If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Saturday, March 10, 2018

Standing On The Third Corner With The Next Ones
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1272


(Part 9fn of 11)

Standing On The Third Corner With The Next Ones

by Nsamanfo through Usekhu

Like all other things
During this test
Logic reversed brings
The way to reset context mess
Which saves the last for best
First it was by moonlight
Then the shape of water
Then blackness reigns
Panther-like marvelous attire
All that's left is matter afire
Lightening rods and funeral pyres
Sterilize the lair of the liar
Turn the heat up higher
Double the lunation
At the third corner

What we know about Africa is mostly due to what we know about Egypt Kemet.
What we know about Kemet is mostly limited to a period beginning somewhere around 4000 BCE to 3000 BCE. So we only know, at most, about 5% of Kemet's history.
That 5% was 6000 years ago from today.
6000 years ago represents the low noon midnight period of this Great Year. Understanding had fallen. It was darkest, but got even darker because knowledge was passed on to the Asian continent collective who invaded Kemet and really took evil manipulation to another level of distortion.
We think we have become enlightened because even a very distorted Kemetian knowledge base was still enlightenment compared to the even Darker Age the Asian continent was suffering from.
Once the Asian collective got hold of Kemet's knowledge again, where they could raid the libraries and temple schools and tombs and everything else, the Asian collective went crazy and are still doing it today. They are claiming wisdom without giving credit
The writing on the wall (the Mdw Ntr, also called hieroglyphics), have still not been deciphered by the Asian collective. Whatever is thought to be deciphered is still only the surface meaning.

What we know about Kemet Egypt is:
1. Distorted,...similar to one original copied, edited and faxed and then that three-step process happening 100 times. What do you think the quality and integrity to the original will be?
2. Surface understanding in the most profane way
3. Tiny portion
4. Comes from the depth of their suboptimal period
5. Was also intentionally obscured by the Kemites because they knew the darker nature of those whose hands the information would be in.

What we know about Kemet is based on a fragmented distorted view of Kemet's weakest period, yet we are amazed are still unable to duplicate what they accomplished during their de-evolutionary period.

Kemetians wrote Christianity during their weakest period and gave it the Greeks and Romans and Gnostics and Valentinians, the Haribu Hebrew Jews, the Nazarenes (Jesus' crew) and a bunch of other religious groups who got their hands on this information in some form.

In other words, religions today are based on the weakest understandings of sign language, nature power, mythology, creation and the Supreme Being. All this was necessary to fulfill the need incentive for self-imposed challenges to overcome by resolving for a wide range of variations.

All Africans have to do today is get back into a higher level of understanding of self, which will automatically extend itself to all else, and then, we will quickly assist the reversing process taking place. We are the next ones.

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