If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Friday, April 13, 2018

Solstice, Equinox & Cell Division Expanded Definitions
Phase One
Unity Consciousness #1317


(Part 9hg of 11)

As above, so below, as within, so without is a fundamental key. It is expanded in more ways than the following:
So below, as above. So without, as within. As above, so within. So below, as without. As of space and time above, so of space and time below. As of space and time without, so of space and time within. Finally we simplify to connect the lowest denominators and highest numerators: everything is everything.

This universe is an ever-changing circle, yet the metaphors remain the same.
In the beginning of this Creation, there was one circle, one perimeter. There was no division, no solstice or equinox. Then the circle expanded and divided its contents internally. Then via multiple processes, the circle duplicated into two identical circles similar to how cell division is described.

Solstice Definitions & Meanings

Solstice means more than the longest day in summer and shortest day in winter.
Solstice means more than when the sun is at its highest or lowest point.
Solstice means more than when the sun is farthest from or closest to the horizon.
Solstice means more than the sun's position in relation to the cryptic ecliptic and celestial equator stuff.

Solstice also means when spirit-soul expanded and separated itself into two polarities of energy.
The expansion was like air going into a flat balloon that separates the two flat sides touching each other.
The expansion of spirit-soul is like taking a deep breath of life and filling the lungs with air, thus pushing its membranes apart. This is breathing room, creation space, room to work. Preparation for duplication.
Spirit-soul energy, in the form of two polarities, centered itself at opposite ends that we now call west and east.
However, in the beginning, since there was only one division (upper-lower), this division divided the circle in half. Since there were two equal halves, the upper-lower dividing line is also an equator that circles the globe. Also since there is equal space on both sides of the upper-lower dividing line, it is also an equinox because whatever is on one side, is equal to the other side. And this is why, the dividing line we now call solstice, is more fully understood as simultaneously being: equator, equinox and solstice.

Solstice is also referred to as the pole, pillar, support, staff, support staff, rod, spine, spinal column, backbone, leg, thigh, artery, strut, stabilizer, stabilizer bar, plumb line, tree, vine, stem, upright, ut, utmost, vertical, meridian, noon, high noon, low noon, high Nun, low Nun, midnight, midlight, midday, disadvantage, advantage... (AE1 311/321), (NG1 245/263)

Equinox Definitions & Meanings

Once the upper-lower division of the circle cell had been established, spirit-soul established the left-right dividing line to divide the circle in half again. Today, we call this the equinox. Solstice and equinox perform the same function to divide the circle in half. Both dividing lines are the same size. Both dividing lines are same distance apart at each end.

Once the left-right division was established, the circle was now divided into left and right hemispheres. This, combined with the solstice, divides the circle into four quarters. As a result, each quarter has a solstice side, an equinox side and a curving perimeter side.

An equinox is more fully understood as simultaneously being: equator, equinox and solstice.

Equinox is also referred to as horizon, equator, equilibrium zone, balance, equal position, equal poise, equipoise, level, artery, arms, branches, pole, pillar, support, crossbar, horizontal, twinlight, twilight, middle, dusk, dawn, sunset, sunrise, daybreak, nightfall, changeover, crossover, crossroads, re-balancing, turning point, level playing field, level displaying field, vantage point...

Isn't everything in the universe moving, spinning, turning, rotating, revolving?
For instance, sometimes the east side of Earth is facing the sun, sometimes not.
Sometimes north and south polarities change completely, as they are doing right now.

Your brain is made of two hemispheres and four lobes. So is your heart. So is your body. And there's plenty more about you that is divided that way such as the four inseparable aspects of self.
When you stand, you are in solstice position. When you lay down, you are an equinox position.
Just like you, solstice and equinox are continuously changing positions in this universe, as they are doing right now.

You are a circle of life, a universe, a many-times-over representation of solstice and equinox. You must be if you are in the image of God and are a child of the Creator.

You are a representation of continuously changing dynamics of universal balance.

ReKnewing More Proofs

1. Summer solstice, on an annual basis, is the same thing as 12 noon, on a daily basis. Don't both represent the time when the sun is highest in the sky?
Likewise then, Winter solstice, on an annual basis, is the same thing as midnight, on a daily basis.

2. Why is the solstice an equinox equator? When the hands of time move past 12 noon or 12 midnight, we call it pm and am. There is an equal amount of am and pm on each side of 12 o'clock. This means 12 noon and 12 midnight are solstices and equinoxes because this dividing line divides time into equal halves.
Likewise then, when the sun crosses the summer and winter solstice, there is still an equal amount of light and darkness for the next six months as it was during the previous six months.

