If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Wednesday, March 21, 2018

How To Prevent School Violence And Other Violence
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1288


(Part 9gd of 11)

Every time something happens we listen to so-called experts who are supposedly the great thinkers of the world. Here's the best they can parrot:
1. we're looking for motive
2. were there signs?

The answers to both will always be misleading if we base them primarily upon incidents and individuals, rather than on the system they are exposed to, and rather than upon the collective of people they are part of. The collective is the people and their institutions
Knowing motive is a curiosity-seeker mentality that doesn't take the information and fix the fundamental problem.
Were there signs? There are always signs, as there were in the FIU bridge collapse. The cracks were not the first signs.
School violence started long ago, at the curricular and administrative levels. School violence is a enlarging societal crack foreshadowing much bigger collapse.

The overwhelming majority of people in all societies are a bunch of very sick people. This is evident by what the society produces in terms of humanity towards humans and non-humans.

Start to develop your own definition of violence instead of using your society's definition. Look at all the ways in which life is harmed and I'm sure you can develop a definition that fits all circumstances and fits all uses of the word violence, violent and all synonyms. For instance, is there such as thing as a violent storm? If so, define why it is violent and see if that matches your other definitions of why you think something is violence. It will be a work-in-progress, but start using that definition when hearing about violence and when thinking about how to stop violence. You will quickly understand that guns don't cause violence, therefore gun control won't stop violence. Gun violence is human violence.
Humans being controlled by humans who controlling them via thousands of forms of violence, is getting us closer to understanding why humans are violent and then use guns to express that violence. Be certain to understand that many legal things in your society are also forms of violence.
Violence and victims have been discussed many times within these pages.

You wanna stop violence in schools, in your country, in this world?
Here's an incomplete list of random suggestions in random order.
1. Stop being violent, even if it's legal.
2. Remove all military from all countries that is not your country.
3. Stop police violence.
4. Stop violence by all institutions such as Economics, Education, Entertainment, Labor, Law, Politics, Religion, Non-profits, Media...
5. Know Yourself
6. Rewrite all forms of “formal”education curriculum, to include the complete truth.
7. Redistribute wealth (give back stolen resources).
8. Reduce the number of laws by 95%. When you have an optimal context utamawazo and definitions then you don't need all these laws that themselves are a form of violence.
9. Stop poisoning people physically, mentally, spiritually, emotionally.
10. Increase nutrition, decrease toxins.
11. Stop the DNA Testing Results lie-after-lie.
12. Get out of denial-mode and into healing-mode by admitting your culture is khekh fekhed up.
13. Reduce government by 85%. This alone would allow everyone to at least have the basic needs we slave for every day, and then still have time for higher order basic needs.
14. Understand Sign-language.
15. Admit the culprit of violence runs deep into the logic of culture.

Whenever there is a violence problem of any type, it is a collective problem. That means if the collective does not correct the source of violence, and only focuses on the form by which violence manifests, then that seed of violence will continue to produce offshoots throughout the entire society.
In societies today, adults are saturated with violence logic, and it shows, so now, the only place left for violence to come out is in the children, and they have been violent. Adults bully, children bully, Adults kill with guns, kids kill with guns. And so on we see the behavior repeat itself, even if in altered form. You will chase your tail if you keep looking for motive and signs via the suboptimal context

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