If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Hurri Hurricane Rise As Age Of Jackal Becomes Shu
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1266


(Part 9fh of 11)

As we go further into the waters
Wind is coming forward too
Age of the Jackal becoming Shu
Transforming one seemingly as two

At the child's urging
The mother's water breaks
Not the other way around
Wind becomes more insistent
Never early or late
Turn around has come
Behold the sun
Can no longer wait
The crown on his head
Is breaching the gate

In the movie, “The Hurricane,” Rubin is father to Lezra and John Artemis. Both sons protect and help the father. 2 sons, 3 Canadians, 2 lawyers and 1 Rubin equals 8.
Rubin being released is Osiris, Ausar and Lazarus being released through resurrection, remembrance.
Rubin transforms into Lezra to set himself free with the help of other companions.
Lezra is also infant, adult and resurrected one.

SCETV "Dr. Charles S. Finch III, Kemetic Origin Of Christianity

In the modern version of Christianity, Reuben is firstborn of Jacob Israel and Leah (Le'ah, Aleah, Aaliyah). Benjamin is the last. Since recent decades have been all about Bens, Benz and Benjamins, this is the end and the eldest is being reborn as the beginning of a new cycle, the one with first birthrights to inheritance of earth and throne.
Rubin, Reuben, Lezra, Shu and Kepheus represent the reborn of spirit-soul out of many graves and deserts. Throughout their journey they were guided by the jackal (wolf, dog).
Re-uven is raven is a form of phoenix, the one who rises, falls, rises on waves until finally falling into the birth canal in order to come forth to rise again.

Thus in the movie and in African Mythology and in the Christian version of African Mythology, transformation and resurrection remain the same, even though names and other identifiers have changed.
This is the first thing we must understand about the Age of the Jackal that is also right now, the Age of Shu (Kepheus, Wind, Breath, Hurricane)

Two Great Years are changing at the same time and also four Ages are changing at the same time.
Under no circumstances should we expect the shape, form and fashion of things to remain the same.
The energies of the outgoing Ages are transforming into the energies of the incoming Ages.
The plans of humans from annual year to annual year must obey the Ages and the Great Years.
Take these things into your reckoning because many transitions must come to full bloom fruition soon, so other things can be rearranged.

Hurri Hurricane
Join with Garvey
Draw well khept breath
Lazar aim
Drop straight down
Then rise again
Selectively do your thang

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