different races.
c) Bra from Pra, Per, Par and Para, to wrap round, surround, enclose, be round, show, cause to appear, exhibit, reveal, manifest, explain, and is a later form of the word fire
d) RU, the serpent that puffs, blows
e) Rema in Egyptian would mean natives of Egypt. Tula-Kab-Rem-Hut is the Hood people. Rema is Refa is the Rufi-Ruti, word Reptile.

24. Word Snake from Sna-Khe
a) Sna from Sne from Khnef
b) Sna (Scotch) means breath, to breathe, and is a first type of founding and shaping. SNA, then, is shapen breath

25. Word snake from Tnakh from Nakht.

Word Grass

The womb is hand, earth, soil, ground that gives birth to the interlaced woven web of first level plants generically called grass and weeds that form another foundation for life in another form, and so on this continues, foundation of life begetting form(s) of life. This grass goes from completely submerged to marsh wetlands to grasses on dry land. All of these are mirror images of the nui, rui, reeds, kelp and other water plants that are strings, strips and strands of genetic material of the beginning of all things. All plants are grass.
Word grass from:

1. Gras from Grat from Kr-at from Kirfat from Khifrut from Khiurtf
a) Kr from Kher from Khiur, the circle cycle of repetition
b) AT from Ath from Tha from Kha from Khiu from Khiur from Khiurn
AT is womb as universe, heaven, earth, waters, land, build, form, weave, knit, the loom, circle of time
Kat (AT) denotes weaving and knitting. Kat is the loom, the womb, the first weaver and knitter. Khet is to net, weave, a woof.

2. Grausu from Trautu from Tarutu.
a) Tarutu is a band of lace or network, with the determinative of hair.
b) Tu is a tie, ribbon, or band Taru is the hero

3. Grafuti from Krafuti from Ka-Fruti from Kaf-Ruti
a) Kaf-Ruti is the first form of the Ruti.
b) Word Graffiti likely stems from this root with a meaning of numerous, abundant and covering

4. Grasu from Kraut from Karut from Karuti from Kafruti
a) Su, the child, is the water-reed.

5. Grase from Krate from Tekar
a) Tek to cross, twist, twine, join with the fingers (named Tekar), explains this primitive weaving or Teking.

6. Greas from Griuh from Khiur

7. Gras from Krat from Kart

8. Grasta from Karast from Kharast from Khiurst from Khiurkh
a) Karast, the wrapped mummy.

9. Greshe from Krebhe from Khereb from Kherp from Kherf
a) Kherf is a first form, a model figure

10. Grasi from Gra-Shi from Grah-Khi from Khar-Khi
a) Khi is a water plant, a sieve, filter, sifter, separator, cleanser.

Thus the snake in the grass in the S-Neka in the Karast.
The snake is the grass. Thus the multi-levelness of all metaphors is plain to see here. A similar example is the female in the girl. Snake and Grass are two words that fundamentally describe the same thing. We know how grass snakes it way everywhere and how snakes can move and twist like grass. Grass is the descendant of wood and the ancestor of wood. The snake in the grass is the spirit-soul in self, thus in all else.


The snake (serpent, asp, adder, viper, worm (Noke), caterpillar, centipede, grub, maggot) represents the nui genetic material in the womb that become the rui genetic materials outside the womb. Another form is the Eel named Tune or Tuna (Maori and Mangaian). Eel is identical with El and Ar, the son, who made the passage of the underworld as the Af-Sun or Atun.

Good Nigger Samaritan, Hidden Clues Revealed
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3225

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzp of 11)

Isn't the game of life all about having a clue and having not a clue?

Samaria is named after the Kamari. This is as easy to see as Semite from Kemite.
In the CJB and OJB versions of the JC Bible, Samaria is called Shomron and Shomroni, which in Egyptian is Khem-Ruteni from Khem-Rut.

The Ruti (word race, word rekh) are descendants of the Khem-Ruti. The northern Ruti referred to the southern Ruti as the Khem because Khem or Khen is the southern birthplace. The northern Ruti, having lost their common sense, thus joining the cult of the have not clues, referred to the Khem-Ruti as the uncivilized, primitive, barbaric and savage race. Being salty for being further from the root, they viciously spit this word barrage, despite they, the northern Ruti, referring to themselves as Khemet and Kemet, which is Khemte, Khemti, Khemtu, Khenite, Khenti and Khentu, each of which mean the duplicate of Khem or Khen, the second form of Khem or Khen. They also referred to their northern location by many other names, one of which is Tameri, which is another way to say, Meru-Ta, another way to distinguish the Meru of the north from the Meru of the south.

