Thus, what we perceive we need right now, but don't have, is not needed in the manner in which we perceive the need, but what we need right now is already here in a form we do not perceive. We put these thoughts to further analysis. 1. You are what the world needs most. You are what the modern (man-made) world fears most and hates most. When has it not been true that whoever exists at any given moment is what the world needs now? 2. What the world needs now, more than “love,” is more understanding regarding all the types of Sign-language we're using to communicate thoughts, and which are invoking accurate and inaccurate mental images of self and all else.
In other words, what the world needs now is what it has always needed: more loss of knowledge of self in one context and more gain of knowledge of self in another context. And this is why, as one example, more people are searching their ancestry. 3. More manifest destiny and manifest essence in the optimal context.
When it is night, moon is the chosen one who has manifest destiny to be on top. When it is light, sun has manifest destiny. Manifest destiny switches places as surely as most of the resources necessary to make it so, always come back into the hands of the chosen ones by any means necessary. What the world needs now is more of the other side of the truth. Spirit-soul is already here transforming whatever is needed by any means necessary. These words are shared with us so we can understand, larger universal cycles function by the same principles as smaller universal cycles. If it is dark, the universe has already created light somewhere else that will cycle its way to you. If it is dry, water is on its way, moisture for days like these. Whatever exists right now that seems to have been here too long, it is giving way to the other form of itself. It's up to us to understand each thing that is going out and each thing coming in,
What the world needs right now is for us to pay more attention to the changing dynamics in all creations.
Spirit-soul is everywhere and cannot leave one duality unchanged. It is against The Law. We borrow blend to create one more example spoken of many times before. If what the world needs now is miracles, heroes or saviors, then those things already exist and are shifting shape right now as emergences through the elementals. We must adjust our context to the current climate of these Ages so we can understand what is being displayed on the multi-dimensional, multi-layered,pages of the book of heavens we are living in.