The vibe, vibration and verb are the same. To conjugate the verb “to be” means conjugate my being. My being in the form of motion, action.
I am, be, been, being, was, were, is are, was, were and will continue to be everything and nothing at the exact same time always. (NG1 240/258)I am all parts of speech in all languages. In English, the expression “conjugate verbs” is the same thing as changing the form of the verb to express the changing form of action. Conjugate means transform. Transform the way the action is expressed to match the form of the noun and all else (the rest of the sentence). In doing so, we are able to say the same thing in different ways while maintaining the original sense of the message.In a very basic sense, the human form of myself has taken transformation and conjugation and subjected it to one-sided manipulation, thus causing imbalanced congregations, accumulations, concentrations leading to aggravations due to stagnations and violations of vibrations. I am all nouns, pronouns and all verbs. Everything is me and about me, thus you too. Conjugator conjugating. Beingness being.See also UC#1430