This splitting of hairs, trying to make the same seem different but no longer the same, besides being shown through current cultures and their societal warfare, is perfectly shown as bogus in the JC Bible that refers to Shomron (Samaria) as Oholah (Aholah), the elder, essentially the Big Ho; and Yerushalayim (Jerusalem) as Oholivah (Aholibah), the younger, the Great Big Ho of an unholy land. Their mother is Madam Egypt. (Ezekiel 23)
The final clue is: Ahlah (Aholah) is a name for Samaria, and means the tent, house, womb, birthplace. Alah is a goddess, the habitation of the child, and in her, the tree (cross) and abode (circle) meet under one name. The Alah tree is the Ashel is Asherah.

It has been also here proven elsewhere that the Israelites are Samarians.

Using the term, Good Samaritan

Calling yourself or someone else a Good Samaritan is the same as saying, you or they are a good person, one with compassion for their fellow human....at least in that instance.
However, in the context of the JC Bible Israelites, the Samaritans were considered lesser than, lower than, outcasts, pagans, uncivilized, worshipers of bad gods. So it was a denigration to simply call someone a Samaritan. Today, this mental illness is equal to calling someone an African. Back in the day, it was also sufficient to show disrespect by calling someone a Naka, Naga, Neka, Nika, Niga, Nega, Nk-A or Ng-A. This being based on those using serpent symbolism, especially the one representing the spirit-soul of darkness, the north, the underworld, the virgin mother and child.
Thus a Good Samaritan was considered an exception to the rule of vaunted fools, an anomaly, few and far between compared to the enormous number of good Israelites considered naturally good by nature. This despite their version of scriptures showing their heinousness since day three of the largely fictionalized genesis. Their fall from grace in the Garden of Aethiopia, was blamed first on the mother of all living, the black woman, and then secondly blamed on the black serpent who represents the heavenly mother.
A further corruption of Nile Valley text is that current-day JC bible-based religions, and the larger culture, through various forms of media, portray the Samaritans as the Blacks, Negroes, Africans. This is not incorrect; however, this is the pot calling the kettle black and the pine needle calling the haystack whack, even though both conform to the same matter of fact. The Israelites were also Black. Hell, by one of may admissions, their father was Abra-Ham. Clues are everywhere as to their blackness just as clues are everywhere regarding the blackness of every race and ethnic group on this planet.

So today, whether we know it or not, by calling someone a Good Samaritan, we are saying:
1. They are one of them good niggers, a good Negro, one of the rarely found good Blacks who are notoriously naughty by nature. Subtext: Just look at their God and Gods.
2. That among humans, being a good person is rare. This is more true in favored groups than in disfavored groups.
3. By default, favored groups who disparage Blacks and other disfavored groups, consider themselves civilized and good people, thus are also saying they are naturally Good Samaritans, Good Niggers in their own vernacular. This is true in the sense that they are all from the root of Kamarians and Khem-Ruti born from the Good Tree of Life and Evil Tree of Live, the two-in-one Khut Tree that produces black, white and all other colorations of fruit. And that produces the potentials for all human behaviors.**

Furthermore, Hebrews and Jews, then and now, are a small portion of those called the Apru who are a small portion of the human rootstock. Israelites in the JC Bible, falsely portrayed as non-Blacks and all groups today who consider themselves to be non-blacks are the Aprui (Apples) that have not fallen far from the tree geographically or genetically. The problem is in mind-spirit-emotion that alters perspective so that as applies who have fallen beneath the family tree and are laying scattered on the ground, they think the ground of Earth is a bigger determinant than the sky of Heaven. This they have prostituted themselves for a self-worth based on a fragmented stunted view of a single Earth.

**This reveals the two truths that life is good, while how we live life is what brings about evil. The only way to kherrekht this is go back from live to life to like so that both life and live take the form of like-like. Only then will love make sense beyond the briefest of moments and contexts.

Be certain to understand that human behavior changes and goes through cycles, just like earth seasons and cycles that creates upheaval to create fulfillment. Samaritans were once respected, then disrespected, then respected. This process taking place as the people themselves were referred to by diffedrent names and used different names for themselves in the same or different locations. The like and dislike of various groups has never been universal throughout the entire population. Even so, passivity is complicity that allows the desperate to rise to high enough levels at times, to make those who were not in the majority, as effective as needles in a haystack and as useful as chaff. It is clear, even in more recent times, that favored groups created by humans, were not always favored, and as we can see, current favored groups are desperately demonically trying to cling to a status created out of the quo of desperation and desperado behavior.

