If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, January 12, 2017

Invention Of Whiteness Ideology & Its Constant Negativity
Unity Consciousness #918


The question was asked, “Why is it okay for black people to talk about white people, but when white people talk about black people, they are racist?”

Two reasons:
1. It's true; however, in the white psyche, “talking about” white people means telling the truth about history. This is what makes black people racist.
2. White people have an entire global society that talks and teaches and preaches negativity about black people non-stop in every aspect of life, even in the homes and churches of black folks because white negativity about black folks has been programmed into black children, even before birth. And we must go to school to get that “good” education to make sure the poison doesn't wear off. Whiteness ideology blows education smoke up your butt and has people thinking they are are smoking hope when they are actually being slow roasted on okie doke.
What you must clearly understand is the okie doke is used by those who also practice “ain't no lost lost.”

The person who asked the first question above has found a way to fill emptiness in their purpose of being a troll and stalker relentless. This person went on to say something about Jesus and/or Adam and Eve were not black. This is a statement which is ridiculous at best and which can only be made by ignorance or by being dishonest or by someone under the duress of whiteness, regardless of the melanin test.
The question and this statement was made by a person who called themselves “anonymous” but who is clearly “eponymous.”

Since I have already frequently dealt with this brand of nonsense, I had already decided to delete this latest episode. But now we fast forward from yesterday to today and another message was sent my way.
As promised by Nyame, the faithful and Kar-tek, the leader of technology, more information is being resurrected out of another Sahara.

What follows is not new information, but rather a timely refresher course of what has been talked about for decades.
“White people” were invented to secure money and power by means of divide and conquer of the 99.9% genetic alikeness we all share.

See, Dr. Jacqueline Battalora on Whiteness Biography. This is a white person talking about white people. She is one of several other white people who tell the truth about history, thus, is betraying the white “race.” Dr. Battalora speaks of the terms “white superiority' versus “racist” and how ultimately white people need to get over their defensiveness and admit they are racist because they live in a society where everyone has racial bias but the society supports white people and white people don't mind benefiting from it [and consciously or not, do what they can to ensure those benefits continue, thus support racist ideologies, such as insanely claiming white is right no matter what, even to the point that white on white genocide genetic annihilation is a virtue. Of course, this is the virtue of a virus. White genetic annihilation is ensured by whiteness ideology. This is positive.]

The Problem With Black People

The Problem With White People

What's In Your Wallet?” The White Credit Card?

Once you understand these things, and even by just listening to Dr. Battalora, you will understand why it is extremely necessary for DNA Testing Ancestry Genetics to lie to you about who you are.


Whereas Dr. Battalor chooses to ease people into the notion of racism and being racist, at this point in the spiritual journey of this blog (biologic entries), we have now covered over 900 lessons which have taken us years to reach. In earlier times, we also eased into understandings. We are now at such an increasing momentum shift of spiritual energy waves, our stage of learning has moved into a more direct approach, certain groundwork being laid.
It is helpful to listen to “Spirituality Before Religion” with Bother Kaba since there are multiple mergings of understanding possible in conjunction with the featured video and any of the other links you are led to follow.