If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Hidden Revelations From Well Kept Secret Waters
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1264


(Part 9ff of 11)

The mystery of the water unfolds because beingness unfolds.
Details, dates, names and other such things are not as important as meanings they contain.
Focus on the meanings. What are those meanings in relation to self and in relation to all else?
Everything changes in form but meanings stay the same as another side of the same thing.
Meanings stay the same even though they are different combinations of the same thing.
Find out details, dates and names if you can, but don't allow their absence to bring you to an “I can't figure it out or go no further” standstill.
Find out details, dates and names if you can, but don't allow conflicting and confusing information to stop you from gaining as much understanding you need to understand so you can fulfill destinypurposes more optimally.
Whatever you are trying to understand, approach the subject again from another perspective or study something else. By doing so, and getting other bits and pieces of understanding, sooner or later, you will see how any information can be used as a key once you understand what perspective (context) the information is coming from.
Everything you already understand can help you understand what you need to know.
This is true even if understanding is somewhat messed up, let's say, due to miseducation.
The Universe makes use of the toxic and nontoxic. The perfect and imperfect.
The Universe continuously makes small adjustments and a lot changes.
Copy the behavior and the thinking will copy itself.
Make small changes to something you already know, and watch how other understandings begin to change.
Everything is part of many forms of constellations.
In each constellation our function changes to some degree.
There are always several things each person understands with greater ease than others.
Those understandings are your advantage answer key to use to begin to double-check other understandings and to gain more understanding.
Get the meanings and the details will come. After being persistent, then patient, if understandings don't emerge, then you don't need them at the exact moment you are seeking those meanings. The universe is telling you that you need to get other understandings first. Follow the path listening lays forth.

Dates, names, spellings, locations, boundaries and borders change at lease once each cycle and often multiple times. The Universe is unrestrained, so we must not allow some things to keep our genetic potential to understand other things, in chains.
Everything is a metaphor of everything else.
All words can apply to a person, place or thing. Egypt the place, Egypt the person, Egypt the thing.
Everything has multiple names, spellings and locations, etc.
Heck, before the United States was America was the New World was the place Columbus didn't discover, it was the Land of the Free For Real.
Why do you need more than one name?
Why is your name, that's the same as others, spelled or pronounced differently?
Why have you lived in more than one place?
Why are there multiple dates in your life that you remember and don't, and are important and are not?
Why have you been, and still are, in multiple relationships of various sizes, configurations and types?
What's so different about what you are doing and about what stars are doing?
You already know most of the answers to these things about yourself, so now apply them to something else, and keep repeating the process until you reach all else.
The entirety of everything in the universe is for the purpose of helping us understand the fundamental workings of ourselves as stars in the universal constellation of Khept.
Everything is a well kept secret and is revealed and hidden when it's time for a change.

Person & Place Names, Human Emphasis & African Genesis, Unity Consciousness #822

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