Circle & Cross called Asherah

Word Asherah from:
1. Aser-Ah from Ikhur-Ah from Khiur-Ah from Khiur-Khiur, the Circle, Cross, Four Corners, Five Fruit. The tree of life is the universe as the circle and cycle containing divisions of space and time that help create transformations by, between and among sets of truths.

2. Akh-Ru-Ah from Kharuah

3. AS-Sher-Rakh

4. Akhu-Ru-Kha

a) The tree, like the mountain, are large forms of Akhu, the spirit-soul rising out of the womb waters of darkness, awakening, becoming woke, being born again, resurrecting into another dimension of life and existence. Thus also duplicating replicating every step of the way by various means such as unfolding, expanding, fanning, spreading, stretching, branching, vining, extending, dilating, swelling, puffing, enlarging and elongating abundantly.

5. Makhu-Ru-Ukh

Sunday, February 2, 2025

Found Faith After Finding Belief
Earlier Word Origins, Definitions, Meanings
Unity Consciousness #3224

(9azzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzo of 11)

Safe Faith and Sound Faith, is not the flimsy form of personal preference belief.
Word faith is based on the cycle of one circle, then two circles, This is the same sense found in safe and sound. Thus the same phrase can be stated as faith and found. This shows faith is the same as safe, while found is the same as sound. In one group we have safe, belief, faith, while the corresponding group is sound, found, sekhent. Each of these dependent on proven causes and effects, the gods in which to trust.
There are multiple forms of faith and levels of faith, as it is with most things, if not everything.
Word faith from:

1. Faithe from Faukhe from Fekhau, the abundant source. This is the belief and trust that heaven is enough. Fua means life, full, large, dilating life; Ba is to be, to be a soul. Fah signifies to raise up, womb.

