If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Moon-Sun, MoonSun, Monsun, Monsoon
Definitions & Meanings
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1283


(Part 9fy of 11)

Paraphrased Definitions & Meanings

1. A lot of rain during a certain period each year in the tropics.

2. A reversal of wind direction caused by low pressure caused by temperature change caused by the rising annual Sun.

3. When we consider what we understand outside these sources, in general we know monsoon means a lot of rain and wind. When we think about it a little longer, we realize wind, rain, land, fire (moon-sun) are involved. We also know Moon and Sun affect the weather. And so does land, water, wind and other factors.

We are told monsoon occurs over land when temperature rises and creates a low pressure zone near the ground. This causes moist air from the ocean to diffuse inland to re-balance the system. This transfer of moist air leads to rain which falls frequently for several weeks.

Clearly, the name Monsoon is closer to explaining why monsoons occur. Monsoons are caused by the combined effects of changes in Moon and Sun, which then causes heat and pressure differences which causes air movement. All of this is diffusion and dynamic balancing of energy.

Monsoons are always taking place somewhere in the form of rain or snow. A monsoon is like all other types of weather. It is caused by the movement of celestial bodies in relation to each other. This causes changes in temperature which causes changes in pressure which causes movement of moist or dry air.

All weather is caused by changes in the mix of elements as these elements go through various transformations, including directional transformations such reversals of the magnetic pole.
Mix and match understandings and form your own definitions for things. A monsoon is an extended period of frequent precipitation, usually accompanied by stronger wind.
It can be said a monsoon is an extended rainstorm, heavy rain, thunderstorm, rainy season, torrential rain, downpour, raining cats and dogs, blizzard, deluge, inundation and many other names.

Great Year Monsoons

We've been talking about monthly and annual monsoons. There are also monsoons that occur in sync with Great Year Ages. These monsoons are frequently called the Deluge and have been copied from African texts and used in cultures worldwide, especially in their religions. One of the more famous versions is Noah's Ark and its rain of forty days and nights. Even though most of that story is highly suspect, the story is based on the natural fact of a monsoon. Not an annual monsoon. A Great Year Monsoon that occurs thousands of years apart and results in flooding on a scale we've not seen in Ages.

Great Year Monsoons Create & Uncreate Deserts

We know rainforests get frequent rains, thus they get just as much precipitation over the course of the entire year, if not more, as a monsoon would produce in a much shorter time span.
We also know, pretty much everywhere on this planet has gone through various periods of very different weather lasting thousands of years.
These climate changes have affected livability in that geographic location.

One example is the Sahara Desert. 6,000 years ago, it was a Rainforest.* Around 2300 BCE the monsoon rains shifted and dust began to blow and cover the area. It took another 1300 years. Thus 1000 BCE was the end of the Rainforest now called Desert. This transition began during the Age of Draco, the fire-breathing dragon who warms things up and dries things out. Then came the Age of Jackal. Jackal is essentially over. There are approximately 33 years left.
The transition of the Rainforest into the Sahara also began during the Age of Taurus, then came Aries, then Pisces. Pisces is essentially over. There are approximately 22 years left.**
We are in the Ages of Aquaria and Kepheus, Water and Wind, which is why both of these primordial elementals are being released unleashed.

Another example is Antarctica, which didn't use to be as cold and uninhabitable for humans as it is. We know Antarctica is warming and the Western Asian vultures are swarming. All of this is a good thing according to misdirection, sleight-of-hand plan. (Both the evil ones and the good ones are masters of the okie doke.)
Right now two of the world's great deserts are coming back to life with help of four Great Year Ages who rule Water, Earth, Air & Fire. Also helping is the reversal of Earth's magnetic pole.
This is why we should not get involved in anything regarding stopping climate change. Before doing so, go see if you, by yourself, can stop a freight train. If so, then humans, by themselves, might be able to put a dent in climate change, while simultaneously dying trying. Climate change is a moving force from way back in the universe that is gaining momentum in this dimension. Climate change cannot be started or stopped by humans. Stopping climate change is:
1. confusional delusional talk from those who think their use of technology can outdo elemental nature powers.
2. another way to keep you fearful.
3. another way to get you to misdirect resources, especially into their hands.

*The term rainforest is redundant and misleading. All forests are rainforests, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to become forests. The self-preservation nature of an extended family grouping of trees is to cause frequent recycling of its most basic need resources, such as moisture and other nutrients.

**See next message.

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