In addition to Earth being in constant communication with the universe, so also is everything else including outer space (dark black energy and dark black matter).
From the moment we started to sicken Earth from within Earth, the universe knew.
From the moment we sent the first suboptimal stuff into space, the universe knew and expected it due to this being the Suboptimal Season anyway.
So the universal immune system and dynamic re-balancing system have been taking all this into consideration as they reconfigure formulations of genetic potential to restore balance and turn suboptimal back to optimal. The universe is, will and has been pushing back and will up the response since humans are upping their terrorizing of outer space due to the spillover effect from within Earth which is a spillover effect from within cultures which is a spillover effect from within self which is a spillover effect from lack of knowledge of self.
Before the recent suboptimal foray into space, there have already been optimal forays into space before genetic memory was surface erased.
Before humans can devolve and manifest the suboptimal, they must first evolve into the optimal form of manifesting. In other words, humans already had electricity and wireless communication and all other sorts of things we have today, but they had it in a more optimal way.
Cycles start from optimal and move towards suboptimal and then back to optimal. Suboptimal cycles must crash before humans see the need to throw out that logic and upgrade their does-not-compute society to a civilization.
Civilizations have already done what societies are not trying to do – meet the basic needs of everyone involved, i.e., respect the rights of creation, thus the extended self, thus self-health.
Earth and Universe are still meeting our basic needs in a roundabout way. All of us are under some degree of pressure and tension, irregardless of who we are. We're supposed to be. Otherwise how can a cell be under pressure and yet the components within the cell, not also be under pressure.
Pressure and tension are needed for proper functioning, because motion is based on the giveaways and takeaways of pressure. This message is for us to recognize the source of pressure and tension so we will not turn to humans as our main and only way to deal with pressure and tension as the first response to solutions to problems. It ain't gonna happen because it has never happened in societies. Societies are not problem-solvers. They are solution dissolvers. It is their mission, their purpose. Societies are a basic need to create the pressure against civilizations.
We already have what it takes to handle pressure and tension.
We also know how widespread suboptimal manifestation of genetics is among humans.
Then we should also know how ubiquitous optimal genetics are. The optimal side of our genetics is reawakening faster and faster in keeping with the rising star energies turning the corner, thus, their motions via cellular processes, are turning things around in all dimensions (climates for primates). These star-based genetics are working in you to help you understand better so you can do better, or else, fall by grace into final stages of disgrace as you troll scroll these pages hoping to grasp the wisdom of sages, while limited in the basics.
In other words, for us, the next ones to phoenix rise, what we need is in every cell, every person and every collective of any size that allows us to adjust pressure, tension and the tone of things to shift the good and bad forms into a more optimal balance. The universe wills it, so there must be a way for your set of conditions. If it hasn't already, as you take in what's going on in the world, it's going to click over in your logic, that all the kings horses and all the kings men (the damn government) and all their technology have never been enough to provide our 64 basic needs – the basis for all pressure, tension and tone.
By the way, pressure tends to push; tension tends to pull. So it can be said the dynamic balance between pressure and tension results in tone. These same three things we combine and call it challenge, struggle, stress, strain and many other names. Pressure and tension can strengthen and/or weaken. This is the nature of all dualities and the fundamental way the universe functions. Again, this is why God must be the Devil and why love is not possible or is useless without hate. And we have reached the point of full plates and tastes of hate, so now we know what must come next. I have met it face to face. Is it enough for the reciprocate bad aftertaste of reciprocal reciprocity to be erased? Elementals deliberately deliberate how to adjudicate liberate liberati of liberti for many, without jeopardizing harmony for any.