2. Tau-Kh from Tiu-Kh
a) Variations of Tau (Tuf, Tef, Tof, Tif, Taf, Tâ, Tê, Tû, Tî, Tô, Tŷ, Tiu, Tui, Tua, Kiu, Kui, Kua, Kau, Thiu, Thui, Thau, Thua, Khiu, Khui, Khau, Khua, Kâ, Kê, Kû, Kî, Kô, Kŷ, Hiu, Hui, Hau, Hua, Hâ, Hê, Hû, Hî, Hô, Hŷ, Fiu, Fui, Fau, Fua, Fhiu, Fhui, Fhau, Fhua, Fâ, Fê, Fû, Fî, Fô, Fŷ) Also The, and many other forms containing two vowel combinations of a, e, I, o, u, y and forms containing, D, S, C. Also Tsef (Keft, Khif, Khekh) and other forms creating by changing vowels and expanding to two vowels.
b) Tui is two, second, doubling, one of two, repeat, star, Tsef (Keft, Khif, Khekh)
Tua, consecrate. Tuau, adore, honor, pray
Uta, to examine, verify.
Uit, magic. UI also means the proper, good, genuine.
Uti or utui, journey, expedition.
c) Ut is word out, word tau, put forth, go forth, go along, stretch and extend, divorced, separated, aât, aft, khept, the hinder part, primarily the north; khut, going north.
Tua-Ut is Tuaut is Dayus is a path to word Day.
Tuai is Dyai is word Dayi is word Day
Tuaa is Dyaa is Daya is word Day. Tuaa is time, morning, morrow is Day. This reveals Daya leads to Deja Vu as Day Tu as word Today referring to both the dark portion and the light portion of day, together being two tua, two days. Today is both singular and dual. One day is cut into two halves. Word cut is Khet is Tekh, thus Tua-Khet-Ar and Tua-Tekh-Ar lead to word together. As two khetters, two cutters, two tekars, thus double decker. One deck is the foundation and platform for the other. A deck can be either above deck or below deck and can be in the light or shade. Deck as a platform connects to Dais as a platform. A day is a platform for manifesting. A day is a flatform a fruit form.
We now double-back to remember that the moon, whose overall cycle is more frequent than earth's cycle and the sun's cycle, is a primary cutter, tekher, teacher, writer of letters, thus change agent as Khet as Tekh as Khekh.
Word Day from Dag from Dagh from Takh (Tuakh, Tuahk, Tuaut, Khat) to see, to behold. Although Takh includes the meaning of, The Light (T is THE; Akh is light), this refers to both the stars of the dark half and the star of the light half. Remember, all these things were worked out in Utopia, Aethiopia Below, near both sides of the equator.
This leads to Tekh Takh as Tick Tock as the two portions of Day. Tiktok allows humans to see brief manifestations of humans as movie stars, moving stars that takes power away from an extremely small number of humans being considered stars. This means, that in the above and below, many creations are able to more significantly influence events while Sun and Earth are in the twinlight zone, the middle of the middle road of the Galaxy. It is all hands on deck.
Some of the many words for the light side of day are Heru, Haru, Har, Meru, while some of the many words for the dark side of day are Neru, Nero, Zero, Mehru, Nehru, Negru, Negro. Even so, both sets of words apply to both portions of day when we keep a full circle full cycle perspective.
Tekh is the crossing, the equator. Crossing above or below is moving into a Nu Tek, a Nu Dag, a Nu Tua, a New Day.
Tua is word Uat from word Uati from Uathi from Uakha from Khuati from Khauth from Khiukh, the compressed concentrated form of Khiu-Khiu, the eight in the ark, the circle of the doube cross.
This reveals the earliest source of word heat is from huat from Khuat, the circle of waters and warmth, spark, before there were stars, air and sun. An even earlier form of heat is Huit is Khuit is Khiukh.
This also reveals another explanation of word humidity as Huit-Mu-Titi as Khu-Mu-It-TiTi and/or Khu-Mu-It-Itu. This is heat, water, mati, two truths that are always present in all causes, all effects, two halves upper and lower. Itu is a name of the moon. Basic meaning of humidity is moisture trapped in air when the moisture that falls at night due to the moon's cooling effects is unable to descend completely due to previous day's heat. Then, the following day, when the sun rises and heat rises quickly, the moisture that wants to rise due to evaporation, meets the moisture of condensation, causing a vacuum air pocket stalemate of hot moist air, thus a boiling, steaming effect. This must be influenced by moon phases, elevation, human constructions and human decimation of plant-life that provide cooling effects. See humidity elsewhere and also here. If plants can't breed and breathe, then why should we? Why should we be able to get around natural law and the fundamental forces of nature? It's not the heat or the humidity. It's the stupidity.
Since the day was first reckoned by darkness of the north and lightness of the south, an earlier description of the day is likely to have been Kar-Tek and Sutekh. Then when the west was made the primary hinder part under the solar mythology, the day could have been referred to as West-Ru and East-Ru, then Wester-Day and Easter-Day
d) In Sanskrit, Ud is out, out of, aut, away from, apart, separation, north. Ut-tan is to stretch out
e) Tau is Uat, the waters and Uta, land, earth
f) Letter X is Letter Chi. Chita, Khita, Khitu, Khuti, Ch-tau and possibly relates to word cheetah.
g) Letter I is Letter Iota is the single line meridian cross and crossing of the circle. Iotau, Iuta, Iutiu, Iukhiu
h) Letter T is Letter Tta, Tau, Tat, the double line + cross of the meridian and equator
Word circle as Kirkru is shortened to Ru, later Ro. Ro-Chi and Ru-Khi, as alternate spellings of Khiur, literally mean Circle Cross and Crossed Circle. Thus the first circle containing the Chi X as Khi, Khif, Khekh, Sift Sieve is the first cross in the circle that did not divide the cross but sifted and mixed in the bowl, forming crop circles. Then when the circle duplicated, the X Khi formed the I meridian and + equator, thus creating three crosses in the circle. And prior to this moment, I had no reasonable educated basis to understand why the human depiction of the savior, included three crosses.
Since equators and meridians are not rigid narrow lines, their movements resemble waves, serpents. As a result, there is a fourth cross that emerges due to the whipping motion of the X khekh as it moves up and down the pole, the meridian. This motion is part of the double-kheking and rukhing process that heals spirit-souls. Thus this cross is the staff with the serpent used in medicine, a Nile Valley symbol that goes along with Aesculapius, another Greek-Egyptian Nile Valley original. One of the names for this symbol is the Rod of Asclepius; however, the symbol is more accurate as the pole crossed by a two-headed snake or two snakes, one with head up and one with head down. The closest to this is the caduceus also used as a medical symbol. Khekhing is checking. Rukhing is Rekhing. Thus the saying, check yourself before you wreck yourself, actually means to do this process as khekh then rekh then khekh then rekh until healing is complete, then perform this periodically, the way there are redundant checks in cellular processes. Clearly however, humans are so far out of whack (khekh and rukh) that our cellular processes in each of the four inseparable aspects of self, are too far gone to be fixed by human logic in a society context, thus requies intervention from Earth, Moon, Sun, the incoming Ages and other healers. Word Age from Akhu from Khau from Khiu from Khiunm, the circle cycle first based on star cycles, then later based on other life-cycles. Addressed elsewhere, word year from kear from khear from Khuir from Khiur, the circle cycle. Each completion of any cycle is a year.
Ro-Chi is the Khiur, the Kheru, Kher, Ker, Kr, RK, Rekh, Ker, Rek, Kar, Ark, the Word, Voice, or the later solar Logos (Rukhu, word ut born from hand to mouth), that also means circle, circuit, course, turn round, period, cycle of time, hero. Kr is the root of the names Kronus, Course, Circle, Cross, and Christ.

