If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, March 15, 2018

Same New Old Things Going On In The World
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1275


(Part 9fq of 11)

A constant reminder of our health is our ongoing silliness of thinking, just because humans have moved around for ten thousand years, we've changed origins, and in doing so, changed genetic makeup. Not true, not true. No, your genetics are still the same as every other human's as the day humans were born, but just different parts of those genetics are manifesting more in you than in others, that's all, and doing so in a different combination (configuration). Your conditions have changed how the same genetics must vary themselves in response to those conditions. Once you understand how dark and light varies under different sets of conditions and continue to vary over time and continue to vary in different locations, then you can come back to the human conundrum, better able to feel the rhythm of the entire circle, thus far less puzzled about how everything works together. Even though we love us some culture, each group's culture is so tiny, a regular-sized gnat could not squeeze through. In other words, in the universal circle, human culture is much smaller than the eye of a needle. Human cultures of today's societies are narrow-minded, closed-minded constrictive, restrictive misguided love potion poisons. It is only when we function with oneness of the extended self, that human culture contains room to breathe, thus allow spirit-souls room to unfold their beingness. Once again, no, humans are not top dog. That title belongs to Jackal who is transforming into the Celestial Ape in the larger circle of primates (prime ate)(prime ati)(pri me ati)(pre ma ati)(per maati)(duality within the circle that dynamically re-balances itself).

Another way to say all this is: Humans appear to be different genetically due to climate change (and inbreeding). Climate change is always bringing about changes in genetic expression. This is widely known and stated by anyone who knows anything about genetics. We know this about stars, and we give them different names as the same genetic potential transforms stars into Sun, Giants, Dwarfs, Neutrons, Pulsars, Novae, Moons, Planets, and so on. We know this in regards to Earth and all other planets, that despite how they are currently manifesting, they have not always manifested in this manner and have the same basic genetics as all other planets. We know this in regards to all other creations and species, except when it comes to humans, we can't handle the truth, so we resist, deny, lie - to ourselves, thus creating pressure and tension in the innermost holy of holies wholeness dimension, which then comes out of us, and we call it contention. And we feel good because we have released the pressure within, so we think contention with others is the best thing. Yet the problem is, we have to keep doing it again and again because we have not fixed the problem of the contention within.

26,000 years ago, the Universe knew humans would take these local, earth-bound climate changes to the inane level of understanding (climate change of how humans look and climate change of Earth). So also, 26,000 years ago, the Universe devised a plan to prepare us for Global Climate Change of humans and Earth, so everybody would be exposed to changing conditions.
Hold on to the pieces of sanity you have. Don't allow sickness to creep in. Do not dismiss the natural fact that the universe has the ability to understand things 26,000 years before it happens. If you do, then how do you have the ability to make plans, 1 day, 1 year, or 5 years in advance? How do humans have the ability to calculate several moves in advance in the game of chess? If humans can foresee moves, then the universe can foresee many more moves. Thus, as a result, set the universe up for what is happening right now and what will happen today, tomorrow, etc.

So now, we remember the pattern and can now multiply understandings.
We are moving closer to remembering how and why things change, humans change, conditions change and seasons change. The principles by which any of these things change, remains the same. How it appears to us looks different, and seems different, but is not fundamentally different.
We are going over these things so as to properly know how to switch between the big picture and small picture, so we can use the understanding from either picture to understand the other picture. Don't you understand something small? Don't you understand something large? Then use them and apply the understandings to more and more of self and to more and more of all else.
If you understand annual seasons, then you can understand daily seasons and Great Year Seasons. All you have to do is transfer the same logic to the smaller or larger circle. Do not ignore the logical use of metaphor.

So now we review and rely heavily upon the previous message. If the annual year has seasons simultaneously taking place on Earth, then the Great Year must also have seasons, simultaneously taking place in this Galaxy.
The Sun rules the solar system, but the Star Constellations rule the galaxy.
The Sun rules a smaller circle and the Star Constellations rule a much larger circle.
The movement of the Sun affects Earth and all planets and moons. At the same time, the movement of Star Constellations affects all solar systems.

In other words, our Sun goes through seasons, which then, causes us, here on Earth to also experience seasons.
The rulers of the Sun are Pisces and Jackal. They are descending the throne and Aquaria and Kepheus are taking their places.
The Age of Pisces is the Stage of Pisces, and so on the same logic applies to all Ages. Ages are Stages of Seasons at the Great Year level of understanding.
Star Constellations are repeating cycles of motion. This is why the Great Year is a repeating cycle of motion. This is why Great Year Seasons keep repeating, thus they are predictable.
The Sun is a repeating cycle of motion. This is why the Annual Year is a repeating cycle of motion. This is why Seasons keep repeating, thus they are predictable.
Earth's movements are a repeating cycle of motion. This is why the Day is a repeating cycle of motion. This is why daily seasons of Dark and Light keep repeating, thus they are predictable. (The seasons of a Day are low Nun, morning, high Nun, evening).

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