Solstice is the dividing line between am and pm.
Equinox is the dividing line between darkness and lightness.
Both are solstices, equinoxes, equators and horizons.
The upper-lower dividing line is the horizontal horizon.
The left-right dividing line is the vertical horizon (the virizon)
Each dividing line divides the circle in half, thus together they create the four quarters, corners and cardinal points.

The comparison of cell division to the transformation process of universe and earth was understood long ago. In the Egyptian Mysteries there is a passage where the priest exclaims... “ I am the cell... (BB 126/138)
We know life is based on cell division, cell union and other types of cellular transformation processes.
We know Egypt Kemet was divided into upper and lower Kemet. This was the metaphase of cell division. Then, due to further migration away from the southern source, the human family was pulled apart and divided into separate cells. We could say the Nile Valley was the solstice for the human family while Utiopia is the equinox. This equinox migrated northwards along with the solstice and the people. (BB 471/483)

Since All Things Have Fundamental Elemental Meaning, Solstice & Equinox Apply To Self & All Else

Solstice and equinox are universal concepts, occurrences and natural facts. The definitions cannot just be based on sun and earth. All celestial bodies have an upper-lower midpoint and a left-right midpoint, thus they all have equinoxes and solstices based on the expanded definition.
Equinox has already been discussed via messages about ankh, uat, ua, water and equator.

Regarding solstice, this left-right dividing line of other planets and celestial bodies is popularly said not to exist because some humans say the magnetic field is not significant or not noticeable or doesn't exist. This does not fit the understandings of electricity or magnetism or spirit-soul.
Where there is either electricity or magnetism, and it fluctuates, then the other also exists. (I'm not sure if there is anything that doesn't fluctuate.) Maat is fixed and variable and fluctuates between those two states.
Electricity is subatomic particles in motion is energy is spirit-soul. All things have spirit-soul, thus energy, motion and subatomic particles, thus an electric current and charge. You are electromagnetic. Even though your magnetic field is relatively small, it is sufficient for what you need to be, so you know larger creations, such as celestial bodies, also have sufficient electric currents and charges that fluctuate, thus they have magnetism, thus poles, on an as needed basis. (sometimes these poles might be dormant in expression, yet still exist).
As within, so above: cells do not always express opposite polar regions until those cells need them, thus it is so above.

The universe shows us circles are divided and have special functions based on those divisions/dimensions. These divisions, regions, lobes, quarters do not require human awareness in order to exist. Did the brain's divisions exist and function before humans were aware of them? Thus, the hidden and revealed extends to all things and right now, for the most part, within and without, we are surrounded by solstices we miss and equinoxes we forgot.

Ending With Love's Piece Of Soul

The word “turn” means Sol which means star which means soul which means spirit.
Each time a star, such as the sun, crosses the solstice or equinox it “Turns The Corner,” and so do spirit-souls. (BB 499/511)
This is another way of knowing solstice and equinox are the same thing just differently arranged.

Spirit-soul is an elemental found in all creation.
Soul, Sol, Solar and Sun represent virile power, the fire that vivifies, quickens, enlivens, reawakens.
Sol is associated with Jupiter, who is the Iu-pater, the IU, the ever-living Parent and ever-coming Child, both of which represent spirit-soul and other elementals. (NG1 288/306)

So as a simple summary, when thinking about solstice and equinox, keep in mind they are the same things oriented differently, yet each one divides the circle in half. The upper-lower dividing line creates the south side and north side. Then the left-right dividing line creates west side and east side. Solstice and Equinox are about spirit-soul that has divided into sections to provide more infrastructure framework for transformation and cycles within the body of the creator, the Universe. Both solstice and equinox are about stars, stars that disempower and stars that empower. We see this on display every day and every year, now we must open our spirit-soul further to expand this understanding in two directions;
1. to the Great Year Circle Cycle and its Age of Pisces-Aquaria-Jackal-Kepheus, so then we can “turn” around and apply these understandings
2. to know when, where and how to adjust our daily thinking and behaving in accordance with the changing cycles that rule our lives.
This process of remaining aware of the macro scale and the micro scale is the same as the extremes of solstice and equinox.
Expand in knowing yourself and expand in knowing all else.
This is exactly what the Supreme Being is doing.

For More Expansion & Extension: If you did not follow the link to the word “meridian” above, then for more discussion of equinox and solstice, consider absorbing the ”Backwards Reversed Motion of Time Clocks & Sun Cycles, Unity Consciousness #878”.

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