3. Faithi from Tauchi from Tau-Chi, the double Cross, forms the asterisk ( * ), symbol for a star and number eight, thus is the symbol over number 8 on a keyboard. Tau-Chi is Ta-Khe is Kheta is Theta. The word Cross, rather than simply being the T or +, more fully represents the combination of circle, X and +, but at a minimum is the X and +. Word Tau-Chi is reduced to Tat, Tek, Tekh, Teku, Teka. These are described as two crossed hands or ten fingers crossed or two fingers crossed. These crossing of hands and fingers are still used today in conjunction with faith.
a) Tau-Chi, the double-cross leads to Fauci of the continuing Covid conspiracy. Fauci represents the double-crossing lying favored group not quhite right son-of-a-sick-society.
b) Tek is twist, see unseen; hide, escape notice, yet behold, supply of liquid, dead.
c) Tekh and Tuck are forms of the crosser of the waters who notices hidden things and reveals hidden things. Word duck is the result of those two words. Ducks also duck and dive under the waters and tuck their heads under their wings. Word detect is also the result of these two words from Tuck-Tekh and Tu-Tekh.

4. Chi as Khi as Khe as Ekh becomes Ex becomes X. Tekh also becomes X as does Khekh. X is the first cross and the former who fixes by crossing. The X is the former cross while the + is the current cross out front revealed. This is why Ex means former and out of. Literally, out of the house.

5. Khekhau from Khekhiu

6. Tua-th from Tiukh from Khetu
a) Tau (Maori) bark; Tâ (Egyptian) bark
b) Tau from Kau from Khau from Khauti from Khauit.
Khau, the scholar of writing, letters.
Khau (Kau, Kha, Ka, Ku, Khu, K, Kh, Au, Ua, Skhau) is mother, child and scholar, teacher, student, write, writer, scribe, letters, malady, seize, ape, dog, cow, wood, call, say, earth, land.
Tuath is likely word death, thus both life and death take place in the same place.

7. Fahkh from Fahkhe from Khefah
a) In the mdw ntr hieroglyphics, the closed right hand with thumb extended {thumbs up} is a figure of six, as Kefa the fist, a measure of six fingers. Also the Egyptian foot or Khep is a measure of six digits. The beetle has six fingers. Khepr, the beetle, using its two hands to transform, is the personification of number 12, a number equal to, among other things, the twelve mah-nui manifesting mansions of the sun.
b) Tut is the hand, and the name of number five or one hand. Tum on the hand is the lower member, and Tut, as the sign of five, in the little finger. Tu is five. This reveals, Ta, Ta Ti, Ti, Ta, as involving hands, crosses, circles and cycles, marking time, making rhythms, making music as they do work.
c) Shu or Su, in the later modification, means number five, hand, Kafi is two hands, likely as MaShu that supports the Sun. Taht superseded Shu as well as Sut, and this is reflected in Tut for the number five and name of the hand as Tut, Tu, Itu, Idu, Tiu, Uti, IT.
d) The hand turns the wheel of time. A hand is also the womb, thigh, circle, boat, heaven, house, place, mouth, tongue, teeth, foot, arm, leg, water, streams, digestive systems, ecosystems, sun, moon, pole stars, ursa major and at least fourteen other things.

8. Faithu from Fahuti from Tahuti (Tut) was another form of the hand of the Lord God who brought forth the word of gods and provided a means of measuring and weighing.

9. Fiaut from Tuaut from Tepht from Tua-Aut.
a) Tuaut is morning, dawn, lower hemisphere place of the first family reunion, regeneration and rebirth.

