If you do not understand racism (white supremacy) and how it works, everything else you understand will only confuse you. - Neely Fuller

We need something to clarify everything for us, because we get confused...but if we use the concept of Asili, we will understand that whatever it is they are doing, whatever terms they use, however they come at you, you need to be thinking about what? How is this going to facilitate their power and help them to dominate me? -Marimba Ani

Thursday, March 3, 2022

Climate Change | Getting A Little Bit But Still Missing Much
Unity Consciousness #2660

(9azzzzzze of 11)

We finally realize climate is changing and that we need to make adjustments or suffer the consequences.
Some of what we're not getting:

1. Climate change is environmental change.

2. Environmental change is ecosystem change.

3. Ecosystem change is widespread change in how the genetics of Earth are manifesting.

4. Earth is a micro-climate compared to the Solar System Ecosystem that Earth is a part of and the Milky Way Ecosystem our Sunstar Solar System is a part of.

5. All this means that many levels of genetics in the natural world are changing. This means humans must be focused on way more than changes in temperature, wind and rain, unless that's what climate is limited to.

6. It means humans must learn (remember how) to live in harmony with the micro climate ecosystem of Earth and the larger Ecosystems we are part of and are born out of and into. It means we must also learn to live in harmony with the micro-climates within the micro-climate of Earth. It also means we must learn to live in harmony with the micro-climate of self, our own bodies, minds, emotions and spirits.

7. Global Warming is one aspect of Climate Change which is one aspect of Environmental Change which is the same as Ecosystem Change.

8. Ecosystem change is nothing strange or new. Ecosystem change is the same as going from prepubescence to Puberty. It is the same as going from non-pregnancy to pregnancy to labor to birth to non-pregnancy. It is the same as going from health to sickness to health.

9. Climate Change means that Earthstar, Solar System of Stars and Galaxy of Stars are changing (re-tuning and repositioning) their dynamic balance from one homeostasis set of conditions to another homeostasis set of conditions. This is not recent. It is ongoing, always happening. So on one hand we know climate has many influences within Earth and outside Earth, two of which are Moon and Sun. Yet we claim humans are the main drivers of climate change. This is another fundamental flaw that leads to many erroneous conclusions, thus faulty approaches. Did humans cause the climate change cooling period called the Ice Age or the climate change warming period called the Interglacial Period, which we are in right now and have been for thousands of years?
To believe humans are the cause of climate change is to also believe humans are the cause of aging. Humans can influence aging, but have no chance in starting it or stopping it.

10. As such then, all the same things that exist in one homeostasis cannot exist in another homeostasis. Something has to change because much is changing.

11. Therefore, it is intended and natural and healthy for some creations, organisms and species to go out of existence, or into a different existence, or lesser existence.
Likewise we should expect some creations, organisms and species to come into existence, experience a different existence or greater existence. In other words, some species don't need to be saved. Their time is up and almost up, for now.
Likewise, the same can be said for the creations of those species. This means that many human creations will change according to the formula just stated. This also means that societies must change into civilizations or become extinct by any means necessary.

12. The best humans can do is to change all their logic that is not aligned with the understandings and dynamics of ecosystem functioning – ecosystems of self and ecosystems of all else, including how the Great Year teaches us some of the major influences of Galactic Ecosystem Change that reverberate into what is taking place in the Solar System, Earth and all that is within these places.

13. Ecosystem change is not total change, but it is significant change. This change becomes even more significant and larger in degree, when an organism such as humans are already severely estranged from living in harmony with ecosystems because our logic is so grade-schoolish and immature, yet not elementary, which is made worse by clinging to the worst of our human vices, which has caused us to create mini-microclimate matrices of human worlds, that can never survive for long due to being connected to the defective and disconnected from the perfective.

14. Because most humans in societies, due to the nature of societies, are Getting A Little Bit But Still Missing Much in regards to climate change, most humans are making a big deal about the wrong things and doing the wrong things in response, thus placing them in no better position to survive climate changes and live in a climate changed world. For example, carbon emissions and sequestering and credits is a pre-Giri So level of awareness and approach. However, planting trees and protecting forests is a good thing, but there is much more change needed in how we interact with plants.
In other words, since climate change involves a significant change in perspective of many points of logic, so must the proper response to climate change.
Since we are reprogrammed to believe in lies, we should be surprised that human approach to climate change is off base and much is ass backwards. We should not be surprised because we fell for the human-vaccine-is-better-than-natural innate-immunity approach. Meanwhile, Covid fear has been replaced with Ukraine fear and economic oppression justification, which makes Fauci's medically induced, keep them comatose terrorism seem mild. Besides delaying its attack on children, it also seems that coronavirus doesn't mind pausing it creation of variants while humans focus on the next televised drama.

Just as smallness of perspective causes us to think we are standing still, even as Earth and all things outside of Earth are moving, smallness of perspective causes us to think that by doing something, we are making progress, yet we are standing still, running in place, digging deeper ditches to add another layer of glitches.

15. Earth is not in apoptosis (programmed regulated cell death). Earth is in the stage of natural change that it has already gone through many times. Earth is also in the stage of response to pathogens (infection, detection and self-correction). In other words, the restoration of the health of Earth depends on global warming, so quit trying to stop global warming. The greenhouse effect will help kill what is plaguing Earth. Ice melting is the flushing out effect of drinking plenty of fluids. This also adds nutrients into the circulatory system of Earth, thus medicine.

16. All this allows us to understand that there are some human sub-variants of logic that are not intended to survive climate change. This is due to the self-imposed limitations of the logic those humans cling to, despite many natural world examples, for each of those pieces of logic, that tells those people, that the logic is out of harmony.

17. Cimate change is Khu-mate change. This is spirit and the two truths (mati, maat). Climate change requires spirit change, not just a few bits and pieces of mind-centered change that does not restore the dynamic balance of all twin power relationships.

18. A sufficient response to climate change requires going back home where we belong and long to be in unity with supreme greatness.

19. Climate change is Cli-mate, Khli-mate, khri-mat, khir-mate, kher-mate, kher-mit, kermit change, Kherma, Makheru, frog, Ptah, green, black, path, pathology, pathogen, pathological, math, vast, nest, best, karma, kharma.... This is truth change.
It is this singular point, the need to change a significant amount of what we think is true, that if we don't get it, we are missing much about climate change.

20. One point we must also get is that humans should be moving towards correcting all disparities. This means there will be no society that will continue to be a society as climate change continues to create many other changes, including changes in the logic of humans, waking some up and putting some further into a deeper sleep. This means, for instance, that Maafa Racism is more of a threat to the viability of all societies than carbon emissions. This is true not just because of what it does to the disfavored group, but also because of the many aberrations that must be implemented and upheld to affect the bodies, minds, emotions and spirits of so many who participate on the side of the favored group. These corruptions cannot be overcome without climate change.
In other words, you can't reach eco-sensibility without having human sensibility.

21. Far too many humans are looking for signs to confirm their beliefs, rather than allowing signs to lead them to truths, as intelligent beings do.