If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, March 24, 2018

Masterminds & Multi-Geniuses
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1293


(Part 9gi of 11)

Much has been said about our creative genetic potential genius. All forms of the word have been used including smart, intelligent, gene and anything genetic. Genius goes by many more names, a few of which are brilliant, generation, genuine, genie, guardian, kin, kind and mastermind.

Of course, the Supreme Being is the Mastermind who brought forth creation, starting with building blocks called elementals; therefore the elementals are masterminds; therefore, everything else in the universe is also a mastermind. There are no exceptions. The difference we perceive is based on degrees of functioning ranging from optimal to suboptimal.
We know cells are masterminds who function beautifully. We also know cells can malfunction and function terribly. Both conditions are examples of optimal mastermind functioning and suboptimal mastermind functioning.
It is helpful to start logic outside the human dimension to reduce our human bias confusing us.

Since mastermindedness did not start with humans, humans must again begin to acknowledge all the other masterminds in the non-human world.
This Universe is the evolution of the Supreme Being. All that takes place is part of that evolution. Creation evolves in stages. Creation does not have its own separate origin apart from the elementals and other species. If a species exists, it evolved from another species. If races of humans exist, then they evolved out of an earlier race. The first group of humans had to have evolved out of the non-human.
No human can become a mastermind on their own, no, not separate from the parents, group, race or species they evolved out of.
Mastermindedness (genius,intelligence...) is nature's principles manifesting.
Since these principles manifest through the elementals and through mixtures of elementals, every single creature in every species is a mastermind.

We combine understandings. Since we know this self-sustaining universe is based on elementals that are ever-coming and ever-renewing, then we also know species are ever-rising and ever-falling. This is so because the elementals in each species are always rising falling.
Since the basis of every species is the elementals, we must understand water, wind, air and fire are masterminds who are dictating climate change on more levels than physical.
To say this another way for those who naysay and fake funk play - you can't have it both ways. On one hand you can't have human masterminds, and yet, on the other hand, say the water, air, earth and fire humans are made of are not masterminds. How can anything become a mastermind using non-mastermind ingredients?

On behalf of the Supreme Being, elementals have the greater say-so. Elementals are causing upheaval and fulfillment. They are masterminds at doing so, having done so, since the beginning of time.
Take heart: masterminds are everywhere in us and in all else to meet whatever needs we have today.
Align with the elemental masterminds, and as you learn the cycles of how and when they separate and combine, you will be closer to awareness of the Supreme Mind – because your masterminds will be more optimally connected to the Umbilical Vine.
Align collectively, communally with the extended self.

Another point to remember: we must stop limiting the notion of genius, intelligence and mastermind to:
1. humans.
2. a certain group of humans.
3. a few humans within a certain group of humans.

#3 is where we're at today in our thinking, thus we are in a most suboptimal state of thinking and behavior. If a person was told that #3 was the way people think today, the person would not need to know anything else about the society, yet would still be able to predict the level of sickness that exists today. Why and how? When we limit our overall root core seed understanding of our genetics as masterminds, then of course, the surface conditions will dictate how we operate, rather than us using the multi-layered masterminds of the extended self to help influence the conditions to our collective free will.
The more we get properly aligned with the optimal context,we will manifest more of the masterminds in us.
Another point to remember: Imhotep was not the first genius. Neanderthals were also geniuses, masterminds. They lived up to the potential for the stage of evolution they were in.
This brings us to another point: Mastermind does not mean knowing everything about everything.
Mastermind is the genetic potential to do what you are supposed to do in accordance with destinypurpose in accordance with the need incentive.
All of us must have that ability, otherwise the Supreme Being has set us up for failure, thus is a pain-loving God.
In one sense, that is true. But the Supreme Being has set us for overcoming, healing, curing. Both of these conditions made possible by masterminds. Look to humans indeed but not primarily and not exclusively for the masterminds we need.

Extra Information

Much has been said in these pages about experts and professionals. For the most part we relate to those two terms suboptimally such that we harm ourselves based on what we think an expert or professional is. Most of us treat them like geniuses and masterminds who just know way more than us, so who are we to question, doubt, or not do exactly as we are told?
We think and behave this way despite also knowing:
Being a professional doesn't make anyone morally upright anymore than monetary success makes someone a mastermind.
We know this is true, yet we keep on concluding a mastermind is someone with a higher financial condition than us, so those on the ones we need to listen to help us be the best we can be. Naturally this leads to totally ignoring non-human nature as primary teacher, and by default of asphalt, we come to realize the secure feeling we get from experts and professionals who we've posed as geniuses and masterminds, can only be obtained through an insecure thought process.
Everything rises and falls based on logic. When human logic makes insufficient allowances for the ultimate masterminds who are changing conditions such that logic once true and working is becoming untrue and not working, then those humans will get caught too far away from the middle, thus will become more vulnerable as long-emerging conditions finally burst through into plain view.

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