If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Khept Constellation: Well Kept Secret Waters
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1265


(Part 9fg of 11)

Khept Constellation includes Piscis Austrinus (Southern Fish) and Pisces (Two Fishes) and all the rest.
Khept Constellation is the waters of Nun, the Universe. All star constellations are in Khept Constellation.

On a smaller scale, the waters of Nun are represented by the Southern Fish in this fraction of the universe.
On a medium scale, the waters of Nun are represented by all constellations within the periphery of humans on this Earth.

Continuing The Process Of Reversing Our Orientation And Basis Of Reckoning

The words Piscis and Pisces are related to Piscina, which means basin, container, well, lake or pool of two truths. So, if any constellation is a Piscina, it would be the Southern Fish (Piscis Austrinus). On a small scale, the Southern Fish is also the abyss of the waters of Nun. Therefore, since the waters of Nun of the entire Universe are everywhere in the Sky, then so also is the Southern Fish. We currently limit the Southern Fish to a smidgen of the sky, but originally, it would have had to encompass the entire sky, since the Southern Fish represents foundational waters out of which all other constellations emerge and exist.
We can further attest to multiple levels of “as above, so below.” On a small scale the abyss on earth in the underworld holds the waters and encompasses all land. On a medium scale, Earth is a globe in the well-lit blackness abyss of the waters, that we call outer space which sits it the larger abyss of the Southern Fish which sits in the even larger abyss of the Universe, the Khept Constellation.
In the saying as above, so below, everything that is above is also below. Everything that can be called lower is also higher. In this manner of understanding, once we begin to understand one thing from one side of a perspective, all we have to do is to begin to turn it in all angles around the circle so we can understand many more things based on the one thing we know. If our learning and our understandings have already peaked in our lives, and will never peak again, then we are in a definite de-evolutionary stage.

Meaning remains the same even though names and orientation change.
We must adjust our reckoning and then we will understand the more things change, the more they stay the same. There is nothing new under the sun. The only thing new is that which has been forgotten.
Another name for the Southern Fish Constellation is Aptu, the birthplace of water and life.
Aptu comes from Apt, the Great Mother Father who is also called Khept, Kept, Khepti, Kepti and more. (AE2 558/22)
Apt comes from Ap, which means to manifest, expose to view, to guide. This is what the waters are doing. This is what stars are doing. This is what star constellations are doing, such as those of the Zodiac Signs. Zodiac Signs are Signs of the Times. Why? How? Because stars represent time due to their movement around the circle. Based on the Sun, we tell time. That's narrow understanding. On a fuller spectrum, since the Sun is a star and so is everything else, then based on the movements of all those other things in the heavens, we call tell other types of time, seasons and cycles. We can move beyond numerical time only and move onwards to spiritu time.
Understanding one understanding in relation to another understanding fulfills the need incentive of the Supreme Beingness.

Since we know the Southern Fish is the Piscina Pool of Two Truths, then we know the Two Fishes of Pisces must re-present the two truths in the same form as their parent, the Southern Fish. This helps us get more meanings and understandings out of the Southern Fish and the Two Fishes.
Meanwhile, we are reminded every star constellation connect-the-dots configuration, is a form of the two truths by itself and in conjunction with something else.
Now we revisit an often made point.
Comparing and contrasting one understanding in relation to another understanding is why it is said know yourself in relation to all else.
1. Each person is the duality of self and all else.
2. Each part of all else is also self.
So to say, know yourself in relation to all else, is to say, know yourself in relation to your self in other forms. It is to say know yourself as the one person you are in relation to the many creations you are. It is to say know yourself as any form and combination of creation that has, does and will exist.
Compare and contrast yourself against yourself and also do so in comparison and contrast to all else.
Everything in the universe is a part of and form of a star constellation which is a form of two truths which is a form of water which is a form of sem-sem spirit-soul which is a well khept secret being retold. (NG2 397/405)

Khept Constellation is not a New thing, it is a re-Nu thing – an old secret forgotten, being re-membered in bytes and piscis.

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