You were pre-planned by the genetics in you. Then you were called forth in stages, assembled out of your genetic potential. You were called forth out of blackness of self and darkness within self where your potential was optimized. Then you were called forth (transformed, reconfigured) as light into the light. All creations are brought “out of the darkness into the marvelous light,” not just modern Christians.
You are still being called forth in stages, potential being rearranged. You are one of universe's pre-planned fixed and variable creations. You are what the universe needs. And so is all else that exists, as much as it pains me sometimes to say so. When you are called forth, it is a form of dawning, awakening, resurrecting. You are separated out of the waters and given another identity. Simultaneously the pre-planned fixed and variable universe reconfigures itself to allow it to merge with you so you remain connected in a different way, This merging creates a sense of beingness and belongingness – that ranges from optimal awareness to suboptimal awareness of self in relation to all else. Awareness itself is multi-dimensional. There are way more than just four levels of awareness. You have optimal awareness in some aspects of self and suboptimal awareness in other aspects and mid-range awareness in other aspects. And so on for all aspects of self and for all understandings there are at least 365+ degree levels of awareness, which makes it laughable that a PhD by today's measuring stick is considered the epitome of knowing a subject. By Ancient optimal standards, a PhD is still preschool. This is again to say, don't be fooled by so-called experts, scholars, professors and others whose context of knowing is suboptimal. This is not only the dawning of Age of Aquaria, but also the dawning of the Age of Kepheus.
Two dawnings are taking place and many creations are being awakened, transforming, rising.
Intuition is getting stronger.
We are awakening inside our genetic library where the ancestors dwell in the form of knowledge.
All forms of Sahara are awakening, showing us different connections, helping us remember how to form optimal unity for this passage through the twinlight twilight zone.