10. Tuaith (Irish), the north, and left hand.

11. Faikh from Khafi or Khaufi
a) Khus from Khush from Khukh, found, foundation, lay foundation, construct, pound, i.e. in road making
b) Khus from Khaus from Skhau, the scholar, scribe, write, writing, letters. Word scholar from Skhau-Rer, the mother. From Scholar comes word Skill from Skarr from Skhaurer. Skill means knowledge and understanding. The more logic matches the circles and circles ruling this Earth, the greater the skill.
c) Khiun is to found the whole and the division by duplicating and twisting
Senti, to found the division by two by spitting and tying
d) Found faith is the same as have faith. This is because Found is foundation is Heaven. Plus have and have not are other forms for word Heaven.
e) Khau is scholar, knowledge, knower. Simply put, knowledge is based on circles and their cycles, thus the full of circle logic our understandings, the more like knowledge our behavior represents. Khaufi is Kaufi is word Cause, sound is the effect. Thus Faith and Found is the same as Safe and Sound is the same as Cause and Effect
See, green mile, to glean additional understandings regarding a pretty good portrayal of faith in relation to kaufi, kafi
A form of the green mile is the green meru is the green sea is the Mediterranean sea.

12. Faikt from Aft-Ki from Kheft-Khi. Kheft is four because Ursa Major was the first circle with four corners.

13. Pauth from Putah, god of the solar four corners. Putah is Ptah and Put is the circle of nine gods, or circle beings created based on nine elemental souls of life. Understandings of this Put cycle and Put process provides the proof that is in the Putting (pudding), that leads to a greater sense of belief, trust, faith based on the Put cycle. Before the Put there was the Fut, and the proof was in the Futting (footing) of the four corner feet, which Put also represents. This then leads to Blacks worldwide using some version of the phrase, put your foot in it, when referring to doing something excellent, usually in reference to cooking (kheking with khiu, nui and rui). To put your foot in it means you kicked it on all points, all areas, all four corners and in the middle, crossed off everything and did all that needed to be done to create excellence.

14. Faith-Opia from Fuitkh-Opia from Khuftiopia. This is Aethiopia Above and Below.

15. Fait from Fhemt from Khemt from Khemti from Khemtiu from Khemkiu from Khemkhiu

What's Left To Be Said

As usual, humans go through cycles when we repeat things in their fragmented unproven forms. Such is recent times of the past 2,000 years.

Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. (Hebrews 11:1)
This is only partly true. Faith requires evidence of thing seen and the unseen in the continuation of cycles of causes and effects.

Hebrews 11:3 clears some of this up; however, we don't repeat this verse that says, Through faith we understand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
In essence this is saying spirit-soul is the main framer. It is also saying, even that which we see on this Earth and in the heavens, are not enough to account for what we see. There is much more responsible for being what it is.

When we have faith in something, that means we have found a foundation for the faith. What is the foundation for the different things we have faith in? Is the foundation sound....solid? Is the foundation based on belief based on proof?

Reaching back to the moon's involvement as one of the faithful, we can infer that the moon is responsible for smaller, more frequent climate changes, while earth itself is responsible for longer and larger climate changes. Then, because the sun cycle is so vastly greater than both the moon's and earth's, the sun is responsible for the greatest shifts in climate changes. No one is confused when it gets colder after sunset and warmer after sunrise. No one is surprised that it is colder for half the year and warmer during the other half. Each cycle has a half-way point separating opposite manifestations. The sun cycle is no different. For half of the sun's cycle of 12, 960 years, it is colder. For the other half, it is warmer, it warms up, gets warmer and warmer. We are at the half-way point of the sun cycle as it moves above the galactic equator into great year spring. This is solar system sunrise. The solar system is waking up as part of normal every day every year morning, resurrection, rebirth springtime events. To support this growth and emergence of shoots and seeds, water must rise and fall from the sky. Same thing is happening mentally as far as healthy-minded seeds go. Cold-loving and dark loving creatures diminish, go dormant, while warm-loving, bright light loving creatures flourish. So while we are being suckered in by tales of creatures suffering due to climate change, don't you pay them no never mind because other creatures are emerging, flourishing. Air-conditioning can't save polar bears and neither can it save cold-loving humans or humans who do deeds in darkness. In both instances, their basic sensing abilities and functioning are becoming more and more sluggish, thuggish, ruggish as they struggle to survive in conditions not made for them. This explanation only deals with three cycles, yet there are many more rekhs in effect at all times.
Truth is, none of this depends on, or bends its will to, human logic, understanding, belief, trust, proof, faith, no matter how more or less accurate each face we embrace and replace on one hand, then disgrace and displace on the other hand.

Amma is faithful.
I am that I am is faithful.