In the previous message we showed the connection of Khou and Khu to the Supreme Being who is dual forms of spirit-soul.
Thus so are You. Because You are SU, You are DU, Two. This twoness, this duality has been explained in hundreds of messages.
Because You are SU, You are SHU, thus HU.
You Are Human
And we can see how You are HU are HU-MAN. Because You are HU-MAN, You are SHU-MAN and KHU-MAN.The previous two messages are enough to understand yourself better as Shuman and Khuman.
Shuman and Khuman have been shortened to human. More clearly now we understand being human does not only apply to the species we are. Human applies to all species and all creations because the fuller form of human is Khuman and Shuman.
We will explore human in greater detail in the next message. If we take a different angle we see “You” is an expanded form of “U” for uterus.
As stated two messages ago, uterus tells us all we need to know.
You are a child of the uterus, the universe, thus of the Supreme, nothing more, nothing less. We can go further into the phrase “who you are.”
This becomes “hu u ar.” Thus the answer is in the question.
All three of these are parent, child, star energy, thus spirit-soul.
Yes, you are a star no matter who you are. And all of us are children and parents many times over.
Self comes from Sef which is duality of female and male principles.The self you are is dual in all aspects. There is nothing about you that is not dual.
Self comes from Iu the sif (another form of the duality, twinness). (AE1 511/521)
Sef is the star with a dual, but male only nature. Sef also speaks to that which is derived from the depths of the abyss. Thus, the self, self-identity and self-concept changes in cycles from a balanced duality to imbalanced form of duality. (BB 448/460). This is in keeping with what happens to all else in the Universe.
Self is the Salf, Kalf, calf, child.
Sef becomes Sefa the male principle and Kefa the female principle. Both of these words end up as Cepha, Cepheus, Kepheus and Cephalus. Since Self is tied to Kepheus, this is The Age of The Total Self as Child.
Since You is tied to Shu, This is the Age of The Total You as Parent. The Age of You is The Age of Youth, the rebirth of that which renews all things in the universe. The rebirth of the dualities of spirit-soul. This is You and Yourself.