Earlier Masterminds Of Mathematics
by Nsamanfo through Usekhu
Math was used in all design, construction and rituals
Pythagoras studied for over 20 years in Nile Valley temples
As early as 8,000 BCE there was a system of numeration
The Ishango Bone in Zaire showed prime numbers and multiplication
The Ancients had to be able to count and do calculations
Scale and symmetry of their work, currently has no duplication
Proportion and the Golden Number came from Nile Valley civilizations
Greece benefited from Kemet,Ta-Merry and Mesopotamia, Sarton said without reservation
From several thousand years of work in science
Long before Euclid wrote 'The Elements," each papyrus has been vital
The Rhind, Moscow, Reisner, Kahun and Berlin Papyri bear wrong titles
When speaking of genius in mathematics, one place has no rival